Alpha Alexa
Chapter 51

Julian's POV

We were sitting there trying to locate people that were missing and pinning them on a map when we did. We also had the dates of when they were taken and the dates they were sold. Everyone was working hard when someone started knocking or the door.

“Come in," I yelled out and Nicki walked in pushing a tray of food.

The smell hit my nose and that is when I realized how hungry I was. My stomach rumbled really loud and several people turned to look at me. Nicki had people coming in behind her pushing trays of food as well. I got up and went over to her. “How did you know we needed dinner?” I asked her while pulling her into my arms and giving her a kiss.

“I heard someone talking in the kitchen while I was walking by and decided I would help them.”

“You're amazing! Why don't you stay with us and eat” I grabbed her hand, and we went over and stood in line to fix our plates.

The table was full of maps so everyone made do on the floor eating. It was pretty quiet while everyone scarfed down their food.

“Baby, this is some of the best food ever. Both times you have cooked for me have been amazing. You can cook for me anytime” I told her giving her one of the biggest smiles I could muster up.

After everyone was done eating, we piled the dishes up on the trays and I called for an Omega to come and get them. “Nicki, do you have anything else going on?” Alexa asked.

“No, I was going to go back up to Julian's room.”

“Why don't you stay? You have as many reasons as me to want Robert dead and caught and you know more about him and his nasty ways than anyone else”

“I would love to help in any way I can,” Nicki answered.

“Come on, I will catch you up to speed”

I walked Nicki over to the table and started to explain everything when the alarm bells started going on off. That's when the mind links started to come in.

“Were under attack. Northeast border. Fifty wolves. Let's go." I told everyone and then turned to Nicki.

“Nicki, stay here. I will send someone up with you."

“I can stay said one of the guys from the academy.”

Ijust nodded at him, and we all took off running towards the front door. As soon as we were all outside, we all shifted. Wher Alexa shifted, I didn't recognize her. Her wolf looked different but the same. Her coloring had the same colors but the opposite of what they were the last time I saw her. I would have to ask her later about it.

It didn't take us long to get to where the fight was, and everyone sprang into action.

“Try to keep one alive and see if we can get information out of them” I linked out to my pack.

Everyone was taking someone down but this time I didn't see any more coming out of the woods like last time. I sent a mind link out to the trackers that were here to get out there and see if they could find anything.

It didn't take long to get this group of rouges fought off and retreating back for the ones that were alive, we had a few in custody. We all started to shift back but the rouges wouldn't. I tried to Alpha command them, but it didn’t work on them because they weren't part of my pack.

“SHIFT NOW!" Alexa roared and anyone that was in wolf form shifted back and everyone bared their necks to her. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I walked over to her, and I could see that her eyes were a dark blue which was a new color that I had never seen before. “Alexa?” I said her name trying to get her attention.

“No, I am her other wolf, Storm. Now get these rouges to your dungeon so we can question them later.” She commanded and my warriors got to work.

We all started to attend to the wounded, but everything was pretty minor this go around. We got them back to the pack house and Nicki was waiting with a pile of clothes and first aid kits. I walked over to her and started helping her to hand out clothes. She grabbed the first aid kit and went to the wounded and started to clean their wounds, but their wolves would heal them pretty quickly.

“Thank you, baby, you have been amazing today." I kissed her.

“It's my pleasure, I enjoy doing all of this. What else can I help you with?” She asked me.

“Nothing, its late everyone should get some sleep.” She shook her head at me and grabbed my hand.

“Everyone let's get sleep and we can pick up where we left off in the morning. For all of our guests, I have an Omega for eact of you to show you to your rooms” I yelled out to everyone.

They all shook their heads and started to head inside, and Nicki and I headed up to my room. Once we got up to my room, I told Nicki I was going to head into the shower and clean up before bed.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the hot water on and took off the shorts that I had slipped on when we got back to the pack house. I stepped under the hot water and let it wash away all the dirt and blood and just the whole day in general. “You need to ask Nicki to be our Luna, do you see how perfect she is for us?” Zion linked me.

“I would love to. I just don't know if she would accept. It hasn't been very long, but I know I love her and your right she woul make the perfect Luna." I linked him back.

“So, what are you waiting for we choose her as our chosen mate and Luna.” Zion linked back.

