Alpha Alexa
Chapter 40

Colter's POV

Iwas alittle shocked to see that Alexa had killed her brother but the things he said he did to his mate made me sick and if she wouldn't have killed him, I would have. There are some deep secrets going on here. Alexa looked like she had been possessed. Her voice changed slightly, and she had this look in her eyes that told me that some dark force was coming out. As s00n as she killed her brother, I stepped up behind her.

I grabbed her arm that held the knife, and she dropped it. I could feel her entire body shaking and soon her eyes rolled in the back of her head. I scooped her up and took off out of the dungeon and headed straight to the hospital. I am not sure what is going on with her, but I can’t be too safe.

I walked through the doors and looked at the receptionist and said “I need a doctor now.”

She got on her phone and it didn't take long for someone to come open the doors for me and lead us back to a room. I placed her down on a bed and just held her hand. People started to rush in a hook her up to different machines.

“Alpha Colter, what happened?” Someone asked.

“I'm not sure she was in the dungeon talking with someone and she just passed out” I didn’t want to tell them that she just killed their old Alpha. I didn’t know this pack and wasn't sure how they would react.

“Ok, please step back so we can check her out”

I let go of her hand watching as people filled in where I was. They were doing all sorts of things with people coming and going. After five minutes people slowly started leaving.

“Alpha Colter, she is stable just unconscious. I'm not sure why. We're going to move her to her room and run some tests.”

I didn't say anything to her I just walked over and held Alexa’s hand. Someone came in and started to move her bed. I just continued to hold her hand and walk with them. After an elevator ride and a few hallways, we came to her room. They hooked up all the machines and left.

I grabbed a chair and sat beside her. She started to stir around and let out a blood-curdling scream and then sat up in bed and opened her eyes and looked at me.

I was shocked. Her eyes were a different shade of blue than they were before. They were still blue but they were a darker blue.

“Princess, are you ok?”

“I'm fine, why am I here?” She asked.

“You passed out and I didn't know what happened to you so I brought you here.”

“How long have I been out?”

“Maybe an hour”

“Well let's go I have things to do.”

“It's best if you rest.”

“Really I'm fine”

“What is going on with your eyes?”

“Well talk later. I have things to do”

There was a knock at the door and then Liam came in holding clothes.

“Thanks,” Alexa said getting off the bed taking the clothes from him, and going into the bathroom

“What is going on with her eyes?” He asked me.

“I don't know, something is going on. How did you know she needed clothes?”

“She sent me a mind link”

He left and Alexa came back out of the bathroom and threw the gown on the bed and stormed out of the room.

“Princess, where are you going?"

“To deal with my mother now and then I have to address the pack.”

I grabbed her arm and turned her to look at me. Something was very wrong with her. I needed to get her back to her room. “That can wait. Why don't we go to your room and talk”

“Not” She yelled and ripped her arm out of my grasp and walked away.

Iwas so confused.

“Mac meet me at the dungeon and bring Liam.” I mind-linked him.

I cut the link and followed her.

“Hey, something is wrong with mate. You have to stop her before she does something she regrets” Grey mind linked me.

“I know and I am trying."

She was walking incredibly fast, almost a run but I kept pace with her. She walked into the dungeon and pushed past the “guards grabbing keys on her way. She stormed to the back where her mom was and opened the cell.

“Alexa, what are you doing? What is wrong with you?” Her mom asked her but she didn't reply. She simply grabbed her mom around the neck and dragged her out of there and headed to the t****e room. I had no clue if her brother's body had been cleaned up or not but there was no stopping her.

Her mom started screaming and as soon as she stepped into the room I saw that it hadn't been cleaned up.

“Alexa, what did you do?” Asked her mom.

“He was a monster that I disposed of. Now, you're going to answer my questions?”

“Where is dad?” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I don't know."

Alexa lunged at her but I caught her mid-air.

“Princess you don’t want to do this."

“I have to. You have to let me." Her eyes flashed back to their normal color for just a minute before going back to her new blue color.

I stepped aside and let her do what she needed to.

“Leave me with her now” She yelled at me.

I wanted to stay. It felt like a mistake leaving her but 'm not going to lie she is a little scary right now and I know whatever she does in there is deserved. I stepped out the door and she closed it on me.

Mac and Liam came running down the stairs.

“What's going on? People are whispering about Alexa being possessed or something” Liam said.

