Chapter 14

Killian’s POV

I tapped my fingers on my cheek while looking at the people on the stage. I was sitting lazily in front of the stage. Alpha Adrian finished the alpha ceremony of his son and passed the title to him. He was looking proud and happy, I really felt sympathy for him. He was a good man and above all, he was far better alpha than his son.

“Will you do something now or will wait for them to finish marking?” Edwards asked me in whispers. I still had my eyes on the stage. Adam was not happy as he thought that I would personally hold this ceremony for him. It was not my intention since the beginning.

The whole pack howled after he howled, claiming his authority over the pack. “Let’s wait for a while,” I answered Edwards while changing the position of my legs. I crossed them on knees.

“That girl is really brave. She is deceiving everyone yet she has audacity to flaunt herself, Edward grimaced in disdain. I couldn’t say but agreed with him. Rachel was sitting on the other side of the stage with her head high in pride as if she was doing something very good.

I asked Alpha Adrian to carry their marking ceremony first before her Luna ceremony. I let Adam took over the alpha position but there was no way that I would let her take over Luna position in this pack. She would ruin this pack due to her incompetent and arrogant nature.

One of the elders in this pack initiated the marking ceremony. Adam went to her, and raised his hand towards her. She immediately took his hand with a wide smile and came in the center of the stage with him. She was now smiling shyly.

“She is looking like a w***e instead of a Luna,” Blake grumbled at the back of my mind in disappointment. To be honest, I agreed with Blake on this too. The dress she had worn was too tight as if he would tear off if she took a deep breath. The dress was off shoulder, showing her cleavage clearly, and the slit on her right leg almost reach to the top of her thigh. I didn’t know what Adam saw into her, and rejected his fated mate for her.

The whole crowd applause for them and hooted loudly when Adam accepted her as his mate and his Luna. She also accepted him as her mate, and her alpha. They marked each other in front of everyone. I could feel a bond forming between them but it was weaker than the bond between chosen mates. Their wolves were still in denial and this was what I was going to use against them.

After they marked each other, Alpha Adrian announced that they would carry the Luna Ceremony in a few minutes. Every one clapped harder while cheering aloud for the new couple.

“Wait,” I said in a loud and authoritative tone, making everyone silent immediately. I slowly stood up from the chair and Edwards followed my suit. I smirked when I saw Adam going pale again. Alpha Adrian looked at me questioningly.

I went on the stage in lazy stride and stopped in front of Adam and Rachel beside Alpha Adrian. “Is something wrong, my prince?” Alpha Adrian asked me in a nervous tone. I smiled and looked at him with a calm face.

“I want their wolves to come out and mark each other too, Alpha Adrian,” I demanded in a calm tone. Alpha Adrian knitted his brows in confusion. I heard a faint gasp coming from the new couple.

“Okay… as you command, my prince,” Alpha Adrian said in a respectful tone, and I gave him a curt nod. We both looked back at the couple, and I scoffed when I saw their pale faces. They didn’t see this coming to them.

“Ask your wolves to come out, and mark each other. During the process, your wolves will be in full control, and you will have no saying,” I commanded them in a cold tone. Both of them fell down on the ground on their fours while groaning in pain. I scoffed bitterly when I realized that they were blocking their wolves.

Soon their wolves were out while shredding their clothes in front of everyone. I folded my hands in front of my chest while waiting for them to mark each other. They both growled lowly while looking at each other. Instead of coming to each other, they started circling each other while barring their canines. They were threatening each other.

“Wh… what exactly is going on here? Why aren’t they marking each other?” I heard Alpha Adrian’s yelling in a baffled tone. “Because they are not fated mates, Alpha Adrian. You can see that their wolves are still in denial when their humans have already marked each other,” I answered him in a cold tone. I signaled William to bring something clothes for them. They continued circling each other while showing their anger. There were so many murmurs and whispers around us but l didn’t pay attention to them. William brought clothes for them, and put them on the stage near my feet.

“Shift,” I commanded them in a cold tone. Within a few seconds, they shifted back in their human form. William immediately threw a large t-shirt over Rachel and Adam picked up his clothes from the ground. “What do you mean by they are not fated mates, my prince. There is no way that my daughter would deceive me,” Rachel’s father yelled angrily after coming back to his senses.

I scoffed and moved my head towards him lazily. “You can ask you daughter by yourself, alpha,” I answered him in a cold tone. I didn’t remember his name, and I didn’t intend to recall. He could be anyone.

He marched towards the stage while fuming in anger. “Is this true, Rachel?” he yelled at Rachel who was now shivering hard behind Adam. I scoffed and looked at Alpha Adrian. He was still in a daze. He was looking at them with wide opened. eyes in shock

I put my hand on his shoulder and massage it lightly. He was even not breathing and blinking his eyes. “Breath alpha Adrian, Linstructed him in a gentle tone. He exhaled sharply and blinked harder while coming out of the daze.

“It… it’s not my fault, Dad… Adam asked me to be his chosen mate. He… he said th… that thi. this will be beneficial to both the packs,” I snapped my head towards Rachel in disbelief when she put the whole blame on Adam.

“What are you talking about? It was you who approached me after rejecting your mate in the alpha academy,” Adam screamed in anger, disclosing her secret. There were so many gasped all around. Both the fathers were now dumbstruck. “Trejected him because of you. You wanted to date me, she screamed back, and I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“I never asked you to reject your fated mate. I never asked you to say yes to me,” he once again screamed at her, and I felt a headache. They forgot where they were standing right now.

“Enough” roared when they were about to hung at each other. They stopped and looked at me with wide opened eyes in shock. Their eyes almost came out of the sockets in horror when they realized where they were.

I looked at Alpha Adnan who was still standing dumbstruck.

