Chapter 17

Theo’s POV

“How can this be possible? They are cousins. How can they be mates? There must be some mistake, Vincent yelled while looking at everyone in disbelief and shock. Crystal sobbed allowed in her mother’s embrace, making me dug my nails inside my palm.

“He made our mate cry, Thunder roared at the back of my mind. “He is our brother, Thunder. He is not angry but worried. You should understand his concern. If there is no solution of this problem, then both of us have to reject each other, and he is afraid for his sister going through the pain of rejection,” I explained Vincent’s thought to Thunder.

“I am not going to reject my mate, and I forbid you from rejecting her too, he whined again, making me looked at him helplessly. “I also don’t want to reject him, Thunder,” I answered him, and then looked back at Crystal who still had hidden her face in the crook of her mother’s n*eck.

“This is the Moon Goddess’s decision, Vincent, not theirs,” William said to him, and I was relieved that someone understood our situation very well.

“I know, William…. But… siblings and cousins can’t be mated to each other. You know the law,” Vincent answered him the same irritated tone, making me looked at him angrily this time. Why he had to make Crystal feel more miserable than she was already?

“You are right but that law is about chosen mates, not about fated mates. According to the law, no one can choose his or her sibling or cousins as their chosen mate,” Dad spoke this time in a calm tone, and a saw a ray of hope in his statement.

“I agree that this is the first case that we heard about cousins being mates, but we can’t deny that this is the Moon Goddess’s decision for them,” he continued and I looked at Crystal once again. Her tensed shoulders relaxed immediately but she didn’t lift up her head.

“I think we should discuss this situation with the Prince. He has the ability to feel the connection between the wolves. I am sure that he can testify the bond between you two too as he revealed about Adam and Rachel, William proposed, and l grimaced immediately. It was Adam’s luck that he went rogue and he was not here or else I would have been killed him for making Crystal felt so much pain when he rejected her. She deserved the world, not rejection.

“About that… did you notify him about Crystal’s arrival?” Uncle Warrick asked William in a calm tone. William sighed aloud while running his fingers through his hair. “Yeah… I sent Jonas to notify him. Jonas told me that the Prince said that he will come here. There is no need to bring Crystal at the pack house,” William answered him in calm tone, but I frowned. What was the deal with the Prince?

Suddenly Crystal stiffened and lifted her head up. I looked at her worriedly but her eyes were not on me but towards the door behind me. I also stiffened when I felt the presence of a strong aura around us. “He is here,” Crystal whispered and then stood up from the couch. Her eyes were still glued on the door. All of us stood up from the couch.

At the same time, Prince Killian entered the room with Edward. I smiled and went near him. “Prince Killian,” bowed in front of him. “Aaahhhh… Theo… You are also here,” he chirped and I smiled brightly. Prince Killian was elder than me but we have met in alpha academy. I could say that we were friends. He came near me, and we gave each other’s brotherly hug. “It’s really good to see you, Theo,” Prince Killian whispered, and I felt the warmth of his care.

We broke the hug after some time. “Edward,” I went to Edward and we also hugged each other. I then looked at Crystal who was standing frozen on her place. I knitted my brows while following her line of gaze. At the same time, Killian also looked back at her, and his eyes widened in shock. I heard a gasp, and looked at Edward who also had his mouth open widely in shock.

There was silence in the room as everyone was now confused and anxious at the same time. Both Crystal and Killian were staring at each other as if they had seen a ghost in each other. I looked between them, and narrowed my eyes. “They can pass as sibling if stand together, Thunder spoke at the back of my mind, and I immediately agreed.

Their eyes, the colour of their hairs, their face cut….. they resembled so much. It was really a weird coincident. Suddenly Killian growled in anger, and I saw him digging his nails inside his palms.

“Killian,” both I and Edward exclaimed in shock and reached near him. “Killian,” I put my hand on his shoulder, but he didn’t react to me. He was still looking at Crystal while trembling in anger.

“What’s wrong, Killian? Why are you looking at her like this?” I asked him in a worried tone. He suddenly snapped his head towards Uncle Warrick, and yanked himself from our grip, and marched towards him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Tell me the truth, Warrick… I know… I know that she is not your daughter… Tell me the godda mn truth,” he roared, shaking the whole house, but his statement made all of us gasped in shocked.

“What are you saying, Prince Killian? Crystal is our sister,” William roared back angrily, and the next second; he was near

Crystal, pulling her in his embrace protectively. Vincent was the next to reach near Crystal. They were now glaring at Prince.


“She… is… not… your sister, Prince Killian roared again, and now I was really confused. I looked at Uncle Warrick, and all the lines on my face immediately go straight. He was looking death pale right now. Suddenly a loud s ob took attention of everyone, and Aunt Martha collapsed on the couch.

“Mom,” Crystal, William, and Vincent yelled in panic. “Martha,” Uncle Warrick, and my mother also yelled at the same time. Crystal immediately held Aunt Martha in her embrace tightly. Aunt Martha immediately embraced her tightly while looking at Prince Killian fearfully. She was now crying bitterly.

