Chapter 12


It is now three weeks after the burial of Meg’s mom. Life was starting to get back to normal but not as normal as before but with Meg on it. We were getting an a routine with her. She always goes to the pack house in the morning for like an hour then she goes to her restaurant work.

Right now am standing on her restaurant parking lot waiting for her. Have been doing this for the past 2 weeks since she went back to work. Now have been standing here for the last 45 minutes just waiting for her. I was so pissed with her.

Just as I was about to go and confront her in there, the restaurant doors bust open and my queen came out of the room. She was growing beautiful day by day.

“Hey there baby I have missed you so much.” She said as she came and kissed me.

“Don’t hey baby me. Have been standing here for almost an hour like a dummy waiting for you. By the way why are you late.” I asked her.

“The restaurant was so busy so I had to stay back and help but am here now. Am so sorry for keeping you waiting for long.”

“I will only forgive you if you accept that I take you out now so that we can take our dinner. I know you are tired and I don’t want to stress you by again asking you to prepare our dinner.”

“With pleasure. Can we eat Italian tonight please.” She asked with her puppy eyes and there was no way I was going to refuse her request.

I just nodded and open the passenger seat of my sports car for her. I closed the door and went to the drivers seat and drove off. We got to the restaurant and took an empty seat that was available.

“Good evening sir and madam, am Cherry I will be you waiter for tonight. Are you ready to order.”

She was a tall blonde girl. She wore a very tight and short skirt and also she wore a while blouse in which had left three first buttons open showing off her cleavage which was nothing compared to that of my woman who was sitting next to me.

Shit that’s when I turned to her. Her eyes were burning with rage and anger what have I just done. Staring at other woman’s breast while we are together with the love of my life. FUCK.

Before I could speak she stared at the girl, “We will have lasagne please, and can you stop flirting with my man in front of me.” She has just confronted that girl telling her to stay away from me and I love it so much.

The waiter left and directed her angry eyes to me. I didn’t know what to say so I just looked down.

“We are not done.” That’s what she only said until we finished our meal. She exused herself and went to the bathroom and I went to settle the bill.

We exited the restaurant and through out the drive home her face was just fixed at the window.

You and that stupid lust head of yours. See what you have done now. Mate is not talking to us because of your stupid eyes.

I know its my fault but can you help me talk to her.

No I can’t its your problem so fix it yourself. And just like that Shane cut our communication and blocked me out.

We got home 20 minutes later but instead of even waiting for me to open the door for her, she got out left the door open and went inside the house. I closed the car doors and followed her inside. When I got to the living room she was not there so I just knew that she was upstairs. I went to our room but the door was closed.

“Baby am sorry that I looked at that girl when we were together I promise that I will never happen again.” I told her but she didn’t open the door.

I knocked for about 10 minutes but when she didn’t open I was desperate and left the hours for a run. I got out of the house and ran as I changed in mid air. I didn’t know how long I had run but when I finally stopped I was at the boarder of the territory.

I stopped at a small stream and drank some water then I went to meet up with the guards who were at the boarder. When one of them noticed my presence he gave me some shorts and I shift back and wore it.

“Alpha you are welcome.” One or the guess said.

“Is everything running smoothly here its been long since I was last here.”

“Yes everything looks fine, but there was a rogue spotted on the northern part of the boarder but it was about 2km from the boarder.”

“Just update me if anything else comes up.” I needed to go back to the house, “What is the time now.” I asked the guards.

“Its 2.05 am.”

Fuck have been out for 4 hours now. Meg must be worried now. I just nodded and ran back to the house.


I was in our room crying my eyes out. Tyler had just disrespected me by flirting with a woman in front of me. When we got home I went direct to our room and locked it. Just as I was about to go to the bathroom and shower I heard Tyler knocking the door. I was weak I just wanted to open the door for him but I had to be strong and gather my thoughts first.

He continued to knock and like a coward I just sat near the door and cried. He stayed there for about 10 minutes then I heard his footsteps heading downstairs. I went to the bathroom and showered fast. I went to the dresser and pulled on one of tylers shirts. It just smelled like him.

I hurts so much that Tyler has not even talked anything about marking me or even introducing me to the pack as their Luna. He has not even considered about making love with me, the only thing I get always get from him are kisses in the cheek or forehead. When he kisses me on the lips it’s just a brush but nothing more.

