All The Wrong Signs
I Won't Let You Go

I stood stunned looking up at Blaze. Words meant little to me anymore, Collin had ruined that. I wanted to believe Blaze, but demons lied.

Blaze tilted my face back up, “I still see the light in your eyes. It’s weak, sometimes so dim I fear it will diminish completely. Other times, I can see the spark brining it back to life.”

I tried to look away from him, but his grip on my face didn’t loosen. “Humans are fragile. I’m afraid I’m going to break you,” Blaze said softly.

Tears ran down my eyes, “You can’t break what is already broken.”

Words I’d heard before. Was it him that had said those words to me, or had I thought them myself? I couldn’t remember anymore.

Sometimes I feared that my attraction to Blaze was purely the need to be with someone. Just as he had said, I wanted to be wanted. No wonder he wanted to keep me at an arms length. “I’m sorry.”

I had no idea what I was apologizing for. Maybe for how weak I was. For how I always seemed to do or say the wrong thing. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Blaze shook his head, “look at me Riley.” When my eyes refused to meet his he leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. “Has it ever occurred to you that it might be me who won’t let you go?”

The idea was laughable. “No.”

He shook his head. “I was ready for anything when I was summoned. Anything but you. You didn’t even know what you had done.” He laughed, “you thought I was all in your head.”

His hands moved down to my waist, “it’s in my nature to attack the weak, the fragile, the broken. Yet all I’ve wanted to do since you called me is fix you.” He sighed, “I’m not what you need. I don’t know how to be what you need.”

Resting my head on his shoulder, I wrapped my arms around him. “I don’t think I can be fixed Blaze. I’m not fixable.”

Blaze’s head nudged mine, till I looked up. His lips found mine. “You just need somebody to show you how strong you can be. Look at all the things you’ve done, to help me.”

“I shook my head, “that was all selfish. I don’t want to lose you but no matter what I do you’re already gone.”

“Blaze reached down grabbing my hand. “You own me little witch.”

“I don’t want to own you,” I said looking up at him.

“Yet you want me to own you.”

I smiled, shaking my head. “I know it’s stupid but you can disappear for ever. I can’t. I’ll be right here. Right here waiting on you.”

Blaze lifted his head up looking at the ceiling as if it held some hidden answers. When his eyes finally did fall back down, he titled his head. “What if you didn’t release me when I figure out how to break free from the Wumbert’s.

I shook my head, “that’s not fair to you. I know the throne is important to you. I wouldn’t let my selfishness deprive you of the things you want the most.”

“Fuck Riley,” he said gritting his teeth. “Stop. Stop being so fucking nice all the time. Stop putting everyone in front of yourself.”

I was taken aback by his sudden change of temper. Now I wished I had just kept my mouth shut. We could be having sex right now, not listening to me having a poor pitiful me party.

“I’m sorry,” I said without thinking.

“Riley stop,” Blaze said this time softly.

He pulled me back to him, his lips finding a path on my neck. “Go back to telling me how you wished you’d never summoned me.”

“It was a lie,” I said grasping on to his shirt, as his hand snuck up the front of my shirt. His hand cupping my breast. “I should have gotten into Wicca sooner.”

Blaze chuckled, “you wasn’t ready for me before.”

“And I am now?” I questioned. “Here I am bipolar, depressed, anxiety ridden…”

“If I can get you to put on some weight, I’d say you’re perfect.”

“Blaze,” I said softly.

“Shut up little witch, I’ve been trying to fuck for at least 45 minutes. Let me make the words disappear.”

Looking up at him, I nodded. “I’m going to be so…”

He put a finger to my lips. “No talking. You can scream all you want, but no talking.”

Before I could openly mouth to speak, Blaze scooped me up off the ground. All I could do was hold on to him as he carried me to the bed and sat me down. Looking up at him, I went to speak but he shook his head, pulling his shirt off. “No,” he said simply.

Laughing, I raised my arms as he pulled my shirt over my head. “What if it’s important,” I said once my shirt was over my head.

“It’s not,” Blaze said, unbuttoning his pants. “And if you still feel like it is after I fuck you, then we can talk.”

I tried to look at him seriously but he crawled over me, kissing me as his hands worked at the buttons on my jeans. If he was trying to distract me he was doing an excellent job. Standing back up, he pulled my jeans and panties down my legs. Leaning up, I reached back unsnapping my bra as he removed his jeans.

Blaze looked down at me winking before he leaned down and began crawling in the bed. I closed my eyes as he leaned down capturing my breast in his mouth. Leaning up, he looked down at me, “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Riley.”

Frowning, I lookedup at him, wondering what he was talking about, but once again his made me forget about everything but him. Blaze grabbed my legs opening them up to him, but instead of crawling back up my body like I thought he would, his face disappeared between my thighs. I felt his tongue lick a long line up my slit before his tongue swirled around my clit.

I gasped, trying to escape his tongue, but he held on to me tighter. “Fuck Riley. You taste just as good as I knew you would.” Reaching down, I ran my fingers through Blaze’s hair, arching up against him as he latched onto my clit again.

Just as I thought I couldn’t handle anything else, Blaze, pushed two fingers into me. His mouth is sucking and licking as his fingers plunged in and out of me. The stubble of his beard, scratched at all of my sensitive places, driving me that much more crazy.

My hips moved in rhythm with his fingers, When he pulled out of me, I whimpered until his tongue took its place. I tried not to grind down onto his face, but I couldn’t stop myself. My orgasm was so close I could touch it and Blaze was more than willing to bring me over the edge.

