Alpha Alexa
Chapter 25

Colter's POV

I woke up in a dungeon cell. I am not entirely sure where I am or what has happened to Alexa. Goddess, I hoped that she wa: ok, I hoped that whoever took me wanted nothing to do with her. It's the only thing keeping me sane right now. I still had my hands and feet bound together with silver. It was keeping me from reaching my wolf or healing. I had no clue how long I had been down here either. They gave me wolfsbane which also prevents me from healing and from reaching my wolf.

I heard the door open, and someone came down the stairs. It sounded like two people. They came and stopped in front of my cell.

“Hey mutt, get up” one of them said.

“How do you expect me to do that? My hands and feet are shackled up” I spat back at them.

One of them grabbed some keys off the wall and opened my door and they both walked in and yanked me up to my feet. I groaned out in pain. I am pretty sure I have some cracked ribs from the wreck, and they haven't healed yet.

“Where am I and what do you guys want?” I spat at them.

“You will soon find out”

“Seriously guys, you help me out and I will help you out”

“Ya were not going to fall for that.”

They dragged me into another room. It was a torture room. I had one at home also. Most packs did. I didn’t know who had me but I had a feeling that it was Robert. I knew he was pissed about everything and that I didn't follow through on our alliance.

They threw me down in a chair and secured my ankles to it and walked out of the room. I started to try and get my hands untied. I don't know what they used to tie me up, but it was good shit. I couldn't get it to budge at all. I continued trying when Robert walked in.

“Well, it seems you have found yourself in quit the predicament mutt"

“What do you want?” I spat at him full of disgust for this man.

“Well, we had an alliance, and you broke it. So now I am going to collect.”

“I didn’t break the alliance, that was you. You didn’t deliver your daughter when you were supposed to."

“That bitch is no daughter of mine. Why do you think I got rid of her so easily.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, her mother is a whore, and she isn't mine.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Right now, just the pleasure of knowing that you are hurting and that your mate can't stop me.”

“You don't know my mate.”

“OH, but I think I do. She has called me dad her whole life”

shit, he knew. I don't know how but he did. I just hoped that she stayed away because if she came for me, he would kill her. He wasted no time in inflicting his pain. He had a whip in his hand and started to hit me with it. I just closed my eyes and endured it. I wasn't going to give the satisfaction of him seeing me in pain. I wouldnt show it no matter what.

By the time he was done with me I was in excruciating pain and completely bloody. He went and dropped the whip on the table and walked up to me and grabbed my face, so I had to look at him.

“Neither of you will leave this alive, mark my words."

Ilooked up at his disgusting face and spit a mouth full of blood into his face. He turned red with anger and cocked his fist back hit me in the face and it was lights out for me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I woke up some time later still in pain and still tied to the chair. I could hear a girl screaming outside the door and a man telling her to shut the fuck up. Her screams were getting quieter and quieter until I couldn't hear them anymore. Someone came stomping up to my door and flung it open.

“Your next mutt.”

He came and untied my feet and yanked me to my feet. I stumbled a little when I was too my feet, I was weak from the wre} and the beating and the fact that they had silver on me, and I couldn't heal. He led me to a cell and opened the door.

“If you try anything I will kill you, do you understand me?"


He reached behind me and untied my hands and shoved me into the cells. I rubbed my wrist and stretched my arms. It felt nice. The most relief I have had since the wreck.

“Hey how long have I been here?”

He didn't answer, just walked away.

“Alpha Colter is that you?” Someone asked me.

“Who are you?" I asked back.

“Beta Liam."

“Why are you down here.”

“Because the old Alpha is psycho. My mate is down here also. I have to get her out. She is pregnant. She just found out.” “Right now, I can't do much, besides the beating that I took today, and the wreck I am guessing it was yesterday, and they wolfsbane and the silver on me I am weak and not healing and can't reach my wolf”

“Fuck this keeps getting worse. Your mate knows where you are, and she is coming.”

“No, she can't, he is going to kill her”

“I know. Our only hope is that he sends someone down that is still willing to help us."

I hobbled to the little bed in the corner and laid on it. If anything would help it would be food and sleep and my guess, is I am not getting any food. So, sleep it was.

I don't know how long I have been asleep, but someone opened my cell door and threw something on the floor. I looked up to see a try with some food on it. I got up off my bed and my entire body was screaming at me in pain. I got to the tray, and i had a piece of bread, an apple and some water. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. I inspected the food as best a I could without my wolf senses, and it seemed ok.

“Liam you there?”

“Yes, I am here."

“Is the food ok to eat?”

“Yes, well ours is."

I decided to eat it because I was starving and willing to risk it. I inhaled the piece of bread and drank half the water and put itto the side to save for later. I don't know when I will get more. I wanted to eat my apple but thought maybe I should save i 50I put it to the side with the apple. I went and laid back down and filled my mind with thoughts of Alexa.

Our date was perfect. It had started off a little rough, but it got better. The more I was honest with her the more she loosened up and talked to me. After dinner was my favorite. Her confidence in herself was the sexiest thing ever. The way sh owned what she wanted and wasn't afraid to tell me so and to challenge me.

