Another Choice
Chapter 3


A few months later

Life is a living hell. Days after days passed and it's always the same boring life. Who says time is flying are stupid because when your only goal in life is your death, time just slows down painfully. Waking up, showering, eating, working, drinking to oblivion and sleeping. Days pass and they all the same.

I moved out of the pack territory a few months ago and I'm living in the city next to our pack. I'm still part of the park though, it would have killed my parents and my grandparents if I had cut all my links to the pack. I'm working as a security guard in a department store. My father was livid when I learned that but it's my life so he doesn't have his words to say.

Kaiden is a great Alpha and Eve, my sister, is a great Luna. I did the right choice by stepping down. I was not the future of the Primus pack. When I lost her, my mate, I lost everything: my motivation, my desire to lead, even my reason to live. She is left, I've struggled with everything. I moved out of the pack's land because I couldn't bear the look of pity from the pack's members and my parents' disappointment. It was just adding other reasons to not live.

Fighting was a good way to exude my pain. Pain is the only thing I'm feeling and physical pain helps me to cop with the psychical pain. But I won all my fight and nobody wants to fight with me anymore. My last fights were with Selina last summer and that was so good! I miss it. I should have asked her to become her personal punching-ball. Yeah, that would have been great!

I still can’t believe what Noah did to her. Mates are so precious. How can he deny her? I know the fact to have two mates scared him and he wanted to avoid to hurt anyone but it did it in the end and he will do it again. I don’t how it feels like to have two mates but Selina is his true soulmate. There is no other one from him. She is his perfect match. And damn she is beautiful and sexy as hell. How can he be so blind?

My father was Queen Anna-Lynn’s destined mate, but he rejected her because she didn’t have a wolf. At this time, nobody knew who and what she really was. Anyway, his pride made him blind and even if he loves my mother and he’s happy with her, he told multiple times that mates, destinate or not, are the most precious gift you can ever receive. So you have to take care of and treat them well. I grew up dreaming about her and she left before I had time to do anything with her. This crushed my world. Why does she leave so soon?

So like every night, I’m seating alone in a bar drinking my sadness. In the beginning, people used to seat by my side and try to discuss or to flirt. Now they all know and they’re letting me in peace. I had to let my Alpha’s aura but at least now I can stay alone as I’m destiny to be.

Suddenly someone comes to sear on my left side. I don’t even look at who it could be because I don’t care. Apparently this one doesn’t know that it’s forbidden to come too close from me. For sure, it’s a woman. I’m attractive to humans, which is a burden. I don’t use my smelling sense because the smell is too awful. Let’s scare her away then. I let my aura out and I hear her laugh. What the fuck!?

“Nice try but it’s not working on my wolf-boy. Do you want me to show how scary my aura is?” She asks me amused. That voice makes me look up to see who is she.

“Selina...” I whisper in surprise.

“Hello stranger, long time no see.” She says with a real smile.

“The same, please.” She adds for the barman.

“Aren’t you underage for that?” I ask her.

“Who cares? If he was not focusing on my boobs maybe he would have asked for my ID. Moreover, we both know that would have no effect on me.”

The barman comes back with her glass and indeed he is not looking at her face. I'm looking around and I see a lot of men and even women, lusting at her. She isn't even wearing slutty closes, She has a long dress and the neckline is not that low. I growl not liking that. I feel a protectiveness toward her and I want to cover her, even if her clothes aren't revealing. How disrespectful is it!

"Why do you growl wolf-boy?" She asks.

"Don't call me that! Do you see how they're lusting at you? You could have been my sister! I just don't like that."

She laughs and drinks her glass in one gulp.

"You could have been if my father had mated your mother as the Moon Goddess destined them." I add.

“If my mother had mated your father, we both will not be here right now.”

“Still theoretically, we could have been brother and sister.” I continue.

“In this case, you would have the next King.” She tells me, making me wince.

She laughs at the face I’m doing: “ Not so funny now.”

