Chapter 11

Crystal’s PO.V.

We will be back as soon as possible, Crystal. Don’t think too much about anything,” Silvia comforted me while holding my hands in hers. She and Uncle Sylvester were going to my pack to attend Adam’s alpha ceremony. I tried to smile but failed miserably.

“O honey,” Silvia took me in her embrace and I wrapped my hands around her torso.

“You don’t need to blame yourself for anything, love. You didn’t ask for this. This is the wish of the Moon Goddess and we are happy about that. Both your uncle and I thought that you will be a great Luna to our pack. We only need to talk about. this to the king, and everything will be okay. Just trust us,” she tried to comfort me again.

“Are you sure that there will be no problem in … in my relationship with Theo?” I asked her in a low tone, filled with anxiety and fear. She smiled and stroked my back gently.

“Yes, honey.. I am sure that there will be no problem. We decided to stay there until the prince goes back, and then you can also go back there. Until then, we will not say anything to anyone. We will tell everyone together,” she replied to me in a comforting tone. I couldn’t deny it, but I was still anxious. She slowly released me from her embrace.

“It think… that will be better, I answered her and she smiled while stroking my face affectionately.

“We will be late, Silvia,” Uncle Sylvester shouted as we were standing at the door of the pack house and he was waiting for Silvia near his car.

“We will meet soon at your pack,” she whispered to me and I nodded. She then took a deep breath and walked towards her mate. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I was coming, Sylvester. Why were you so impatient?” she scolded him while marching towards him. I smiled and leaned at the door frame while crossing my hands in front of my chest. They didn’t stop bickering until they got inside the car. I wanted this kind of relationship with my mate. I wanted this love and affection in my life but everything was messed up for


“Thinking about me,” I flinched harder when suddenly Theo whispered in my ear. “O My,” I screamed and before I could understand, he pulled me in his embrace from behind.

“Wh.. what are you doing?” I scolded him while looking around in horror, trying to remove his hand from my waist. I didn’t know until then he was so clingy.

“I am hugging my mate. What I am doing wrong, huh?” he answered me in a flat tone while tightening his grip on my waist. My eyes were now widened in horror. What if someone from the pack listen to us?

“Leave me, Theo,” I demanded, still trying to remove his grip on my waist but it was only a futile try. He was an alpha after


“And why would I do that, huh?” he asked me while pulling me closer to him: My heart was now pounding hard in my chest in fear. I didn’t want anyone to misunderstand me but his carelessness would make everyone blame me./

“You are my mate, Crystal, and no one will question the wish of the Moon Goddess,” he spoke further and I sighed in defeat this time. I stiffened when some more scents hit my nostrils. We were not alone.

“He is right, Crystal. You shouldn’t worry so much. This is not on you,” I looked in the direction of Nate when I heard him trying to comfort me. I smiled weakly at him and his mate, Leena. Leena was their ga mma’s, daughter and Nate was so happy when they recognized each other as mates on her eighteenth birthday. I didn’t attend her birthday that year as I had some exams to finish at that time, but I was happy for them.

“Yes, Crystal… Still I believe that you deserve better, Leena teased Theo this time while winking at me. A low growl erupted from Theo’s chest, making me and Leena pursed our l*ps to suppress our laughter.

“She is mine, Leena, and no one deserves her, but me,” Theo scolded her in a stern tone and she rolled her eyes while rolling her n*eck.

“I am hungry,” before Theo could say anything more, I said while tilting my head a little. He looked at me with raised brows for a few seconds, but slumped his shoulders in defeat. He k*ssed my cheek from behind before releasing me from his embrace

“I love their possessiveness,” Luna chirped inside my mind. I smiled internally because I also enjoyed this but I was scared at the same time. What if my family and other oppose our relationship and ask us to reject each other. We had no information about any pair of fated mates being siblings or cousin in the past. I didn’t know what cruel game fate was playing with me, but it was really scary, scarier than Adam’s rejection. Theo took my hand in his hand and we walked inside the pack house.

“Let’s watch a movie tonight. We didn’t have spent a girl’s night together after I found him as my mate, Leena proposed while looking at Nate lovingly.

“Fine with me. I think it will be a good distraction for me too,” I answered her while going towards the couch with Theo.

“We will also join you,” Nate chimed in, and I glared at him.

“No… it’s only for girls,” I protested and he pouted while giving me a puppy eyes.

“Don’t worry… we will be with them,” Theo comforted him and I glared at him this time.

“This is only for girls. So you boys… stay out of it, I threatened Theo while sitting beside him on the couch.

“If you think that I will leave you alone when you are here then forget it, Theo spoke further and I sighed while slumping my shoulders down. I lowered my head and closed my eyes. He took my hand in his hand on my lap.

“We still don’t know what the king will decide on this matter, Theo. We.. we.. should keep our distance till his decision,” I said to him in a low tone, and his grip on my fingers tightened immediately. I slowly opened my eyes but didn’t lift my head


“How many times do I need to tell you that I am not going to reject you, Crystal?” he asked me in a stern tone and I lowered my head. Why the things were so complicated with me?

