Alpha Alexa
Chapter 24

Alexa's POV

I was trying to put my seat belt on when the car coming at us hit us. I started screaming and then woke up on the hill side. There was nobody around and it was quiet.

“Jade you there?” I linked my wolf.

“Yes, but we need to get help. You need to mind link Julian.”

I'stood up and fell right back down and that's when I felt burning pain through my leg. I looked down and saw my leg bone sticking out.

“Julian, we need help. We wrecked please can you hear me?” I linked him.

Iwas met with silence.

“julian please.” I tried again.

I still got nothing, so I started to crawl down the hill dragging my leg with me. It hurt so bad that I was seeing stars, but I had to get help and find Colter.

I started yelling for him but again nobody answered me.

I kept yelling for him and for help. I was finally down to the road and couldn't go any further. I was afraid if I went onto the road I would be ran over. I lay there just screaming but my voice was becoming weak.

Ifinally heard a car pull up and Mac jumped out of the car along with Julian and Luca.

“Help” I screamed out, but my voice was so weak you could barely hear it.

“Julian, I'm on the side of the road behind the car. I can't walk” I mind linked him.

I'saw him turn and start scanning the area. I tried to yell out but again it was just a squeak. He finally saw me and came running over.

“Baby, what happened?” he said as he kneeled down beside me.

“I don't know.” I mind linked him.

He reached down and started to pick me up but the second he started to lift me I screamed out. He stopped and removed his hands. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I'm sorry it's going to hurt but let me get the car closer”

“Where Colter?” I linked him.

“We're not sure. Mac and Luca are looking”

“Go help them. You have to find him."

“No, you need medical help first.”

“I won't leave without him."

“We will find him but let us help you first”

I had started crying in fear that he was gone forever. Luca and Mac came over and started talking with Julian.

“Alexa, we're going to pick you up and move you to the car. Scream all you want because it's going to hurt, and we can't stop it

I braced myself because I knew it was going to hurt. Julian leaned down again and wrapped his arms around me and started to lift and someone grabbed my leg and held it, so it didn't flop around.

Iwas screaming and crying and started to see stars because the pain was so bad. It didn't take them long to get me to the car and lay me in the back and Julian got in with me.

“You're going to be fine. We will take you to the pack hospital and they will fix you up.” He said as he stroked my hair trying to give me comfort.

“Please go find him. I can't lose another mate. I need him." I sobbed out. It was muffled and barely a whisper, but he heard me.

Someone took off driving the car and I just laid there crying. I can't lose him.

“Jade, where is he?”

“I don't know. He's not dead we would have felt it. We will get him back”

We made it to the pack hospital and people were rushing to the car and asking me questions, but I was numb to everything by now. I didn't care.

They got me inside and cut my dress off me and started hooking up all sorts of machines and asking me questions, but I didn’t answer. Julian got down in my face talking to me.

“Alexa, you need surgery now. They are going to take you back. I will be here when you wake up.” He said.

“Just go find him." I said and closed my eyes. They must have given me something because I was so sleepy and couldn't keep my eyes open.

I could hear people talking around me, but I couldn't hear Colter or smell him. I wasn't ready to talk to them yet. So, I kept my eyes closed and linked Jade.

“Jade, have they found him."

“No, they haven't but there looking”

“How long has it been?”

“I'm not sure. They gave us powerful drugs I've only been awake for an hour”

I'started crying again and Julian came to my bed.

“Alexa, what is it? Are you in pain?” He asked me.

Ijust shook my head no and kept crying.

“We will find him I promise.” He said knowing why I was crying.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down to me and snuggled him. I just needed to be held.

Everyone thinks of me as this strong girl who doesn't break but this has broken me.

Everyone else left the room and we just laid on my bed for a while. He finally got up and left the room but quickly came baci with some water for me.

I drank it down as fast as I could. It felt 50 good on my throat. It was so raw from screaming yesterday. I handed him the glas back and sat the bed up. I groaned out in pain. My whole body hurt.

“Tell me what you know” I told him.

“Not a lot. The driver of the truck died. The truck was stolen so there is no lead there. I have Christina in the dungeon as she has planted bugs throughout the house, and she has been working with your dad.”

“That has to be who has him." I said.

“I think 50 too. We have a group of scouts Colters pack scoping it out.”

I started to get out of bed trying to ignore the pain.

“Where are you going?” Julian asked.

“To find him."

“You are going to nowhere, now lay back down.’

“If this was him here, would you stop him?” I asked.

“Yes, I would. Now lay down we are doing everything we can.”

I laid back down because it really did hurt. It wasn't long before the doctor walked in.

