All The Wrong Signs
Same Argument

Even though I knew Petra was a demon and even Blaze thought she could take care of herself, I was still worried about her. It was on the tip of my tongue to call Blaze, but I tried to my best to wait.

I stood in my living room, glancing out of the window every now and then, looking for any signs of Petra or someone watching me. Each minute that ticked by made me worry that much more.

What was she doing?

Where was she?

Luna and Shadow started barking just seconds before Petra popped up out of thin air. I opened my mouth to question her, but Blaze appeared right beside her. The two looked at each other and I wondered if she had called him.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking at the two of them. Petra looked over at me, then back at Blaze. When neither of them answered me, I crossed my arms. “What? Who was it? Am I in danger? Has someone found us?”

“We don’t know,” Petra finally said. “Bye, the time I dropped you off, they were gone.”


“It could have been nothing,” Blaze said.


“It could have been somebody contemplating stealing your wallet,” Petra said. “Blaze and I both searched and came up empty-handed. I’m sorry I worried you.”

Before I could even open my mouth to speak again, Petra disappeared. My mouth dropped. “Where is she going?”

“Home, I daresay. She did have to stay here last night.”

I narrowed my eyes at Blaze. “You really didn’t find anything?”

He shook his head, “nothing that I’m worried about.”

“Ive never had enemies before,” I mumbled.

“Not until you started fucking with demons,” Blaze said chuckling, making me roll my eyes.

“You’re in a good mood,” I said.

He shrugged. “My visit with the council went better than expected.”

“Can they help you?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Not with Kyler. But they have agreed to back me when I challenge Gregar for the throne.”

“Oh,” I said, not really having any idea what he was talking about. All I really heard was I’d be leaving you soon. “That’s good.”

“They aren’t stupid,” he said, snorting. “They don’t want certain others to get involved.” Once again, I was left in the dark, but I just let it go.

Things were awkward between us. It wasn’t him. It was all me. I didn’t know what to say. Or what to do. It was almost pointless to build a relationship with him.

Blaze tilted his head, looking at me. “Petra told me…”

“What? She promised she wouldn’t?”

Blaze frowned. “I have no idea what you are talking about. She told me that you stayed up last night waiting for me to get back. What the fuck are you trying to hide from me?”

My eyes grew big. My guilty conscious showing through. “Umm that. I didn’t want her to tell you that.”

Looking unconvinced, Blaze crossed his arms. “I suggest you tell me before I get my sister to.”

Sighing, I shook my head, knowing that it was pointless to lie to him and even if I did, he would go and question his sister. “I asked her about being bonded.”

Blaze arched a brow. “And she told you?”

I looked down. “Yes.”

“Fucking idiot,” he said.

“Would it really be so bad to be bonded to me?” I asked, a little offended.

“For me no. For you yes.”

“It’s whatever,” I said, pushing past him to leave the living room. I wasn’t ever sure why I was mad. It couldn’t be because I was mad a demon wouldn’t want to be bonded to me. I wasn’t that stupid.

“We’ve had this talk, Riley.” Blaze said, following after me.

“I’m human, blah blah blah,” I said, walking into my room fully prepared to shut it in his gorgeous face. His hand reached out, grabbing it instead.

“Do you hear yourself?” Blaze said, looking down at me.

I opened my mouth, but then shut it. I sounded desperate. Looking down, I kept my eyes glued to the floor as Blaze walked up to me.

Grabbing my chin, he pulled it up, so that I was forced to look at him. “You want to be bonded to me so bad. If you feel this way now, how do you think it will feel when I leave you?”

I jerked my head free from his grip. I’d already had my heard ripped to shreds once, and it pissed me off I was letting it happen again. “I don’t want to be bonded to you,” I spat out at him. “You are a demon. I wish I’d never gotten this stupid tattoo.”

Blaze looked a little amused by my ranting. “Is that so? Then send me back Riley. You have the power.” He looked down at me, “send me back little witch. I dare you.”

“I will,” I said, crossing my arms and backing up from him.

“Do it,” Blaze said, opening his arms. “I’m waiting.”

“I…” I paused as Blaze took a step toward me, closing our gap. Our eyes were locked in a battle of wills that I was failing in. It was like he knew the rules to the game that I didn’t.

“You what?” he taunted.


