Alpha Alexa
Chapter 33

Alexa's POV Iwas lying in bed with Colter. We were waiting for Mac to let us know when the meeting would be held to notify everyone that Colter was awake. “Colt, I want to talk about our date. It was great but I think we took it to a level we weren't ready for. I did not mean for that to happen. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing. I just think we need to slow down and get to know each other a little more.” told him not knowing how he would react. “Princess, we can go at whatever pace you want. I learned a lot about you when I was out.” I didn’t say anything but snuggled down deeper into him. The sparks between us were amazing and always helped calm me along with his scent. Mac walked in and announced, “You have thirty minutes, and we will meet in the same room.” “Crap, I have to run to our room and change,” I said and kissed Colter's cheek and left the room. Iran to the pack house and got to the elevator and hit Alpha's floor. I got to our room and ran into the closet to find a nice pair of jeans and a blouse. I dug through my tops looking for a specific pink top. I finally found it buried in the back. I threw it on and a pair of dark skinny jeans and slipped my boots on. I ran a brush through my hair and walked out of my bathroon and when I stepped out into the living room, I saw Lauren standing there. “What are you doing in here?” I spat at her. “I told you I wasn't going to let you have him and I'm here to take care of that" Before I could respond she jumped on me, catching me off guard, and swung her fist making contact with my nose. You cous hear it break. My eyes were watering, clouding my vision and she continued to hit me. I had to get the upper hand. I brought my knee up and hit her in the back and causing her to fall over. I pushed her off me and jumped up ready to attack. She jumped at me again, but I was ready and dodged her attack. She came at me again and her claws ripped open my side on my ribs. “What the fuck? What is on your claws?" I screamed out as the pain in my side was getting worse and burning. “A mixture of wolfsbane and silver. I had to get the upper hand.” She wasn't going to win. I wouldn't let her. She ran at me with her arm cocked up ready to hit me, but I caught her arm with mine and threw her to the ground I quickly jumped on her and wrapped my hands around her throat, and started to squeeze as hard as I could. She was clawing at my arms ripping them open. It burned with the shit on her claws. She was turning purple, and her strength was wavering. Suddenly the door opened, and Mac started yelling at us, but I wasn't letting go. “Alexa, let go of her,” he said as he came over and pulled my hands free from her throat. “Someone want to tell me what is going on here?” Mac said. Lauren was still lying on the floor gasping for air. “She attacked me in my room and tried to kill me. She is trying to take me out so she can have Colter” I said shooting daggers at her. My side was bleeding enough that my shirt was soaked and turning red. “She is lying! I came to make amends. Nothing more. She attacked me for talking to her. She was going to kill me’ Lauren said with a raspy voice and tears streaming down her face. “Lauren, you have been told to not come up here. I took your key away once, so I am not sure how you got up here. Get out and if you're caught back here again you will spend time in the cells. I was so mad that I couldn't even talk. I could feel my Alpha aurora coming off of me and Lauren fell to her knees and Mac bared his neck. “Lex please stop,” Mac said struggling to get the words out fighting against me. Itook a deep breath and reeled in my emotions and they both relaxed. Lauren got up and ran out of the room. “Mac, I swear to goddess if you don't handle her I will and I won't be stopped from killing her next time." “You need to go see the doctor you're bleeding a lot.” “I'm fine," I said as I took my shirt off and walked to the bathroom to clean up and find a bandage. I found some gauze and tape and put them on my cuts on my side and washed the blood off my face and arms. I went into the closet and found a new top and walked back out to the living room where Mac was standing. “Stop.” He said. “What we have a meeting to go to." “Are you a female Alpha?” He asked me. “Are you just figuring it out?” “Well, you have never done anything that would make me think that you were. You also need to learn to control your aurora, “I know and can we go now.” He nodded his head and walked out behind me. We headed to the conference room. “Jade, can you heal this?” I linked my wolf. “Iam trying but it is deep and with the wolfsbane and silver on her nails it is hard. You're still bleeding a lot. I think you need to go to the doctor.” She said. “I will but I have to get through this meeting. It won't take long” We walked in and saw that everyone was waiting for us. I was starting to feel a little dizzy, but I could power through this an then have it looked at. I put a black top on so that you couldn't see if it was bleeding through the bandages I put on, you car see that my arms were still bleeding though. We stepped up to the podium and Mac stood behind me. “Good afternoon, everyone. I just wanted to come here and let you all know that your Alpha has woken up and is doing grea He woke up this morning. We just wanted to let you all know that he is good and will be returning to the pack house in the next few days hopefully. We do ask that you continue to give us some privacy and that if you have any problems, you can se me or Beta Mac’ I could hear everyone start to clap but I was seeing black spots now and they were starting to sound like they were underwater. Mac came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and stepped away from him. I could feel my knees start to wobble and the blackness was taking over. “Mac, I don't feel so well," I said in a very soft voice right before I hit the floor. I couldn't hold myself up any longer. Mac bent down and lifted my shirt to see my bandages and they were blood soak as was my shirt. “Alexa, why didn't you tell me these were this bad and why aren't they healing." He asked. “She put wolfsbane and silver on her nails," I said. He picked