Absolute Chaos
Chapter 39.

All Raijen wanted to do was take Amaunet in his arms and make sweet love to her, he didn’t want to think of the horror around him, he just wanted to lose himself inside the Goddess he loved.

However the people of Otamia were scared and anxious, Araphel was dead and Raijen thanked Chaos above that he was. His only regret that it was not his own hands that had taken the last beat from his foul heart. His father had been crushed under the huge rocks that covered all of Otamia, they lacked direction, they needed Raijen now more than they ever had.

The once thousands of Otamian’s was now only mere hundreds. Some were crying and screaming at the carnage around them, at all the death and destruction Am-heh and his pack had created. They had murdered thousands of his people, bodies lay torn and bloody, littering the rubble and the sands. Some had died trying to escape through the tall grasslands near Otamia’s large mountain, others lay shredded and dismembered, scattered over the Niles delta and her shores.

As Raijen, Amaunet and friends walked slowly up the long hillside, Raijen touched the people’s hands and hearts, promising them revenge and justice.

The people were confused and in awe, Amaunet followed Raijen, her wings still visible for all to see, trailing elegantly behind her, whilst Mieli decided to conceal hers, forcing her huge feathers back inside herself, walking as a human being.

As they now reached the top of a Otamia’s hillside the huge rocky peak had turned to rubble. What was once Araphel’s spacious cave was now a pile of rocks and dust, his monster of a father buried somewhere deep beneath.


The day had been hot and hard, covered in blood and dirt, they helped carry the corpses from the cities rubble and lay them on the sand near the pyramid.

Amaunet had walked through the broken city talking to the slaves and Araphel’s army alike. Araphel’s men were in total awe of her, it didn’t take much for them to respect she was Divine, now knowing each and every one of these men and women would follow them till their death if need be.

A group of small children had ran to Amaunet’s side, they stayed at arms length, their huge eyes staring at her proud wings. She smiled and squat down with the group of children.

“You can touch them if you like.” She lifted her wings high above her shoulders, the children squealed and giggling at the awesome sight.

A boy of about four years was the first to approach her, his little hand reaching towards the soft yet strong plume. Amaunet laughed quietly as he tentatively touched the bottom of her left wing, all the while staring at her with spectacular brown eyes.

“That tickles little man.” The small boy grinned, then bolted back to his friends, chatting excitedly as she again stood and continued through Otamia’s rubble.


Night had again fallen, Raijen urged his people to try and rest, they would have another trying day tomorrow.

The Otamian’s gathered around the small fires that littered the mighty Niles shores, some eating fruits from the nearby orchard, others softy groaning and weeping in the darkness.

Raijen walked with Amaunet down the banks of the Nile and approached Kaiya and Kaydir who were sitting further up the shore, away from the other Otamian’s.

Kaiya had kept herself busy all day with Rakim, patching and stitching wounds and dog bites, whilst Kaydir had stayed by Maia’s side, helping her move the dead and digging many graves for their people.

Brother and sister sat in silence, their better half gone with the winds, taken to the cosmos and now floated in wonder through the huge planes of Heaven’s Divine belt.

They looked out towards the horizon, both their faces so alike, though veiled with a mask of sorrow and pain. Kaydir stood as Amaunet approached, bowed his chin and moved to stand beside Raijen.


She looked so small sitting on the banks, Kaiya hung her head, appearing as if she’d shrunk, her tall slim figure slumped and beaten.

Gliding to her side, without hesitation, Amaunet gathered Kaiya to her whom crumpled like dried autumn leaves into the sweet Goddess’s arms. She now whispered to the poor lost soul, she had not only lost her identical sister, but also her best friend.

Raijen could not hear what passed between the Divine Goddess of Obscurity and Kaiya, however whatever it was, it seemed to calm her, Kaiya’s face appeared to relax a little beneath the soft crescent of silver.

What happened next, Raijen could not fathom, it completely flawed him, leaving him both breathless and speechless.

Amaunet stood, walked towards Kaydir whilst holding out her hands to him. As their fingertips touched, something incredible occurred, the exquisite Goddess’s huge eyes astoundingly widened with shock and realisation. The blue in her irises spun wildly into an underwater wonder, a vortex of blue light filled her sapphire irises.

Kaydir’s eyes instantly reacted to her brilliant light, reflecting off the blue and showered tiny emerald lights into the air. Where the light hit the red sands, golden and orange mists danced around their feet, merging with the endless shadows of the night.

Kaiya crept beside Raijen, moving quietly and grasped her small hand in his, pure wonder now swelled from both their eyes as they watched the extraordinary scene.

A magnificent aura of the deepest seas swelled around Kaydir and Amaunet. Both Raijen and Kaiya watched in amazement, Amaunet’s head now bowed to her chest and she crumpled to her knees. Kaydir fell to his knees as she did, their hands still joined, the light still a galaxy of wonder around them. Kaydir was trying to search her eyes, his brow creased with profound concern.

Raijen could not grasp what was happening, however it was deeply overwhelming him, the whole scene before him was a complete breathless wonder.

