Alpha Alexa
Chapter 75

Alexa's POV

When I pulled away from Colter's kiss I wrapped my arms around his waist and just held onto him. So much has happened sc fast, but the one thing that was for sure was I loved this man.

“Baby take me upstairs and to our room,” I whispered in his ear.

He didn't say anything but leaned down grabbed my ass and pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He took off and left the office and I started kissing his neck. He moved so fast up the stairs that we were in front of our door in no time. He opened the door and kicked it shut with his foot and took off to the bed. Once there he gently put me down on it and crawled over me.

“Princess, I love you so much.” He said between kisses.

“I love you too."

“I want you to bite me. Mark me again." He said with a serious look on his face.

I wasn't sure what to do but instinct took over. I flipped us over so I was straddling him. I went to the side of his neck that didn't have my mark on it and started sucking on it and nibbling it. Colter was letting out little moans and kept pushing his hips up and I could feel his hard c**k underneath me. I finally found where I wanted and sucked on it a little hard.

“Are you sure about this Colter?” I asked him but I could feel my fangs coming out, so he better hurry up and answer.

“Yes, Princess.”

As s00n as those words left his mouth I sank my fangs into him. He let out a loud scream as my mouth filled with his blood. was the sweetest thing I've ever had. I pulled back and licked the wound closed. I could feel Colter breathing hard beneath me and before I knew what happened he flipped me over and pinned me down to the bed.

“Princess I need you right now” He growled at me.

He ripped my clothes off and his in record time. He started kissing and caressing my body anywhere he could touch. He sat up and flipped me over and ran his hand along my p***y feeling how wet it was. It was ready for him. He just let out a needy growl and slammed into me.

“AMAAHHHH, Colt you feel amazing” I moaned out to him.

He just started to pump into me as hard as he could. All you could hear was the sound of our skin slapping together and our moans.

He suddenly stopped and flipped me back over and grabbed my ankles and spread my legs and slammed back into me. “Princess, let me see you rub your clit. Make yourself cum for me.” He grunted out.

I reached my hand down and found my clit and started to rub it in the motion that I liked. It wasn't going to take me long at this rate.

“That's it Princess make yourself cum. Do you like it?"

“YYYEEESSSS!” I screamed out as my orgasm hit me fast and like a freight train. It was like I was seeing fireworks. I could feel Colter cumming as well. His movements become frantic.

We both just sat in the same position trying to catch our breath. Finally, after a minute, he pulled out of me and laid by my side. I rolled over and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and we just stayed for a few minutes. “Colt, we need to clean up and go integrate Robert. I have been waiting to do this. I need answers” I told him.

“I know baby. Let's go shower and we can go down there?”

We both got up and headed for the shower. After washing each other and having a quickie in the shower we both got out feeling refreshed and clean. After getting dressed and I brushed out my hair we headed downstairs. We walked outside and headed to the dungeon. We ran into Roscoe and William on our way there.

“Well I see that you guys don't waste time; William said looking at Colt's neck.

“She was already my mate and I wanted to wear any mark that she can give me;” Colt said smiling.

“You guys ready to go talk with Robert?” I asked them

“Yes, I want to know what is going on with that idiot," Roscoe said.

We got to the dungeon and headed down the stairs. Colt nodded to the guards and grabbed some keys off the wall. He led u back to where they had Robert locked up. He opened the cell and we all stepped in. Robert had both hands chained up with silver. He definitely looked bad. Someone had worked him over a lot. He also looked like he hadn't been fed in a while.

Colt walked over followed by Roscoe and they unchained him and pulled him to our torture room. They placed him in a chai and chained his hands and feet to the chair. They both stepped back and just looked at him. Robert had yet to look up and acknowledge me. I walked over to him and grabbed his chin and made him look at me.

“You should be dead” He spat at me.

“Ya well, I'm not. Now tell me where are your other warehouses?"

“Are you now part vampire?” He asked me.

“How about this you answer a question for me and I will answer a question for you" I said.

“Now where are your warehouses?”

“I can't answer that but I can tell you what we do there.”

“Fine, what”

“We were creating hybrids. All types.”

“Why?” Asked Roscoe from the back.

“Because I will rule the world with them” He said laughing.

Roscoe came up to him and punched him in the face. He then leaned down and got right in his face.

“Listen here mutt, you will tell me what vampires you are working with" He told him in a deadly voice.

You could see the fear in Robert's eyes, but he tried to hide it quickly.

“Filthy bloodsucker, I will not tell you shit" He said trying to sound confident but you could hear the fear in his voice. Roscoe grabbed his hand and started to break each finger slowly. Once all of his fingers were broken he stepped back with a wicked smile on his face.