“Hello Alexa, I'm doctor Rene. I patched you up last night”

“Thank you, when can I leave.”

“Well, your leg was broken pretty badly so it's going to be at least a week until it's healed. I would like to keep you for three days at least. You also have some broken ribs and a lot of bruising”

“Look I will settle for tomorrow and then I will be out of here so whatever needs done needs to be by then.’

“Let's see how you feel, and we will go from there."

“Ya that's not negotiable.” I told her.

She ignored me and came over and checked my injuries.

“I will be back later to recheck your wounds. They were dirty from the wreck. I don’t want you to get an infection.” She finally left. I wasn't a fan of hers.

“Julian, where is Mac? I need to talk to him.”

“He went back to his pack. To head up the search party."

“Ok, I have a phone in my nightstand in my room. I need it please.”

“Ok I will go get it and if you try to move, I will have you medicated until you're healed.” He said. I knew he was joking but I didn't like it right now.

“Jade, can you heal me faster?” I asked her.

“I'm working as hard as I can, but you had some pretty big injuries.”

“I don't care!”

“You need to chill. We will find him.”

“I can't. I literally feel like part of me is missing.”

“It is. Since you mated you accepted the bond, and he is missing so is part of you. He is the other half of your soul”

“I feel it. We will do whatever we have to get him back”

Julian finally walked back in holding my phone. He walked over and handed it to me, and I turned it on, and it started going off with text messages.

They were all from Sloane and all asked me to call her ASAP.

I pulled her number up and called her.

“Lex, where are you? I have been trying to get a hold of you all day." She said not bothering to even say hello.

“We got in a car accident, what is going on?” I asked her.

“Your dad he has lost his damn mind. Wait, you got in a car accident? Are you ok?”

“Nothing I won't heal from. What is my dad doing”

“He has Liam in the dungeon and wants to kill him. He is accusing everyone of hiding you. So many people are locked up right now. I am afraid to leave my room.”

“Iwill be there as soon as I can." I said as I heard banging in the background on the phone.

“Lex, I have to open the door. I am going to put the phone down but don't hang up please.”

“OK” I said.

“Who are you talking to?” I heard my father yell at her.

“I was thinking out loud.”

“Don't lie to me. I know you know where my daughter is and if you don't tell me I will kill you” He yelled and then I heard Sloane scream and a thud.

I had tears running down my face listening to this and not being able to do anything about it. I sat there listening, being completely helpless.

“Hello, who is this?” my dad said into the phone. He had found her phone and picked it up.

“Dad, leave her alone. It's me you want and it's me you will get” I told him.

“Where in the fuck are you? You cost me a million dollars and you will pay for that." He said his voice dripping with hate.

“I will be there in five days’ time. If there is so much as a head hurt on her head, I will kill you."

“Ya, well how about if I hurt your mate then, I thought when I sold you to him you would live a miserable life but jokes on m, because I found out that he is your mate. Trust me when I say he will not be alive in five days if you are not here before that “Leave him alone. He has nothing to do with this." I screamed.

“He has everything to do with this. He stole you and didn't pay up. He will not have you and I will have his money when this is done”

“Leave him alone. I will trade places with him." I pleaded with him.

He just laughed and sounded like a lunatic.

“Dad, listen to me. You don't want to do this."

“I do want to do this. His mom and your mom have ruined everything. I give you three days to show your face at my pack alone or he dies. He may die anyway I don't know how many beatings he can handle but we're going to find out.”

The line went dead. He hung up on me.

“Julian, you have to do something, I have to get here now.” I said as I tried to get out of bed.

“Alexa, sit down. You cannot get out of bed right now. We will get him back and take care of your father”

“No, I have to go, he is going to kill him and if dies I will die.” I screamed at him.

“No lay down. You need to heal a little more. Trust me, I know Colter and he is strong he will be ok”

Iwas breathing hard and having a hard time catching my breath and my chest felt tight. I tried to suck in as much air as I could, but it felt like I was getting nothing.

“Jade, what's wrong? What's going on?” I asked her.

“You're having a panic attack; you need to calm down.”

I couldn't calm down. Julian was talking to me, but his voice sounded like I was underwater. I continued to gasp for air when people started coming into my room all shouting at me, but I couldn't answer them. Someone must have given me something because I was suddenly able to get some air. I could breathe easier, but I was so tired.

“Alexa, you're OK, you had a panic attack, we gave you something to calm you down. You're going to sleep for a while, you need the rest The doctor said.

“I can't sleep I need to find Colter.” I mumbled out. I was fighting sleep with everything I had but I was failing because blackness took over.

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