Chapter 21


Right at this very moment my blood was boiling in my veins. For sure I could see how much Tyler was angry with me now. I could see that through the veins that were on his face.

We’ve been sitting on the car for about ten minutes without moving and I was afraid to talk. He was just twisting his fingers then forming a fist. I was even afraid that he might hit be but surprisingly he started the car and turned it around and head for the territory.

We also drove in silence until we got home and he packed in front of the house. I didn’t wait for him to talk so I got out of the car took my bag and left him there.

I reached the house and went straight to our bedroom dropped my bag and went to the bathroom. I wanted to lock myself there so that when Tyler comes to the room he can scold me when I was in there.

I stayed there and then his scent started to become stronger I went and sat at the toilet seat. He entered the room and moments later he was at the bathroom door.

Right now I felt as if I was in a movie a horror one at that matter and the serial killer was standing at the door breaking it so that it can kill me. Tyler started to call out name and my heart beats became twice the normal beatings.

“I know that you are in there just open the door I just need to talk to you. Don’t make this any worse than its already is.”.

I shivered just hearing the tone of his voice which clearly indicated that he was not at all happy or calm.

“But you are going to hurt me. I feel as if you are going to beat me. Am afraid Tyler.” I was not at all lying.

“Baby I will never ever physically abuse you. All I want now is just to have a word with you over what happened earlier. You know that you are the reason I love and so for your on safety baby can you just open the door so that we can talk like civil people does.”

I knew that whether I like it or not I had to get out of there sometime and meet up with him. So I stood up and went to the door and touched the door knob. I was hesitant for a moment but I decide to open the door. I turned the knob and Tyler opened it with a lighting speed.

He pushed the door and caught me in an embrace. He hugged me tight that I felt as if I could not breath. He kissed my neck and led me back to our room.

We sat down on the couch facing each other. I could see that he was calmer than when we were together in the car. He ran his finger in his black combed hair got up and went to the balcony. I had to follow him behind because he had not utter a word.

I stood besides him and looked straight to the pack members who were at the field training, “You see all those pack members out there in the field?” I nodded in agreement “They are doing it so as to protect any member of this Blue Star Pack most especially their Alpha and Luna because they are their leader.” He paused his talking for a little while then continue.

“I know that this is hard for you that you are used to your freedom and that being here is like a prison to you,” wait what was he saying. I love it here. I love being where he was except when he is a dickhead. “You being here demand so much of what you don’t like. The rules and the security you need when you get out of her. Before you met me you could have walked alone in the streets day or night but since you came here you are in danger of being kidnapped by either other wolves or gangs because you are in a relationship with a billionaire but…”

“But I don’t see this place as a prison NIR do I see myself as a prisoner.”

“No I know you can’t say it because you are my mate but you don’t like it here. You can’t go to the mall freely you can’t go clubbing or even in the beach or sleepovers at your girlfriends houses but all you get is an overprotective and possessive Alpha who wants to control all your movements but I can’t help it. You are my mate my responsibility. My greatest work is to protect and keep you safe and happy.”

See what you have done. Now I think mate does not want us anymore. He is angry with us because of your stupid mistakes.

Wow. This wolf must be very angry at me right now. But what she said was actually true, because of my stupid and rash decisions he was now angry with me. I lifted my hand and caught his shoulder but removed my hand. That act alone broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.

“You see being here means that you need to be a leader, their leader which means you need to live by an example. It does not matter that you are still young than most of them but take me as an example. My dad passes away when I was still young so I had to grow up fast and meet up with my responsibilities. You my dear you also need to grow up and be mature. You ate not a teen anymore. To tell you the truth you are the Blue Star Luna and also since we do not need a wedding in our lives here means that you are now my wife, future mother to our kids so if it is not too much to ask is can you grow up and be the wife and Luna that we all need?”

There and then it hit me that I was really stupid hardheaded woman. All this moths that I live in this place I saw how the pack members always respect me and in return I pay them with childish and silly behaviors that no leader should have. I could tell that Tyler was really ashamed of me right now.

I wanted to speak but he spoke first, “Silence means denial. I know I can’t live without you but I can’t live knowing that you being here is the reason for you not being happy am supposed to keep you happy not sad, so I know what am going to do will kill me within a year because that’s what moon goddess does to wolves who don’t live with their mates or reject them.”

“Tyler what are you talking about. We are living together right and you didn’t reject me because you already marked me.” I asked as I was really panicking. I was shivering from head to toe. Even my legs could not possesses the kind of strength I needed to support myself.

“Yes I know that which is why am going to let you go your own way. I want you to go out there and live your life. I want or should I say demand that you go do everything that you’ve always wanted. You will not suffer anything. Your bond to me will not hurt you when it breaks because I made you leave it will only hurt me.”

I wiped the tears that were now running down my cheeks with the back of my hand, “The result will only be the death of Shane because he was made for you only and he can’t exist without you. So when Shane dies my human body can’t live without Shane so I will also die days after his death. So go out there and be happy. You can leave anytime you want. Goodbye Megan.”