“Alpha Adrian,” I called him in a calm tone. He moved towards me but didn’t utter a word. His son made him a

laughingstock in front of the whole world. I didn’t know how he was going to survive this humiliation. Adam was their only son, and was excellent in academics.

“I suggest you to take over the alpha position once again. Your son not only deceived everyone including you, but also he went against the decision of the Moon Goddess,” he said to Alpha Adrian in a calm tone.

“H… how can you say like this, my prince. Wh.. what about my daughter… wh… where will she go then?” Rachel’s father cried again but his tone infuriated me. It seemed that he was accusing me for his daughter’s misfortune.

“Is your daughter my concern, alpha?” I asked him in a cold tone, and he jerked his head while looking at me dumbstruck. “They have already marked each other. Now it’s all up to them if they want to stay together or want to reject each other,” continued and tilted my head lightly while craning my n*eck towards them.

Adam was now seething in anger but he couldn’t do a thing against me. I looked at him coldly, and he immediately cowered in fear.

“Th.. this is not fair with me. I am supposed to be the Luna of this pack now. He… he accepted me as his Luna. There is no way that I will go anywhere else now,” Rachel screamed in panic. I didn’t pay attention to them and started walking off the stage. Edward didn’t say a word all this time and stayed standing behind me.

“Prince Killian… Wait,” I stopped in my tracks when Rachel screamed in a fearful tone. I looked back at her questioningly. “You can’t go away like this. Y… you have to witness my Luna Ceremony too,” she screamed, and I co cked my brow while looking at her coldly. She gulped hard and stumbled on her feet in fear. Adam immediately pulled her behind him.

“You still think that you can be the Luna of this pack when you are not his fated mate?” I heard Alpha Adrian asking her in a disgusting tone.

“If not I am then who else will be the Luna of this pack, huh? Your Crystal? Rachel taunted him in a voice filled with disgust.

“Rachel,” Alpha Adrian, Adam, and her father yelled at her at the same time, taking her off guard. I sat down on my chair again lazily and looked at them without any interest.

I heard a few threatening growls. She snarled at Beta Warrick and his family immediately. Her actions were not getting on my nerves.

“Mind your business, girl. You have no right to take my sister’s name,” William said in a cold tone, earning a growl from Adam

“Watch your mouth, William…. Friend or not, I will not tolerate any disrespect against her,” Adam scolded, and threatened William, making him scoff bitterly.

“She can insult our alpha but we can’t say anything to her, huh? Are you taking us as a coward, Adam?” William taunted at him while taking a step forwards towards the couple.

“It’s Alpha Adam to you,” Adam again threatened him. William scoffed and looked at his family who were also glaring at Adam and Rachel

“You are no alpha to me, Adam. My alpha is still Alpha Adrian and I will only recognize him as my alpha,” William

announced, holding his head high, making Adam widened his eyes in shock.


“Our too,” Beta Warrick said in a cold tone, and stepped forward with his mate and his younger son. “Our too…. Although

finished the alpha ceremony but we refuse to acknowledge you as our alpha, Adam. A deceiving and cu nning person like you can’t be or Alpha, someone from their pack yelled angrily this time. Everyone present there from this pack, echoed their voices behind that wolf.

Both Adam and Rachel looked at everyone with wide open eyes in shock. Never in their dreams, had they expected this outcome of their lie. It served them better.

“Are you challenging me, William?” suddenly Adam spat while accusing William. “Why do I need to challenge you, Adam, when we already have our alpha in front of us?” William asked him in a mocking tone, fueling his anger.

“Enough,” Alpha Adrian roared, making everyone shut their mouths. He was now breathing heavily due to anger, but he had a calm face.

There was drop dead silence all around now as everyone was now curious about Alpha Adrian’s next action. He closed his eyes and gave himself to calm down.

He opened his eyes again after some time, and seemed calm. He then looked back at Adam and Rachel. “You two- deceived everyone with your lies. A pack doesn’t deserve a cu nning alpha couple at the first place. Therefore, I take back the alpha position from you, Adam,” Alpha Adrian announced, and Adam trembled hard in anger.

“You will not do anything such thing, dad. This position is my rightful place,” Adam said while fuming in anger. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You lost your rightful place, Adam. You should have thought about the consequences for lying to everyone. She is not your fated mate. You should have waited for your fated mate but you took her as your chosen mate instead. Why did you do this?” Alpha Adrian asked him while yelling in agony. He was heartbroken, and his mate was no better than her. I saw her crying silently on the other side of the stage with Beta Martha.

“I challenge you for this position then,” suddenly Adam announced, taking everyone off guard. “He really is a power hungry wolf. He dared challenge his own father?” Edward muttered in disdain. I looked at William who was now fuming in anger while balling up his fists tightly. I could see blood dripping from his palm.

Before everyone could understand, Adam shifted into his wolf, and lunged towards his father. I immediately stood up. Alpha Adrian was also about to shift when suddenly a loud roar boomed the area, and a large golden brown wolf lunged at Adam from behind, taking him off guard, and pinned him down on the ground. It was really going to be interested.

“Adam”…. “William, both Luna Elena, and Beta Martha screamed in a voice filled with horror. Everyone emptied the place near the stage, giving them the space to the fighting duo now. I could feel that Adam was on his own now as his wolf refused to support him in this duel. He already had lost this battle but he was still insisting on fighting while William’s wolf was enraged also, and his anger was giving more strength to William. I was really amazed by William’s bravery now. He was beta blood. Still he was fighting with an alpha wolf.

“Their blood line is strong, and it made William a strong Beta, almost at par with an alpha,” Edward praised William while looking at them in amazement. I chuckled while crossing my hands in front of my chest. There was no way that I would let Adam hurt William. William attacked him to defend his alpha, and this what a beta should do.

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