Chapter 16


“Your father?” I could see how shocked and surprised Tyler was. It was all displayed on his pale face. He knew for a fact that I used to stay with my mom alone on our house. He knew that my father left us to go and marry another woman. Over the weeks that we’ve been staying together we used to talk about his family and also about my family.

“Apparently my father is not a human like we used to believe but a were wolf and not just any were wolf but an Alpha for that matter.” He was even more startled by my announcement.

“How can this be even true? If your father is an Alpha that means that you have an Alpha blood but why haven’t you have your first shift yet.” I started to shiver with only the thought of me being a wolf.

Yes I since I met Tyler my only wish was that I hopefully become a wolf so that I can mark him like he did to me but right now I was afraid of becoming one. I think he noticed that I was worried about something so he moved closer and wrapped his warm masculine arms around me. Am always in peace whenever he holds me and am safely at his arms.

“Don’t worry babe everything will be okay. I will never leave you to suffer in pain like I did earlier. Am so sorry I was not there to protect you like a good mate should do to protect his mate.” He said as he placed small kisses on my forehead. I felt treasured when am with him.

“Don’t be sorry. It was not your fault that we were attack. My father and that monster are the reason why they attack us but not you.”

He stood up and pulled the duvet to cover my body and said, “It’s okay babe just go to sleep then will talk more in the morning with the way forward, but just know that I will never let you go no matter what happens or who comes in between us. You are MINE and MINE ALONE forever.” I could by that tone that this was not Tyler talking to me but his wolf who I knew was very furious right now.

“You are also going to sleep too. Am not sleeping alone right now am scared that he might come back to take me when you are not here.” He just nodded and joined me on the bed. He wrapped his strong arms around me.

I don’t know when I fell asleep but what seemed to be a few hours later I opened my eyes to see rays of light streaming in the room. I looked at the bed side clock and it says that it was now 11.20pm. Fuck I had really slept a long time. I was about to take my phone when I saw a note on the night stand.

Morning babe I went out early.

I couldn't let myself wake you up as you were sleeping peacefully.

Am at the cell when you wake up just call me so that I can keep you company.

Love you.


I read the letter again and smiled. I was not going to bother him so I got up went straight to the bathroom for a shower. I decided today that I was going to start my Luna’s duties. I decided that am going to teach the small pups and also help the women do the small work in the pack house kitchen.

When I got to the bathroom, I went to the mirror to look at my wounds. There was a bandage that was covering the wound so I could not see the progress of it, but I could not feel any pain when I touched it. I even pressed my fingers hard on the wound but there still no pain.

I decided to take a look at the wound so I removed the bandages that were wrapped around the wound. I removed all of it and when I stared at them they were all healed and there were no single scar. I almost fainted. My legs became jelly like and I was not sure that they could continue to sustain my weight so I sat at the toilet seat for stability.

There was only one explanation to this. I AM A WOLF. I could not believe what was happening to my life right now. I stood up and went to the shower and took a quick. When I looked at my skin when I was showering I noticed that my skin hair had grown so fast since I shaved it like two days ago. I shaved them fast and got out of the shower.

I wrapped a towel around my body and went back to our room. I was surprised that when I entered the room there was a strong smell of pines and rain. It smell like heaven and the sweet smell became stronger as I approached the dresser.

I hurriedly went to the dresser only to meet with Tyler there. “Hey you. Have you changed your cologne?” I said as I went and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him.

I inhaled his scent and my pu**y became wet instantly, “No I have not changed anything, how does it smell like.” He asked as he turned around to face me.

“It smells like pines and rain its just so amazing. I can’t get enough of it right now.” He seemed shocked as his eyes searched mine. “What’s wrong. Do I have anything in my face. You seem like your mind is far away.”

“Baby what happened to your wounds.”

“Oh, I went to take a shower but when I unwrapped the bandages the wounds were healed and also there was not a single scar.”

“Baby do you know that only you can smell my scent of pines and rain and you can only smell it if you are a wolf only.” He cupped my chin and made me to look at his wonderful eyes, “Baby you are a god damn wolf.”

“I can’t believe this, but why have I not shifted into my wolf form yet.”

“I don’t know but am going to ask one of the elders later this day, but as for now I want to ask you why you haven’t gone to work yet. I thought that you had already left since today you usually go in the morning.”

“I wanted to surprise you yesterday night but you never came early.”

“What surprise.”

“That I resigned from my work meaning am now ready to take the responsibilities of being a Luna and your girlfriend.” I told him and I didn’t know how he was going to react.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, “Am so glad that you’ve finally left that work. Am so sorry I came in late last night, but am so happy right now. Also after the threat you had few hours ago I don’t think is good for you to work right now. If you want to get out if this territory you will have to go with five of my best warriors and also Neville will come along.”

