Absolute Chaos
Chapter 38.

Both the Goddess of Obscurity and the Death Angel walked into the chamber of forty two pillars in silence. Am-heh howled as they entered the huge room, his grotesque oversized head swung from side to side, pitch black eyes rolling back into his rotten flesh, filling them both with revulsion and dread.

“Mieli, feed Arawn’s soul into Am-heh, the plasma will hold them both until we are ready to take them back to Chaos, we need to go deep into the tunnels and retrieve the other half of the Alzphaeta Diamond first.”

Stunned, Miel stared at Amaunet for some moments before nodding. She had never done this before, she had never had any trouble holding any evil soul until now. She had held many putrid spirits inside her darkness prior to Arawn, their sins been much greater than his.

She knew Mother Earth was making her feel, ever since Mieli smashed through the portal into the strange blue land she had been overwhelmed with humanities extraordinary emotions, been completely flooded with love for a man like no other, feeling fear, hate and pure passion.

Mieli did not want to loose these emotions, she did not want to go back to her numbness, back to her life floating aimlessly with the dead necromancers on Azure-Alkun.

Nevertheless she said none of this to Amaunet, Mieli was a mere Angel and a Death Angel if that. She was ignored on Azure-Alkun, shunned by all the Divine because of their tremendous fear of her.

In all of the infinite time since Chaos burst forth from the nothingness, Chaos had only made a few Angels of her unique design, the darkness Chaos had cursed her with keeping all others from her, shunning her into the dark side of the boarders of the twilight back home.

She had now been touched by something special, something so extraordinary, the thought of it all falling away from her crushed her heart. She wouldn’t even be able to see if the man she loved was alive, if he had survived Am-heh and his vile pack of monsters.

Shaking her head, Mieli snapped herself out of her misery and grasped Amaunet’s hand, whom then placed her free hand under the shower of sapphire plasma that held Am-heh locked inside. Letting Amaunet inside, her grace filled Mieli, warming her flesh and her heart. The ‘Rib of Chaos’ inside her Goddess was pulsing blue light from within, it pierced her core, snatching Arawn’s soul from hers and flung it from Mieli’s dark depths, feeding it viciously into Am-heh, saturating his soul with more depravity.

A low gurgling sound came from the foul beast, Am-heh flew backwards, hitting the blue plasma bars with a sickening ‘Zap’, howling from the sheer agony as plasma burned his rotten flesh.

Am-heh’s hands flew to his temples, his beady black eyes darted in every direction at once, the confusion pooling inside is foul brain, his mind becoming a hectic corrupt mess, rapidly dementing further into dark insanity.

Am-heh smashed to the ground, writhing in agony and rage, the roars of pure madness escaping him in rapid spurts, shaking the ground underneath. Arawn’s soul now lodged safely inside the foul jackal headed monster.

Looking down in disgust, the ghastly creature squirmed under the magnificent blue shower of light. He looked so small and helpless that Mieli wanted to put him out of his misery, squashing his black heart into Earths greedy core, she wanted to give the Earth the two putrid souls to deal with, letting the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghostess of the underworld rip their flesh and crush their hearts.

But that would be too good for Am-heh and Arawn. An eternity in Earths underworld would be too kind, they needed to go to Chaos, she needed to take them to her infinite hell.


They both left the putrid God for the moment and headed down the deep tunnels that ran under the pyramid to retrieve the golden Ark.

Amaunet followed the Death Angel into the hot underground, making their way closer and closer to the underworld.

Thick air stifled their lungs as they moved further underground, sweat coated their lithe bodies and dampened their wings. The torrid heat momentarily confusing their direction, then finally they climbed down the long narrow shaft that led to the astounding archway.

Slowly the two Divine beings glided beneath the magnificence, their breath snatched from her lungs now that their eyes gently lay on the gilded Ark.

The chest Temu had created was exquisite, the ornate gold intricately carved with precision, its spectacular design a breathtaking feat of wonder. The two golden Angels Temu had fused onto the ornate lid glinted elegantly, stretching their wings high to Chaos above.


Both Divine creatures filled with sheer light, the Alzphaeta Diamond vibrated excitedly under the flax cloth in Amaunet’s palm, feeling its immense power and its timeless knowledge pulsing into her essence, embodying every fibre amid her soul.

Amaunet knew exactly what she must do, the precious diamond had told her what it needed. She placed the flax cloth on the ground in front of the golden Ark, laying both her hands above the gilded lid and closed her light filled eyes.

The extraordinary curved bone inside Amaunet, the unique rib that Chaos had blessed her with in the very moment of her infinite creation now charged the thick air in the small chamber.

