Chapter 24


Over the next months our life fell into a routine. I would go for training early in the morning. Tyler said that it was important since I would not depend on somebody else to provide protection foe me if the need arises.

At first the training was horrible. Tyler used to push me to the edge and there was even a time that I refused to go for training. That day he was forced to let Neville to be the one that trained me. Nowadays the training has become somehow bearable.

Every day after my training I usually go to the pack house and help out in whatever was needed of me. Mostly I helped in cooking because I was really a well trained cook and I love to cook so much. Sometimes when am also free I tend to help the small kids with school or training.

When I took an oath that I was going to be a good Luna and help out with the packs activities I dint lie. I have bonded really well with everybody in the pack so well. I love the children most that’s why I always spend every free available time with them.

Bree has been a really great help since she knows the pack territory very well so she has been showing me around and as of now I know all the areas of the territory. Abby on the other hand has been on bed rest since she was pregnant and almost got a miscarriage because she was working a lot.

Tyler had to release Neville from his duties for some weeks so that he could take care of Abby personally. We were so shocked when Abby told us that she was actually expecting a baby. It was really great news since I was going to have a nephew or a nice. But somehow I was hoping for it to be a girl so that I could spoil her to the fullest.

Even I want kids of my own but I think it’s too early. It’s been a year now since I met with Tyler and ten months since I move in with him. Our relationship has grown greatly and we’ve known each other better ten we used to earlier.

Since that day of the Luna’s festival, Tyler and I have been invited to so many functions on different packs. He was afraid at first that maybe on one of those occasion my father would attend together with Erin and try to take me away again but he got used to it because he never showed up to any. To tell the truth I was still afraid of him and Erin coming back for me for the second time because that was what they promised they will do.

Today I was sleeping in; I could not for training because I had severe cramps because of my periods but it had not yet started. It was six o’clock and I was woken up by the sound of the shower running. Tyler had to go to the Company’s office because he told me that he had meetings throughout the day.

The shower stopped and I had to get under the sheets and pretend to be asleep so that he could not talk to me at all. The pain that I was experiencing was too much and I did just want to talk to him at all. I was in a very bad mood right now.

The bathroom door opened then closed. I looked at him under my lashes and I could see that he was wrapped in a towel from his waist. I close it again but it was already too late because he just stood there and watched me.

“I know that you are not a sleep that you are just pretending.” I dint answer him and he moved closer to the bed to the side that I was sleeping and sat down. “What’s wrong baby I know you are awake because I can feel you heart beat right now it is not illustrating that you are asleep at all.”

I ignored him and he just sat there for few minutes then he got up and went to the dresser. He came out five minutes late dressed in a well fitting suit. He just took my breath away by the way he was looking right now, but no matter how good and sexy he looked right now my moods could not let me even talk to him.

The whole of this week I have been having really bad mood swings but all of that I think it was because I was about to start my monthly periods. He moved to the night stand and took his briefcase that was placed beside the table. He took it and without glancing at the bed he got out of our bedroom.

I knew that it was my fault that he got angry with me because I refused to talk to him but why couldn’t just tell me that he was leaving. He left me without even a goodbye kiss. To tell the truth Tyler has really been distant with me. He always trains me in the morning and after that we go back to the house prepare ourselves for the day then he disappear the whole day until late at night.

Mostly I always eat at the pack house because I could not eat alone at home. Tyler always comes home saying at he had ate at the office. We always get close when he wants to take me out for an occasion but when get back he goes back to assuming me as if I did not exist and I was getting really tired of his behavior.

I decided that I was going to prepare him a surprise lunch and take it to him so that we can talk and sort this thing between us. If I was still living in my town with a normal guy I could have assumed that he was cheating on me with another girl but I knew that Tyler will never do anything like that to me because we were mated by the moon goddess herself.

I stayed in bed for another hour. I just lay staring on the ceiling because I could not catch any sleep anymore. I got out of the bed and hopped in the shower. I showered and got dressed quickly and left the house for the pack house.

I had decided that I was going to help out with the chores at the pack house until it was time for me to prepare the lunch for Tyler. I passed at Abby’s place so that I could see how she was doing.

I entered the house and found Abby on the couch sleeping.

“Hey there sweetheart. Are you feeling ok?” I asked and she sat up.

“Hey. It’s so good to see you. Am fine but Neville won’t let me get out of this house. Am bored to death.”

“Don’t worry there’s nothing that you are missing. Anyway am going to the pack house to help out for some few hours then I will go and see Tyler at the office so that we can have lunch together.” I told her and there was a smile plastered on her face.

“How romantic is that. You guys really deserve a break from all the pack duties and the company duties too. You just need to relax.” She told me as she was pulling for an embrace while tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Sorry I think it’s the hormones that are making me to cry a lot like a baby. I am sorry so for ruining your visit.”

