All The Wrong Signs
Face the Truth

Growing up, I had been taught right from wrong. My parents had instilled morals in both me and my sister. I couldn’t help but wonder now what they would think if they knew that I had willingly given myself to a demon.

Laying in the dark, my head laying on Blaze’s chest, as his hand ran up and down my bare back, I found it easy to forget he was a demon. Demons didn’t comfort. Demons didn’t protect. Yet Blaze had done both. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Last night was still etched into my mind. Every touch. Every Kiss. Everything. How would I ever be able to find someone else that could make me feel the way he did? It would be impossible.

Was it the demon in him that made him so irresistible? Was he even irresistible? He was an asshole 90 percent of the time. But that other 10 percent. That other 10 percent was a game changer.

I knew the sun would rise soon and with it truths that I didn’t want to face. Last night, I had given myself to Blaze. I had told him I wanted him. Told him that I didn’t want him to leave me. Was I playing right into his hands? Was this what demons did to get what they wanted? Hadn’t he admitted he would fuck me if it would keep me from sending him back?

Oh god. I went to sit up, but Blaze’s arm on my back held me close. “Stop overthinking.”

“You don’t know what I’m thinking,” I said, hoping that I was right.

“I don’t,” he admitted. “But I can tell when you are overthinking. You frown and you get worry lines here,” he touched my forehead, “and here.”

Hiding my face in his chest, I shook my head. “Stop.”

He laughed. “It’s true. You never just relax, do you?”

I thought about lying, but I knew it would be pointless. “Not in a really long time.” I sighed, running my hand up his chest to rest on his collarbone. “I think I was born with anxiety.”

“You were relaxed last night,” Blaze said, running his hand up in my hair.

“You were just too distracted to notice,” I said, causing him to laugh. His laugh wasn’t his normal sarcastic laugh, it was honest.

“Oh, ok,” he said, tugging at my hair until I looked up at him. When I did, his lips met mine. “I have to leave for a while in the morning. I’m sending Petra to come sit with you. If Lakyn happens to come by, don’t let her know anything is off. Don’t tell her I’m back.”

“I wouldn’t,” I started to say, but he put his finger to my lip, silencing me.

“I’m not saying you would, but if she is suspicious, she might start asking questions.” Blaze looked down at me, “she may know nothing about Wumbert but her grandmother knows that her family has been interested in demons. I can’t take any chances that they find either of us.” He tugged my hair again, “especially you, you know my name. If they get it, they would control me and there would be nothing either of us could do about it.”

He didn’t have to add the fact that if I didn’t willingly give his name up, they would try to torture it out of me. I already knew. Laying my head back on his chest, I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to soak in the last bit of his comfort before daybreak.

I wasn’t sure what to expect in the morning. Blaze didn’t do affection and last night had crossed many lines. If he went back to ignoring me, I’d have to be ready, although I couldn’t promise that I wouldn’t cuss his ass out first.

Blaze lay in bed until the morning sun started to rise. I had been half asleep when he got up and headed to the shower. Part of me wanted to get up and follow him, but the bed was feeling too good to get up. When he came back, I watched him as he dressed. “Where do you keep your things?”

Blaze looked over his shoulder as he buttoned his jeans. “At my sister’s currently. It’s not safe to go back home. Not yet.”

I frowned at him, pulling my covers up with me as I sat up. “You left?”

He nodded, “just for a second. Petra’s on her way.” Turning around, he pulled a shirt over his head. “She can handle anything that may come up.”

“What if I need you?” I asked.

Blaze walked over to the bed, leaning over and pulling my chin up. “Then you call me. I’ll come.”

I lifted my hand, grazing his face. Blaze lifted one of his hands, putting it over mine. “I’ve got to go.” Leaning in, he captured my lips with his. “Go back to sleep.”

