Alpha Alexa
Chapter 39

Alexa's POV

I'sent for an Omega to bring me some disinfectant so I could wipe the desk down before I did anything else. They quickly came and brought me what I needed and I cleaned the desk and chair real fast and started to dig through the files. There is not much here other than receipts and other random documents that don't matter.

I pulled the laptop open but it is password protected. I was going to have to ask my brother.

“Princess, Julian said he will take pack members that don't want to come with us. He also said that Lauren ended up being mated to Luca”

“Really? He accepted her?”

“Yes and she told the truth but he is still watching her closely.”

“Well if she makes him happy then I am happy for them.”

“Come on let's go find someone who knows the passwords you need.”

We headed downstairs and found Mac and Liam in a heated conversation.

“Boys, what is the problem?” I asked.

“Alpha Alexa, Mac seems to think he can take over training today,” Liam said.

“Well, I know from experience that having a fresh set of eyes on things can be helpful. Mac, you can go to training and help but Liam is in charge. This is still his class."

They both huffed and walked off. They are going to have to learn to get along.

“Those two are going to give me a headache,” Colter said.

We ended up in the dining hall and I flagged down an Omega to find my brother for me. This not being able to mind link is annoying.

We just sat there by each other not talking but I laid my head on his shoulder and just relax a bit while we wait.

Pretty soon my brother came into the dining hall and had Aubree with him Her eyes were red like she had been crying. I narrowed my eyes at my brother. I don't know what their relationship consisted of but I don't like the way he treats her.

“I need the password to the laptop.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Dad kept it all locked in a safe. I will show you later” He snapped at me.

“Aubree, can we talk in private?” I asked her.

“You don't need to talk to my mate.” snapped my brother again. I felt Colter stand up to say something but I could handle this.

“Iam the Alpha and I can talk to whoever I want so you are dismissed," I said as I stood up.

He stomped his feet like a child and left. Aubree stood there with her head bowed in submission.

“Aubree please sit

She sat down but still didn't look at me.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

She didn't answer but started to cry.

“Why don't we take somewhere private,” Colter suggested.

We all stood up and headed to my office but when we got there Aubree froze and started crying harder.

“Aubree, would you rather do this somewhere else?”

She just shook her head yes and took her to my room. Once we got there it dawned on me that she may not want Colter there.

“Colter why don't you go check on our Betas and make sure that they aren't killing each other”

I hoped that he would read between the lines and leave. He gave me a questioning look but then looked at Aubree and got the hint.

“Good idea. I will send Jeff up to guard the door.”

He turned and left and I opened the door and motioned for Aubree to go in. I walked over to my little table and pulled out some chairs for us and she sat down and her crying got harder. She was sobbing so hard her entire body was shaking. “Aubree whatever is going on I can help you. You just have to tell me."

“He is going to kill me.”

She hadn't looked up yet but I could feel the fear rolling off her.

“Nobody is going to kill you. I won't let them. Tell me who is threatening you.”

“Ryan. He is pissed about everything. Things have always been bad but they have gotten worse lately.”

“You need to tell me everything in order for me to help you.”

She just shook her head no at me and kept crying. There was a knock at the door and she jumped about a foot in the air. I got up to see who it was. I opened the door to find Jeff standing there.

“Thanks and if Ryan comes up here please tell him to go away and if you have problems please link Alpha Colter or Mac.” He just nodded at me and I shut the door and went back over to Aubree.

“Please I want to help but can’t if you don't tell me more."

She took a few calming breaths and finally looked up at me and began talking.

“Did you know that your dad bought me from my father another Alpha?”

“No, I didn't. I am sorry about it shouldn't be done.”

“When I got here your dad told me I needed to learn my place and so he tied me to a bed and raped me, he then beat me saying that he was beating the submission into me. He made your brother watch everything. When he was done he made your brother mark me. Your brother didn’t want me but didn't have a choice. If I tried anything your brother would beat me into submission or your father”

I was horrified by everything she had just said. I knew my father was a vile man but this is beyond that. I can't believe this happened.

“Aubree we are going to take you to the hospital to get checked out and I am going to find my brother”

“Please don't he will for sure kill me."

“He won't touch you I promise. I am going to talk to Jeff and then we will leave."

I walked to the door and opened it.

“Jeff please mind link Alpha Colter and Mac and tell them to come here immediately." I closed the door and went back to Aubree.

“We are going to wait for Alpha Colter and Mac. When they get here I will explain why we need them but not what has happened and they will come with us to the hospital”

She just kept crying. I tried to comfort her but I don't think it mattered what I did right now. There was a knock at the door and I got up and opened it and saw Colter and Mac looking concerned.

“We have a big problem and Aubree needs medical care but my brother is a threat. I need you guys with me while I take her there and then I need to go find him."

“Princess whatever you need,” Colter said kissing my cheek.

“I want Jeff to stand guard over her wherever she is."

He just shook his head at me that he would. I walked back into the room and grabbed Aubree’s hand and led her out of my I00m and we headed to the hospital. Once there I asked the receptionist for a private room and a female doctor.

They led her in there and once she was in there I told her that Jeff would stand guard wherever she went and that I would be back shortly.

I walked out of the room and I could feel my Alpha aurora coming off me.

“Alexa, deep breath. You need to control yourself” Colter said. I knew he was right but I didn't care right now.

Itook off looking for my brother. He was going to pay for what he did and so was my father.

I headed to the dining hall but he wasn't there, however, the Omega he was with was there. I stormed over there and grabbe her by her arm.

“Link Ryan and tell him to come down here now; I told her using my Alpha command so we didn’t waste time. I could see th look in her eyes and she was pissed.