“I don’t want to scare her away. We have to give her time. She has been hurt.” I told him.

He started to say something, but I felt a pair of hand wrap around my waist, and someone started to kiss my neck.

“What are you doing in here baby?” I turned and asked her.

Goddess, she was beautiful and perfect. Having her naked body pressed up against mine felt right.

“I thought you might want some company.” She said as she started to kiss my chest.

“Baby you do that, and we are going to have to talk about what comes up?”

“Was that a cheesy way of telling me that your d**k is getting hard?” She asked.

“Yes, it is. I can't help it. Your naked and pressed against me and you start kissing me and I would love nothing more than to bury myself in you, but we will wait until you are ready” I told her.

“What if I said I was ready. Something feels right and I am supposed to be by your side. Also, my wolf is getting a little strong I can feel her a little more and when I am around you, I can feel her happiness.”

I didn't want to talk anymore. I needed my lips on hers, so I started to lightly press them to hers and she opened up allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth and started to trail my hands up and down her sides. She was letting out little moans and I could faintly smell her arousal.

“Angel, I want this, I really do but not in the shower. You deserve to be worshiped properly.”

She stood on her tiptoes and lightly kissed my lips and then turned and walked out of the shower. I didn't waste any time and followed her out. She was quick to dry off and I did a fast once over with my towel and followed her out but didn't let her get very far before I grabbed her arm and spun her so she was facing me. I kissed her with so much passion and pushed her backward as I did until she hit my bed. I broke our kiss and pushed her down on the bed but pulled her down until her a*s was hanging off the edge of the bed.

I gave her a wicked smile and dropped to my knees and spread her legs apart. I dove in like a man starved and couldn't get enough of her. I could feel her getting close and stopping what I was doing. She quickly shot up and gave me a not-so-nice took.

“Why did you stop?” She asked.

“Angel, I have a question before we go further”

“OK, what's up but just 50 you know you're kinda being a mood killer right now”

I started laughing. This was one of the many reasons I wanted to ask her.

“Will you be our chosen mate and our Luna? I know it hasn't been long but I love you and I want you by my side forever” She had a blank look on her face. Crap did I do this too soon. I could see tears forming in her eyes but she still wasn't saying anything.

“Angel, you don’t have to answer me. I am sorry this was too soon. Please let's forget it” told her trying to get out of this. She dropped her head down and I could see her starting to sob. I reached my hand under her chin and brought her face bac up and kissed each tear that fell.

“I am sorry, you have misunderstood my tears. These are happy tears. I never thought I would find someone to love me after everything that happened. I love you too and I chose you."

I couldn't take it anymore and I slammed my lips to hers and pushed her back on the bed and we worked our way up the be until we were at the top. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me as close as I could be unless I entered her bu that was next.

I broke our kiss and pulled my body back a little bit and lined myself up with her.

“Angel, are you sure about this?” I asked her.

“I have never been so sure about anything in my life”

I slowly started to push into her. She felt amazing. I continued to inch into her until I was all the way in and I slowly started to move back and forth. Her tits would bounce up and down with my thrust. I need to taste them as well. I leaned my head down and started to suck on one of her nipples and she instantly arched them up into my mouth further and moaned out. “Angel, do you like your nipples played with?" I asked her as I started to roll it between my teeth.

“yyesss” she moaned out loudly.

I started to thrust into her hard but kept teasing her nipples as we went. Her moaning was getting more and more and she was meeting my thrust each time.

“I am going to mark you, Angel”

“Yes, I am going to cum, do it now.” She screamed.

I leaned down and kissed her marking spot and called Xion forward and he elongated our canines out and just as she starte to orgasm I sank my teeth into her. Her pussy started to squeeze around me and I couldn't hold back as my orgasm took ove with my teeth still in her. As soon as I could I licked her wound so it would heal up quickly.

“Angel, are you ok?” I asked her. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving.

I didn’t get a response from her at all, no matter how hard I tried.

“Zion, can you feel anything with her wolf?" I asked my wolf.

“No, I get nothing at all”

shit, this was bad, so bad. What if I killed her? I mean she is still breathing but what if she doesn't wake up? I needed a doctor up here now. I sent a mind link to one of my pack doctors to come to my room right now.

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