“Don’t be silly. You have ruin anything and I can’t blame you so let’s just the hormones. I got up from the couch and looked down to her “I really need to go so that I won’t be late for my chore. I feel terrible leaving you alone in your condition I just wish that we could sit here the whole day and do nothing but I guess I must say that right now duty calls.”

“Not to worry am not alone. I just had a craving for ice cream so Neville has gone to town to get it for me but he will be back soon. Just go be with the love of your life. I know that your mum will be very proud of you with what has become with your life.”

I just gave her a very tight hug and left her house. I was almost at the pack house when I met up with one of the pack members. I have never seen her but she blocked my path and I had to wait for her to pass but it didn’t happen.

“Excuse me can you please move because you are blocking my path.” I told but again she didn’t move. I tried to dodge her but she still followed me. “Hey what is wrong with you? Am in a hurry I need to be on my way right now.”

“So you are the bitch that took away my man.” She accused me angrily and I was so shocked that I almost fainted.

How the hell could this thing call us a bitch? I am going to scratch her eyes out right now. Frost said angrily.

No need for that I am going to deal with her. Violence is not always the answer to everything.

“Sorry but I think that you must be confusing me with another person. I am very sure that I have not stolen anyone’s man for sure.” I told her politely but her expression did not change a bit.

“Oh I know very well who you are. You took Tyler away from me but get this in that thick scull of yours that am back and am taking my man back. So you can kiss goodbye to any future that you hoped that you will have with him.”

She moved past me knocking me as she was passing. Tyler had a girlfriend and he never bothered to inform me. Is this the reason that Tyler has been distant with me because he knew that this woman was going to come back from wherever she had been for almost a year? I knew that there must be an explanation for her behavior and also she was lying.

I went to the pack house and looked for Bree but she was not there so I asked some of the women who the girl was and I got to learn that her name is Lily but everybody avoided mentioning that they she was involved with Tyler. If only I could have found Bree I knew that she would not have lied to me.

Hours later after I had helped prepared the kids lunch; I got out of the pack house and head for our house so that I could prepare lunch for Tyler. I reached the house and went straight to the kitchen. His favorite dish was grilled chicken with mashed potatoes also with some very thick gravy sauce. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It took me almost two hours to finish that meal. I went upstairs for a quick shower and dressed to kill. I took one of my favorite dress one that Tyler bought for me for my birthday. I wore it then put on my makeup which I rarely do. I just wanted us to go back to the way we were before, the time he used to show me so much love.

At exactly one thirty I got out of the house took one of his car and drove towards town where his office was located. I have only gone there once since I met up with Tyler and today was going to be my second day.

I was just imagining how surprised Tyler was going to be. I knew that he had a lunch break at two then he will go back to his meetings. I earlier called his PA and confirm with her the time that Tyler was going to be free.'

I reached the parking lot and one of the staff offered to pack the car for me as soon as he saw that it was one of Tyler’s cars. I got out took the lunch that were neatly and well packed got out of the car and head out to his private elevator.

I didn’t want to pass through the reception because he could have known that I was coming. The elevator took me to the top floor where his office was. I reached there and the elevator door opened I got out and went direct to his office without even knocking.

I just froze when I looked into the direction of Tyler’s desk. I dropped the lunch that I had carried and my bag and a small scream left my throat. He looked at me fast and I just turned around and left.

As the elevator door was closing I heard him calling my name but I was not in the mood of seeing or talking to him. Before the elevator door was closed completely I saw him running towards me shouting my name. I reached the ground floor and went straight for the exit of the company.

I decided that I was not going to go back to the pack. I just wanted to be as far away from Tyler as possible.

“Taxi, taxi” I shouted on top of my voice and the taxi stopped. I opened the back door and told him to drive fast. I had no money to pay him so I took out the diamond necklace that Tyler had given me when we went to visit Alpha Frank. The taxi driver happily accepted it because he knew he was going to get a lot of money from it.

“Miss we will have to stop because someone is blocking our way.” The driver said that.

I looked at the person that was blocking our path and I knew that I was in great danger, “Please don’t stop and can I borrow your phone please.” He gave me his phone but when I was just about to call Tyler the passenger window broke and Erin opened the door and said looking at me with an evil smile, “Well look at what we’ve got here. The one and only Luna of the Blue Star pack.”

He got me out of the car and told the driver to go or he will regret ever meeting him. The driver didn’t even ask anything he just drove off leaving me to my death.

“I promised that I was going to get you and take you as my Luna, now it’s happening so let’s go home baby.” He said that as he was forcing me inside the car.

Right now Frost was so devastated by what Tyler had done so she has even blocked me and I suppose he didn’t know what was happening right now.

Help me please Tyler.

I tried to mind link him but I was not sure if he got the message. He knocked me and I lost my consciousness.

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