Absolute Chaos
Chapter 33.

Approximately two thousand years earlier. 9,684 BCE

Temu was the very first of the Primordial Deities, the God of The Suns and all Light. Chaos had made him from her ever expanding insanity, blessing him with breathtaking silver wings of a devastating size.

His creator gifted him with one of eight ribs, each rib the same in its shape, unique in its coding. This extraordinary sleek silver bone sat under Temu’s left breast, just below his heart. The powers it held so mind blowing, even he could not fathom the insane power he held deep inside.

Dark twilight dusted Temu’s weary flesh, he lay on the darker boarders of Azure-Alkun drifting into soft dreams. He had not long returned from an epic flight, his wings were tired and so was his soul, he had barely closed his eyes when Am-heh came out from the shadows, startling him from his nap.

Temu and Am-heh had been close for many moons now, he was one of his most trusted friends. As he neared, he instantly knew something was amiss, he could tell his dear friend had been running or flying, he was breathing hard and fast, taking in huge gulps of the cool twilight air.

Jumping to his feet, Temu stood before his dearest friend.

“Am-heh,...what by the Gods has happened?.”

“Temu...please you must help Chaos. Our creator has asked us to go to another land, we need to go to the forbidden fields.” Am-heh grasped Temu’s wrist, propelling him forward.

Temu did not hesitate, having complete faith in his friend. He pushed his wings forth, as did Am-heh and they flew to the forbidden fields of Chaos.

They made their way to the highest of peaks, pushing through the thick black clouds and out into the huge dark sphere above, landing on the edge of the field, both Gods staring at the tall shards of obsidian that swirled into black inky tar.

Hundreds of trillions upon billions of glasslike shards were scattered over the infinite mountains peak. Not one of the crystal shards cast a single shadow, the eerie sight seeping beneath his bronzed flesh, embodying his essence, chilling his soul.

Am-heh dared to walk between the black glass, whispering to him as he went.

“Chaos needs our help my friend, I will explain it all as soon as I am able, but for now, time is not on our side, I need you to active the portal Chaos seeks, the galaxy will lead us to the world called Earth, Chaos needs us to go there.”

Temu barely had time to think before Am-heh had the shard in his hand, quickly shoving it towards Temu, who now grasped the strange blackness between his trembling fingertips.

The dense tarry ink began to swirl into life, oozing up over his fingertips, trespassing upon his pure core.

Both Gods eyes widened, a whole huge galaxy burst into life from the small shard, it swum in hectic loops, growing amid the shadowless shard and merged with Temu’s soul.

His Divine gift from Chaos trembled beneath his flesh, his sleek silver rib was filling him from the inside as its extraordinary code pulsed throughout his true blood.

He barely took a breath before Am-heh had flung past him, diving straight into its oblivion. Temu held this one unique galaxy in trillions, his friend had gone, vanished into the infinite blackness.

A darkness filled Temu, he could hear Chaos’s roar, embodying the great blue primeval planet, filling the forbidden fields with rage, anguish and suffering.

Temu knew in this moment Am-heh had betrayed him, tricking him to believe Chaos needed his help. He should have known his great creator would never call another to do her bidding, he knew not to come to the fields without her direct permission.

Terror ripped amid his chilled flesh, harsh goosebumps stood alert on his skin. Temu’s Divine blood froze and in that split second the fear outweighed the sense and he let himself fall between the swirling shard of dark wonder and smash into the planet named Earth.

He landed in the nautical dusk that knocked gently on twilights gates, pushing the last of days light down through the sand. He was atop a large mountains peak made of granite and sandstone. Temu stood, scanning the world around him, only sighting trees and sand for miles. He needed to find Am-heh, he must bring him back to Azure-Alkun to face his great creator.

Little did Temu know in that moment of the struggle that lay ahead and his road to his untimely destiny and his tragic infinite death.

Although Temu searched and scoured the vast lands, he could not find the God Am-heh. His betrayal seethed deeper into Temu’s soul each day, his hate for the putrid God growing more over time, never waning.

