Chapter 15

Third Person’s PO.V

Adam gathered all of his strength and pushed William away from his b*dy. William immediately gained his footing and snarled at Adam. It was a clear challenge. Adam stood up and snarled back at William, accepting the challenge. “Someb*dy…. Stop them,” Prince Killian heard Rachel’s father yelling in panic. Prince Killian glanced at him coldly when I saw him looking at me. Did he really think that Prince Killian would interfere?

Prince Killian scoffed and looked back at the duo fighting with each other. Both wolves were of the same height and strength. Edward was not wrong when he said that William’s bloodline was stronger and he was at par with an alpha in strength.

“When did he become like this, Adrian? Why did he do this?” Luna Elena asked his mate in a choked tone while crying in his embrace. Adrian also had tears in his eyes but he tightened his grip on her torso. He didn’t answer her as he also wanted to know what made Adam so greedy for power that he didn’t hesitate to challenge him?

Adam was a metallic grey wolf with black linings while William’s wolf was golden brown and spotless. Soon it became clear who was going to win this dual. Adam was trying hard to gain the upper hand, but William was a better warrior than him. Adam had now injuries all over his b*dy but he failed to even scratch William once.

Everyone had stopped breathing around them and they were anticipating the outcome of this dual. Would it be the end of Hopkins’ family reign? Everyone knew that Alpha Adrian is a far better alpha than others. Willjam found an opening and twisted his b*dy to get a better access to Adrian’s left back leg. He sank his canines into the thigh, making Adam-howl in pain.

Suddenly another wolf pushed William hard from behind, taking him off guard. He stumbled on his feet, but didn’t fall down. He snarled at the new wolf. It was Rachel Prince Killian raised his brows in surprise because she was shorter than William’s wolf in height. Was she really an alpha?

She circled William angrily while Adam limped towards her. He was wincing in pain but he was still angry. The humiliation that he received tonight was enough for him to infuriate. Rachel snarled at William, but two powerful snarls made her hid her tail in between her legs in fear. Two more wolves jumped in front of William, taking a protective stance in front of him. They snarled at Rachel, threatening her to be reckless.

They were Luna Elena and Beta Martha. Rachel’s involvement in this fight had irked them. Adam was dumbfounded when he saw his mother standing against him. He was also infuriated at Rachel, because her interference declared his defeat indirectly. Everything was now against Adam.

“Enough” suddenly Prince Killian roared, making everyone halt at their places. Adam lowered his head in defeat. He lost the battle to his beta. Prince Killian then strode towards them with a cold face. He knew that William was strong enough to tackle both Adam and Rachel, but he didn’t want to see a fight between a mother and a son.

Alpha Adrian and Beta Warrick brought clothes for their mates and Vincent gave clothes to William. Someone threw clothes for Adam and Rachel too. Rachel was seething in anger. Her dreams were shattered and everyone was now despising them. She glared at Prince Killian with the eyes full of hatred before shifting back to her human form.

Everyone shifted back, and put clothes to cover their n*ked bodies. “Are you okay, son?” Martha asked William in a worried tone as soon as she put on the oversize t-shirt. William smiled and took her hands in his hands.

“I am fine, Mom…. You and dad trained me well. How can I be not okay?” he assured her and asked her in a teasing tone. She immediately threw herself on him, embracing him tightly. William wrapped his hands around her torso, rubbing her back to ensure her that he was okay.

Elena took a breath of relief, and glanced at Adam angrily. He was now sitting on the floor. Rachel was holding him, but she was clearly not happy with the outcomes. She was defensive towards Adam because of the mate bond created by marking earlier..

Prince Killian stopped in front of them, and looked at Adam and Rachel coldly before looking at Adam and the others. He cleared his throat and looked at Alpha Adrian in the end.

“I guess I don’t need to tell the result of the duel,” Prince Killian said in a calm tone. William stepped forward and bowed in front of Prince Killian to show his respect to him.

1 mean no disrespect, Prince Killian, but I fought with Adam out of my instinct to save my alpha. I might have defeated Adam, but Alpha Adrian is still our alpha in our heart,” William said in a respectful tone. Adrian felt tears in his eyes but his chest swell in pride.

Prince Killian’s corners of the l*ps twitched and he looked at William with admiration. “Very well then,” he said and then looked at Adam and Rachel.

“You have two choices now,” Prince Killian addressed them in a cold tone. Both of them snapped their heads towards Prince Killian with a furiously beating heart in fear. None of them was ready for this.

“Either you stay in the pack with demotion to the rank omega, or you choose to go rogue, Prince Killian continued in the same tone. Both Adam and Rachel gasped in shock. Their eyes were so wide that it seemed their eyes would come of their sockets at any time in shock, S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“No I… I can’t accept either of them… I am an alpha…..I can’t be an omega,” Rachel cried while looking at Prince Killian and then looked at her father who was standing down the stage, dumbstruck.