Amaunet lifted her head then, locking eyes with Kaydir. They simply nodded knowingly towards one another and let go of eachother’s hands. The Cosmos seemed to rapidly swirl around them and then just like that, the lights all went out. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After a time, Kaydir stood and without any words, bowed towards Amaunet and walked down the banks of the Nile, leaving her sitting frozen, staring at the horizon. She did not speak, although Raijen could hear quiet sobs between each breath, the breeze swelled and pushed the solemn sound amid his ears and then rested on his soul.

Kaiya let go of Raijen’s hand, he hadn’t even noticed she had grasped it. Both their sweat had mixed and slid off their palms, Kaiya wiping it on her wrap in disgust and smiling.

Raijen could tell she didn’t know what to say, she was just as perplexed as he. Kaiya stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick hug, squeezing his huge fame to hers before abruptly leaving him.

Raijen now watched Kaiya follow her brother down the rivers shores until she faded into the darkness.


Strange warm mists filled Raijen mind, he stood for a time, not knowing for how long, but the moon had moved further above him, knowing it was quite a while. Amaunet still knelt staring into the darkness, her tears now quelled, dried to salt amidst the cool Egyptian breeze.

Whatever had just passed between Amaunet and Kaydir was beyond him, entirely blowing his mind. The extraordinary scene confounded his whole essence, it flowed with infinite colours, hues he had not yet ever seen before.

Taking in a huge breath, Raijen slowly walked to Amaunet’s side, sitting next to her on the cold shore. He dared to place his hand on her pale thigh, moving it over her cold flesh, warming it with each smooth stroke.

He knew not to speak, knowing not to ask his Goddess of what had just occurred. Raijen could not find the words to describe the profound moment, been overwhelmed with love, he did not know what it meant but he knew Kaydir was pure, maybe even Divine. Kaydir was purely magnificent!.

After a while Raijen held her hand and helped his Goddess to her feet. They moved further down the Nile until the little fires from the camp were nearly out of sight. He pulled the fur from his shoulders and lay it over the sand for them to sit upon, not lighting a fire, needing some privacy.

They sat quietly on the soft fur looking out towards the dark horizon, there was nothing to be said, no words were needed for all that had occurred.

Turning towards him, Amaunet slowly stood and looked down upon Raijen’s brawn. He sat staring up at her magnificence, searching the deep blue of her eyes.

“If only I could portray in your mind how I feel for you Raijen, each magnificent, intricate depiction would blow your existence into oblivion and shatter your entire world.” His flawless Goddess breathed these sweet words to him, scattering them softly from her lips, littering his entire soul with exquisite love.

Amaunet let her flax wrap drop to the ground and stood completely naked before him, her silky breasts rising up and down in time with each rapid breath, her smooth milky skin glowing a startling silver under the sleek crescent moon.

Mars rose slowly above the horizon, the enormous planet blushing a deep crimson with her shame as she watched shyly from above.

Swallowing hard, Raijen devoured his Goddess with greedy eyes, travelling over every inch of her bare flesh.

“My Goddess...” He breathed, his hand reaching to her, touching her soft stomach, tracing his fingertips in slow circles over her skin.

Amaunet turned her back towards him and carefully stepped into the Nile. No seconds passed, Raijen was instantly behind her, wading deeper into the cold water, pulling her backward and propping her onto his lap whilst they floated under the darkness.

Raijen poured the cool Niles water over Amaunet’s flawless flesh, her sweet breath flowing faster. Smaller noises escaped her parted lips, every stroke from his strong hands sending shivers of delighted ripples over her skin.

Her entire essence trembled under his touch, the tepid water cooling her heated flesh, the intense silence burned between them, a welcome delight from all that happened, no words were needed, only their touch.

Sliding his hands down her shoulders, Raijen now glided them over Amaunet’s breasts, sliding the dark water over her hard pink nipples as he went. He was desperate to touch her silk, his hardness evident against the small of her back as she sat floating in the water above him.

Raijen reached around and found her swollen slit, running his long fingers between her throbbing folds. Parting her slightly, he pushed the water in between her thighs, moving the cold liquid slowly with his hand.

Amaunet writhed up against his fingers, gasping, sliding her hips in lazy circles against him, the Nile rippling gently over their skin.

Desperately, Raijen needed to see her, lifting her slight body, easily and carefully carrying her from the cool waters. He held Amaunet against his ripped chest, her back towards his skin, feeling her heat, every firm curve of her rear up against his hardness.

He lay his Goddess flat on her stomach on the fur and sat next to her, stroking her wet skin, tracing his fingers down her long spine, circling her rear and the back of her thighs.

Retracing his steps making his way back up to her shoulders, he hesitated for a moment, deciding to brush his fingertips over the angry scars that slashed her ashen skin, although immediately regretting it, feeling Amaunet tense a little under his touch.

Moving quickly from the horrific scars, he flipped her over and knelt before her, looking deeply into her profound sapphire irises. The ecstasy was written all over Amaunet’s face, it sent him into an exotic spiral, he could barely contain the deluge, his hardness now near bursting just from the gaze in her stunning blue eyes.