He could not return to Azure-Alkun without the help of Chaos. But Chaos could not see him, she could not see past all of Earths sins. Its dense atmosphere of corruption masked what humankind had ravaged her lands with, hiding Temu deep within.

He knew that one half of the Alzphaeta Diamond was buried near Otamia, feeling an immense power pulling his spirt towards something Divine under the waters of the Nile. This was where the gem had laid to rest, no wonder Chaos could not find it, Earth had veiled it, covering it in her madness.

Temu felt his sleek ‘Rib of Chaos’ searing beneath his flesh, igniting the tiny blue sapphires of exquisite code and pulsing it through his Divine blood.

A brilliant deep blue light filtered through his skin, lighting up the dark waters of the mighty Nile.

Temu knew in that moment he was right, the extraordinary gem lay beneath the great rivers bed, he could feel its immense power flooding his spirit and his soul.

He knew this was what Am-heh must be after, yet he did not know how he would have gained this knowledge.

He had to keep the mighty gem safe from Am-heh’s filthy hands at all costs, he needed to retrieve the precious gem and conceal it from the wicked God and the likes of him.

Temu spent many days and nights under a large acacia tree, crafting a strong box from the finest of shittim wood, its measurements to fit precisely Chaos’s unique design. The box was a little smaller than a seaman’s chest, carved both inside and out with the utmost of care, made to hold Chaos’s absolute testament, it had to be precise.

He gilded the chest in the purest carats of gold, etching tiny intricate webs of pristine elegance into the excellence.

On each golden corner of the exquisite design, Temu placed a golden ring and fused it with gold beneath it. He inserted two gold plated logs of shittim wood through the fused rings, these held the heavy lid in place and using each end of the rod as a hand hold where the heavy box could be lifted.

Temu used his ‘Rib of Chaos’ to balance the spectacular golden box with two delicately carved Deities of the Divine. Their devastating golden wings arched high above their proud heads, both looking to the heavens and the stars above.

The ark was now complete. Temu stood back and admired his work, he knew this would hold the Alzphaeta Diamond, it would keep Earths half hidden for all time.


Willing his Chaos to decode within, little specks of sand now vibrated rapidly at Temu’s feet, the ground began to trembled and crack.

The familiar blinding pain consumed his essence, flesh tore from his back, splintering his bones to dust as he thrust his tremendous wings into existence and made his way towards the Nile.

Landing on the long rivers shores, Temu willed his Chaos from deep inside and touched the tepid water.

The mighty Nile groaned, the dark waters churned, parting the flood, moving it into madness.

Temu now ripped the Alzphaeta Diamond from the deep chasm below the Nile’s bed, huge waves swelled around its extraordinary splendour, crashing around him and drowning out his blue light.

Strikes of furious blue lightning shattered the mighty rivers shores, this half of the Alzphaeta Diamond flew from the dark waters and slammed inside the golden box, trapping it for the rest of time. Temu quickly placed the heavy gold lid atop the opulent chest and locked it firmly down, calming the gem within.

The gold that encased the diamond held its insane powers inside, no foul being would be able to detect it now that it was secured inside the specially crafted box, or so he believed. The other half of the Alzphaeta Diamond was safely buried on Azure-Alkun, it was the only thing that could detect its other half now.

Embodying the golden Ark with his Chaos, Temu now laid a curse upon its splendour, anyone to touch it without his say so would surely die, just to look upon the Ark’s brilliance would bring them to their knees, crumbling, weeping great torrents of tears from its pure Divine design.

Not even Temu himself could fathom the power the Alzphaeta Diamond held. Chaos had coded the gem with all the universes vast secrets, holding the key to the cosmos and all of Chaos’s ageless creations, the knowledge and power it held could never be told.

Temu kept the gilded chest by his side at all times, shading it with soft silk that he spun from the silkworm hiding under the pomegranates. He did not want any humans eyes to lay upon the holy wonder, he did not want them weeping on their knees.

Now he needed to find Am-heh, kill the foul God and take his wicked soul to hell. He needed a way back to Chaos and he knew exactly how to achieve it.


In just under a quarter of a century, Temu established Otamia’s roots on the the sands of ancient Egypt next to the Niles delta.

