Chapter 18

Crystal’s POV

I wanted to scream at someone anyone to get rid of this pain in my chest. My parents abandoned me in the wild to die. If it were not for Mom and Dad, I would have died on that day. It meant that I was unlucky…. A curse for myself since my birth. At first, my parents abandoned me right after my birth, and then my first mate rejected me mercilessly.

Mom was crying hard in my embrace while holding me tightly. The whole situation had overwhelmed me, but I could see how frightened my whole family was. The way William confronted Prince Killian, he totally forgot that he was our prince and the next king. Vincent was still standing in front of me protectively, as if he would kill anyone who approached me.

I was living a lie whole my life, but I couldn’t blame for this. They did this for my sake. They were broken due to the death of their own pup, but they never brought up the topic about her in front of any of us all these years. She might be a day or two days older than me, but they never did anything that could make me suspicious. Even William and Vincent were not aware that their biological sister was dead.

“Didn’t you try to find out her parents, Warrick?” Aunt Sylvia asked my father in a low tone. He was still looking at me with a painful gaze. I passed a weak smile to him through tearful eyes, indicating that I was okay. I understood why they never told me

“I did….. But there was no she-wolf in any pack around that area who had given birth to a pup. Both I and Alpha Adrian continued our search for almost two years, but eventually gave up in the end when we didn’t get any clue about how Crystal reached there. In the middle of the forest” Dad answered her in a painful tone.

There was silence in the room as no one knew what to say. Theo was still massaging my shoulder lightly while my mother was crying hard in my embrace. “I don’t care who gave her birth… She is my daughter… Mine, mom screamed again in Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


“Yes, mom….. I am only daughter. I only know you as my mother…. All these years… you were the one beside me whenever! needed my mother…. You were the one taking care of me whenever I fell ill….. As… as dad told us… if you haven’t fed me at that time…. ILI choked and mom immediately covered my mouth with her hand while looking at me.

“You dare to utter a single word, Crystal. You are Crystal Spears, the youngest daughter of Warrick Spears and Martha Spears. Just keep this in your mind, girl” mom threatened me in a hoa rse voice, Luna howled in pain, but I smiled. “I don’t want to know who our biological mother is, Crystal. I know only this lady as our mother…. And this is our reality,” Luna said in a sad but firm tone.

“May I ask a question, Killian?” suddenly Theo asked in a calm tone, making all of us to look at him.

“I know what do you want to ask, Theo. I do have a solid reason to ask about Crystal’s biological parents,” Prince Killian answered him in a stiff tone, and moved towards us. I saw a wave of emotions crossing his eyes before he averted his gaze from me to Theo behind me.

“They couldn’t find her parents because they are from Royal Pack” he continued and my eyes widened in shock. Royal Pack? How could it be possible? Mom gasped aloud while holding me tightly again. I trembled when I realized that it might be possible that Prince Killian knew who my parents were. It meant that… That….

I shuddered hard and tightened my grip on my mother. “Who are they, Killian?” Theo asked in a cold tone while gripping my shoulder tightly. I knew that he was now angry but did I really want to know about my birth parents? I was not sure now…….

Prince Killian took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He slowly open

his eyes after some time. “I need a laptop,” he said while looking at William William nodded but we all were confused now. His gaze fell on me again, and I felt that someone had squeezed my heart when I saw pain in his eyes.

Prince Killian went towards the single seat and sat down there. I could feel that he was sad and in pain. What was making him so much miserable right now? Did my parents traitors or something like that? I shuddered hard, and jerked my head to get away from all those negative thoughts. No… it couldn’t be….

William brought his laptop from his room, and gave to Prince Killian. Prince Killian took the laptop, and put it on his lap. His beta went behind him, and stood up. He put his hand on his shoulder as if he was comforting him.

After some time, Prince Killian gulped hard and then looked at me. “I want you, Crystal, to come here, and have a look,” he asked me in a calm tone. My heart sk ipped a beat, and my mother’s grip tightened on me immediately.

I was scared but curious at the same time. What was there that he wanted me to see first? “I am here, mom.. I promise that I won’t go anywhere,” I whispered to my mother to comfort her. “No,” she protested in a choked tone, but I passed a small genuine smile.

