Alpha Alexa
Chapter 46

Colter's POV

I had about two hours to talk with Alexa before her pack showed up. I needed to get her alone.

I reached down and grabbed her hand. “Come on Princess, I want to talk to you."

“OK, Aubree, if you need me just mind link me,” Alexa said as we walked away.

Iled Alexa up to my room and opened the door for her and pulled her to the couch. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap. I started running my hand up and down her back as she snuggled into me.

“Princess, I need to know what happened yesterday. With your mother, your brother, and you now have two wolves.”

She took a deep breath before she began.

“My brother was a horrible person. Robert trained him well, but you knew that. You were in there. He put on an act to care but I think he was involved in whatever Robert was."

“I agree. When I first met him, he was protective of you but gave you over easily. I think he was in deep with Robert. What about your mother?”

“She never wanted me. Iam a product of her affair. Apparently, she and my father both cheated on each other all the time. She didn't realize she was pregnant until it was too late to get rid of me.” She started crying when she said this.

“Princess, I am so sorry. I am glad that it was too late because now you are mine. I am your family. We will run this pack with greatness’

“She knew what my dad and brother did to Aubree and that's when I lost it. As a Luna or former Luna, she should have protected her and she didn't, so I did. I killed her and I don't regret it. The world is better without her in it"

“I agree, princess,” I said as I kissed her head.

We just sat there for a little while holding each other and breathing in each other's scents. It was calming but I had another question I couldn't put off.

“Please tell me about your second wolf?"

“She is well, I don’t know how to say this other than bloodthirsty. She took over and I didn't have a choice but to kill my mother. When she refused to tell us who my biological father was, my other wolf just snapped. She is extremely powerful bu Ilove her just like I do Jade.”

“Is that who you shifted into when we were under attack?”

“Yes. I know she has the opposite colors as Jade and is a little bigger”

“She was amazing. You are amazing and Jade is amazing. Grey and I are so in love”

“We love you as well”

Grey was purring in my head and so content and calm right now. It was a nice break. He is usually driving me nuts.

“Colter, I need to find Robert and kill him. I need to stop whatever he has built or is building. He is doing horrible things to other people and I won't let him continue to do it.”

“Princess, this isn't your fight. You saved your pack and now they are here with us. Let the council handle this."

“No, I already told them I would find him. You were there with me when I did. Do you not remember?”

I sighed because I did remember, but I was hoping that I could talk her out of it. It was going to be dangerous and I made a promise to the moon goddess that I would leave him alone.

“Princess, you really don't have to do this. We can hand over everything we have to the council and let them handle it."

She got off my lap and stood up. She cocked her hip out and placed her hand on her hip. It really was cute.

“I am doing this either with or without you. So make up your mind and do it fast because I am not going to be waiting aroun for you."

I'stood up and walked to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me.

“Do you know how sexy you are when you go all Alpha on me?”

“That's not what I am doing here, Colter. I am being serious."

“Soam I”

She pushed me back and stormed for the door.

“Princess wait. You know I will help you. I just made a promise to the moon goddess that if I got to come back to you I would let my need to kill Robert go.”

“You can still keep your promise. You are not after him anymore for what he did to your parents but for what he is doing to innocent people. Plus, I will be the one to kill him, not you."

I made my way back to her and crashed my lips into hers. I swiped my tongue against her lips and she eagerly opened up he mouth and let me explore it with my tongue. Goddess, she tasted so good. I pulled back and placed a kiss on her head as sh rested her head on my chest.

“We need to go downstairs. Your pack will be arriving soon and I would like to make sure that they are welcomed properly, I said.

We headed downstairs and people were running around getting things ready.

“Noah, is everything about ready?" I mind-linked him.

“Yes, sir. We have the tents up and we are getting beds put together."

“Thanks, man. You've done a great job on the little notice you had."

“Alexa, how do you want to house everyone? How do you want to split them up?”

“Well, I think mates without kids should get a room in here since they are small and it would be hard to get kids in there anc families can go in the tents since they can move the beds around, and then singles can go into another tent.”

I gave her a giant smile because that is what I was thinking as well.

“Great idea. Let's go that route. You will be the one to tell them.”

“How many can you accommodate inside the pack house?”

“200 empty rooms is what we have.’

“I think that will be plenty. My pack is not as big as yours."

“Princess, it's our pack now.”

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around me.

“The buses are here, let's go wait for them on the porch,” I told her as I grabbed her hand and we walked outside and stood at the top of the stairs waiting for the buses to make it down the driveway. I could feel her anxiety. I knew she was nervous about merging the packs but this was even more than that.

“Princess, it will be OK. We will figure out what each person wants to do.”

“It's not that, what if they hate me?"