Many small scattered tribes dwelt in semi permanent huts at the base of the Nile, close to the life blood of all ancient Egypt.

Walking up the Niles dark banks, Temu shattered his wings into existence, all the tribes saw the tremendous sight as he arched them high by his side. Each human he passed threw themselves at his mercy, worshipping their new God, the ‘God of the Sun’.

These small tribes coalesced into one, becoming the first residents of the city Temu now named Otamia. He had named the city after his one true love back on Azure-Alkun.

Otamia was his Queen, he missed her dark flesh upon his, Temu craved to kiss her full lips and stroke her breasts again, trying desperately to distract himself from his Queen’s sweet memory, never sleeping, always working and teaching each new tribe his Godly ways.

Temu became these people’s God, the great God of the mighty sun, worshipped before all other Gods.

He blessed each worthy human within these small tribes with strength and knowledge beyond their usual human capabilities.

They helped him build the great city of Otamia and the majestic pyramid that stood to the East of the Nile. It lay next to Otamia’s large mountain that overlooked the long lonely waters.

He taught the humans how to use the Niles fertile banks to grow a vast variety of crops and fruit, teaching them how to make mead and craft the finest treasures, to build amazing feats from only stone and wood.

He gave his people vast knowledge on Earths beautiful minerals and rocks. The Otamian’s mined the unique gold and silver that had squeezed through the white quartz, making jewellery and trinkets of stunning intricate designs.

He filled the Otamian’s with knowledge of the stars and of time, he told them of Chaos and her creation there in.

Temu would fly hundreds of miles over ancient Egypt, his huge wings pulsing through Earths stratosphere just to find the right materials as they built the great pyramid and her tunnels and chambers below.

He would use his Chaos to move the mammoth sized blocks. These blocks were cut precisely from magnificent white limestone and heavy red granite, he would then ferry them down the Nile. His Chaos helped the mighty men and women of Otamia move each block from the sturdy boats into place, positioning it perfectly to align with his world back home, the majestic Azure-Alkun.


The great pyramid and the vast web of tunnels and chambers beneath were now complete. It had taken Temu and the Otamian’s a little over twenty year’s to finish building the magnificent structures.

In the secret chamber they built under the pyramid, deep under the room of forty two pillars, he laid the ‘Ark of Chaos’ to rest, half the Alzphaeta Diamond cradled within, burying it so far underground he felt the Earth’s searing heat near blister his dark flesh.

Now that the pyramid was complete, Temu’s thoughts drifted to Chaos above, he knew he needed to go back home, back to Azure-Alkun, yet the thought of leaving Earth flooded his heart with despair, to leave all the beautiful Otamian’s would crush him.

The mighty Sun God tried to contain the emotions that the humans had embodied within his soul, he thought his love for his beautiful Goddess back on Azure-Alkun would quell them, managing to hold the intense urge for the entire time the pyramid was been built, however now it was complete he could barely contain the desire that filled him, he wanted to indulge in these humans sweet flesh, needing to feel these deep emotions in the raw, however he did resist, for a time.

Many women and a few men, had thrown themselves at Temu in the first few years after he had landed, nevertheless he had ignored each advance and his people finally stopped approaching him, believing they as humans were not enough for their astounding God.

Although this was far from the truth. He wanted to ravage the women of Otamia, he wanted to feel his manhood grow inside them, to taste their flesh, to make sweet love again. Nonetheless he did not, he managed to control these near overwhelming urges, holding them deep within his core.

It was only a few months before the completion of the pyramid Temu began to notice one of the new workers assigned to him. She was offered to him as a replacement to serve him his mead and food. The last woman to serve him was close to giving birth, she now needed to be with her husband, the babe to come was much more precious in his eyes than having someone bring him food and drink. It was a task he could easily preform himself, however all of Otamia insisted they serve their God and he reluctantly caved in.

The new servants name was Amara, she was in her twenty eighth year. Temu was perplexed by her sheer beauty. Her large dark eyes had an unusual yet exotic shape to them, more cat-like than the Otamian’s traditional almond.