me up and that is the last thing I remember. The blackness consumed me. I woke up with a doctor and Mac standing over me while I was laying on a bed. My clothes were gone, and a gown was over the top of me. I tried to sit up. I was going to Colter’s room to check on him. “Not so fast Luna. You lost a lot of blood and were having a hard time slowing it down with the wolfsbane and silver in there You will heal but you cannot move right now. Every movement will cause it to bleed more.” The doctor said. “I have to go check on Colter” “No, I am going to go explain what happened, and when you stop bleeding, we will move you up there,” Mac said. He left the room and left me with the doctor. “I stitched up your side to help slow the bleeding and we have started a blood transfusion. You need to rest and not move." “Fine but you need to move me to his room now.” “We will but we can't until you're a little more stable. I am sure you don't feel great.” “How I feel is not important right now.” “It is, we almost lost our Alpha, I can’t put you in the same situation, so stop being stubborn’ Ijust sighed at him and stopped arguing with him because it wouldn't change anything. “Jade, where are we at with the healing?” “I am trying but with the wolfsbane and silver it is slow, and I am getting weak and tired” “I am sorry. We will rest.” She cut my link and laid down in my head and went to sleep and I did the same. I woke up sometime later with Colter smiling at me. “Princess, we have to stop meeting like this?” “Like what?" I asked. “In a hospital with one of us asleep.’ “Ya well if your little slut wouldn't have attacked me, I wouldn't be here right now." “I know and I am sorry I will deal with her!’ “No, I will deal with her” “Princess, I may have been injured and I may be recovering but I am the Alpha, and I will handle her.’ “First of all, I am not your princess! I am a female Alpha, and you will treat me like that. I am your equal and if you want to continue this relationship you have to let me do things as well” I said letting my Alpha aurora out. “Stop that!” He yelled at me “Stop what?” “Trying to use your Alpha aurora on me. I can feel it, but it doesn't affect me. Well not completely. I understand that you are female Alpha, and I will treat you like such, but you are also my mate and my Luna and I will protect you." “Just know that I will not take orders from you now or ever” “We will see about that.” That last line pissed me off. He would not be telling me what to do and I will handle Lauren. I have to show the pack that I am strong and will not be walked all over. I will care for them, but they will respect me as they do their Alpha. I am not your typical Luna. I felt the bed dip as he crawled in with me. “Princess, we have a lot to figure out between the two of us. Don't be mad at me. I am used to being the one in charge and this might take a while to adjust but I will treat you as my equal. You are my equal and together we will run this pack” I didn’t say anything, I just rolled onto my good side and snuggled into him. The sparks that were running between our two bodies helped calm me down along with his scent. His scent did amazing things to me. It didn't take long and we were both sound asleep. We were woken by someone clearing their throat and moving a chair. I opened my eyes and saw Mac taking a seat as he stared at us. “Well aren't you two cute.” He said making a gagging motion with his face. “Don’t be jealous that I have my mate and you don't asshole,” Colter said. “Not jealous but did want to let you know that I found her, and she is currently in the dungeon waiting for you,” Mac said. “Who is in the dungeon?” I asked. “Lauren,” Mac said. “Good, let's go deal with her" I said. “Not so fast princess, you're not healed and haven't been released. Mac and I will go.’ “Like hell, you will go without me. She put wolfsbane and silver in my body and she will deal with me.” “Let's talk to the doctor first. I will have him come see you." Colter said as he got out of my bed. I'sat up and let out a small whimper of pain. Damn this really hurts. I was going to give her the same. She would know how it felt to have that put into your body before I killed her. “Lay down and rest and Mac and I will take care of Lauren.” “No, I will be there. You can't stop me. Mac go get me clothes please.” “Mac you get her clothes and you are on night patrol for two weeks.” “Fine, I will go naked." “Like hell, you will” Colter growled. “Look I am not getting into your love fest. Mind link me when you figure it out” Mac said and stormed out of the room. “Princess you need to heal" “Iam not a damsel in distress who needs saving. That's you if I remember correctly.” He just shot daggers at me and stormed out of the room. I gave him a head start and called a nurse in my room. “How can I help you?” She asked as she came in. “I need some clothes.” “We don't have clothes but I can get you some scrubs.” “That will work.” She came back a few minutes later and handed them to me. “You know the doctor hasn't released you yet." “Ya, I really don't care. I need to take care of something." “Let me get them real fast.” She said walking out of the room. Islowly sat up trying to ignore the pain in my side. I managed to get the scrubs bottoms on and was trying to lift my arm up to get the shirt on but lifting my arm up on my injured side had me seeing stars from pain, but I pushed through it and managed to get it on all the way. I had no clue where my shoes were so I left barefoot. I walked slowly holding my side to the pack house. It may have taken me fifteen minutes to get there but I made it. I walked in and tried to act as normally as possible and headed to the Alphas office. I had to go up a flight of stairs and that took me another fifteen minutes, but I was there. I was standing outside his office about to barge in but needed to stop and let the pain ease up first. “Jade you hanging in there?” “Yes, dumb human. You should have stayed put!” I cut our link before she made me mad also. I turned the doorknob and opened the door and found Colter and Lauren in an embrace. They were hugging. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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