Alpha Alexa
Chapter 74

Colter's POV We were walking outside and I could feel how nervous Alexa was to be doing this. I kept trying to reassure her but she wouldn't listen to me. I know she has had a lot dropped on her today. “Princess, you got this. I will be by your side the entire time." I told her for the fourth time. “I know and thank you. I just don’t know if I can get used to this part of my life” “You will baby. It will be second nature to you in no time?" I told her. “OK, Alexa you are going to need to bring your fangs out. It can be a little painful the first time but I am guessing that since you have your canines it shouldn't be bad?” Roscoe explained. “How do I do that?” She asked. “Well much like your wolf counterpart and you call them forward or think about being in your human for when you change back. For this, you will think about your teeth coming out and sinking into something” Alexa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I could tell she was concentrating. Her mouth opened up and you could see she now had fangs where her canines were normally. When she opened her eyes they had a red glow about them. “Now Alexa, while you have werewolf speed, you will also have vampire speed so please just be cautious of that so you don run into something accidentally” She just nodded her head and took off running. She was literally a blur. I don't know that I have ever seen someone move so fast. “Wow, even for us that is extremely fast,” William said and then they both took off. I followed behind them but I wasn't able to keep up so I went back to where we started and waited for them to come back. I knew deep down they would protect her but I had a feeling she didn't need it. I found a tree to sit down by and lean against and wait. They were gone for about an hour when I heard someone coming. About the time I heard them, Alexa was standing in front of me with a big smile on her face. “Hey,” she said. “Hey yourself” “Why didn't you come with us?" “You were really fast and I couldn't keep up” I felt a little ashamed of myself for even admitting that but it was the truth. “I am sorry. I just took off and it felt great to move at that speed. Even Roscoe and William couldn't keep up.” “Where are they?” “They weren't done and told me they would come back to the pack house later” “OK. She sat down and straddled my lap and started kissing my neck. She moved up my neck, up to my jaw eventually making he way to my mouth. She had me getting hard but I wasn't really in the mood. I was sulking. I pulled away from her. “Let's go back to the house," I said pushing her up and off me. “What's wrong?" She asked me with worry across her face. “Nothing, but I have some work I need to do in my office,” I told her. “I can help you? “No why don't you go see Sloane? I know she has been worried about you” “I want to be with you right now.” I didn't say anything else but took off to the house. She matched me step for step. She grabbed my hand but I really need some space so I dropped it and headed to my office as soon as we were in the house. “Do you not want me around or something?” She asked. “No; I told her and as soon as I did you could see the tears well up in her eyes, and the look of hurt that she had on her face broke my heart. I knew it was me causing it but I needed to think. I walked away leaving her standing there. I made it to my office and went straight to my liquor cabinet and poured a shot of whiskey and downed it and then another and then just poured a large glass of it. “Grey she is stronger than us and doesn’t need us now. She is probably the most powerful supernatural there is. She could rule both werewolves and vampires. What are we going to do? She makes us look weak” I linked my wolf. “She is our mate and she would never make us look weak. You're being an egotistical jerk. Get over yourself” He linked back I cut my link because he was just pissing me off. “Mac, what are you doing?” I mind-linked him. “spending some time with Aubree. What's up?” “Nothing. Enjoy your night." “Liam, what are you doing?” I linked him. “sitting here listening to the girls rant about us. I don't know what you did but Alexa is not happy.” He linked back. “Why don't you come to my office and have a drink” “Be there in a minute.” I downed the last of what was in my glass and poured another and went and sat down on the couch I had in here. It didn't take long for Liam to show up. He started knocking on my door. “Come in; I yelled. He walked in and I handed him the bottle of whiskey. He took it and walked to the cabinet and grabbed a glass and poured and drink and then sat down. “What's going on why is Alexa so upset?” “I brushed her off tonight and wouldn't spend time with her” “You choice whiskey over her?” “I chose my ego over her. I know I am being an a*****e but I just need some time to process everything” “You are going to have to give me more than that." “Ok, 50 you know that she is part vampire now right? Well, the Vampire King came not just because of Robert but also to hel her learn to control that side of herself. He said that she is the most powerful supernatural. He knows the pack her father comes from and they are something called a dual wolf and there aren't very many of them left” “I've never heard of that type of wolf" “Me neither. He