“Dad, Rachel called him while crying bitterly. He came back to his senses and immediately rushed to him on the stage. Adam was now dumbfounded by Rachel’s outburst. She was his mate now. She had to go down the lane with him.

“Dad. This can’t happen with me. I … I don’t want any of them…I… I,” she threw herself in her dad’s embrace while crying bitterly. He held her tightly in his embrace, and looked at Adam with disgust. Adam was in the top ten alphas in the alpha academy. What was the use of all those trainings if he couldn’t even defeat a beta blood?

Prince Killian didn’t pay any attention to them anymore, and looked at Alpha Adrian. “Please come forward, Alpha Adrian. I have to restore your position,” he called him in a respectful tone. Alpha Adrian gulped hard while trying to ignore that he was having in his chest right now.

“I have one request, Prince Killian,” Alpha Adrian said in a respectful tone. Prince Killian smiled lightly as he had already anticipated about his request. Still he nodded and signaled him to continue. Alpha Adrian cleared his throat and looked at Warrick and William.

He smiled sadly and looked back at Prince Killian. “I request you to announce William as the alpha of this pack, Prince Killian,” Alpha Adrian requested and everyone gasped in shock.

“I don’t want to ascend the title again. My Luna will continue working as the Luna of the pack if William agrees until he finds his mate. I have stepped down, and I don’t want to step up again,” Alpha Adrian finished in a calm tone, while keeping his head high. His son had already let him down in front of the whole world. How could he take the title again now?

“But alpha,” William immediately spoke, but Alpha Adrian raised his hand high to make him closed his mouth again. “If you really see me as your alpha, William, then you will do as I said,” he said in a commanding tone while craning his n*eck towards William. William looked at him with some troubled expression but bow in the end. “As you wish, Alpha,” he said while accepting Alpha’s Adrian decision.

“I objected… You can’t do this to us… Adam is your own son….. How can you choose someone else over him?” Rachel yelled while crying. She hated everyone here present and wanted to kill them at this very instant.

“Rachel,” her father called her name in a warning tone while holding her tightly. “Dad, she choked on her voice again. She was in deep agony. Her first mate was a beta. She rejected him because she didn’t want to step low. But being an omega or a rogue would be worse for her.

“This is decided then, Prince Killian said in a calm tone, and looked at William. “William…. Come forward,” he instructed William in a calm and commanding tone. William bowed in front of him, “I apologize for my reckless behavior, Prince Killian, but I request you to hold this ceremony tomorrow when my sister will be here to be with me,” William requested him in a polite tone.

Adam immediately snapped his head up and looked at William with hatred. He felt humiliated by William’s words. How could he stand in front of Crystal now? He clenched his jaw while cursing Crystal. Everything that happened to him was because of her. She hid her true identity and made him reject her. She deceived him, and now he was more determined to make her pay for what happened to him tonight. He didn’t think that he did anything wrong and blamed Crystal for his ill


Prince Killian nodded and looked at everyone down the stage. “Everyone…. I guess you all have to stay here for William’s Alpha Ceremony. We will gather once again tomorrow night for the ceremony,” he announced in a commanding tone, leaving no room for any argument.

He then looked at Adam with disdain. “What do you want to do, Adam?” he asked him in a cold tone. Adam was now seething in anger. “I will go rogue instead of ruled by William,” he said in a disgusting tone while shooting daggers at William through his eyes. William scoffed and looked at his mother in his embrace. She was still holding him protectively. “You have time until tomorrow morning to think seriously about what you want. Until then, you will stay in the pack hospital with two guards with you, Prince Killian announced in a calm but commanding tone.

“I want to reject him.” The whole crowd snapped their heads towards Rachel in shock when they heard them demanding in a loud tone. “What?” Adam was the first to react, dumbstruck by her demands.

She looked at him coldly while holding his father tightly. “You heard me, Adam. It’s not like we are fated mates, and rejection will cause us unbearable pain. I can’t go rogue with you or an omega. I have a pack, and my father is still willing to take care of me. I don’t want to stay tied up with you because of this st upid bond,” Rachel answered him in a cold tone,

clearing her decision firmly.

Adam felt that someone had knocked all the air out of his lungs at that moment. He knew that Rachel was an opportunist, but never in his dreams, had he thought that she would betray him like this. His interruption made him lose his battle against William, and now she wanted to sever all ties with him because he lost everything. He gritted his teeth but couldn’t utter a word.

The next second, Rachel came forward and rejected Adam in a cold tone, keeping her head high as if she was doing great work. Adam seethed in pain, but he bore it. It was his own doing that brought it back to him. He accepted the rejection without any remorse. He only regretted rejecting Crystal and resented her the most for his ill fate now.

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