She would accentuate each long lash with malachite, painting each lid to perfection. She used the black paste on the side of her eyes, painting her skin in sleek long brush strokes, enlarging each astounding cat-like gem.

Her sleek black hair fell in great waves to her rear, she would usually plait or braid her long locks, but would sometimes let it fall freely over her long, curved spine.

On the night the pyramid had been completed, Temu and the people of Otamia celebrated into the dark hours of the morning. The great sun God had eaten his fill and drunk too much mead and now lay under the stars of Otamia on the banks of the Niles delta.

Amara surprised him, Temu did not expect any company this far up the shores, he had made his way up here for some rest, away from the noise still afoot.

“I watched you my God,...I bought you more mead.” Amara dropped softly to her knees by his side, placing the large jug behind her.

Temu rolled onto his side, his smooth muscles rippling under the moons half full light. She hung her head low, not making eye contact with the great Sun God.

Temu sat up in the warm sand and turned his brawn towards her. He slid his powerful fingers gently around her small chin and forced her to look into his eyes, her dark irises drilled back into his, burning with the same desire.

The world swum beneath him, Temu fell into the moment, nothing else in the cosmos mattered except the exquisite creature who knelt before him.

Letting go of her chin he gripped her small shoulders and lay her on the cool sand. Kneeling at her side, he ripped the light linen wrap from her flesh, exposing her bare curves and her soft dark mound.

He looked down upon her dark flesh.

“Do not move Amara.” He demanded of her, then lay on his side next to her, bringing his full lips to her ear.

Temu did not touch her, yet easily coaxed her smooth curves to the Heavens by just whispering sweet words only she would ever hear, his breath tickling softly up against her bronzed skin with each erotic word.

Temu had not yet tasted human flesh, although he had craved it each day since he had landed. The human emotions haunted him within, leading him to near insanity with desire for the woman he pleasured beside him.

Once Amara’s waves had calmed to only ripples, Temu dared to touch her heated flesh. Sitting beside her sleek form he gently brushed her damp skin.

Her sweet shivers tiptoed beneath his fingertips, her lean spine arched over the sand, toes curling into the harsh grit for grip.

He traced the small of her stomach, slowly circling her navel, then moving them to each firm curve upon her chest.

His lips found each nipple in turn, gently stroking her dark flesh, nibbling greedily as he went.

Desire bombarded the God of all Suns beyond what he had ever yet experienced since his creation. He was having a hard time holding onto the great deluge that had pooled up inside him.

Stopping abruptly, Temu now moved between Amara’s smooth thighs, spreading her knees wide apart and gazing in wonder at the secrets that unfolded before him. He traced each fold of her flesh, his fingertips gliding like liquid over her moist silk, then slowly sinking them inside.

Amara gasped, his long fingers pushing into her depths, reaching her darkest secrets, moving both digits further inside.

Temu kissed her then, craving to taste her for so long now that the need to quench his thirst was unbearable, he did not realise how parched he had been until her nectar finally hit his tongue.

Time stood still, everything around him became no more, only Amara and he existed. Sliding his hot tongue amidst her swelling silk, tasting and nibbling as he went.

Amara quivered beneath him, she could not contain her pure desire, screaming out to her God, letting her sweet syrup seep from her heat, pouring over Temu’s full lips.

As soon as each unique wave subsided, Temu could not wait any longer and knelt between her silken thighs, holding his huge rod before her.

She stared at his manhood, gasping from his sheer size. He found her wet darkness and squeezed his tip just inside, she stretched further around him, her tight muscles working, pulling him deeper into her depths.

“Amara.” The first ‘God of the Sun’ cried out, pushing deeper and deeper into her nether, unable to fathom the intense emotions that were screaming at him, tearing at his heart and soul. It had been so long since he had made sweet love, it was only seconds before he erupted into the beauty beneath him.

Amara screamed, Temu thrust his huge spear further into her sleek velvet, flooding her with his scalding seed, joining her as he cried out to the Heavens, his entire core trembling violently, melting within her.

The great God of the all suns and all light had committed the ultimate sin, he had tasted human flesh, tasted another being that was not of his kind.

