Alpha Alexa
Chapter 34

Colters POV

I can't believe she thought of me as someone that needed saving. I mean I did and I am so thankful that she came to my rescue but I hate that she pointed it out the way she did. I am not a damsel in distress. I am an Alpha. If her dad or Robert o whoever he was wasn't a psycho then I wouldn't have needed to be saved.

Someone knocked on my door, and Mac entered with Lauren. I was going to deal with this so Alexa didn't have to. This was my mess to clean up.

“Thank you, Mac, I can handle this. I told him.

He nodded his head and left.

“Lauren, what the hell were you thinking?” I yelled at her.

“Ym sorry, Alpha, that should be me by your side, not her” She cried.

“She is my fated mate, and she is the one I will be with"

She was now crying. I know that she had developed feelings for me, and that's when I stopped everything with her, but she apparently didn't get it.

“Lauren, don't cry. You attacked my Luna, my mate after you were told to leave her alone by Beta Mac. You have left me no choice”

“Please don't kill me."

“'m not going to kill you, but I have to banish you. You can not be trusted around my Luna."

“Please, Colter, we used to be friends. Don't do this to me.” She begged.

“You have left me no choice. You used wolfsbane and silver on her. You are hereby banished from this pack” I told her using my Alpha command with it. Her actions could have resulted in her death but she is right, we were once friends.

“I thought you loved me?” She asked.

“I never loved you, and you know that”

She walked over to me and hugged me. I couldn't help it. I hugged her back. Once upon a time, we were great friends and we slept together a lot but I won't have her putting Alexa in danger.

The door swung open and Alexa stood there. She was pale, sweaty, and breathing hard and she was also extremely pissed off.

“What the f**k?" She growled out using her Alpha aurora.

Lauren bared her neck in submission from it and Alexa was swaying from her injury.

“Alexa stop it. Lauren is leaving the pack. She won't be a problem. We were just saying goodbye”

“saying goodbye involves you guys to be hugging like you were,” She said with anger in her voice.

“Lauren you can leave. You have 24 hours to leave and you will have a guard with you at all times." I told her.

“Alexa, I want to say I'm sorry but I did love him and thought I was right for him. Not saying that you are the best choice but it's his choice to make.” Lauren said but her face still showed anger.

Alexa lunged at her and landed on top of her swinging her fist. You can see her shirt start to fill with blood. I walked over an pulled her off Lauren.

“Lauren leave now before I change my mind and kill you," I growled at her.

“Princess, you are in so much trouble, you should have not left the hospital and now you're bleeding again," I said as I picke: her up to take her back to the hospital.

“Put me down!” She yelled trying to get out of my hold.

“No, you need to go back to the hospital”

“I can do it myself?” She said and put her Alpha aurora behind it.

“Fine, you want to be stubborn then so be it." I yelled at her dropping her to the floor and storming out.

I went to my room fuming mad. This woman was going to be the death of me. She is so stubborn and will not listen. I just wanted to help.

“Grey, what is her problem?” I linked my wolf.

“Hahahaha her problem. Have you met you? You have been mated to the female version of you. You have met your match and she isn't going to back down easily” He linked back.

“Well if she is just like me then her wolf must be as useless as you."

“I've talked to her and she is pretty amazing’

“This is just great! You love her wolf and I love her but kind of want to strangle her at the same time.”

“Yup but please go check on her. She wasn't good when we left”

“No she wanted to do it herself then that's what she will do”

I put a block up so I didn’t have to hear from him again. He was just pissing me off. I went to my bathroom to get a good shower. I haven't had one in so long. I tured the water on and stepped in.

I was immediately filled with Alexa's scent. Strawberries. Goddess, it was amazing. It helped me calm down a little. I washed my body and just let the hot water run down my body. I was exhausted and sore still. I was supposed to go back to my room atthe hospital but I was done being there. I had a job to get back to and a very stubborn mate.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed and headed to the dining hall.

“Colt go find mate, she is in bad shape.” Grey mind linked me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“No man she is going to learn a lesson.”

“No, she is in trouble. If you don't find her I will take over”

“Ok, I'm going."

I headed towards the stairs and back to my office where I left her. I will start where I left her I thought. When I got to the hallway I noticed my door open. I picked up the pace a little and as I got closer I started to smell her blood. This made me run.

I got to my office and found her laying unconscious on the floor.

“Alexa wake up’ I yelled at her as I ran to her. She had a pool of blood around her and she was as white as ghost. I screwed up. I should have been more stubborn than her. I shouldn't have left her.

I picked her up and headed down the stairs and headed to the hospital. I mind-linked the doctor to meet me at the entrance. I got there as fast as I could. Dr. James was there waiting for us with a gurney.

“I told both of you to stay put and now look at her” He said as he wheeled her off. I followed them to the room.

When he got there he cut her shirt off and pulled her bandages off and she had four giant deep gashes on her side. I knew she had deep wounds but these were way deeper than I thought and they weren't healed at all.

“I have to take her up to the OR to wash these out and stitch them back up. Do not leave.”