Standing up straight, he disappeared, leaving me feeling somewhat empty. I tossed and turned in the bed for a little before I decided to get up and take a shower. The hot water did wonders for me. It seemed to wash away some of my gloom and doom thinking that had seemed to take over my mind for the last few months.

Or maybe it was Blaze.

Dressing in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I walked to my room, pulling on a pair of socks and a sweater to combat the chill in the air. Walking into the kitchen, I started a pot of coffee and while it waited, I grabbed my bottle of cleaner from under the sink and started spraying the island counter.

As I scrubbed, I kept thinking of what had happened here last night and couldn’t help but scrub a little harder.

“I don’t think whatever you think is still there, is there.”

Looking up, I saw Petra and instantly stood up straight. “I…uhh…I.”

Petra’s eyebrow raised, reminding me of her brother. “I don’t want to know.”

Turning, I put the scrubber in the sink and washed my hands. “Coffee?” I asked, pulling down a cup.

“I prefer tea, but I’ll take some coffee.” I was surprised because Blaze had never accepted any of my food.

Pouring both of us a cup of coffee, I pulled out some creamer from the fridge. “Do you want some sugar? I usually just drink mine with creamer.”

Petra shook her head, “Black is good.” When I scrunched up my nose, she laughed. “So what’s new?”

I could feel my face turning red as one again last night forced its way to the front of my mind. “Nothing,” I said lying. I shook my head, not sounding convincing to even me.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Petra looked up at me. “So Blaze showed you his true self.”

I nodded, “he did.”

“He’s never shown a human his true self.” She sat her cup down. “He must trust you.”

I shrugged. “I told him I wanted to see what he really looks like, so I don’t think he had a choice.”

Petra tilted her head, and I knew she was trying to read between the lines. What had Blaze told her? I didn’t see him as someone who would tell all of his business. He had told her about Lakyn, but I didn’t think he would have told her about us.

“What did he tell you?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

Sitting up straight, Petra turned to face me. “He told me that Lakyn is related to the Wumberts. That her grandmother knows about demons.” She grabbed her cup. “He doesn’t think Lakyn is a threat, but he is worried that she told her grandmother.”

“She said her grandmother doesn’t keep in close contact with her family overseas.”

Petra nodded, “people lie. Especially when they don’t want you to know what they do. The grandmother may be innocent, but she may also reach out to her family for help in dealing with your demon problem.”

“They think he is gone,” I said. “She doesn’t know I summoned him back. She doesn’t even know I know how.”

“Kyler is desperate,” Petra said. “We don’t know what he will or won’t do.” Sighing, she sat her cup down. “I don’t want to add any additional burdens to you Riley, but the more people that know you have had an interaction with a demon, the more danger you are in.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but I knew what she was saying was true. I had just told Lakyn, but she had told her grandmother. Who had her grandmother told? How could I find out without sounding suspicious?

“Lakyn is going to her grandmother’s to pick some plants up for me. Maybe I should ride with her,” I said. “I can do some digging.”

Petra shook her head, “No.”

“I might not find anything, or maybe I will find out some information that could help Blaze.”

“Blaze isn’t going to put you in danger. And he will be furious with you if you put yourself in danger.”

I snorted, “he doesn’t care.”

Petra laughed, “he cares more than he likes to admit.”

Looking up at her, I wanted to spill everything to her, but I kept my mouth closed. Some things were meant to be kept hidden, and I had a feeling last night was one of them.

Getting up, I put my cup in the sink turning to face her. “Do you think what I told him can help him?”

Petra nodded, “we know a location now, and we have a connection to the Wumberts. Once Blaze is free, he can…”

When she paused, I nodded. “I will release him. I’m not them.”

Petra watched me as I walked to the glass door, letting the dogs back in the house. Reaching down, I petted both of them. “I know what it’s like to be kept in a cage. I will never do that to anyone.”

The truth was, I knew that I would have to let Blaze go. No matter how I felt, what connection I felt between us, I would have to let him be free.

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