Chapter 25


“What are you doing in my office and I thought I told you to stay away from me Lilly.” I asked and she simply ignored my question.

She came and sat at the visitors seat and finally spoke, “Haven’t you missed me even a bit. Have been gone for the better part of this year and ‘what are doing here' is the welcome that I get from you.”

I always knew that this day will come sooner or later. Lilly and I had a little affair before I met Meg and when she learned that I had finally met my mate she had been angry and told me that she was in love with me and there was no one or anything that was going to separate us.

Luckily when Meg moved in with me, Lilly was called by one of her relatives to help them with their business since the owner was pregnant and could not work. Her parents had to force her to go since she felt like the mate that I found was going to steal me away from her.

I remember one evening after I came back from escorting Meg to her from the place that she used to work in and found Lilly at my door. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she did not want to go to her aunt’s place that she wanted to stay with me.

“I thought we agreed that we will let each other go if any of us ever find his or her mate.”

But her answer confirmed that she will never let me go. Then she left my house and the next I heard was that she had left for her aunt’s place and I never again heard from her till today.

“You have not answered my question why are you here and what the hell do you want from me.” I asked her and her answer froze me in my seat.

“Simple. I want you. I want you back.”

“But can’t you see that I now belong to another woman who is my Luna and also my wife. For jeans sake Lilly am a married man.” I told her but she just laughed.

“Do you think that I care. The only thing that I want is you. I don’t care if you are married or a father of ten kids I just want you. Can’t you see that am suffering.”

“The only thing that I can see is you embarrassing yourself. Am calling my security team to get you out of her. You are sick and you need medical attention.”

How the hell did I get involved with a person like her.

“Am not sick and am not going anywhere without you.” She stood up and she was heading my way, “I am going to remind you how we were good together.”

She said that and the next thing I knew she was sitting on my lap and her lips were on mind. I felt disgusted at the way her lips were roaming on mine. She was nothing compared to my Meg.

Suddenly I heard a little scream from behind us. I pushed Lilly away from my lap but it was already too late. Meg had already seen Lilly on my lap and she was also kissing me.

Blood drained out of my veins and I felt as if I was going to die. She dropped the things the she was carrying together with her bag and turned and ran towards the elevator.

I tried to call her but she ignored me to the best of her abilities. I was devastated. The elevator door closed and there was nothing else that I could have done. I went back to my office and I was met with the she devil.

“You don’t need her because I will always be here for you.” She said with so much confidence.

I took my phone and asked my PA to bring in my security. Seconds later two of my body guard entered the office.

“I want you to escort this lady out of this premises and make sure that she will never set her foot in this premises.” I told them then turned to her “You are nothing to me. I regret involving myself with a person like you. I don’t ever want to see you. You’ve ruin my relationship with my mate and I don’t know if she will forgive me because of your foolishness.”

She was immediately escorted out of my office and hopefully out of NY life for good. I went to where Meg’s things were scattered and collected them. I froze when I realized what she was carrying.

She had made lunch for me and was going to surprise me but instead I surprised her with a woman on my lap kissing me.

You are stupid and a fool. How could you let that woman kiss you when we are supposed to only kiss mate.

I know Shane and am very disappointed with myself right now. I don’t know what we are going to do.

Did I hear correctly or did you just used the term we. There is no we you made the mistake and you are going to fix it. I am giving you five hours to fix it or else I will take control of that pathetic body of yours and I promise that you won’t like what I will do after you black out. Five hours human. I want my mate back.

With that harsh comment, Shane blocked me and I knew that I was in danger and anyone who might have hurt Meg because if Shane goes ahead with what he has just promised me, many people were going to get hurt.

I took her things and placed then on my desk. I tried to mind link her but I could not get through to her. I cursed out loud and stormed out of my office.

“Postpone all my meetings until I tell you to rearrange. Hold all my calls no one should get through to me. I dint know how long will be absent from the company.” I told my PA and did not wait for her to answer I just strode off.

Help me Tyler.

She said through the mind link.

Where are you.

Her mind linked was blocked. I knew immediately that Meg was in great danger. I went to the guards that were posted at the exit and asked if the saw Meg.

“I saw her asking for taxi and went west.” One of the guards said.

“Does anyone know anything about that taxi. Even the plate of the taxi.” I asked but as I expected no one knew.

“I could go and have a look at the CCTV cameras so that we could see the plate number.” One of the guards suggested that.

“Could you please do it fast.”

He was on his way when a taxi suddenly cane to an halt almost running over us. The driver got out of the car and started to talk to fast that I could not get what he was saying.

“Can you slow down so that I can get what you are saying.” I told the driver.

“There was this girl that I picked her up from here about thirty minutes ago she..”

“So you are the taxi that carried her. Where is she right now.”

“That is the reason why am here. When we were at the outcasts of the town we found a person blocking our way and..” he explained how the event had happened. How Erin took her. For sure Shane was not going to spare anyone who had a hand in kidnapping her.

