Chapter 13


He leaned down to kiss me, also inhaling my scent. He kissed my lips then slowly left my lips and started to trail soft kisses on my neck which for sure I knew will leave love bites. He searched until he got my sweet spot and kissed hard that made me moan out loudly.

“Oh baby I love the way you are so responsive to me.” He said as he continue to kiss the spot.

He was now on top of me and he was losing control as his eyes were now dark again. His erected cock was hard again I could feel it on my stomach. I think my pussy has gotten wet all over sudden. His hand caught the hem of my t shirt, on not mine but his then pulled it over my head and I remained completely naked. I felt shy and tried to hide by covering my breast.

“Don’t shy away sweetie I want to see your beautiful body.” He said as he removed my hand from my breast. I don’t know why I become shy and few weeks ago I had stood naked in front of him. He cupped my left breast with his hand then sucked the other one. I screamed and almost cum. He left my breast then went lower and kissed my stomach.

Finally he spread my thighs and kissed inside. I almost fainted with the pleasure that his lips were now giving me. I ran my fingers on his hair and pulled them.

“Do you like what my tongue is doing to your little tight pussy baby.” I tried to talk but I didn’t have the strength to talk so I just nodded.

His tongue started to play with my clit and my moans became louder. It was only good that we were alone in his house because if we were not alone my moans could have been heard with everyone in and near the house.

He entered me with one of his fingers. I think he knew that I was still a virgin that why he started with one finger first. He started to move his fingers until it touched the sensitive bundle of pleasure at my apex. I moaned loudly and let out a deep breath that I didn’t know I was holding. He removed the finger and I almost cried out of desperation.

He then entered me with two of his fingers and moved his fingers fast this time around. I never knew that I could feel this kind of pleasure. I felt as if I was in heaven right now. My legs were now on his shoulders and my hips was trying to rock with the rhythm of his fingers.

The pleasure was building up and I could not control it anymore, “Baby am going to cum. I can’t hold it anymore.” I said that and he quicken the pace of his fingers.

“I want you to cum for me baby. Don’t hold it I want your relea…” I even didn’t let him finish as I exploded with pleasure and cum hard.

“That’s my baby.” He removed his fingers from my pussy and licked it cleaned. “Oh baby you taste so good.” He said and my head fell back on the pillow.

“Oh baby am not done with you. You are not going to sleep now I need to be inside y..” what nonsense was he talking about yes I was tired but am not going to sleep without his mark on my neck.

“Who said anything about me sleeping. Come here baby.” I said to me and he came crashing my lips on his.

My hands trailed down his back until I reached his waist line. His towel was still wrapped around his waist and I released it. My hand traveled until I caught his bulge. My heart quicken his pace shocked at his size. He was big I didn’t know if I could take all of him.

“Don’t worry babe I know am big but I will be gentle with you my angel.” He said that and spread my thighs wider.

He guided his cock to my entrance and rub it to my clit. “You are so wet baby. So ready for me.”

Slowly and careful he guided his fully erect cock inside me. He pushed an inch of his cock and wait for me to adjust to his cock. As I let out a breath he pushed his cock deeper and just then hit the barrier. He pulled out immediately.

“Don’t stop please.” That all I had to say and he pushed his cock deep inside me. A small tear rolled from my eye because of the pain, but the pain was soon replaced with sweet pleasures as he thrust in and out of my pussy.

I wrapped my legs around his waist to urge him to thrust deeper and as if he could read my mind his thrust became faster, harder and rougher. He leaned down and our lips mate. His kiss was hard and demanding and I just moaned between kisses. I never felt this kind of pleasure before.

“Baby you are so tight. So damn delicious I don’t know if am going to last.” I decided to help him cum since I was also building up and I was ready to cum. I pushed my hips higher and his thrust became faster.

I felt his cock becoming thick and with second I said, “Fuck Tyler am going to cum no..” I didn’t finish I felt my hot juice and his met. We both cum at the same time and it was wonderful. He leaned down and found my sweet spot and kissed it, seconds later I felt his canines elongate.

I turned and gave him better access to my neck. I felt his teeth dug my skin and I cried because it was so painful but as soon as felt the pain it then disappear and replaced with the sweetest kind of pleasure. Tyler was now staring me with pride in his eyes.

He leaned back to my neck and lick clean the blood that was coming from the bite. “Finally you are mine and mine alone.” He said as he pulled the duvet to cover us.

“I want to properly meet him.” I told Tyler and he seemed confused, “I mean I want to meet Shane because the last time was a disaster.”

“Are you sure.” I nodded then he got out of the bed and shifted to his wolf.

Shane was do beautiful with his black fur and blue eyes. He came near the bed then hesitate. “Come here I want to feel your beautiful fur on my hand.” I came faster and climbed the bed next to me.

I started to stroke his fur with my hand and I could in his eyes that he was pleased with my actions. He closed his eyes and I knew that he found comfort in my arms. I was tired a because of his warm fur I let my head rest on his body and before I knew it I drifted to sleep with a plastered on my face. Finally I was his and he was mine.