“No I can’t accept that, that is too much. I have accepted to leave my work but am not going to walk around town with six people following me everywhere as if am a celebrity.” I said that and pulled on some yoga pants and a tank top. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I got out of the dresser leaving him there angry and was also looking as if there a lot in his mind. When I was about to get out of our room he came out of the dresser and spoke using his Alpha tone. “Where do you think you are going. Am not even done talking to you and you are walking out on me. Let me warn you right now to never leave me when am not done talking to you.”

“But I wanted..”

“You wanted what, to walk alone in the streets so that that bastard can kidnap you when you are alone. Do you think that am stupid enough to let you leave this place when I know very well that your life is in danger. Let me tell you my dear mate, am the Alpha of this pack and when I say something it must be done. You may be my mate but when it comes to your safety I just don’t give a damn what you are going to say.”

That’s when it hit me, Tyler was afraid of me getting hurt. I saw how his face was pale when I woke up after the attack. As he is my mate his work is to always protect my life from any danger and I was just being a hard headed bitch.

“Am sorry I was acting like a spoil brat but I see your reasons for me having so many bodyguards. I was being childish and I failed to see your reasons. Am so sorry baby.”

I moved to where he was and crushed his lips with mine. He just stood there and did not respond to my kisses but I did not give up, I forced my tongue for entrance. Suddenly he took over the kiss and it become mad and passionate in seconds.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My breast were now touching his hard masculine chest. Tyler’s growls were now becoming louder from the kiss. He was so aroused because his cock was pressing on my stomach and it made my legs weak with pleasure.

He moved the kiss from my mouth then to my earlobe and I shivered. He then moved to where his mark was and kissed it. I tried to bite my lower lip to restraint myself from moaning loudly but it was useless, I moaned loudly that made him suck even harder.

“Baby you are so beautiful I can’t enough of you. Your skin is so soft and I love it so much.”

He continued to place soft kisses on my shoulders and the he pulled tank top up and cupped my breast with his right hand. He squeezed my pink swollen nipples using his fingers and I had to wrap my arms around his neck for support or else I could have fallen down.

“Baby I can’t take it anymore I need you inside me right now please.” I begged him while my tone was so weak with pleasure I was not even sure if he heard me.

“Not yet baby. I have to explore your body first before I finally enters you baby. I want to place small kisses and suck you down there and by the time am done with you, you would have already forgotten your name.”

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he strode towards the bed. He placed me gently on the bed and followed immediately and was on top of me. He kissed both my nipples and my hands were on his head urging him to give me more pleasure.

He once again moved and plastered small kissed on my stomach. He was about to remove my panty and suddenly the bell rang.

“Fuck who ever is at the door. Why couldn’t’ that person come later and not now.” He was about to continue and the door rang again. “Please ignore it baby then they will give up and leave us in peace. I just need you so much right now.”

“I know but the person who is at the door might have something important to tell us, you go take a very cold shower and I will go and answer the door for you.”

“You are the best baby.” He kissed my lips and got out of the bed.

I got out of the bed too when Tyler disappeared to the bathroom and I made myself presentable and left the room. When I got downstairs the person on the other side was not a patience person because he or she was banging the door hard that it could almost break the door.

“Hey am coming.”

I opened the door and there stood a very angry ladies.

“Hey guys why are you two angry this marvelous morning.” I asked Abby and Bree.

“Sweetie we are not angry at you but our mates. After the attack they never told us that you were attacked. They had to wait until after breakfast today so that they could tell us. Am sorry babe I was not here earlier to help you through your pain.”

I ushered then to the house, “Don’t worry Tyler never left my side. I was not alone and also don’t be angry at your mates, the just didn’t want you to worry yourselves like you are doing right now. Abby how is Neville when I left him at the attack he was surrounded by many wolves.”

“He’s fine. The wounds are healing nothing serious but am still angry with him.”

“Hope you’ve not taken your breakfast because we’ve brought plenty of it.”

“Tyler is still here maybe we can give him a small portion.”

“No need he came to the pack house in the morning for breakfast and then went to the cells.”

We sat down and started to have our breakfast. We talked about the attack and I had to tell them everything about my dad and Erin. They felt sorry for me and Abby sweated that he was going to kill my father with her bear hands. We just laughed and made a group hug.

“Guys I can’t breath you girls are killing me.”

“Hey don’t kill your Luna please.” Tyler said entering the house. “Am going to go now we shall met later.” He said looking at me then looked at Bree and Abby, “Take care of her for me please, also I have assigned two guards to stay at the door and look after you girls.”

“It’s okay.” He left and the rest of the day we spent in the house just watching movie and lazing around. When it reached 6.30pm they girls said there goodbyes and left the house.

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