I think he was punishing me for rejecting him the first time. Was he going to reject me? I don’t know how am going to survive without him. Maybe he was considering finding a chosen mate for himself. I thought mom’s death was a big blow, but I don’t know if I was going to survive this heartache. I went to bed but sleep was the last in my mind right now. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I missed him so much so I gave up and went downstairs to look for him. I got there but he was nowhere to be seen. I just had a bad feeling about this. ”Tyler baby am sorry about how I reacted. Baby where are you.” I called but there were no response again. I went to the kitchen then also he was not there. I turned I went for the stairs but the open door caught my eyes.

I went to the door and searched for him but was nowhere to be seen. I went to the garden then backyard but still was not there. I was pissed how he could just leave just like that. I decided to seat on the couch at living room and wait for him. I switched on the TV and scanned the channels for something worth seeing. Finally I decided to watch The Kissing Booth, I think this is like the tenth time am watching it and I never get bored watching it.

I don’t know what time I slept but I felt someone touching me. I knew that this was at home invasion so I punched the person hard in the face then scream at the top of my voice.

”Baby it’s just me.” Tyler whispered in my ears as he wrapped his arms around me. ”It’s ok your are safe baby. I just want to take you to bed because the couch looks uncomfortable. Is it aright if I take you to bed.” I just nodded and he carried me. I wrapped my arms around his neck for support.

He laid me on the bed and covered me with our duvet. He was about to leave when I caught his wrist and pulled him back to bed. “Baby I know we need to talk but can I just take a quick shower please.” He mumbled in my ears again.

“Fine but can you hurry, am giving you 5 minutes only. I can’t take this shit anymore. Am already losing my mind.” I said as tears started to flow.

He just wiped my tears and kissed my forehead then went to the bathroom. Seconds later I heard the shower running. I started to fantasize about his naked body, and how the water droplets was dropping in his hard rock chest. I wonder how my hands will feel planted on his chest. I started to touch myself, I started with the right breast while my other hand was on my mouth stopping from moaning loudly.

I didn’t hear when the water stopped running but suddenly Tyler opened the bathroom door and stood there with only a thin and short towel wrapped around his waist. “What do you think you are doing?” he asked with his angry face directed to me.

“Nothing, I was just mmh waiting for you to finish your shower.” I don’t think my excuse my convincing since one of my hand was still under the t shirt still touching my breast.

He started to move towards me with an evil smile planted on his face “Do you know baby that am a werewolf and an Alpha for that matter. I can feel your emotions pretty well, you arousal is the first instinct in my senses. The moment I stepped in that shower I started to feel your arousal building minute by minute and I could not take it anymore. I had to come and see you baby.”

He was now sitting next to me on the bed caressing my arms. The sensations that I felt from just his touch were making me run mad with emotions. I could not take this torture anymore it was either he makes love to me tonight or help me god but I was going to leave him for sure. So I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him until our lips met. He growled lowly against my lips then took control of the kiss his tongue plundered my mouth.

His left my neck and went for the t shirt. He lifted the shirt up my head and pulled it off. He left my lips and I almost cried out of desperation. His eyes were now fixed on my round breast. His eyes were filled with lust and again he was starting to lose his control and I love that so much.

I spread my hand on his back and started to stroke it. He was now on top of me and I felt his hard erection popping on my stomach. I just want him inside of me. His lips crashed my erect nipple and sucked it hard. I had to bite my lips or I could have moan loudly. My pussy was wet I I just wanted his cock inside my wet pussy. He sucked both breast and also strokes them while pinching my pink erect nipples.

“Baby you body is so perfect. You’re so gorgeous I could just stare at your naked body all day. You turn me on like no other woman in this world.”

“Can you please just fuck me please then will talk later. I just need you inside me now.” I told him while wrapping my flexible legs around his waist.

“No baby we need first to talk about what happen earlier today. I don’t want you to make love to me just because you are angry with me.”

“Can you get off me first” I was so pissed with what he had just said but somehow I just knew that he was right we really need to have a serious talk. He got off and lay next to me but also very close because I felt his breath on my neck.

“Baby am sorry for what happened today. I don’t know what got into me that I let myself to look to another woman; you are the only woman that I need and will ever need. Please forgive me I promise on my life that this will never happen again love.” He said and tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Am also sorry for the way I reacted. I just thought that since you were not touching me or even making love with me that you were going to reject me. I think I just felt insecure and jealous that she was more beautiful than me.”

“I just wanted to give you some space since you lost your mom. Then don’t ever compare your beauty to any other being in this world because you are the most beautiful woman in the world”

“Baby I want to be yours right now so can you please mark me so we can get this over with.”

“Have been waiting for that statement for a long time now and trust me you won’t be disappointed.” He said that then suddenly he was on top of me.

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