“Sh… she is… m… my daughter, Prince Killian… I.. I raised her… I… I gave her all… all my love and care to her… sh…. she is my d… aughter,” Aunt Martha cried hysterically while holding tightly as if someone would sn atch Crystal away from


“She is not their daughter? Thunder exclaimed in shock, and my heart ski pped a beat. How could it be possible? Aunt Martha was hysteric right now, and Uncle Warrick was deathly pale, confirming what Thunder said.

“But you didn’t give birth to her, Prince Killian said in a cold voice, enough cold to send chill to the spine. “So what…. So what if I didn’t give birth to her…. she… she… she was just a day old when we found her… Sh., she was about to die out there in wild…….. I saved her by feeding my breast to her. I… I… I saved her,” Aunt Martha cried while answering him.

My heart was now beating furiously. Everyone in the room was shocked with the revelation. “Mom,” Crystal called her in a choked voice. I could see hurt written all over her face. “Crystal… my child… I am your mother… J’am your mother… you are my daughter… You are my daughter… I am your mother, right?” Aunt Martha asked her while crying bitterly. I could see that hope and desperation in her eyes right now.

Crystal immediately nodded in affirmation. “Ye… Yeah, mom… you are my mother… so… so… wh.. what yo.. you didn’t give b.. birth to me… y.. you are my mother,” Crystal tried to comfort Aunt Martha but started crying in helplessness.

“Go to her… she needs us, Thunder yelled, and I immediately hurried towards her, I immediately sat down on the couch beside her and put my hand on her shoulder as Aunt Martha was still hugging her tightly. I was sure that she wouldn’t let me take Crystal in my embrace. She was a mother and she was scared that Prince Killian was going to sn atch Crystal away from her.

Crystal lowered her eyes, but her b*dy relaxed under my touch. I took a deep breath and tried to take some of her pain away through our mate bond. This was the least that I could do for her.

I looked at Prince Killian, and saw so many emotions swirling in his eyes. Exactly what was really going on?

“I want to know everything about how did you find her and where did you find her?” Prince Killian asked and looked at Uncle Warrick this time. The coldness in his voice was still evident, and was trying to suppress everyone here.

“Prince Killian,” Crystal called him in while crying. He immediately looked at her. “You…. You need to calm down…

– you’re suppressing everyone,” she asked him in a choked voice. To my surprise, he immediately soften and suppressed his aura. He looked back at Uncle Warrick again, and I saw that everyone was now looking at him. I saw Crystal putting Aunt Martha’s head on her shoulder through my peripheral vision.

Uncle Warrick gulped hard while looking at Crystal and Aunt Martha. I could see fear and pain on his face. He was in severe pain… The pain of losing the most precious person of his life.

“Eighteen years ago… Martha was pregnant for the third time. We went to Silver Moon Pack to attend her brother’s birthday. Something happened there, and Martha went through early labor. Unfortunately, the pup died before he came into this world. Martha was heartbroken, and so did I, but we couldn’t do anything in this matter. After two days, we decided to come back, as William was alone here. We stopped midway due to some problems with our car. We were trying to fix our car when we heard some noises, and then we smelled rogues around us.” He paused and took a deep breath. I was now gently massaging Crystal, but my heart was now pounding hard against my ribcage. “I asked Martha to immediately get inside the car, but she stopped. She told me that she also heard the faint cry of a child. None of us has the heart not to look for the source of that faint voice. Vincent was sleeping inside the car. So we locked him up and ran in the direction of the noise. As we anticipated, we saw two rogues fighting with each other while holding a bundle of clothes between their mouths. Our hearts trembled when we realized that a child was inside that bundle.” He paused again, but the narration was enough to make everyone gasp in horror, even Prince Killian’s eyes widened in horror.

“We immediately shifted into our wolves and saved the child. Th… that child was Crystal,” he continued while looking at Crystal. She put her hand on her mouth to mu ffle her voice, but I could feel how badly she was heartbroken right now. “She was only a day old, and even the cord was attached to her b*dy at that time. It seemed that the she-wolf who gave birth to her, threw her away in a hurry after giving birth to her. Martha was still breastfeeding Vincent at that time. So she immediately tried to feed Crystal. The poor child was severely injured and was barely breathing. Somehow she managed to have some milk and start breathing again. We brought her back to the car. We were in no man’s land at that time, and it

was really hard to say to which pack her parents could be as there were five packs from that place. After leaving Martha with both pups inside the security of the car, I searched the whole area for any clue about Crystal’s birth mother but couldn’t find it,” he paused again and took a deep breath.

I looked at Vincent who was also crying silently all this time. He was older than Crystal, but he was also just a teenager right now.

“When Vincent woke up, he was happy to see Crystal, and asked Martha if she succeeded to bring him a sister. He took her in his embrace and didn’t let her go. He… he was the one wh… who fi.. first recognized her as her sister, and we also didn’t want to leave an infant in the wild. So, we brought Crystal with us, and after taking permission from Alpha Adrian, and Luna Elena, we told everyone that Martha gave birth to Crystal.” He finished the story, and I looked back at Crystal again.

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