“Yes, something is very wrong” As soon as I said that we heard a scream and then a loud thump.

I ran to the door and opened it and Alexa’s mom was laying on the ground motionless and Alexa was covered in blood. “Alexa, what happened?” I asked her.

“It's done. I just need to find my dad or rather the person who claimed to be my dad."

Her eyes were still that same dark blue and she seemed to be in some sort of trance. She talked to us but it wasn't her at th same time.

“Let's go get you cleaned up Alexa” I grabbed her hand and led her up to her room. She wasn't saying anything just had a blank stare on her face.

I got her up to her room and into the bathroom. I had to strip her clothes off her. I turned the shower on and undressed as well. I led her into the shower and washed all the blood off her body and started to wash her hair.

“Princess, are you ok?"

She just continued to stare at me with that blank look on her face. I got her all clean and got us out of the shower and foun her a t-shirt to wear and put her in bed. I got some clothes on and just laid in bed with her.

“Everything will be ok. You just rest and I will take care of everything."

“Grey is she in shock or something?” I linked my wolf.

“I don't know but something is wrong."

She had fallen asleep and seemed to be ok. I just hope whatever that was is gone when she wakes up.

“Mac come to Alexa’s room.” I mind-linked him.

I got out of bed and went and stood outside the door, leaving it open so I could hear her. Mac came running up the stairs. “Hey man what's up? Is she ok?”

“I don't know she is asleep and has a few hours before the pack meeting. I need you to get with Liam and Sloane and figure out if there is anything on the family that you can find. Like curses or special powers. The only problem is Robert isn't her real dad and I don't know if she knows who is."

“Ok, we're on it. Let me know how she is when she wakes up.’

He walked away and I went back inside and grabbed my phone trying to do any research I could. I had access to the wolf online library but sometimes the copies of books or translations weren't great.

I didn’t even know where to start looking. So I started with the first thing I thought of. Color-changing eyes but that brought up so much since our eyes will change color depending on emotion and this wasn't that.

I looked up curses and special powers. Those again had so much information to dig through.

I heard Alexa start to talk in her sleep. She was telling some no and to not do it and then the tears started coming down again. I got up and crawled into bed with her again and she immediately snuggled up to me crying still.

“Princess you're ok it's just a bad dream. I'm here now I won't let anything happen to you” I told her and rubbed her back and she seemed to settle back down. I laid there listening to her slow rhythmic breathing and found myself getting sleepy too. I closed my eyes and let myself go to sleep too.

A mind link from Mac woke me up. “Hey, Colt man the meeting is in an hour and we wanted to make sure we didn't need to cancel it”

I didn’t answer him right away but sat up and tried to gently wake Alexa.

“Princess, how do you feel?”

She stirred a little so I tried again until she opened her eyes and when she did I was shocked to see them back to normal. “Princess, how do you feel?”

“I don't honestly know. There is a lot we need to talk about but I need to get ready for the meeting and I need some time to process everything”

“Whatever you need I am here.”

She got out of bed and went to the bathroom and I let out a breath knowing that she looked like she was back to herself “Grey, did you get any vibe from her?”

“I don't know what is going on but I feel a second wolf within her”

“What the hell do you mean you feel a second wolf?"

“She has two wolfs. I don't know what is happening but she has a second wolf”

“I have never heard of anything like that”

“Me neither but we will love all three of them.”

I grabbed my phone and pulled up the library and looked up having two wolfs and it wasn't bringing anything up. I kept trying different ways but nothing.

“Grey any ideas?”

“No, I can't think of any other way to search.”

“You won't find anything in there about what is going on,” Alexa said standing in the doorway of the bathroom and staring at me.

“Do you know what is going on with you?”

“Yes, the moon goddess visited me when I fainted.”

“Alexa, do you have a second wolf?"

She looked down at the floor and started to avoid me. I needed her to answer me but I didn’t want to push her either. “Princess, whatever is going on we want to help you and whatever it is we will be by your side.”

“I don't know how to explain it. Yes, I have two wolves. The moon goddess said that my bloodline is very old and very rare and that she has a special mission for me to do. She explained that with my bloodline, there is a darkness in me and that is my second wolf. She said that I now had the dark and the light and they would balance each other when needed and that if there was a time that one was needed over the other, one would step back. She said that my second wolf doesn't come out until it is needed and that is what happened today.”

I was completely shocked. I didn't know what to say to her. I would help her but I have never heard of someone having two

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