“I will be in the waiting room.”

I walked out and went to the bathroom and washed some of her blood off me.

“Grey, I'm sorry I should have listened to you"

“Yes, you should have useless human."

“Don’t be an ass.”

“So don't be like you”

“I said sorry ok."

“Well see if she will forgive you and then maybe I will forgive you."

“Colt, where are you? Did you get your shit figured out with Alexa?" Mac mind linked me.

“Hospital and no I didn't” I linked him back.

“What room did they move her to I will come see you guys."

“She's in surgery, just come here and I will explain.”

Isat in the chair and waited for him to come. I had to talk with her and we had to start over. We got off to a great start after our date but today has done a complete I80. We have done nothing but tried to out Alpha each other and now she is in surgery because of my stubbornness, well both of our stubbornness.

“What the hell happened?” Mac asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

“She may have walked in on me hugging Lauren after I banished her. Lauren mouthed off to her and so Alexa attacked her and ripped her stitches open. I tried to pick her up and bring her here but she demanded to be put down and that she didn’ need me so I dropped her and walked out of the room. I didn't realize how badly she was cut and that she had ripped her stitches back open. Grey finally convinced me to check on her and she never made it out of my office. She was unconscious on the floor”

“What the fuck man? You left her alone knowing she was hurt and bleeding” Mac said.

“I know I screwed up but I didn’t know how bad it was."

“You better fix it fast. She is a strong girl and she will not hesitate to dump your sorry a*s””

“I know. I screwed up, now help me think of a way to fix this."

“Nope, you're on your own for this one.” He said and got up and left me.

Isat there for a few hours just waiting. I thought maybe I would apologize and ask if we could start over. I know I screwed up but I have never had anyone challenge me as she does. It's kind of hot but we need to work on when to challenge each othe and when not to.

“Alpha Colter, she is out of surgery and just fine. She is all put back together and the bleeding has stopped. She did get a transfusion and I will check her numbers again in a few hours. She may need another one. Please make her be more careful. If she doesn't let this heal she could get an infection or she could bleed out” The doctor said.

“Thank you very much.”

“She is in the Luna suite.” He said walking away.

I got up to go find my stubborn mate and wait for her to wake up. I wanted to be the first thing she saw when she opened he eyes. I didn't care if she was angry at me, I was still going to be there for her. I got in the elevator and went up to the floor she was on and went directly to her room. I opened the door quietly and pulled a chair up to her bed and just held her hanc and watched her sleep. I was still tired and could easily close my eyes. I laid my head on her bed and closed my eyes while I continued to hold her hand.

“Colt, wake up,” Alexa said shaking me. I sat up and looked at her. She still looked pale and her eyes were sunken in a little bitand had big dark circles under them.

“I am so sorry princess. I didn’t know you were hurt that bad or I would have never left you."

“It's not your fault. I was being a stubborn asshole. I knew exactly what I was doing and I screwed up. However, if I ever see you hugging or touching another she-wolf I will not hesitate to rip your balls off” She said.

“Duley noted. Next time I try to help you, you need to let me. We also need to talk” I told her.

“I know this whole thing has been a mess” She said looking a little defeated.

“We have to stop trying to out Alpha each other and start working together. You also have to learn how to control your Alpha aurora.”

“I agree and you have to start listening to me and let me have an equal say."

“I can agree to that. Now tell me what is your favorite food?”

“That's easy a greasy cheeseburger and fries”

“OK, that is what we will have for dinner. I will have someone go get us some.”

“That sounds amazing right now.”

We got to know each other better. We talked about our childhood and what kind of trouble we got into growing up. We even talked about ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends. Although it sounds like neither of us were much into relationships but were into s*x. Goddess this woman was me in a female version. She was perfect for me.

There was a knock on the door so I jumped up and opened it knowing it was our food. I had an Omega go get us cheeseburgers from the diner in town. They handed it to me along with a sack that had some drinks in it.

“Food is here I said walking over to her.

She started to sit up in her bed and I could see the wince on her face as she did it.

“Princess, what can I get you to make you more comfortable?”

“Nothing, I am fine.”

“Would you tell me if you wanted something?”

“Yes, remember we're trying to do this differently.”

“OK, let's eat.”

I pulled the table over her bed and opened up her box of food. It did smell pretty damn good. She dug right into her burger and inhaled it and then onto her fries. I ate slowly as I watched her eat her food. I have never seen anyone eat that fast. “You know that nobody is going to steal your food right?”

“I know, I am just so hungry."

I laughed at her and continued to eat. After we were done the doctor came back in to see how she was doing and check her wounds.

“These look better already. You are going to be here for another day at least. Now get some rest. If you would like some pain meds the nurse will bring you some.”

“Thank you, doctor” I said.

“Colter come lay with me. Let's watch a movie."

I smiled at her and crawled into bed on her good side. She turned the TV on and found something but I didn't really care, I just wanted to watch her. She scooted closer and laid her head on my shoulder and I ran my hand up and down her back. It didn't take her long to fall asleep and I was quickly behind her.

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