“Don’t lose your hope, girl. I am sure that there will be a solution of this problem. You know well about our belief and faith” in the Moon Goddess. If the Moon Goddess has given you Theo as your mate then I have this faith that everything will be okay.” Leena also tried to console me.

I felt tears in my eyes because I also wanted everything be okay for me. Theo was my second chance mate, and I couldn’t tell if I got a third chance or not. I never heard about anyone getting a third chance. So the possibility was almost hil about me rejecting you or accepting your rejection, love,” Theo said in a firm tone, while wrapping his hand around my shoulders and rubbed my arm gently.

“Everything will be okay, Crystal…. Just trust me,” he said to me and I looked up at him with tearful eyes.

“I am going to get something to eat, suddenly Leena said and stood up from the other couch in front of us where she was sitting with Nate.

“Let’s go… I am coming with you too,” Nate said to Leena. Theo wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes. Both Nate and Leena went to the kitchen, leaving us alone in the living room.

“Just tell me one thing, Crystal,” he asked me in a calm tone. I nodded, indicating him to continue.

“Are you willing to accept me as your mate?” he asked me in a calm tone. I just blinked while looking at him in a daze. I was not ready to answer this question due to my dilemma.

“Forget about us being cousin and answer me. Are you willing to accept me as your mate if everyone accepts our relationship?” he asked me again and I took a deep breath. I lowered my eyes and thought about the answer of hist question.

“Say yes, girl… what are you thinking. Do you think that anyone can be better than him?” Luna scolded me at the back of my mind while ushering me to accept. She was right though but I was still hesitated.

Theo was everything that a girl could wish in her mate. He was loving, caring, understanding, and a down to earth personality. He was fierce, brave, and held a reputation of being a powerful alpha of this generation. He was everything that I could think in my mate.

“I am waiting for your answer, love. You are making me anxious,” I came out of my thoughts when Theo asked me again in an anxious tone this time. I looked up at him and smiled. At first, I had to clear my mind and thoughts about what i wanted. He was my second chance, and above all he was determined to accept me.

“What do you think my answer should be?” I asked him calmly instead of answering him with a teasing smile on my l*ps. He narrowed his eyes while look at me. I pursed my l*ps and was about to lower my head again when he cupped my face and pulled it up.

“Answer me, Crystal. Are you willing to accept me as your mate?” he asked me in a stern tone this time, looking straight into my eyes. The sparks igniting all over my b*dy were making me feel dizzy now.

“Say, yes, girl… There is no way that I will let you reject our mate,” Luna ushered me again in a desperate tone. My heart was now pounding hard against my ribcage.

“Yes, Theo… I… I accept you as my mate,” I answered him but gasped in shock when a jolt of electricity hit me hard. Theo held me tightly in his embrace and put my head on his chest, I was dizzy and my vision went blurred for a few second, leaving me in confusion.

“Take a deep breath, Crystal,” he instructed me in a calm tone and I did what he asked me to do. I started taking deep breaths when I felt a surge of power inside me.

“You answered him wrong girl Luna sighed and I just shrank my nose in confusion.

“He asked you if you are willing to accept him, but you answered him that you accept him as your mate. You accepted him” Luna explained the whole situation, and emphasized every word in her last statement, and I groaned in frustration.

“This is not what I meant II mean to say that that I tried to distract Theo by starting blabbering because it was really

I embarrassing. How could I do this mistake? He was still my cousin at the first place, and accepting him as my mate would strengthen the mate bond between us. I paused when I realized what I had done. If we don’t find any solution of this problem, then he had to reject me, and in that case, the pain would be worse for both of us, especially for him because he was an alpha

My eyes widened in horror and I looked at him with tearful eyes

“I am sorry I didn’t mean to I wanted to say that I have no problem in in, I tried to speak clearly but choked on my own

it’s okay, love. You don’t have to panic,” he immediately put my head on his chest again, and I wrapped my hands around his torso in fear. What have I done?

“I am sorry” I apologized again in a choked tone.

“Why are you apologizing huh? You have to accept me as your mate sooner or later. Then what’s wrong in accepting me as your mate now, huh? he tried to comfort me but my mind was now a mess

“Luna is there any way out?” I asked Luna in a desperate tone. She sighed and took a deep breath.

“No, pup there is no way out except rejecting him but don’t lose your hope. Theo is right if the Moon Goddess has given us him as our mate then there is no way that anyone can ask us to reject him just because we are relatives. Trust on the Moon Goddess’s decision only, she comforted me in a calm tone and I closed my eyes. I was now relieved after listening to her. She was right. This is our goddess’s decision, and I am no one to go against her wishes

“I love you, Crystal Talways loved you. I always thought that it was a brother’s love towards his sister. But now I realized that it was not like that I always felt a pull towards you. Now I understood why I was so protective and possessive towards you from the first day when I saw you. You are everything that I can think of in my Luna, Crystal You are a perfect Luna for me for this pack,” I smiled shyly while listening to Theo’s confession, but didn’t open my eyes

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