Alpha Alexa
Chapter 59

Colter's POV

We were all gathered in my office, and I dialed Julian's number waiting for him to answer. I sill have Alexa sitting on my lap. She would sit here for the rest of her life if I had any say about it.

“Hello,” Julian said as he answered his phone. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hey, Julian. Who do you have with you?" I asked him.

“I have Luca and Nicki with me, no one else”

“OK, perfect, we have Alexa, Mac, Liam, Sloane, and myself, and Alexa is going to be explaining what we have found out; I told him.

“So we found another human by the pack lands well she isn't human anymore.”

“What do you mean she isn't human anymore?” Nicki asked.

“She shifted. They have injected her with wolf venom, and she escaped somehow before she shifted but started to shift not long after we found her”

“Is she ok?” Nicki asked,

“she will be. She lived and is adjusting but she provided us with some valuable information. Robert is kidnapping people and turning them. He is also very violent and doesn't care what happens. He is also kidnapping other wolves but we're not sure why yet”

“Well, the humans you left here have some complications. The female human is mated to one of my warriors but one of the male humans is her boyfriend. It's gotten messy and I don't know what I am going to do with them Julian said.

“What a shit show Robert has created. Does anyone know where his money was going?” I asked.

“No, but I am guessing to help fund this, well whatever it is he is doing” Alexa answered.

“Alexa, what are you wanting to do?” Julian asked.

“I want to get everyone out of that warehouse. Robert is doing horrible things to them, and we have to rescue them before i gets worse. Julian, can you send a team out to scout it and find anything out on them?” Alexa asked.

“Yes, I will put some together and send them out today.”

“Thanks, ok next we need to find Robert. I know the girl that shifted said he wasn't always there. I don't know who else he is working with, but it wouldn't surprise me if he is working with other supernatural beings” Alexa said.

“Let me gather what I can about the warehouse and who is coming and going and then I will call you tomorrow with an update and we can form a plan,” Julian said,

I hung up the phone and we all sat around looking at each other. I didn't really know what to do or say right now. I know we had a lot to do but there was just so much that it was a little overwhelming.

“OK everyone let's get back to our regular routines and we will meet again tomorrow to see what Julian has found out,” I announced.

Alexa turned to me and smiled. That smile would bring me to my knees every time.

“Princess, what do you have going on today?” I asked her as everyone left the room.

“Well, I really need to get a workout in and then I want to go and see our newest wolf. I want to make sure they are adjusting ok?

“Want some company for your workout?” I asked her.

“If you're my company then I always want company.”

She jumped off my lap and headed to the door. She was already dressed for the gym but I wasn't so I would have to meet he there.

“Princess, I will meet you there. I have to change my clothes.”

We walked out of my office and she headed to the gym and I went to our room.

“Hey man, are you ever going to ask her to marry you?” Grey linked me.

“Yes I will but I don't know that right now is the time. We need to take care of Robert first” I replied back.

“OK, how about making her our Luna officially?” He asked me.

“I do need to do that soon.”

I cut my link with him since I was in our room and looking for workout clothes. I found a pair of gym shorts and shoes and skipped putting a shirt on and headed back down to the gym. I got down there and when I opened the door I was surprised by what I saw. Alexa and Emma were both in the gym and they were standing so close that it looked like Emma was about to kiss Alexa. I could see Emma's eyes were black and I could smell both of their arousal.

“Am I interrupting something?” I asked as I walked back over.

“Sorry Alpha Colter. I was just leaving Emma said” She quickly left the gym and I was just standing there staring at Alexa. “What was that about?” I asked her.

“We were just talking about Robert and the warehouse.”

I stepped up to Alexa and I could hear how fast her heart was beating and knew that she was lying about that conversation. could also smell her arousal. I leaned down and kissed her neck

“Princess don't lie to me. I'm basically a human lie detector” I whispered to her and then continued kissing her neck.

She was letting out small moans and her arousal was getting stronger.

“So, princess what was that conversation about?” I asked her again.

“Did you know that Emma was Bi-sexual?” she finally said.

“No, I didn’t. Are you?” I asked her as I continued to kiss her.