With that he turned around and left. He has just broke up with me. He was going to die because of me. I love him and I can’t do this to him. I followed him fast and caught up with him at the hall. I stepped in front of him and knelt down.

“You are never to knell before me or anyone unless is necessary.” He said that while helping me to stand up.

“Thank you. Am sorry. I never knew that I was putting my life in danger by going out there. I was so desperate for tonight that I wanted you to be proud of what I was going to wear so I escaped so that I could find a nice dress that will make you love me like I do you.”


“Yeah I wanted you to love me.”

“Who told you that I don’t love you.”

“But, but you’ve never told me so.”

“I never new I needed to tell you that I love you.”

“Actually you need to tell me like every time. Every girl needs her man to tell her so.”

“Oh, but since you are leaving me I regret not telling you that I love you. I want you to always remember that I love you so much even if am saying it a little late than it was expected but that is the reason I want to let you go. Even there is a saying that goes ‘if you love something to much set it free.’ So my beautiful mate am setting you free so that you can go out there and spread your wings so that you can be happy.”

No this was not really happening. This is a bad dream which am very sure am going to wake up any moment from now but in the back of my mind I knew this was my reality my own doing. So I knew I had to set things right because even I can’t leave without him.

“Who do you think you are deciding what is best for me. If you knew me better then you should have know that my greatest desire in this world is to be next to you always. Do you know what I want.” I asked looking straight into his eyes that expressed how much he was hurt.

He didn’t answer me so I continued, “from the very first day that I met you, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew the very first time you kissed me that I wanted to be your wife and the first time we made love I wanted so much to have your pups. I didn’t even want to use birth control so that I can get pregnant right away.” I had to look away so that he could not see the tears in my eyes and how affected I was by his decision. “With all that dream in me and what do I get in return? Yeah I know you throwing me out of our home, my pack and also out of the man I love life.”

I took his hand in mine and this time he did not reject me, “Am really sorry that I hurt you and am sorry that I was not a good leader but I promise you that from today henceforth am going to change and be a good leader. I will never disappoint you in any manner and am going to follow all the rule but the only thing that I can’t follow is you telling me that I should go and leave you.”

He looked shocked, “But I thought you didn’t like it here.”

“Well baby you thought wrong.” With that said I stood on tip toe and gave my man a very deep, hungry and passionate kiss which ended us in bed making love slowly and passionately.

I was woken up by Tyler and looked at the bed side clock said that I had only 1 hour to get ready for the ceremony.

“Sorry but I had to wake you up because we are running late. I have called Bree and Abby to come and help you prepare for the ceremony.”

“You’ve called Abby to come and help me? But I thought that..”

“That you will be banned from seeing her then no. We are werewolves not monster and everybody deserves a second chance. Hope you two won’t screw it up again.” Wow that statement hurt a lot but I knew that I had to pay for my own sins.

“Where are you going to get ready from.” I asked because he was still wearing the clothes that he had earlier.

“Oh. Am going to the pack house and prepare myself there. I will meet you after an hour. Be good baby.” With that comment he was out of sight but not definitely out of my mind.

I got out of the bed and went for a quick shower. Ten minutes later I came back to the room and found Bree and Abby sitting on the couch.

“Hey Bree.” She waved in response to my greetings. “Abby are you alright. Did Neville do anything to you.”

“A part from I will not be leaving the territory for a month and when I leave after the month it will be under supervision then no am fine.” We laughed together because that was almost the same as my punishment.

“Now is time to make you ready to tonight. You need to look spectacular and gorgeous for your man and the pack.” Bree said standing up from the comfort of the couch.

Thirty minutes later I was ready for the ceremony which was to start in the next ten minutes. I looked at my reflation at the mirror and for some few seconds I did not recognize my own reflection. I was stunning if I may say.

If my mom was here today she could have been so proud of me right now. The door was opened and we got out of the room. When we reached the living room we found Tyler’s mom waiting for us there. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Good evening Mrs. Middleton.” I greeted her as I kissed both of her cheeks.

“Evening child. Please don’t call me Mrs. Middleton it makes me feel kind of very old. Just call me mom. I have always wanted a daughter and since I lost one through a miscarriage fate has given me one through marriage.”

“Am so sorry for your loss.”

“Don’t worry. That was a long time ago. What I came here for is to give you something. It was my great grand mother’s which gave it to my grand mother who gave it to my mom then mom gave it to me and told me to give it to my daughter. So I want you to wear it tonight so as to officially welcome you to our family.”

She opened the velvet box and inside were a matching diamond earrings and necklace which were so beautiful.

“I can’t accept it. Its too much.”

“If you refuse it is like you don’t want our family.”

I turned and she put on the necklace on me then the matching earrings. I hugged her and thank her for her generosity because it went a lot to me.

“Don’t cry child you will ruin your hard worked make up and we don’t want to get late.” She said wiping the tear from my eyes and suddenly the front door opened and Tyler emerge and froze right there.

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