“Why would they hate you? You are perfect, plus you rescued their pack. It wasn't going to last much longer” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

We didn't get a chance to keep talking as the buses pulled up. I heard our door open and my pack started to come out to greet them.

Alexa stepped forward to greet everyone and I stepped up with her for support.

“Welcome everyone, I really appreciate you all coming on such short notice. I promise when it is safe we will go back and get the rest of your things. We would like you to split up into three different groups. One group for any single unmated wolves, those with families, and then those that are mated with no children.”

Everyone started to shuffle around and get into the groups that she asked them to. It didn't take too long to get them separated.

“Thank you, everyone, we have arranged different living quarters according to groups until more permanent housing is available. Those of you with families will be going with Noah and he will help you get situated in our tents over there so that you can all be together. Those that are single will be going with Kim and Jesse and they will help you get settled in another tent and those that are mated with no children will come with us,” Alexa said.

Everyone kept quiet and went with who they were supposed to. We walked each couple to a new room and gave them a card and wrote down their names so they could be entered into our system. The others were doing the same as well, so we knew where everyone was. Once things settled down, I would get to work on getting some houses built for them until they all had a place of their own. We had to figure out who wanted to stay and who wanted to leave first.

“Princess, I have had the kitchen organize a BBQ for tonight so that our packs could meet each other and mingle.

“That's a great idea. What can I do to help?”

“Nothing it's all taken care of. We will have Liam mind link your pack so that they know."

“I can do that. I can actually mind link anyone I want.”


“I'am not sure it has to do with having two wolves.”

“OK, well tell them to be out back at six tonight for dinner”

I could see her eyes glaze over as she let everyone know and when she was done she got a huge smile on her face.

“All done.”

“Great, now I think we have a room to break in," I told her as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, and headed ug the stairs. She was back there laughing. It was like music to my ears. I wanted to hear it every day. We got to our floor and se her down and smashed my lips to hers and she was quick to let me in. She jumped up and I caught her and she wrapped he; legs around me and her arms around my neck. She pulled back from our kiss and started to kiss my neck. When she made it to my mark, it sent a wave of pleasure straight to my c**k and it got harder than it was already. She could feel it as she started to grind her p***y on me. I let out a low growl and went to the door and opened it and walked to my bed and threw her on it.

She quickly got off the bed and started to make quick work of my clothes and before I knew it, I was completely naked in front of her. She started to take her clothes off her but I was too impatient and released my claws and shredded her shirt and ripped her pants off her. I ran a claw over the front of her bra and her beautiful tits came free. I leaned my head down and took one in my mouth and started to suck on it and rolled it between my teeth. She was standing there moaning and trying to take her panties off. I reached down and ripped the side so they fell to the ground. She spun me so I had my back t the bed and pushed me down on it.

She crawled up on the bed with me but instead of sitting on my cock she turned and bared her pussy to my face and she started to run her tongue over my cock. I didn’t need any more of an invitation and buried my face into her p*y. Goddess I have never been with someone so confident in bed, it was sexy as hell. I drove my tongue into her hole and slowly slid it up til it reached her c**t. She let out a loud moan before plunging all the way down my c**k and coming back up slowly. We continued this for a little bit and I knew that if she didn't stop I was going to c*m and I wanted to do that buried deep inside of her.

“Princess, stop that and turn around and come ride my face” I told her between licks to her pussy.

I didn’t have to say another word because she was quick to change positions and now her pussy was right above my face an; I could see her arousal. It would be dripping out of her soon but I would be licking it all up. I thrust a finger into her and started to lick her c**t. She was moaning and braced herself against the wall in front of her. I applied more pressure to her c**tand added a second finger into her.

“0h god baby, your tongue is amazing. I'm going to cum.” She moaned out as her hips started to have a mind of their own and started to move back and forth. I applied just a little more pressure with my tongue and she finally came all over my fac and it was amazing. She stayed in that position as she caught her breath. She got off me and laid down, but I wasn't done with her yet. I grabbed her hips and quickly flipped her over so her ass was up and I came behind her and pulled her hips uj 50 her a*s was in the air. I ran my c**k up and down her slit a few times, coating myself in her juices.

Ilined up with her hole and slowly started to fuck her. I would only go in halfway and pull out. I continued to do this until she started begging for it.

“Please, Colter, I need you all the way in me. Hard and fast."

I gave her what she asked for and slammed into her all the way and continued to do so until I felt her start to contract around me. I felt her hand come up and rub her clit to get her the rest of the way there and when she did it was a vice grip around my cock. I couldn't stop my orgasm even if I wanted to. I let my orgasm take over and let out a loud moan as I did. I filled her up completely. I pulled out of her and we both laid down catching our breath.

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