“No but would you be mad if I said I was always a little curious”

I pulled back from her and just stared into her eyes. I knew she was telling the truth and I also knew that she would never d anything to betray our bond.

“No baby I wouldn't. also know that you would never betray our bond. If your curious maybe, we can explore that option together.” I told her.

“Come on, we have a workout to get in” She said and walked off.

I wasn't going to get much of a workout done with my hard cock and visions of Alexa and Emma in my bed. I followed Alexa over to the treadmill and got on one and we started our run. After our run, we started sparring, which turned more into touching each other.

“Come on Princess, I have work to do and you wanted to talk to our newest wolf" I told her.

“I know but this has been the worst and best workout ever” She said with a smile on her face.

She was right, we didn't get much of a workout in, but we did have a great time doing it. I grabbed her hand, and we went up to our room.

“Go shower and when you're done I will go with you," I told her.

I went to our little mini fridge, grabbed some water and a snack, and waited for Alexa to return. It didn't take her long and she was coming out of the shower wrapped in just a towel. Grey was trying to push forward to go have his way with her, but we really had a lot to do today and unfortunately, she wasn't one of them right now. She came out of the closet fully clothed and walked over to me.

“Colt please just know what you saw with Emma was just a conversation and nothing more and it will never be anything more. I love you and you are the only person for me.”

“I know that princess and I love you too."

“Can you answer me this? If that was a guy you would have killed him for even being that close to me but when a female does it, you are totally ok with itz” she asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

“Well, what can I say I am a typical male and there is something hot about you and Emma together, and don't worry baby I would be with you the entire time?"

“Your kind of a pig, you know that"

“I know but I am your pig," I said laughing.

She turned and left the room and I headed to the shower. After I quickly showered and dressed, I went to my office to start some paperwork. I don't know how long I had been working but suddenly my office door was thrown open. I looked up with. murderous look on my face because nobody came in without knocking but then I saw Alexa and she is the only one who can do that.

“Princess, what's wrong?” I asked.

“Our new wolf, her name is Leah. She stole things when she left and has them in her room. She had a ledger book and ID cards and keys. She has no clue what the keys are too because everyone uses their ID badge to get in and out and opens all the doors” She said.

“What? That is great. We can use that. I think we need her to work with someone to get the layout of the building as soon as possible” I told her.

“I agree. Do you have someone that can do that?”

“Yes, I will have them meet us in the conference room," I told her.

“OK, I am going to go get her and we will meet you there” She said and left my office.

I'sent a mind link to Bart. He was a warrior but an amazing artist. He said he would be right there with his notepad and pencils. I walked down to the conference room and found Alexa and Leah in there going through her backpack and laying things out on the table. I walked over and looked at what they had and that's when I saw one of the ID badges, it belonged t someone in my pack.

“Do you know this man?” I asked throwing the ID badge at them

“He helps them, but I don't know him. I know he wasn't nice but none of them are.” Leah explained.

“Do you know him?" Alexa asked me

“Yes, he is a pack member. I didn't know he had even left. I have to go I will be back. Bart will be here soon to help you get the warehouse layout.” I told them and then stormed out of the conference room.

I didn't know where he was or if he was even here still but I knew where his parents lived and they were going to talk to me. got outside and stripped down and shifted into Grey and grabbed my clothes with my mouth and took off to his parent's house. I got there shifted back and threw my clothes on.

I walked to the front door and pounced on it. I could hear someone moving around inside and finally, the front door swung open.

“Alpha, what do we owe the surprise visit to?"

“Ben, we need to talk about your son.”

“Please come in Alpha” He said and stepped aside and motioned for me to come in. I walked in and followed him to the living room and we sat on the couch.

“Alpha, I don't know where my son is. He was coming and going and now he has just been gone. He made a new friend and completely changed"

“Who is the new friend?” I asked him.

“I don't know who they are. They met in the city a few weeks ago." He said.

“Your son is involved in some shady business and I can't guarantee that his life will be spared. If he shows up here or you have any contact with him you or anyone in your family need to notify me immediately.”

“Yes sir"

“Do you know of anyone else that got pulled into that?”

“Not that I am aware of"

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