“Now mutt we can either move on to your next hand or you can tell me what vampires you are working with.”

He still didn't answer so he moved on to his next hand and then stepped back.

“You have a lot more bones and I have all day,” Roscoe said.

“Fine, it's John and Floyd” He got out with heavy breaths.

“I knew it. I knew they were doing something? Roscoe said as he turned around to face all of us.

“Lex, let me take over. I have wanted to sink my claws into this fucker” Storm said.

“You will get your chance but you can't kill him yet,” I told her.

“Who are those guys?” I asked Roscoe.

“They are like our, version of a beta." He said.

“Will you please give me a minute here with Robert?" I asked all three of them.

“Of course Princess” Colter said and then came and gave me a kiss on my forehead and they walked out the door and closec it.

“Do you think that you really can do something to me, Alexa?” Robert said.

I closed my eyes and called Storm forward.

“What the fuck?” He mumbled out.

“Do you know who my father is?" Storm asked.

“No your bitch of a mother never would tell me."

“Well let me you that he was a dual wolf and now not only do I have two wolves who both can't wait to kill you, I am also par vampire now, and if you thought that Roscoe breaking your fingers hurt just wait until I break every single one of your bones” Storm spat at him.

“You wouldn't, I raised you. I cared for you. I provided for you and gave you everything you wanted.” He said sounding a litle scared.

I walked over and grabbed his hand and broke it. I bent it in different directions until I could hear each bone break. He let out a scream and was breathing hard.

“Now, start at the beginning or I can break more bones or I can grab a whip over there."

“Ym not telling you shit”

I walked over to the table and grabbed a whip that had silver laced through it and started to hit him with it. It was like a frenzy that took over and I couldn't stop hitting him. Strike after strike. His screams were like music to my ears. I wanted him to hurt the way I hurt from everything he did to me. After a while, he stopped screaming but I couldn't stop hitting him. The doors were thrown open and Colter walked up to me.

“Princess, you can stop. He is unconscious.”

I didn't listen and kept hitting him, but Colt reached his hand out and took the whip out of my hand.

“Come on Princess, we will continue this tomorrow.” He said as he took me out of the room.

Roscoe and William were standing outside of the room waiting for us. I could feel Storm still in control. I was trying to pull her back but she wasn't ready yet.

“Storm you have to give me back control’ I told her.

“No” She said.

“How about we go for a run," I asked her.


“Colt, I need to run” That was all she said to him. He just shook his head and we headed to the tree line. Apparently, she couldn't wait because as soon as we were far enough away from the dungeon she shifted and took off running. Grey wasn't far behind us. I put up a block and gave those two some time alone. I was hoping this would calm her down and once she was done she would give me back control.

After a while, I felt her release control over to me but it didn't last long as Jade wanted control now. Once we had shifted ints our human form we shifted into her and she took off. They ran together for several hours when I got a mind link from Sloane “Lex, I don't know where you are but we really need you and Colter back in the house. Like now before we have a fight on ou hands.”

“On our way” I linked her back. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Itook control and shifted back into my human form and so did Colter. Neither one of us said anything and just took off towards the pack house. We got to Colter’s clothes and he tossed me his shirt that I threw on quickly and he shoved his legs into his pants. We ran to the backdoor of the house and we could hear a girl yelling and someone trying to calm her down. We made it to the commotion and I saw Emma yelling at Roscoe. He was trying to calm her down but it wasn't working. “What is going on?” I yelled out.

“He is my mate. I am mated to a goddam vampire” Emma yelled at him.

“You don't even know me. I happen to be a good guy” Roscoe said.

“You suck people's blood until they are dead” Emma spat back at him.

“Let's go to my office,” I said.

Emma and Roscoe took off and you could see the desperation in Roscoe's face and the disgust on Emma's face. We got to my office and I opened the door and they all went in. Colt went to my desk and pulled me into his lap.

“OK, someone want to tell me the problem here,” I asked.

“He is my mate. I am mated to a vampire. This can't be real. I can’t be mated to a vampire.” She said more to herself than anyone else.

“Yes, my love you are and I promise to love you each and every day,” Roscoe said.

“No, you don't understand apparently. I am a wolf and you are a vampire. We are enemies. We can't be mates.”

Roscoe got up and walked over to Emma and pressed his lips to hers. You could see she was resisting but it didn't take long before she gave in and kissed him back. Once they finally pulled away Emma had a huge smile on her face.

“See beautiful, you are my queen and you will be treated as such” Roscoe said to her.

“I need time," Emma said storming out of my office.

“Roscoe, she is a very strong wolf but she will come around, give her time," Colt said to him.

He got up and left my office as well

“Princess this has been an eventful day, lets's call it a night and go to bed," Colt said standing us up and dragging me to the door.

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