explained it was because people tried to eradicate them and they have been in hiding ever since.” “So now she has two wolves and also an extremely powerful vampire. I don't see the problem here? “She is stronger than me. She doesn’t need me anymore. She could easily lead the supernatural” “Again, I don't see the problem Your mate is a badass." He downed his glass and got up and headed to the door. “Where are you going?” I asked him. “Look your a great Alpha and so when I say this I don't mean any disrespect but you are being an a*****e. You have an amazing mate who is strong and very capable.” He said and walked out the door. I walked over and picked up the bottle of whiskey and kept drinking it. I was going to have to drink something stronger to ge id of this feeling I was feeling. I finished the whiskey and picked up a bottle of wolf's liquor. This would do. This would get me drunk and then I could forget everything for a while. I just started drinking it straight from the bottle and that is the last thing I remember doing. “Colt, get your drunk ass up now." Someone was yelling at me. I moaned and opened my eyes. It was so fucking bright in here I couldn't see and my head was pounding. I felt like death. I let my eyes focus and then I saw that it was Mac that was yelling at me. “What do you want?” I growled at him. “How about you get your ass up and get your shit together and go be with your mate because she is getting ready to go dow and confront Robert” He said. “She doesn't need to," I said rolling over. “Yes, she does. She wants you there. She needs you there” He said. “No, she is stronger than me now and doesn't need me anymore. She will rule the supernatural world." I mumbled “You're being a dick. Get over yourself and go be there for your mate. She is going to interrogate the man who raised her. Who she thought was her father her whole life. Who had your baby killed. Who had your mate turned into a vampire. She needs you” “Get the fuck out of my office," I growled at him. He stomped out and slammed the door when he left. I continued to lay on the couch feeling like shit. “He iis right you know. She needs you. She always will. Either you go see her or I will take over and go see her myself” Grey linked me. “I am not ready to face her yet” “I don't care. You promised to always be by her side and you aren't there. You are one of like 3 people that she has been abl to count on in her life. Don't fail her now." “Fine, I am going but I really don't want to" I said I groaned and got off the couch and headed to our room to get a shower. I walked up the stairs and all I could think about was how much I needed some water. I made it to our room and opened the door and was instantly hit with Alexa’s scent and itt had my heart hurting. I missed her and it was my own fault. I headed to our little fridge and took out a bottle of water and chugged it and then another. As I was throwing the bottles away she walked out of our room. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying. Now I knew I was an asshole. “Princess, I am.” I don't get to say anything else because she cut me off. “Don't. Right now I am so hurt by you. I wanted you last night. I needed you last night. I am scared and all I wanted was my mate to make me feel better but your f****g ego got in the way. You don't think I don't need or want you anymore, but you're wrong. But right now I need space because you hurt me” She said as she started crying again. “I am so sorry and you're right my ego got in the way." She didn't say anything but walked out of the room slamming the door. I went to the bathroom and got a quick shower and quickly got dressed and went down to find her. “Princess, where are you?” I mind-linked her on my way down the stairs. “Eating” Was the only thing she replied. I walked the rest of the way downstairs and found her in the dining room, sitting with Sloane, Liam, Mac, Aubree, and Roscoe and william. I grabbed some toast and water and went and sat down by her. “When would you guys like to go see Robert?” I asked them. “As soon as we're done eating,” Alexa said. “OK, I will have him moved and chained to a chair in the torture room," I told her. I reached behind her and ran my hand up and down her back. She went stiff at first but slowly relaxed into my touch. I could feel the sparks moving beneath, my hand. I reached down around her waist and pulled her to me so there was literally no space between us. I could feel her slowly start to forgive me. “Princess, can we talk before we go down to the dungeon?” I asked her. “If you want to talk it's right now." She said. I got up and pulled her up and took her hand and pulled her up to my office. I opened the door for her and once we were in shut it and walked over to her and just pulled her into a hug. “I am s0 sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I thought that you wouldn't need or want me. I thought that since you are now stronger than me that you had no use for me." I told her trying to be truthful. “Colt, you are my best friend, the love of my life. I will always need you. You are the person that I go to for everything. Well and Sloane, but I can't talk to her like I can you. I need you now and forever” She said crying again. ° 8 ORE CORE I c

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