Deep exquisite hues of silver flowed from Mieli and coalesced with Amaunet’s brilliant sapphire, forcing her dark light amid hers.

Frightened rumbles came from below, the Arks golden poles now slid from their rings and the heavy lid lifted high above itself, blinding the room with flowing ethereal beauty.

Shooting faster than strikes of lightning, the deadly gem slammed into the golden chest, instantly fusing with its twin, violently rocking the strong box that held it.

The Ark slammed shut, the two intricately carved Angels kept their eyes to the heavens as it locked itself into place, smoothing the two golden poles back through its rings.

The Alzphaeta Diamond, Chaos’s most precious creation, had again became one, the true and absolute testament of the beginning of creation was now intact, however it was far from safe.

The deep blue light now faded and dulled, the Death Angels silver fading amongst hers, both Divine beings wings fell to their sides, slumping to the ground. Exhaustion crept upon them, sweat plastered their hair to their sleek curved spines, their light wraps sodden against their skin.

Amaunet moved to the golden box and with great trepidation touched the smooth round poles made of the purest of gold. She did not know what to expect, Temu’s curse still ran strong through the Arks core.

Now wrapping her elegant fingers around the smooth golden poles, finding the Ark allowed this, Mieli followed suit, holding the other ends, carefully grasping each rod in her sweaty, trembling palms.

Lifting the Ark they moved it through the large arched doorway, squeezing it up through the narrow shaft with the help of their Chaos. They forced the gold through the web of intricate passageways until they came to the forked tunnels near the great chamber under the forty two stairs. They were near the last few turns before they ascended up the large entry shaft and out to their freedom.

Here they paused here to rest and converse.

“Mieli, there isn’t much time, I need to take Am-heh and Arawn’s souls to Chaos as soon as I can, you need to stay on Mother Earth and guide the Ark to safety. I trust you will find its rightful place Mieli. I will leave as soon as we help the remaining Otamian’s to safety and help heal their terrible wounds.” All of Otamia had turned to rubble, Amaunet had no idea how many people of the city were still alive, she needed to help these poor people before she departed for good and see the man she loved once again.

Mieli was speechless, this was not for Amaunet to do. This was her purpose, she was a Death Angel, the last of her kind, this task was well below the likes of a primordial Deity.

“Amaunet, you cannot do this!. I will take their vile souls to Chaos for their absolute judgement. This is not your purpose my Divine Goddess.....and....I saw the way you held the human man....I know you love him Amaunet, I understand your pain. I can not allow you to leave this confusing yet extraordinary world when I know in your heart you want to stay more than words can explain, I can feel it pouring from your pure soul.” The words blurted from Mieli’s heart, trying desperately to keep the tears from escaping.

Narrowing her huge blue eyes Amaunet drilled them into Mieli’s, staring intently into the Angels heart, breaking her spirit and tearing at her mind. She grasped her small hands and pulled Mieli’s body to hers, embracing the dark Angel of Death in her arms.

Huge hot tears welled under Mieli’s eyelids, finally escaping and slipped down each bronze cheek, splashing onto the cold granite floor where they stood.

Amaunet dove deep into her soul, delving desperately into her thoughts and her fears. Mieli’s whole being began to tremble, her slight body crumbling, falling to her knees, the flow from the breathtaking Goddess pulsed into the dark Angel whilst she held her tightly against her..

Finally she released Mieli, smoothing her dark hair from her face.

“Kyzin.?”. She queried, although knowing full well who Kyzin was now, Amaunet had seen the pure love she held for the human man, reading her darkest desires and deepest of fears.

Amaunet wanted to hear it from the Death Angel’s own lips and it was not a request. Mieli lowered her eyes, the mercury pooled amid them and the Death Angel spoke..

“Chaos assured me I would not be seen when I landed on this bizarre world, yet Kyzin was their in the darkness and I thanked Chaos that he was. He breathed sweet life into my collapsed lungs, filling them with his strength and giving me purpose. From that moment I began to ‘feel’ Amaunet, really ‘feel’ for the first time in my long existence. You know I have always been an outcast as such, living among the necromancers on the dark boarders of the half-light, away from all the Divine. I was born a Death Angel, I never thought I would feel anything but hate and disgust towards the evil that swarms throughout the infinite cosmos. I have never experienced love, I have never felt a need to protect all those around me. These human emotions are too much my Goddess,....I do not know how much more I can bare.” Fresh tears swelled over her lids and spilled yet again from their brim.

