All I Wish for Christmas
Chapter 17: Dancing in a Winter Wonderland

It turned out that Tilly and Trevor had a lot in common, besides their obvious physical attributes with their cute faces, round physiques, and bobbing stocking caps, and of course, their affinity for the little snowboy who’d captured their hearts just by simply existing. Trevor loved fiction, and once the office-space was scoped out, the two would often take Sammy to the bookshelves to take in an adventure novel. When Tilly accidentally stumbled upon Alexa’s new e-reader, she was thrilled. That meant less time and work in getting books off the shelf and much easier page-turning.

But the three of them also spent a lot of time watching and playing games, and getting to know each other’s friends even better. During the first couple of weeks, Tilly tried to ensure that Trevor got plenty of quality alone-time with his son each night before Sammy’s bedtime to make up for their lost time last year, making excuses to leave them after one o’clock. Their special bond reminded her of Joseph and Mary’s with their infant Jesus. But because Sammy was older and capable of interacting on a different level with his dad, she realized that their bond was unique and special in comparison. At first, she felt as though she were intruding when they’d laugh about past Christmases and reminisce about things they’d been through together. But they never shunned her from these conversations, and soon she found herself craving to be part of this loving relationship, learning more about the both of them through their shared experiences.

Sure, she shared in such moments herself with other friends, but never did she feel such a pull as she did with these two. One evening, Tilly was ready to leave the pair at the base of the mantle as usual, when Sammy asked if she would help tuck him in for a change, like she had each night last year.

“Oh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to intrude on...”

“You wouldn’t,” Trevor interrupted, a serious look in his eyes.

Why am I suddenly feeling nervous? she wondered.

Yet, Trevor continued at Sammy’s bidding, “Please? Your good-night techniques have left an impression on him that I’m afraid I can’t quite beat.”

Tilly’s nerves dissipated at this and she laughed out loud, “Right! Well, I highly doubt that I’m any better at putting snowboys to bed than their fathers, but perhaps I do have a couple tricks up my sleeve. Watch and learn,” she teased Trevor as she followed their slow ascent up the garland, towards the mantle top.

During the day, the two snow-fellas were positioned in front of the pine swag, central on the fireplace, but at night Sammy slept for the last few hours before sunrise, behind the swag on a bed of cotton ‘snow’ that they’d borrowed from the Christmas village display.

Leaning down to kiss Sammy on the forehead and pulling a second swath of cotton up to his neck, Tilly smiled at the sleepy-looking youth, “Good night, Sammy. Thanks for a nice evening. I’ll see you tomorrow night, okay?”

Sammy wrapped his arms around Tilly’s neck and she squeezed him back, “I love you, Tilly!”

“Love you, too, sweetheart.” She pulled away, trying not to get too emotional in front of the boys. Standing again, she backed away to give Trevor space to say goodnight to his son. Figuring that now was the best moment to leave them be, she started out from behind the swag, wishing that time didn’t have to go by so quickly, for this moment was one she would have wanted to last forever.

“Wait!” Trevor called after her. “Don’t go. Just give me a minute. I’ll meet you out front, okay?”

Tilly was surprised, not expecting to be asked to stay now. “Okay,” she replied nervously, wondering what Trevor wanted to say to her. Sitting on the edge of the mantle with her feet dangling over the side, she waited, listening to the father and son say their heartwarming goodnight’s and I love you’s. Finally, Trevor emerged from behind the swag and took a seat next to her.

“Thank you for doing that for him,” he seriously regarded her. “That meant the world to him.”

Tilly smiled softly, wishing she didn’t feel like she was a third wheel in their home on the mantle, yet realizing how hard the two of them tried to make her feel welcomed in their space and relationship.

“So, a little bird told me that you liked dancing,” he changed the subject with a smile.

Tilly gave him a questioning look, a smile playing at her lips. She did indeed love dancing, but she hadn’t ‘gone dancing’ in a while. “I don’t know any little birds,” Tilly teased, not answering his question.

“Okay, maybe it was a big blue robin who has a penchant for singing Santa Baby,” he smiled in return.

“I don’t suppose her name was Robin?” Tilly laughed, knowing he was describing her old friend.

“I didn’t actually catch her name, though that probably would have been a good one for her,” he joked back.

The pair laughed and Tilly nodded, kicking her pointed toes back and forth in the air, “Yeah, I’m a ballerina angel, so I guess I was meant to enjoy dancing.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

They were silent for a minute and Trevor finally piped up, “Would you like to go dancing with me, Tilly?”

“I would love to,” Tilly answered back in a near whisper, her heart beating loudly. Not only was going dancing appealing in its own right, but going with Trevor was even better, filling her with warm anticipation.

Apparently, Trevor and Robin had already planned ahead and the singing bird perched herself on the mantle at Trevor’s signal so that someone was near should Sammy wake and need something from his lofty resting place. By the time the pair arrived at the party held under the dining room table, the band of instrumental toys and ornaments were already playing. Between both households, there were enough musically inclined decorations to make up a full band now, and Dolly apparently made for a pretty decent singer, while the carolers provided backup.

