Chapter 12

Killian’s POV

“Is everything okay, Killian?” my beta, and my best friend, Edward, asked me in a concerned tone. I smirked while looking at the pack in front of me. I didn’t know why but I was having a nagging feeling at the back of my mind for everything that was happening here.

“Do you think?” I asked him briefly in a serious tone, and heard him taking a deep breath.

“L… I don’t know why but I had this feeling that something is really wrong with this future alpha couple,” he answered me truthfully and the smile on my l*ps went wide.

“You felt that too, right?” I asked him with a light chuckle and he responded with a hum.

“They are not fated mates, Edward. They lied about it, I told him the truth in a calm tone.

“What????? How can do this?” he yelled angrily and I looked at him calmly.

“Adam is playing a dangerous game with everyone. He is also taking us as a fool,” I said further to him while looking at Adam far at a distance who was busy with his father in the arrangements of the ceremony which was tonight.

“Are you not going to do anything to stop him, huh?” Edward asked me in an angry tone, and I shook my head negatively. “No… I am not going to stop him. Why would I? He rejected his fated mate for power and wealth. Let him taste his own medicine first,” I replied to him in a calm tone. Edward gasped in shock at my revelation about Adam. That clumsy mutt thought so highly of him.

He deceived his parents, the whole pack, and the whole community. He didn’t know but I could sense the connection between two wolves, especially if they are mates. Adam’s wolf was in denial with Rachel’s mate, and same went with Rachel’s wolf. They were forcing their wolves to accept each other and I really felt sympathy for them

Adam was going to make Rachel his Luna after his alpha ceremony, and he would mark her in front of the whole pack I decided to play his game according to him. I was sure that the beta’s daughter was his mate. He rejected her because he didn’t know anything about her and her wolf or else I was sure that he would have accepted her without even blinking


That girl was lucky that Adam rejected her or else she would have to cry all her life. I hated the power greedy wolves like Adam. For the sake of that beta’s daughter…. What was her name, yeah…. Crystal… For the sake of Crystal, I closed my eyes for the time being, but I had something in mind too.

“What are you planning, Killian?” Edward asked me in a suspicious tone. I smirked again and looked back at him. “What do you think I should do, huh?” I asked him in a mysterious tone. A wicked smirk appeared in his l*ps.

“It will serve him better, Edward muttered, making me shake my head while laughing a little.

“Prince Killian,” I looked in the other direction when someone called my name. I saw beta Warrick coming towards me. He stopped in front of me, and bowed.

“Yes, beta Warrick,” I asked him in a respectful tone.

“It’s already lunch time, Prince Killian, I came to escort you,” he told me his purpose of coming to me in a respectful tone. “You lived in a separate house, right?” I asked him and he nodded as answer. I clapped my hands, and looked at Edward.

“Let’s go to your house then,” I said and his mouth hung open in surprise.

“What? Can’t you feed me?” I asked him innocently while batting my lashes. “It… it’s not like that, Prince Killian,” he stuttered hard, making me laugh this time.

“It’s settled then… Edward,” I moved towards him. He looked at me questioningly.

“Let’s go, I ordered him and looked back at beta Warrick again.

“Lead the way Beta Warrick,” I gestured him, and he nodded. I could see hesitation and fear on his face. He was scared because of my status.

“What are you doing, Killian?” Edward asked me through mind-link.

“I want to know more about his daughter, and that’s why, I planned to go there. Moreover, I don’t want to see that alpha’s daughter. She is really clingy,” I answered him in a disgusting tone in the end.

“Yeah.. that’s right,” he said with a sigh. Rachel was an alpha’s daughter but she was as wicked as Adam was. Both of them were power greedy. I hated her because she tried to hit on both me and Edward when she was going to mate with


“Uhhhh.. we… always have a very simple lunch, Prince Killian Please tell me if you want something to eat as your lunch.” Beta Warrick asked me in a respectful tone but I could see that he was nervous.

“Don’t think too much, Beta Warrick. I am not a picky eater,” I assured him with a small smile. He nodded and showed the way to his house

“Tell me something about your daughter, Beta Warrick. You know the main purpose of my visit to this pack, right?” I asked. him. He nodded, but I could see that his expression went stiffened.

“Uhhh… she is a very simple girl, Prince Killian. She turned eighteen ten days ago. She is intelligent, and good in

academics. She she has already finished her graduation from a human college online, and now she is thinking to enroll herself for post-graduation,” he told me with a small smile on his l*ps.

“She is just eighteen, right?” Edward asked him in a curious tone: Beta Warrick nodded in agreement.

“Then how can she finish her graduation?” he asked again in the same curious tone. I also wanted to know about this. Beta Warrick’s smile went wide this time.