“We are still in the same room, aren’t we?” I asked her in a calm tone this time. She sniffed but reluctantly let go of me. Theo also removed his hand from my shoulder. I took a deep breath and stood up from the couch.

I went near his beta behind the couch and looked at the screen. I narrowed my eyes and leaned forward when I saw my photo on the screen. “It’s me,” I whispered in confusion.

“No it’s not,” he said, and I craned my n*eck to look at Prince Killian’s side face in confusion. “Look carefully,” he asked without looking at me, as his gaze was still glued to the screen. I looked back at the photo, and I noticed some differences after looking at it carefully for some time. My hair in the photo was different from my natural hair, and I looked a bit old in the photograph.

“She is our mother, Crystal,” he whispered, and my eyes widened in shock. “What?” everyone in the room yelled in unison, and I felt dizzy. Our mother777777777 Our mother?????????

I stumbled on my feet, but two firm hands held me by my arms. “Are you okay?” Prince Killian’s beta asked me in a concerned tone.

“No no I am not, I answered him truthfully while looking at the photo on the screen. The woman was smiling gracefully, and sparks in her eyes were making her more beautiful. I couldn’t deny that she was not my mother, because i looked almost like her except for our hair,

“We have our father’s hair, Crystal,” Prince Killian whispered again, and I gasped aloud. “We really don’t understand what you are saying, Prince Killian,” Uncle Sylvester asked in a confused tone this time. His beta removed his hands from me after some time, and I steadied myself on my feet.

Prince Killian stood up and put the laptop on the center table. “Please see everyone,” he asked everyone in a low tone. The first ones who almost pounced on the laptop were Vincent and William. “It’s Crystal’s photo, Vincent said in a confused


“As I said… she is not Crystal, but the former queen, our mother, Prince Killian answered him in a low tone, and stopped beside me. My heart was now pounding hard against my ribcage now.

“I don’t know why but I am having this feeling, pup, that whatever he is going to tell us is far worse than what our parents told us,” Luna said in an anxious tone. To be honest, I was also having the same feeling.

“Eighteen years ago, our former queen went to visit her parental pack when she was four months pregnant with my sibling. She went mysteriously missing when she was coming back. All her guards were found dead except two.” he paused, and I just stared at him while breathing heavily.

I felt Theo’s presence near me, but my eyes were glued to Prince Killian’s face. “My father, our king, searched almost every corner of the world for her, but we never found any clue about her whereabouts. We… We still don’t know if she is alive or he paused and closed his eyes when I saw tears in his eyes.

“Yo… You.. wan… want to… to say th… that Crys… Crystal can… can be.” Vincent stuttered hard while trying something. I was also anticipating the same thing. “Luna, Lealled Luna immediately.

“Yeah,” she asked me in an anxious tone. “Do you find any connection with his wolf?” Lasked her while looking straight into Prince Killian’s eyes. “I do, pup…. This is a strong connection… I… I am just afraid to accept it” she answered me in a sad and low tone. I gulped hard while looking at Prince Killian,

“Yes… What I am saying is that Crystal is my sister… The pup that my mother was carrying at that time. Prince Killian accepted, and I felt that someone had sn atched the ground under my feet. I knees went jelly, and I felt like falling but l didn’t because Theo held me tightly in his embrace.

“Yo you mean to to say… th.. that you still… d… don’t know if.. if sh.. she is alive or… or not?” I asked him in a choked tone. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yes… because our father can still feel the mat bond. It’s we it’s still there,” he answered me truthfully, and I felt a pang of pain in my chest.

It meant that something bad had happened to my mother. She…. she didn’t abandon me… she might might leave me there in the hope that someone would save me… she… she is still out there… and no one knows in what condition she left me right after giving birth to me… it meant that…. that she ran away to keep me safe when she was not in a condition to run… she… she didn’t abandon me… sh… she wanted to save me….

Luna howled aloud in pain when I couldn’t control my inner turmoil more, and I collapsed in Theos embrace. “Crystal” | heard William and Vincent screaming my name in panic, but I blacked out before I could respond to them.

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