It didn't take long for him to be here and he had nothing but anger on his face.

“Where is my mate?” He yelled.

“She is none of your concern anymore. Until we clear things up you will be in the dungeon.”

This apparently was the wrong thing to say because he lunged towards me but all my training instincts kicked in and I was able to get the upper hand and pinned him down to the ground.

“Please take him to the dungeon,” I told Mac and Liam. I don't know when Liam got here but am glad he is.

Ito0k a deep breath and turned to face Colter. He had the biggest smile on his face.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?”

“Because my mate is a badass," he said and stepped closer to me leaning down to my ear and whispered “and it's hot as hel She has me turned on right now,” his warm breath hitting me and his low seductive tone sent a tingle all the way to my core, I stepped back and looked at him. I could feel Jade pushing forward and wanting to claim him right now. I had to give myself some distance.

“I need to go check on Aubree. Please tell Liam to send out a pack-wide mind link for a meeting today at 5and it's mandatory for everyone.”

Iturned and walked away from him. I headed to the hospital and went straight to Aubree’s room and knocked and went in. I found her sound asleep. I walked over and sat down in the chair but as soon as I did the doctor walked in.

“Alpha Alexa, thank you for bringing her here. We are going to be taking her up to surgery. She was more injured than anyon realized.”

“What is wrong with her?”

“She has some internal bleeding and her wolf is weak so we want to go in and stop the bleeding.”

Aubree rolled over and smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes but I don't know that I had ever seen it reach it her eyes when I thought about it.

“Alpha Alexa, you have to find a way for me to break this bond because he will just keep coming back. He owns me." “Aubree don't worry about him, I will take care of it. Please just get better. I will be here when you wake up.”

The room flooded with people to wheel her up to the OR and I walked out. I was going to talk with my brother and get some answers. I can't believe he would hurt her to this extent. He was going to pay for this. I could feel my anger rolling off me an; people were stepping out of my way and avoiding me. I headed straight for the dungeon when Colter saw me. I ignored him and continued on my way.

“Alexa, wait. We need to talk”

Iturned and looked at him. Waiting for him to start talking. I wasn't in the mood.

“You need to calm down before you go down there.”

“No, he needs to feel my anger.”

“I don't want you to lose control.”

“They raped her and beat her. She is headed into surgery because of what he did. He deserves me to lose control on him."

I could see his eyes flash black in anger as well. He just nodded his head at me and followed me down there. I don't know that I had ever been down here and it smelled horrible. I stopped and looked at the guard who was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Get the keys and show me where Ryan is being held," I said.

He didn't say anything just grabbed the keys and started walking. He led us to the back. He was sitting in the back corner looking angry. I could hear my mom in the cell beside him but I just ignored her. She was calling out to me but I would deal with her later.

“Open his cell I demanded.

He did as he was told and I walked in.

“We are going to talk and you can either tell me the truth or we can go to the t****e room.”

“Fuck off Alexa. I don't owe you anything."

He was going to make this hard on himself I just turned toward the guard and Colter and motioned for them to take him to the torture room. I didn’t know where it was but I knew we had one. I stepped to the side to let them move past me and I followed them to another room.

We got there and it was not what I had envisioned. It was covered in blood and contained one chair with chains and a table full of different types of tools. The guard and Colter forced him to sit in the chair and chained him to it. The chains must have silver in them because he hissed each time one was strapped to him.

“Now dear brother you are going to tell me everything.”

“Fuck you."

He sure has had a change of attitude really fast. He was willing to help at first but not anymore. Not sure what changed. I walked over to the table and put on a glove and grabbed a knife. I had never done this before but it couldn't be that hard. Just don't kill him until he talks. I thought to myself.

“Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either you talk or I will use this knife on you. It's really your choice." I spa at him. He didn't say anything but just glared at me. I wasn't afraid of him.

I00k the knife and stabbed into his upper arm and left it there.

“Now I can take this all the way down your arm or you can tell me everything you know.”

I still didn't get a word out of him so I started to drag it down his arm and he started crying like the little bitch that he is. If he wants to abuse his mate then he will know how it feels. I got all the way down his arm and pulled the knife out and stabbed it into his other arm.

“I can do this all day if you want. Tell me why did you let all those things happen to your mate?”

“Because she had to be put in her place. She was just for show and she never learned to keep her mouth shut.”

Iwas pissed now that he admitted to beating her. I wanted to know what else he had done but I was to mad so I let my fist f to his face. After a few good blows, I was feeling a little better.

“What else? Why did you let dad rape her and in front of you?”

“She had to know who was boss but after that, I didn’t want to touch her, so I took my pleasure with Omegas.”

I couldn't stop what happened next. I could feel my Alpha aurora being let out. I could see Ryan trying to submit to me but couldn't because he was tied down and bleeding. I could hear Colter yelling in the background but it was like some force took over me and I couldn't stop it if I wanted to.

I walked over to him with a smirk on my face. I leaned down real close and yanked the knife out of him.

“You deserve nothing but death and I will gladly give that to you, but first what was dad doing? Where did he go and where i all of the money gone?”

“I don't know. He ran everything and told me nothing”

“Don’t lie to me,” I growled at him.

“He invested it into something, but I don't know what it was. He was constantly leaving for several days at a time. That's it, that's all I know.”

Iwas done with him. He didn’t know any valuable information and he deserved nothing but death for what he did to his mate and for what he let dad do to his mate.

I put the knife to his throat and slowly ran it across his throat until I could hear him gurgling on his own blood. Death was coming for him, slowly and painfully. He was trying to say something to me but everything sounded like it was underwater. I felt Colter come up behind me and grabbed my hand that held the knife and I dropped it. My vision was becoming blurry

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