I woke up with the sun rays streaming on the room. I was about to look for my watch to see the time when I felt someone’s head on my chest. That’s when the memories of last night flooded my mind. He naked body was all pinned to my naked body. He legs were in between mine.

I brushed her hair from her face and saw my mark. Just seeing it made me hard again. I wanted to be inside her badly as if my life depends on it but I knew that she was tired and sore right now. I carefully removed her head and laid her on the pillow. I got out of the bed went for a quick shower dressed and left the room.

I went to the pack house and had breakfast. “Bree can you take some food to my house for Meg. She is tired I don’t thing she can cook.”

We were taking breakfast with Norman, Neville and Abby and the all turned and look at me. “So you finally did it. You mated her. So am not wrong your smell is kind of different today.” I just ignored them and automatically they knew.

“Bree am coming with you to see Meg I want all the juicy details.” Abby shouted to Bree.

“Don’t you dare think about asking her the details. If you do that I will also ask Neville all your dirty juicy secrets and I will mind link it to all the pack members.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Trust me I can.” She laughed and accepted defeat and we ate the rest of our breakfast in silence.

We finished our breakfast and went to the training grounds. The grounds was already packed with people training. I went and joined then. Normally am used to train with warriors but today I was in the mood to train with the pups. They we between the age of 10 to 15.

We finished the training several hours later. We went back to the pack house for lunch but we didn’t find Abby nor Bree. We ate our lunch with Norman and Neville then left.

My phone rang and I picked it up, “Good afternoon Mr. Middleton I called to remind you about your meeting with Mr. James today at 3.30 pm.” My secretary Lucy called from the company.

“Can’t we postpone it.” I asked her. The whole of this week I have not been feeling like going to the office.

“No we can’t sir.”

“Ok. I will be there 15 minutes to time for the meeting.” I told her and hung up.

“Norman am going to go to the company this afternoon and I will leave you to look in to the matters of the pack while I will be gone.” He just nodded.

I left them and went to my house for a shower. I entered the house but was silent. I guess meg went to work. I went to my office and look at some documents first since I still had one hour before the meeting.

At the table laid a framed picture of Meg at the waterfall during our first date. She was not looking so I took a picture of her and framed it. God I love this woman so much. Memories of last night came flooding back again to my mind. I love the way she trembles when I touch her.

I stood up and stared out of the window. I wonder where she was right now. What was she doing. Was she thinking of me like I was thinking of her right now. I brushed my hair using my fingers. I stayed at my office for about 45 minutes then left for a quick shower.

I showered and shave then pulled on a black suit took my briefcase and left. I took my SUV and drove to town. The Middleton oil company was started by my dad and was passed to me when he died. The company was just there for a cover up on our wealth so that the humans could not ask where all our wealth came from but in reality it came from my pack.

I reached the company parking lot. I was met there by my secretary who gladly took my briefcase and led me to my office. “Mr. James is already here and he accepted to sign the contract but said that he will only sign it if your present.” Lucy said to me.

James and I have done business together for such a long time but sometimes he can be a pain in the ass sometimes. He is a care free person who inherited all his wealth from his father. He is a controlling son of a bitch and I always pity the workers that sacrifice their time for him.

I only accepted to come to this meeting today only because the contract that we are going to sign is a multi billion one. “Just show him to the conference room and I will be there shortly.” I told her that and she left the room.

I took the contract and went through it with the little time I had and left for the meeting. There was a clause that needed to be addressed at that contract which I knew with that scumbag that it was going to take a lot of time discussing it so I called Norman and told him to go and pick up Meg from the restaurant.

I went to the conference room and the meeting started immediately. Two hours later I was bored and my wolf was killing me in my head. He kept on asking when the meeting was going to and so that we can go and see Meg.

“Congratulations Mr. Middleton you’ve gotten yourself a multi billion contract.” He said that 3hours later. He signed the contract then passed it to me. I was so eager to get out of there and to finally go meet my queen. I signed it fast and gave it back to our lawyers.

“Thank you Mr. James for the contract. You won’t be disappointed.” My general manager assured him.

“I think we need a celebration. Its on me. We can just go to that new club that a few blocks from here.” Fuck this man.

“All of you go ahead because I will not be joining you. Am needed somewhere else and am already late.” It was already 8 pm and I knew that Meg had already reached home.

“Nonsenses. We are going out for a couple of shots then you can head to whenever you wanted to go.” I really didn’t want to go but I had no choice. “Only 30 minutes and am out.” I told him and he just nodded.

We entered the club and into the VIP section. We ordered couple of whiskey and Scotch. Right now James had three women around him. They were kissing and caressing him every time.

It was already 9.30 pm when I looked at my Rolex watch and I knew I had to get out of there. I told Sam the manager to cover for me and I left. I got in my car and drove back home. Home. That really sounds amazing. I reached home and got out of the car and went inside. I expected maybe to find Meg in the living room but she was not there. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I decided to go and look for her in our bedroom but as I glanced in the dinning room there we two place of untouched food which I assumed was mine and hers. She had waited for me and gave up. Right now was 10.20pm. Man I was in so much trouble.

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