He knew he was hidden from Chaos’s ever seeing eyes, nevertheless the guilt consumed him, knowing full well he should have left Amara alone.

Temu thought of his Queen back on Azure-Alkun. He believed his love for Otamia was true and pure, but know he knew that was not so. These raw emotions that he felt with Amara were different to those of his Queens, been much more profound, deeper than he could have ever dreamt.

Abruptly, Temu pulled his rod from inside her and sat heavily on the sand, hanging his head between his knees, his bare flesh glistening under the moons soft light.

“I am so sorry Amara, I should never have tasted your flesh.” He whispered, ashamed of his great sin.

“Temu, my sweet God,....I have dreamt of your touch for so long, I constantly crave all of you, touching my own flesh at the thought of your greatness inside me, to feel your tongue sliding over my skin...I wanted this, more than you could ever imagine.”

Slowly he lifted his head, looking directly into Amara’s dark eyes, her irises moving deeply with emotions, filling her with a hungry lust for her exquisite God.

Her look was too much, Temu instantly grabbed Amara and forced her naked form onto his, sitting her firmly down on his lap. She wrapped her long legs around his waist, her full breasts slid up against his ripped chest, feeling each hard nipples against his heated skin.

He kissed her then, their lips met in a firestorm, igniting further by the second, burning deeper into his soul. He lifted her over his raging spear, their tongues still locked as they fought out their silent war. He could feel the flood of his salt still trickling from her insides as he inched his tip into her wet heat once more, plunging back into her sleek burning silk.

This moment changed Temu, he had fallen for Amara, he had shot head first into a love so profound that the next few years were his undoing.

Temu was not as concerned of Am-heh as he once had been. It had been over twenty years since both he and the foul God had landed on Earth, searching the vast sands on endless occasion, however he could never find a trace of his once dear friend, he did not know where the wicked God could be.

From the night they had first made love, Amara and Temu were near joined at the hip, ravaging each other’s flesh many times each day and night.

Over the next two years, they could not get enough of eachother, never satisfied, never quenching their great thirst, always greedy for so much more, until death did they part.

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Am-heh had patiently watched and waited from a distance as Temu built the vast pyramid, finally showing his foul face a few years after its completion.

Am-heh transformed into a huge depraved jackal and crept through Otamia, keeping to the shadows, moving quietly throughout the dark night. He had followed Temu’s scent through the city until he came to where he lay with his true love Amara.

Moving swiftly, Am-heh sprung onto the bed of furs where the great God and his love lay, his huge jaws clamping down over Amara’s flesh and tearing into her forearm, her blood curdling cries instantly awakening Temu.

Swinging straight into action, Temu’s huge wings ripped his flesh apart, shattering his bones to dust behind him.

He lunged at Am-heh, his huge hands wrenching his vile jaws apart, snapping the jackals bones and threw him against the caves wall, splitting the rock behind him.

Landing with a sickening ‘Thud’, Am-heh let out a mad cry of pain, rolled onto his paws and ran for the door. He scampered down the hillside of Otamia and out through the cities main gates.

Amara’s arm was torn, blood flowed profusely from the wound. He quickly wrapped it in a flax sheet and fetched the elders to care for her.

The foul jackals scent had stained ancient Egypt, Temu could now follow the sinful beast.

Saying his goodbyes to Amara, her tears pooled beneath her dark lids.

“Please be careful my love.....I fear Am-heh will kill you.....you cannot die, it is not just me you need to survive for now.” Amara grasped her great Gods hand and placed it over the small of her stomach, she looked up into his emerald eyes and smiled brilliantly into them.

Temu’s eyes widened, she was carrying his child!. He had not just broken Chaos’s absolute laws by taking his sweet Amara, indulging in endless sins with her human flesh, his seed had now filled her completely and a tiny babe grew deep inside.

His heart swelled for his true love and his child to come, knowing he should be mortified yet he could not be. He would become a great father, he would teach his son or daughter of their true origins, teaching them of all Otamia’s ways.

The mighty God of the Sun then kissed Amara like never before, not knowing it then, but it would be the last time their lips would ever touch, never feeling eachother’s sweet burning heat again.

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