I turned and went to the direction of the car pack to take my car.

Get ready we are visiting Erin’s pack right away. They have kidnapped Meg and I want her back fast.

I did not wait for Norman to answer me I just cut him off by blocking him. Shane had not yet responded to me even as I tried my level; best to inform him that Erin had been the one that took Meg from us.

I drove off the car in a very high speed towards the pack territory. Today was really not a good day. The southern border was attacked by the rogue’s around two hours ago and now my mate was kidnapped as well. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

During lunch hours the traffic was smooth so that was the first thing that had gone right this day. I reached at the gate of the pack and Norman was there waiting for me. I told one of the guards to take my car to my house and turned to Norman.

“So where are the warriors that we are going with?” I asked him.

“They have already gone there to spy for us before we follow them.”

“We follow immediately. We don’t know what that psycho will do to Meg so that she can agree to the things that he want.”

“Don’t worry Tyler I know that Meg is very strong. I can tell from the way we used to train together that she will not give up easily. We will find her today man. I promise.”

We transformed into our wolf form so that we could reach there in time. If we went with a car we could risk being spotted at a far that’s why we had to go there in our wolf form. After about thirty minutes of fast running we met the warriors that had gone before us.

“We have not seen anyone walking out of the pack but only Lilly from our pack went in there.” What was Lilly doing here and not so long ago she was at my office but I dint care since I was not here for her and moreover she was the reason why Meg was now angry with me.

“How long ago did Lilly arrive here?” Norman asked them.

“About five minutes ago but she has not come out yet.”

We made a plan that we were going to use. We agreed that I was going to use my mate bond with her so that we can try and find her. To tell the truth I could not feel our bond that much, that only meant that she was so far away maybe very deep in the pack.

We started to move and after two hours of fighting and trying to find her we did not get her. We went to his house which was heavily guarded and I thought that we could find her there but the only thing that was waiting for us there was a phone call.

One of his guards handed to me the ringing phone. I answered it immediately.

“Am going to kill you son of a-” he cut me off before I could finish.

“You will have to find this son of a bitch first before killing it.” He said mockingly.

Just that comment made Shane to finally speak.

I am personally going to kill this stupid man. Let’s find him ad leave the rest to me.

I promise that I will find him and let you finish him once and for all.

“Did you think that I would be that stupid and bring her to my house? Then you must have concluded that I am a very big fool.” He said and laughed. “I am going to enjoy her and there is nothing you can do. You had one year of her an as for me am going to have her forever.”

“Don’t brag too much because one way or another I am going to find you and kill. Oh and also you will never have what we had with Meg because all of that was made out of love and yours will be out of lust and stupidity but let me tell you that you will not have a taste of her before I kill you.”

“Just know that now she is mine and I will never let her. Just let me have her as for you, as you have Lilly who was kind enough to be the one that informed me that Meg was coming from your office at that particular time an all I had to do was stage a place to take her.”

With that he hanged up the phone. I was so angry that I crushed that phone with my bare hands. Norman had already made the guards that we found at the house to surrender.

“Take them back to the cells in the pack. They will talk whether they like it or not.” Norman told the warriors and immediately they did what they were asked.

“I need you to find that she devil and bring her to me. I promise you this that I am going to kill her together with that psycho.” I said and transformed to my wolf form and left.

My body was shaking with rage. How could Lilly do this to the woman that I love? I ruined my life because of a useless stupid woman.

Three hours later after torturing the guards and Lilly, we still didn’t have ay answer as to where Meg was taken. I went back to my house and straight to our room. Everything there bothered me because it reminded me of her. Her smell was everywhere as well as her things.

I didn’t know that I could ever feel this emptiness in me just because she was not here. I missed her terribly. I went and sat on the bed and took her pillow and kept it to y heart.

Three weeks later and still we could not even get a hint of where she was. We had even gone to her father who said that when he realized that Meg was happy being my Luna he had forbidden Erin from taking her.

Erin had gone against Meg’s father’s wishes and kidnapped her. Meg’s father was now helping us to find her so that he could apologize to her and wish her happiness.

It was about five in the morning I was up after a restless night. I took a framed photo of her that I had took it on our first date at the woods and looked at it.

I really missed her a lot. The three weeks has been terrible without her. I could barely function without her. I had not shaved since her disappearance. Everybody was trying there level best to help but also keeping their distance.

Suddenly I felt our bond with Meg become stronger.

Please help me Tyler.

Meg is that you baby. Where are you? I asked fast.

There is no time to explain. He is coming to drug me now. What I know is there is a lake and many trees also-

She did not finish her statement because her communication was blocked.

Get Meg’s father on the phone right now. I mind linked Norman.

We got the location from him and right now he was on his way there. We agreed to met there so as to not waste any time.

I am coming to get you baby. Shane spoke.

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