Grasping each ankle, Raijen parted her, unfolding her sweet soft lips and gazed upon her engorged throbbing flesh.

His hot lips found her secrets, kissing her velvet, tasting her honey whilst slowly pushing each digit in turn inside the tight darkness.

Opening her sleek folds even further, he now moved his tongue amid the insanity, tasting, moaning into her sweetness.

Raijen had barely brushed her bud when Amaunet quacked before him, letting the sharp scream pierce the cool air whilst she greedily held his head to her silk. He forced his fingers further inside, reaching as far as he could, her depths wildly gripping them.

Ever so slowly Raijen pulled his fingers from her wet secrets, tasting the honey on his fingertips, then moving her to face him.

He didn’t hesitate, his passion blinding everything else around him, Raijen squeezed into her silky darkness, forcing himself into his stunning Goddess as far as she could possibly take.

Feeling her hot juices was near his undoing, scalding liquid oozed over his aching tip, coating his length with sheer heat. He could barely contain the raging flame inside, taking all his strength to contain the sweet ecstasy, it was almost too much to bare.


The Devine blood pumped throughout her veins and took over her soul, Amaunet thrust her wings forth, the huge feathers shattering her bones, tearing through her heated, sweaty flesh.

She arched her back screaming, feeling both pure agony and sheer ecstasy as Chaos tore through her.

Amaunet squeezed around Raijen, her muscles tightening like a vice, rippling in hectic waves over his long pulsing shaft, whilst her juices again seared over his hardness.

All control now lost, Amaunet’s wings flew up beside her, blowing both Raijen’s mind and his load. Sheer ecstasy claimed their souls as he moved deeper within his Goddess, his hot salty seed now flooding her dark hidden depths.

Slumping her lithe form upon his chest, both their bodies locked, trembling in the sweet slippery heat. Amaunet lay silently upon this extraordinary human man, her wings by her side, lightly glowing with a strange deep blue aura.


With trembling hands Raijen dared to stroke her silky smooth feathers, although he knew she might pull away, yet she just lay still, quivering above him, his rod somewhat softened, although still deep inside her wet darkness.

Tentatively he stroked her plume, moving his hands down her stormy grey wings. Raijen guessed they were at least twice the length of her wiry body when she had stretched them before him.

Sweet whispers then came from her lips, Raijen could barely hear Amaunet when she finally spoke, her head still resting on his chest.

“I am so sorry about my wings Raijen, I cannot control them when my Divine blood takes over, now that my rib is again whole I cannot control my sweet Chaos.”

“Amaunet, please do not be sorry, I am the one who should be apologising, ....my reaction when your wings emerged....was.....” He was horrified within himself, all thought had shattered in that moment too.

Still resting inside her sweet depths as they spoke, the Goddess responded above him, her muscles moved in slow streaks over his length, massaging every inch in slow, firm ripples.

Raijen stroked her sleek wings, his erection again filling Amaunet, smashing all the way inside. She cried out from his sheer length, it now swelled and pulsed past where she could bare.


The intensity raged, swelling into searing heat, tipping her over the edge, again erupting over his huge pulsing length, shaking almost violently with every exquisite wave. She was insatiable, constantly craving sheer ecstasy, greedy beyond words for more of the man she loved more than life.

She had never felt anything so extraordinarily exquisite in her ageless existence, she wanted to bottle every last drop and take languid long sips from its sweet tempting nectar.

Raijen thrust his hips in desperate jerks, his hot hands running over her sleek wings, moving over her flushed pale flesh, then gripping her small waist as his seed blast into a frantic tempest inside her, again filling her body and soul, blowing both of their minds.


It was some time before her shivers finally stilled, Amaunet slowly moved her silk from his rod and lay above him.

Raijen knew in that moment she wouldn’t be staying upon Mother Earth. Am-heh’s and Arawn’s souls had to go to Chaos, their spirits belonged in hell.

Tears of confusion and pain welled under each eyelid, Raijen shook his head and forced his sweet Goddess’s lips to his, kissing her deeply, crushing her slight body to his brawn. Their tongues slid in crazed circles, searching eachother’s mouths, lips burning in heated frustration, probing deeper and harder.


Their searing lips now broke their almost viscous hold and Amaunet eased her elegant thighs around his waist, straddling him yet again. She grasped his raging rod in her palm, squat over his burning pole and again inched slowly over his madness, forcing her silk over his sword.

Waves moved beyond her, again insane with desire, every nerve ending inside sung to the heavens, swelling with each long stroke of flawless ecstasy, groaning from a deep primal part of her she never ever knew existed.

She could feel the tsunami roaring, coming too quickly again, Raijen was rapidly driving her harder into insanity, he had hold of her slight hips, gripping them harder, moving her faster over his giant rod.

The exquisite sensations spoke a hidden silent language, its eloquence shattering her soul and stealing her breath. These feelings completely new to her, the exquisite love for this human man an unbearable exotic agony.

Raijen cried her name over and over, he too fell into wonderland, both swimming together to unforeseen depths, then climbing even higher and shooting from the stars where they rode the sweet waves of utopia, greedily snatching at the forth coming darkness and floated into each other’s unique dreams.

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