It was pointless. Both he and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to send him back. I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it.

“Say it,” he said, leaning down and placing his lips beside my ear. “You know the words,” he whispered. “Say it.”

Leaning back, I looked at him. “You know I won’t.”

Blaze’s lips twisted into a smirk. “See? Why bond you when I’ve already got you exactly where I want you?”

My hand reached out and slapped him in the face so fast, I grabbed my wrist, wondering why he brought out the violent side of me. I’d never hit anyone, yet I couldn’t keep my hands off of him.

Standing up straight, Blaze bit his bottom lip, laughing. Balling my fist together, I had never wanted to send him back more in my life. Was this all a joke to him?

I shook my head, feeling my emotions spiral out of control. Maybe he saw it in my eyes. Or maybe it was just who it was. When he leaned down, he grabbed me by the throat, tilting my head back with his other hand.

Blaze’s eyes were pitch black. The demon was back in charge. “Last chance Riley,” he growled.

Instead of banishing him, I leaned forward as much as I could in his grasp and kissed him. His hands relaxed slightly as his lips moved with mine.

Toxic. He was toxic. The exact opposite of what I needed, yet I craved him. My body craved him. It was like the more red flags he threw at me, the more I wanted him.

The hand that was tilting my head back was now running down my long hair. The hand on my throat was still there, but was more of a dominant show now than anything else. My hands rested on his chest as I bravely deepened our kiss.

It was stupid. I knew it was stupid. We had just been yelling at each other and I’m pretty sure he had insulted me. This was just…this was just sex. I wanted him. He wanted me. It meant nothing more.

Blaze broke our kiss, looking down at me. “Why every time I kiss you, do you get all in your head?”

I realized then that I had been frowning again. “Maybe I’m trying to figure out why you are kissing me.”

He snorted, “you kissed me first.”

I rolled my eyes. “That was a really low thing to say to me, Blaze.”

“What that you kissed me first?” he asked.

I tilted my head, frowning at him. “Blaze…”

His hand released my throat, running to the back of my neck, “some things sound better than they are Riley. Yes, I would be able to track you and come to you any time I wanted, but that also means that even if you sent me away, I could ignore you. That no matter where you went, you wouldn’t be safe from me. I would be in your head, your dreams, your very being.”

“You already are,” I whispered, looking down hating myself for not being braver.

Taking a long breath, Blaze pulled me closer to him, circling his arms around my waist. “Do you really want to have this same fight again? I’ve given you my reasons twice now. Why is it so important to you?”

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

He looked down. “I think you need to feel wanted. Needed.” He leaned down, running his mouth over my jaw. “I do want you, and I do need you. Is that not enough for you, little witch?”

Swallowing at his words, I closed my eyes, feeling his kisses move down my throat. “No.” Blaze’s lips stilled on my skin, and I felt like I needed to explain. “I have this fear that you won’t get to me in time. That something will happen and no-one will be able to find me. I will be alone. I’m always alone.”

Lifting his head, Blaze looked down at me. “Have you been dreaming?”

When I shook my head no, he smoothed my hair out of my face. “If I felt like you were in danger, or that Kyler was on to you, I’d bond with you. I’m not going to do it just to be an asshole and own you. I don’t want to own you.” He leaned down kissing my lips, “if you want to be mine, then be mine willingly. Not because a blood bond won’t let you refuse me.”

“I thought…”

Blaze shook his head, “I found you once without bonding with you. I will find you again. There are other types of bonds, you know.”


He looked down at me, licking his bottom lip slightly. “Do you really want to spend tonight fighting? Cause I can think of at least ten other things I’d rather be doing to you right now.”

“Is that always your answer?” I asked.

He smiled, “sex?” When I nodded he laughed, “if it works. Does it work?”

“It only confuses me more.” I admitted. “Is it because of the mark? Or do you think it’s what I want to not send you back?”

Blaze shrugged, “the mark only makes me listen your commands. Trust me, I never wanted to fuck any of the Wumberts.”

When I frowned at him, he laughed, pulling me up against him. “Demon or not, Riley, I’m only a man. I have wants and needs. I was locked up for longer than you could even fathom. You don’t keep me restrained, you let me come and go as I please. I’ve told you once before, I could fuck anyone I wanted, yet I’m here with you. Don’t you think that means I want to fuck you, and only you?”

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