I heard the door open again and someone walked towards my cell. I just laid there waiting for them to come back in my cell, “Get up” someone yelled at me.

Ijust turned my head and looked at him. He wasn't a big guy. I could take him and if I could get the keys I could free Liam and his mate and we could escape but I don't know anything about the pack. If it was my pack, I would have multiple guards and you would be dead before you got twenty feet out of the dungeon if you even made it out.

He opened my door and came at me and grabbed my arm trying to drag me up, but I wasn't in the mood. I didn't want to go with them or really move at all. I just turned my head and looked at the ceiling.

“I said get up.” He growled at me.

“No, I'm good.” I said back.

“Either you get up and follow me or I was instructed to take you by force’

“Good luck with that."

He reached into his back pocket and pulled something out and while he was distracted with whatever he was getting I swun, my feet off my bed and swept them across his feet causing him to fall to the ground. I was up and on him in an instant. I hac to try and get out of here.

“Get off me.” He yelled.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and started to squeeze with everything I had. I didn't want to kill him but rendering hir unconscious was my goal. It didn't take long, and he was out. I grabbed whatever he had in his hand to see what it was, and it was a fucking taser. He was going to tase me. I put it in my back pocket and dug around for some keys in his pocket. I finally found them and hobbled out of my cell.

“Liam, what cell are you in?" I yelled out.

“just a few down from you."

I walked down each cell and they all had people in them, but I didn't know them and didn't want to let them out if they were bad people. I found him and handed him the keys. He quickly dug through them to find the right one to get his cell door opened.

“Here man, use this one” He said as he handed the keys back out to me.

I unlocked the door, and he ran out and grabbed the keys from me and went to his mate letting her out as well. They were holding each other, and she was crying.

“Guys, we don't have a lot of time. We have to get out of here” I told them.

Liam came back over to where I was and bent down and undid the shackles around my ankles. I stretched my legs out and rubbed the raw skin around them. It felt so good to be free.

“Where do we go from here?” I asked them.

“There is a back door that isn't guarded because it's hidden. However, I know they were talking about putting a lock on it, so I don't know if we are able to get out of it, but we have to try."

He grabbed his mate's hand, and they started running towards the back and I followed as quickly as I could, but I am slow because I haven't been able to heal. They slowed down and waited for me.

“Sorry man, but we need to hurry” Liam said.

“I know, I am going as fast as I can. How long have I been down here?"

“I think three or four days."

We got to the back door and found that it was locked.

“Alpha Colter, do you think you can help me try and break this door down.”

Ishook my head at him, and we both stepped back and ran towards the door, and it flung it open easily, and we both tumbled to the ground. I rolled on the ground moaning in pain, but Liam's mate was right behind us.

“Guys get up, we have company.’

I looked up and saw people running towards us. I was assuming his patrol.

“Laim, do you know them?”

“Yes, they Alpha Roberts little minions. They will do whatever he says. We need to run." He says.

“Can we beat them in a fight?”

“Not with the shape that you are in?”

We all took off running but I knew I was slow and couldn't outrun them because of my injuries.

“You guys go, I can't outrun them.” I told them.

“No, we're not leaving you. You are Alexa’s mate, aren't you?”

“Yes, you know here."

“That's for another day but she would kill me if I left you, so we better get ready to fight."

We all stopped and waited for them to come to us. We were going to try and conserve as much energy as possible, if we wer going to fight them. It looked like there were ten of them. They quickly made it to us.

“How the hell did you guys get out?” One of them questioned.

“Because your security people down their suck” I spat at him.

He lunged at me, but I easily sidestep him. He got back up and came at me again. He was predictable, he jumped up and cocked his fist back aiming it at my face. I brought my fist back like I was going to punch him but as he came down, I jumped up and linked my arm through his and slammed him down on the ground and jumped on him and snapped his neck as quickly as possible. This was the beginning of the end. All hell broke loose at that point. People came running out of the pack house and the others surrounding us started attacking.

“You two run." I yelled out but they ignored me and kept fighting.

Two men came running at me and I cocked my fist back and let one of them have it but the other one jumped on me and wrapped his hand around my neck and started to squeeze. I tried to get him off me but someone else came up behind me and swept my feet out from under me and I hit the ground.

“Shackle them all and take them back to the dungeon.” Someone boomed out.

Ilooked up to see Robert standing there.

“Let her go. The rest of us will go with you Liam said pleading with him.

“No, she is a traitor and will be put to death soon. In fact, I might start with her and make you watch Liam."

I tried to throw the people off me that were holding me down, but it was no use they had three of them holding me down, but I wouldn't let him do this. I kept trying to fight them off and so did Liam. I had managed to get an arm free which allowe; me to hit the other guy who fell to the ground, I was trying to get the one behind me off when I heard a gunshot go off. It took me three seconds to register that I was the one who had been shot.

I crumpled to the ground with white hot pain in my abdomen. I had blood quickly pooling out of me and creating a puddle on the ground. Everyone around us had stopped fighting and were all staring at me.

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