Amaunet didn’t speak for some time, she just held her close to her, hushing the Angel’s harsh sobs.

Mieli cried, really cried for the first time in her life, truely sobbing since her creation many millions of years before.

After some moments, Amaunet let her go and without another word lifted the Ark of golden splendour and the unique gem it contained inside, Mieli again following her lead, lifting it with her Goddess.


They reached the top of the huge staircase and descended down each step, Amaunet counted them to herself until they reached the bottom.

The two Divine creatures had the golden rods propped on their shoulders trying to balance the weighty gold. It was still quiet heavy to them, even with their Divine strength.

A blue ocean of wondrous light flowed around both Divine, embodying the splendour they held in their mighty hands.

Now stepping into the grand room, Raijen and their friends were there, they had followed Amaunet and Mieli under the pyramid. Seeing the two Divine they all fell to their knees, all bowing low to the ground, confused, yet awestruck.

The Divine radiance fell inside the room around them, tiny dark sapphires of light moved in the air and flowed between the astounding pillars of curved limestone.

Am-heh lay quietly in his cage, now curled in a tight ball rocking slowly back and forwards, growling softly to himself.

Moving the Ark away from Am-heh, not wanting its splendour anywhere near the foul beast, they placed the gilded chest on the ground and turned to face Raijen and the others.

Raijen stood, his exquisite brown eyes shone with a brilliance only Amaunet knew, it was for her and her alone.

Amaunet didn’t mean to sound so harsh, yet the words came as a command like she would address some of the Divine back home.

“Do not touch the Ark!.” Ignoring her harsh words, Raijen sprinted to her, fiercely snatching her small frame into his, moulding her pale skin into his deep bronze, taking in the sweet smell of her hair.

She was soaked in slippery perspiration, no part of her body was dry, her wings sat tucked high on her shoulder blades, completely sodden, trying to cool them.

Time stood still, both ignoring the world around them, Raijen’s large hands finding Amaunet’s sodden wings, stroking the sweat from them, not caring about her not so pleasant odour.

Their spell was quickly broken, Amaunet could see the dark Angel of Death at the corner of her sharp eyes, her irises swarming in hectic grey loops, the passion inside them cracking Amaunet’s heart, breaking her soul.

Raijen frowned, feeling her body tense, not from his sweet touch, but the scene that now played out before them.

A young man with extraordinary green eyes, close in colour to Kaydir’s, was aflame with desperate panic. Amaunet knew this must be Kyzin, he held Mieli’s small wiry shoulders at arms length, pure fear rippled through them, it was near the most intense thing she had ever seen.

Hearing them converse, Kyzin explained to Mieli that he had found his sister. She had not been inside Otamia when Am-heh and his pack had rampaged the city. Araphel had been keeping her as his pet before that though, continuously hurting her, raping her as he pleased.

However once he summoned Maia earlier that day, he quickly tired of her and the new slave, Tabia. They had both fled through the back entrance of Araphel’s caves and headed over the grasslands, up the far mountains springs. They had seen Am-heh and hundreds of dogs running towards Otamia and hid in a small cave, waiting until all was quiet.

Amaunet then heard Kyzin’s voice break. “What Mieli?...You cannot leave the Earth,...please, Mieli....I love you!.” His voice cracking, the anguish in his heart more than evident.

“You must understand Kyzin....I am..” Amaunet knew Mieli was about to tell him she was a Death Angel, not one of Chaos’s Angels of pure light. Kyzin more than likely would understand, nevertheless Amaunet did not want Kyzin or any of the humans to fear Mieli or question what a Death Angels purpose may be.

Amaunet moved from Raijen’s sweet arms and approached Kyzin.

“Hello Kyzin, I am Amaunet.” Holding out her small hands towards him, he grasped them gently in his before dropping to his knees and bowing his head.

Pure wonder rippled through him, Amaunet could feel it, also sensing his agonising love for the dark Angel of Death. This now cemented in her heart what she must do.

Amaunet dropped to her knees and joined Kyzin, speaking softly into his ear so only he could hear. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It will be alright Kyzin...I will not take Mieli from you, I promise you, your Angel can stay.” She squeezed his large hands in hers, searching his deep green eyes, then abruptly stood and walked back to Raijen.

After Amaunet and Mieli had secured the ‘Ark of Chaos’ within a plasma cage, akin to the gaol that held Am-heh, they all headed out into the cool dark air, only a few hours of darkness remained before the suns harsh rays would warm Otamia’s sands.

The Alzphaeta Diamond would be safe under the pyramid until she bought Am-heh and Arawn’s soul to hell.

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