“I told you that she is intelligent. She was always a brilliant student. She finished her high school when she was just fourteen,” he answered Edward. Both in a proud tone. I and Edward shared a look in surprise, but my heart sk ipped a beat and I didn’t know the reason.

“Wow… now I also want to meet her,” Edward exclaimed in awe.

“When will she come back?” I asked Beta Warrick this time in a calm tone.

“Uhhh… she didn’t inform us if she has found her mate there or not. I guess she didn’t find. So, she can come back any time. She is close to my sister’s family. I guess she wants to spend some time there with them,” he answered me in a calm tone but I raised brows when I felt nervousness in his voice.

We reached his home and his mate opened the door for us

“Good afternoon, Prince Killian, Beta Edward,” she greeted us while bowing in front of us in respect.

“Please call us by our name, Martha. We are younger than you, almost at the same age as your sons,” I asked her in a respected tone. She was a beautiful woman and her smile was really warming with a motherly aura.

“Okay,” she said with a nervous smile. I took a deep breath when a pleasant smell of the house hit my nostrils. It made me feel as if I am at my own home.

“You have a nice house, Martha,” I complimented her while walking inside the living room. “Thanks, Killian,” she answered. me in a cheerful tone. I smiled and both I and Edward sat down on the couch comfortably.

“I will take only a few minutes, then I will serve you lunch,” she informed us and I nodded.

“No need to hurry. Take your time, Martha, By the delicious smell, I can say that you are a good cook,” I complimented her again and she beamed while looking at her mate proudly. He was also looking at her in pride. “Where are your sons?” I asked Beta Warrick when he sat down on the single seat.

“He is with alpha Adrian, Prince Killian, More than fifty alphas from different pack are coming to ceremony today. So, they are busy looking after the arrangements,” he told me and I nodded.

“I guess William is also taking over you tonight?” I asked him and he shook his head negatively.

tend Adam’s alpha

“No, Prince Killian. He is not. He will take over after a few days. He wants Crystal to attend his ceremony,” he told me in a calm tone. They were really an easy going people. I felt relief because I also didn’t want William to be Adam’s beta. I could say that William was stronger and wiser than Adam.

“Did something happen on Crystal’s birthday, Beta Warrick? I heard that she didn’t shift that day,” I asked him and he cleared his throat. He looked at me while thinking hard.

“No, Prince Killian… nothing happened at that day. As you know that she has already shifted when she was only fourteen. She was still in high school at that time. Due to the myths associated with early shifters, Alpha Adrian and I decided to be cautious, and he talked with the king, your father. After taking orders from your father, Alpha Adrian put a command on her, and prohibited her from shifting in front of others. We also keep this hidden from everyone, including our sons,” he told me everything truthfully, and I nodded, I looked at Edward who was also surprised after listening to Beta Warrick

“If you don’t mind… can I see her photo?” I asked him in a calm tone but didn’t leave any room for denial.

“Of course, Prince Killian,” he said with a small, but nervous smile. He then took his phone out of his jacket shirt pocket. “You used cellphone?” Edward asked him in surprise. Warrick smiled while nodding in agreement.

“Crystal likes to stay in touch with the family and friends all the time. She is well versed with the human technologies and she bought these phones for us,” he told us with a proud smile on his l*ps.

“I don’t know why but she sounded so much like you, Killian,” Edward mind-linked me again. My heart sk ipped a beat again,

but I couldn’t deny what he said because I also felt the same. I finished my studies and even the alpha training before I reached eighteen. I was also fond of human technologies and was well-versed in them too. During the whole conversation I felt so many times that I was listening about my achievements instead of hers. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Here,” Beta Warrick moved his phone towards us.

“I am not having a good feeling about this, pup,” my wolf, Blake, said at the back of my mind in a worried tone. I raised my hand to take the phone but my heart suddenly started racing in anticipation. I took the phone and moved the screen towards me. I heard a gasp beside me, but my eyes were glued on the girl in the photo.


is gaze.

She, Edward tried to say something in shock but stuttered hard. I looked up at Beta Warrick with a serious He was looking at us in worriedly. I looked at him in a daze while clutching the phone tightly in my grip.

“Wh… what happened, Prince Killian?” Beta Warrick asked me in a worried tone while looking between me and Edward with a worried gaze.

“There is nothing to worry, Beta Warrick. But I want you to call her, and ask her to come back by tomorrow. It’s just I want to meet her before going back home, or you can say that I will not leave until I meet her. So, it will be better if she comes back,” I answered him in a serious tone, and looked back at the photo of that girl.

“Are you sure that she is your daughter, Beta Warrick?” I asked him and looked at him questioningly. My heart sk ipped a beat again when his face went pale at that very instant.

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