Taking her ceramic hand in his wire one, Trevor gently pulled Tilly to the center of the dance floor. Turning to each other, Tilly looked the snowman in the eyes and her heart melted. After only knowing the handsome ornament for two weeks, she was beyond smitten with him. Yet, as he placed his other hand at her waist and she put hers on his rounded shoulder, just under his knitted scarf, Tilly knew that this was different than any feeling she’d felt for anyone before.

As they danced, Tilly noticed that his sparkling black-painted eyes, much like her own painted dots, seemed to only see her at the moment. She giggled as Trevor spun her around, her feathered tutu fluttering with a swoosh as her ballet slippers took the spin ever so smoothly. And when they finally ended their first dance, both were out of breath from not only the upbeat pace of the music, but from losing themselves in each other.

The next song was slower and as Tilly swayed in Trevor’s arms she thought about the powerful emotions the snowman evoked in her. Her only means by which to categorize these feelings was to compare him to those before him. Glint had been her first crush, and though he’d made her feel giddy and speechless, that was where it ended. Captain, on the other hand, had been her first love, and she had at one time felt a different giddiness over him and far from speechless around him. They had a lot in common, yet when she compared the amount of similarities she shared with Trevor, there were many more differences between her and Captain, too. And when it came down to the most important topic—them—Tilly had found it too difficult a subject to broach until it was too late. She’d shared everything in her life with Captain, except for the deepest emotion she had for him—love.

With Trevor, she’d already shared the deep love of his son with him, before she’d even met the snowman himself. He was easy to talk to and enjoyed the same things as her. More than anything, she loved the family dynamic she was finding herself easily falling into, and she suddenly realized that the ‘falling’ part of love went far beyond romantic love. It extended into all aspects of love when it gripped you. She’d already fallen in love with Sammy as the child she would have wanted if she’d been created as a mother. His father was irresistible in looks, demeanor, and his passion for his family, friends, and life as a Christmas ornament. She was falling harder for him than she’d fallen for anyone. Trevor was more than a cute ceramic face and a chivalrous, kind man, he was the entire package. And he seemed to be equally wrapped up in her as well.

The party passed quickly, and Dolly closed the event with her final soulful rendition of Winter Wonderland. Many more nights passed in similar fashion, and Tilly and Trevor grew closer and closer. When Christmas Eve arrived, the couple took Sammy to the Nativity set to wait for Santa Claus. Tilly was by far the most excited of the three, for she’d only met the old elf once before and had come so far in her understanding of Christmas magic and the Christmas Spirit since then.

She stood near the front of the coffee table, surrounded by her closest friends. There was Balthazar, and next to him, Mary, holding Jesus in her arms, and herself tucked tenderly under Joseph’s broad arm. Olivia, Oliver, Dolly, Robin, and the bright green Grinch were rowed up. Then Jasper the Bear and Glint were on either side of the group, as Captain Tinsel held tight to Major Candy Cane’s hand behind them. The rest of the manger set and the ice-skating kids stood further to the back. And all of the other ornaments, toys, and decorations from Alexa and Bill’s Christmases filled the remaining space around the coffee table.

Watching the tree, directly in front of Tilly, stood the tiny snowboy, Sammy, who she loved like her own. And to her right, with his arm around her shoulders, was the snowman who she was falling in love with now.

Even if Santa Claus wasn’t coming tonight, Tilly knew she would have felt content with these loved ones near. But as she watched Santa present his Christmas Blessing on Alexa and Bill’s home, lighting up the tree with glorious radiance, Tilly felt as though her own tiny heart would burst with joy and love. When Santa had finally finished greeting the entire group and vanished once more into the night, Tilly wiped away the tear that had escaped the corner of her eye.

Trevor, noticing the crystalline droplet, turned to her, “Tilly, what’s wrong, sweetheart?”

Tilly laughed tearfully, “Oh, nothing at all! I’m just so overwhelmed with happiness this year.”

A brilliant smile crossed her handsome snowman’s face and he looked her in the eyes, “Tilly, you are truly an angel sent from heaven above. If you’ll let me, I think I have just the cure for those tears.”

Her smile grew as she waited for him to tell her his secret cure for crying. But, instead of telling her, Trevor leaned in close and ever so gently kissed her lips. Tilly had never been kissed before, not like this, and it was warm, tender, exciting, and comforting all at once, making her wings quiver ever so slightly. It only lasted a minute, but when he pulled away to look her in the eyes once again, he found that she was laughing and crying even more.

Trevor teased her with a curious look, “Well, a kiss is supposed to stop tears. I don’t underst-”

But Tilly didn’t let him finish as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in close, kissing him back. They were too consumed by their passionate kissing to notice the cheers and applause from their friends all around them, nor Sammy’s bright smile below them.

And so, Tilly Tippy Toes, the tiny pink Christmas ballerina angel, with her feathered tutu and bobbing cap, finally found the perfect love that she could happily fall into. It consisted of friends and now family, and of the life-bringing people who brought them all to life each Christmas. It was there all along, she realized, starting as a seed of light and hope that very first Christmas almost two decades ago. And now it blossomed with fervor as Trevor and Sammy expanded her capacity for love even further.

But the best thing of all, was that the love she started and shared continued to grow and spread far beyond tiny Tilly’s grasp, for Christmas wishes really do come true.

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