My orgasm hit fast, the moans escaping my mouth sounded foreign to me. I tried to pull, Blaze up, away from sensitive flesh, but he ignored my pleas. It wasn’t till I tugged at his hair, that he crawled up my body leaning down to kiss me. His tongue swirled with mine, giving me a taste of my own juices.

Blaze, wrapped his arms around me, rolling to his back bringing me with him. I instinctively snuggled deeper into him, not wanting to be exposed to him. “I know you aren’t hiding from me,” Blaze whispered in my ear.

Oh, I was. I knew it was silly of me. The man had just been between my thighs, but I had always felt subconscious of my body.

Nipping at my ear, Blaze chuckled. “Come on little witch, I want to see how much you want me.”

I shook my head no, but leaned up looking down at him. The man was completely out of my league, demon or not.

Pushing up, I adjusted my body over his. Blaze’s eyes were pitch black and they were what I focused on as I slowly impaled myself onto him. As my body adjusted to his size, his hands moved to my hips. I tried not to think about him telling me I needed to eat more.

What if he wasn’t attracted to me? What if my body repulsed him?

“Stop overthinking,” Blaze said bucking his hips up.

I bit my bottom lip, trying to push all of my negative thoughts to the back of my head. Blaze put his hands on my hips helping guide me as I move up and down his length. I had started off slow but with his hands controlling my hips, I was soon bouncing up and own on him at a rhythm he commanded.

Baze hissed, “fuck Riley. I could fuck you all damn day. Just like this.”

My eyes moved to his, looking for any indication that he was lying to me. Seeing the look of my face, he stilled our hips, holding on to mine, not letting me move on him. “Blaze,” I whined missing the feeling of his cock moving in and out of me.

“Tell me what you want, Riley?”

It was a simple question. One he’d asked me many times over today alone. The simple question had one very not so simple answer. “You.”


I moved my head, looking away from him, but he reached up pulling my face down to look back at him. “Tell me why little witch.”

“I’ve told you,” I said unable to stop the tears from spilling. I tried to move on him again, hoping to distract him. Even with only one hand on my hip, he was able to hold us together not giving me an option to move.

“I wont ask you again.”

I swallowed. “I think I…”

“No,” Blaze, shook his head.

He knew what I was about to admit to him. Lifting my hand to my face, I wiped the tears but they only fell harder. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, trying now to just get off of him and retreat.

Blaze pulled me to him flipping me under him in one moment. “Stop apologizing,” he growled to me. “Yell at me, hate me.”

“I can’t,” I said looking up at him, tears blurring my eyes. “I…”

“Fucking hell, Riley.”

Blaze lifted his hand up and a red and gold blade appeared out of thin air. I struggled underneath him, struggled to get free. I didn’t want to die. Not like this. Not...

I cried out, as he took his blade, slicing through the palm of his hand. He took a deep breath, holding it out to me. “You want this, you have to do it. I can’t.”

I swallowed, looking up at him. “Blaze, I…”

“You don’t have much time,” he said cutting me off.

Taking the blade from him, I closed my eyes, not believing that I was about to slice my palm open. Not believing that I was about to bond myself to a demon.

I bit my lip feeling the sharp blade slice though my palm like butter. The knife slipped from my hand, as Blaze grabbed my hand, pressing our bloody palms together.

“Petra told you the words?” When I nodded, he looked up at me, “then say them.”


“Say them, little witch.”

I felt like my heart was about to explode out of my chest. My voice shook as I spoke. “I submit my mind, body, and soul to you, Blazenthibou. Your will is my command.”

A flash of light blinded me, as the last word was spoken. Before I had even come back to reality, Blaze had thrust himself back inside of me. “You fucking drive me crazy, Riley. You’re either my saving grace, or my fucking downfall.”

I held on to him, as he rammed into me over and over again. Blaze held himself up with one, hand as his other moved over my throat. Leaning his body down he sucked at the tender flesh of my neck before his teeth nipped and scrapped at the flesh. “You are mine, little witch. There is no place on this earth you can go that I won’t be able to find you.”

He thrust into me harder, his grip on me tightening. “Can you feel me Riley? Invading every last cell you have. You will never be free from me. Never be alone.”

His mouth latched on to my neck, as he continued to thrust in and out of me. I could feel him, not just sexually but I felt a strirring in my body, it was like every nerve I had was being lit up. The combination of everything hit me at once and I was blinded by the orgasm that hit me, shaking my body.

“Fuck,” Blaze hissed speeding up until I felt him spill himself inside of me. He let his body sink down onto mine for only a second before he rolled to the side.

Instead of laying in the pure bliss he had just brought me, I began to panic. “Blaze, I…” I sat up looking down at my palm that was now miraculously healed. “I didn’t mean to…”

“Shut up, Riley and come here.”

Scooting closer to him, I laid my head on his chest, letting him pull me closer. “You are a fucking idiot,” he mumbled.

I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. “For saying the oath?”

He kissed my forehead, “for not sending me back to hell where I belong when you had the chance.”

I reached up running my fingers over his jaw, feeling the prickly hair from his 5-oclock shadow. “Petra said hell isn’t as bad as it sounds.”

He shook his head, “and what else did my sister tell you little witch?”

I leaned up, propping myself on my elbow, “not to force you to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

Blaze lifted his hand up, looking at it as if he could still see the now invisible wound. “Trust me. I never do shit I don’t want to do.”

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