All The Wrong Signs
In Too Deep

Riley’s POV

When I had come home tonight, never in a million years did I think I would end up in Blaze’s arms crying. I had no intentions of telling him what I had found out.

Not yet anyway. I hadn’t been ready. I needed time to process.

It didn’t occur to me until he mentioned it that he was bound to me even if he freed himself from the Wumbert’s. Would he try to free himself from me next? What if all of this was just an act?

It scared me. Even though I was in his arms, I was still scared that he would be ripped from my fingertips at any given moment. I had to protect him, but I also had to protect myself.

I was almost afraid to look at Blaze. I wished I knew what was going on behind those eyes of his. They showed no emotion whatsoever.

Luna and Shadow ran up to us, and I knew that whatever we just shared had been broken. I reached down, petting them, knowing that I hadn’t shown them the attention they had needed since Blaze had shown up.

I didn’t wait for Blaze. I just started walking to the house, knowing that he would follow. I was a little surprised that he hadn’t disappeared on me yet. Any sign of any kind of emotion and he usually bolted.

Inside, I wasn’t quite sure what to do. I didn’t know how I felt. My mind was in pieces, as if Petra had been back inside dissecting it.

Blaze came behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders. “Stop holding everything in.”

I turned to look at him. “It’s who I am.”

He shook his head, “it’s who you think you are. It’s who you tell yourself you are because it’s easier to hide than to turn around and fight.” When I frowned, he tilted my jaw up, “Your fight is there. I see it in the back of your eyes. You just have to want it.”

Blaze had way more faith in me than I had in myself. “No one cares what I want.”

“Have you ever told anyone what you wanted? Or have you always tried to please everyone else?”

I looked up at Blaze, “it’s not like anyone would listen.”

“I’m listening. Tell me what you want.”

I swallowed. I couldn’t tell him what I wanted. I kept my wants hidden deep within myself. Looking up at him, I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me, little witch. Tell me what you want.”

I tried to turn my head to look away from him, but he grabbed the edge of my chin, pulling my face up so that I had no choice but to look at him. I swallowed, feeling as if whatever I said would be wrong. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Blaze wasn’t letting my face go, he wasn’t giving me a chance to look away and gain my composure. What did I have to lose? I thought. He would be gone soon, anyway. I wouldn’t keep him bound to me. He deserved freedom. He deserved better than me.

It was my deepest, darkest secret he was asking me to spill. The one I didn’t want to say out loud. “I want you,” I whispered, closing my eyes before I could see his reaction.

I heard him smirk. “Then why didn’t you say so, little witch?”

A gasp escaped my lips as Blaze picked me up, setting me down on the counter. Opening my eyes, I found that we were now eye to eye. His eyes were now fully black. They weren’t scary, but beautiful. They pulled you in. I was sure that was part of his demon charm. Part of what he would use to lure innocent victims to him. Or was I the only idiot who found pitch black eyes sexy as hell?

Blaze didn’t say anything for several moments. It was like we were both trying to look through to the other’s souls. It was I who broke the moment. “But what about Lakyn? Don’t you need to…”

“The Wumbert’s can wait.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but his mouth pressed down on mine, silencing me. His tongue snaked in between my teeth, making me forget any questions I had for him.

He tasted sinfully sweet, and I knew damn well I shouldn’t be making out with a demon in my kitchen, but I couldn’t find it in me to care. This was what I wanted. He was what I wanted. For once in my life, I wasn’t going to overthink the situation. I was going to enjoy the moment.

There was a hunger to his kiss. It was primal. When his lips left mine and made their way to my neck, I pushed at his chest. “Show me your what you really look like.”

He paused. “You’ve seen me.”

“I want to see the real you,” I said, pushing his blonde hair out of his face. “This isn’t it, is it?”

Blaze shook his head. “I’m trying to fuck you and you want to see what I really look like?”

My eyes grew large at his frankness, but I nodded. “You asked me what I wanted. I want to see the real you first.”

Blaze took a deep breath. “I don’t show humans my true self.”

As he spoke, I assumed he was telling me no, but he shook as if he had a sudden chill and my mouth dropped at the person who stood in front of me. His eyes were the only thing that was left unchanged. They were still pitch black. His hair was a dirty blond. He had a 5 o’clock shadow from where he hadn’t shaved, but instead of making him look unkept, it made him that much more irresistible. As if that wasn’t enough, he was covered in tattoos. Both arms, as far up as I could see, were covered in black ink.

He looked back up at me. “Now, can we do this?”

I looked at him, trying to gather my thoughts. “I…Are…Are you doing this because of…”

Blaze smirked, “you’re asking me if I want to fuck you because you have my name tattooed on your hand?”

When I nodded, he laughed. “I mean, if it will keep you from sending me back.”

I frowned at him, but he only laughed more, pulling me closer to the edge of the counter. His body was the only thing keeping me from falling. “I can fuck anybody, little witch. And I chose to fuck you.”

Shit. I was in over my head.

As Blaze’s lips found the spot it had last left on my neck, my mind began to panic. Oh shit. We were about to do this. Had we thought this through? When I said I wanted him, did I mean I wanted to fuck him?

While I’d have been happy just to have him hold me, this was so much better. This was endgame.

I arched my neck, giving Blaze better access. One of my hands held on to his shoulder for support, but my other made its way to his hair. Blaze’s free hand moved to the back of my neck, his fingers making their way into the hair at the back of my neck. I let out a gasp, opening my mouth more for him as he tangled my hair around his fingers, using it to pull me closer against him. The tug of my hair stung, but in a good kind of way.

At my sudden intake of breath, Blaze chuckled as his kisses moved from my lips, ending when he got to the crevice between my throat and collarbone. “This?” he asked. “Was this what you wanted, little witch?” When I didn’t answer him, he moved, straightened up. “Hmm?” He asked as his tongue flicked out and traced the shell of my ear.

A shudder ran down my body as my hands grasped onto his clothes, trying to pull him even closer. “Yes,” I finally gave in and said. “I wanted this.”

Blaze stood up straight, looking down at me. “I’m perfectly happy fucking you here in the middle of your kitchen.” He smirked, amused by his words. “Although you might prefer a bed.”

At that moment, I really didn’t care where, I just wanted it to happen. My body was on fire. I couldn’t ever remember wanting anyone the way that I wanted him. His touch burned into me, making me want to beg for more.

When Blaze didn’t move, I realized he was awaiting an answer. Here, or did I want him to take me to my bedroom? I didn’t know the answer. I’d never been fucked in a kitchen, or on a counter.

Feeling a little bold, I jerked him back to me. “Stop talking and fuck me already.”

Blaze’s eyebrow arched, and I had to admit that even I was surprised by my words. That wasn’t me, not something I did. Or not something I’d ever done before.

A chuckle escaped his lips seconds before they found my throat. His fingers worked unfastening my jeans and, for the first time in history, I wished I had worn a skirt or even a dress. Jeans made things awkward, but thankfully his lips were doing a good job of distracting me.

Another gasp escaped my lips as Blaze grabbed my hips, pulling me forward until he could freely pull my jeans and panties off. The realization that I was half naked on my kitchen counter hit me hard. I could feel panic start to set in as reality crashed down over me.

“Breathe,” Blaze whispered.

Opening my eyes, I looked down at him. From my perch on the counter I was just a tab bit taller than him. Our eyes were locked on to each others but I didn’t miss the sound of his belt being unbuckled.

Shit. We were doing this. We were about to fuck in the middle of my kitchen.

Blaze shook his head, a chuckle escaping his lips as his hands disappeared between my thighs. He finds me more than ready for him. I expected him to pull back, but his fingers made their way inside of me, curling up.

I about lost it then and there. It had been so long since I had been touched. So long since I had actually wanted to be touched that I had forgotten how good it could be.

“Blaze,” I moaned into his shoulder, closing my eyes, almost wishing I had told him to take me to the bedroom. It wasn’t too late, but I didn’t want to ruin the mood. I could feel his hardness though, his jeans pressing against my thigh as his fingers worked their magic between my thighs.

I wanted him to stop and keep going at the same time. There were for sure going to be bruises on my neck in the morning, but I couldn’t find it in me to care as his tongue flicked on my neck and his fingers continued to move in and out of me.

The fire building inside of me was close to igniting, and I didn’t want things to end this way. I wanted him inside of me. I tried to squeeze my thighs shut, but his body between my legs prevented that.

As if he knew I was trying to deny him, his fingers moved faster as his thumb rubbed the nub that most men could never find. Unable to hold back, I squeezed my eyes shut, crying out his name as my body clenched on his fingers.

The world froze. I clung onto Blaze, but my eyes refused to open, not wanting to face what we had just done.

Blaze moved, pulling me off the counter. I gasped as he was suddenly inside of me. I could feel him stretching me, filling me. My eyes flashed open as I heard him hiss, leaning his head against my shoulder. I’d never seen Blaze vulnerable before. Even asleep, he seemed in control. But now I wondered if it had not been just as long for him, probably even longer. He had been imprisoned, chained to a floor, with no human interaction besides his interrogations.

“Fuck Riley.” My name rolled from his tongue.

“Blaze,” I whisper, as my hands wrap around his neck, half in fear of him dropping me, half wanting to pull him impossibly closer.

His eyes lifted to mine, but he didn’t speak. Instead, he started moving slowly. Agonizingly slow. His fingers gripped my hips, guiding them as he thrust in and out of me slowly as if he was trying to get his bearings.

I had to bite down on my lip not to cry out as he managed to hit that perfect spot that sends courses of pleasure echoing through my body. Still, small sounds escape my lips.

Blaze’s head rest in the crook of my neck as he adjusts his hold on me, pushing me against the counter so he can move faster, thrust deeper. At the sudden change and the pain of my hip digging into the counter, I let out a gasp, clinging to him for dear life.

I run my hands through his hair as he adjusts my legs, allowing him to dive deeper into me. His teeth latch onto my throat as he lets out a low, primal growl.

Pleasure bubbles back up in my body as he shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. And God, I didn’t want him to. I wanted everything he had to offer and more. I wanted more of him. He was like a drug, an addiction. One I didn’t want a cure for.

The sound that escapes my mouth as I come is foreign to me. I’d never been loud in bed, but now I knew it was because I had never been fucked right. Blaze, Blaze was right. Everything about him was right. Yet I still knew he was wrong.

As my body clinched down on his, Blaze’s hips moved faster and faster until a growl escaped his lips. He bucked his hips into me hard as he spilled himself into me.

We were both out of breath, panting, as he leaned his head against mine. He carefully placed me back on the counter, keeping his arms wrapped tight around me.

“I think you can take me to bed now,” I said between breaths. “I don’t think I can walk anymore.”

I heard Blaze chuckle, but I kept my face pressed into his chest, not wanting to ruin what I had just experienced with the ugly truth. He was a demon. Everything about him was wrong, but I didn’t care. I just wanted him. I wanted him for as long as he would let me have him.

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