“No, thanks goddess they didn’t mate!” I say truly relieved and she laughs again.

“So why are you here?” I ask after a few minutes of silence.

“I came to see you.” She replies.

“That’s pretty obvious. There are hundreds of bars like that in the city and you’re far from the castle princess. Tell me something I don’t know already.”

“We add a family dinner for Julia’s birthday. I was surprised to not see you.”

Yeah, I forgot it was Kaiden’s little sister's birthday.

“They told me you decided to move out the pack territory a few months ago. I was happy, hoping you moved on with your life.” She tells me.

“As you can see I did!” I say finishing my drink and ordering another one.

“No, you didn’t. You just ran away from your problems.”

“Fuck you. I don’t need your judgment.”

“I’m not! I’m just telling the truth. I can understand you.”

“No, you can’t.”

“I know you lost your mate, Tom. How and when I don’t know. And I will not dig because it’s your story to tell. But I was rejected and I know the longing and the loneliness you’re feeling.”

“No, you don’t yours is still alive.”

“Yes and he is humiliating me at every occasion he has.”’she says her eyes full of sadness.

“Don’t you think you’re exaggerating a bit?” I ask her.

“Who is the judgmental bitch now!” She says disapproving my comment.

I just shrug. As if I care.

“I’m stepping down from my duties for a few months. I need a break.” She says changing the subject.

“And you’re telling me that because?”

“Do you know what the team L was?”


“It’s an agency my mother had created to help people in need.”

“Does it look like I care?” I ask her.

“I have a job offer for you. I would like you to come to work with me.”

“Why? Why me? My parents ask you to do it as I have a shitty job now?” I ask annoyed.

“Your parents or mine don’t know anything. I want to work with you because I trust you and I know he will not lie to me.”

“You shouldn’t trust me because I don’t care about you. I’m not interested so go to hell.”

She sighs: “As you wish. Call me if you change your mind.”

“Don’t hold your breath. As I told you, I’m not interested.”

“Fine, it was nice to see again Tom.” She says before leaving.

A few weeks later

I’m waking up by my ringing phone. Who is calling me so earlier?

“What?” I say picking up the phone.

“This is not a way to speak to your father!” My father says angrily.

“Sorry Father, I was sleeping.”

“At 11:30? You think it’s an excuse?” He says disapprovingly.

“What do you need?” I ask annoyed.

“There is a pack meeting at 5:00 today. You have to be here.” He replies.

“Why I’m not involved in the pack life.”

“I still am your Alpha. Do I have to order you?”

Only for 3 months as Kaiden will finish his formation. I want to answer but it will just enrage him even more.

“No, I will come!” I reply.

"Great! And dress properly, please." He says before hanging up.

"Okay!" I mutter for myself before falling back in my pillow.

The meeting was a fake excuse. They didn't say anything that I didn't know yet and nothing was new. So my parents used it to force me to come here. And I don't like that.

We need to speak son, follow me in my office.” My father mind-links me.

My mother and my grandparents are already waiting in the office. Oh, Oh. This an intervention but for what? And why now?

"Tonight it's Noah’s birthday and you’re going.” My father says firmly.

“Is that an order?” I ask.

“Does it have to be?” He replies crossing his arms.

“What if I don’t want to go?”

“Then it’s an order.”

“Look, you used to be close with Noah. Noah has invited all his friends including you. We all think it’s time for you to move on and to find a mate.” My mother says.

“So this is what is it about!” I mutter.

“At least, start to live again. Go out, meet friends, meet new people. Do something with your life.” Grandpa Franck adds.

“And If I don’t want to find another mate?” Who are they to want to lead my life!

“When I ran away from my fated mate, the last thing I wanted, was another mate. And look at me now, I’m so happy with your father. He healed my heart while I was thinking it was broken under repair. Just let you a chance to be happy again. And stop to block your wolf and go for a run.” My mother says taking my hands in her.

Even when I don’t block him he is still not talking and doesn’t want to run anymore.

“I will try for you, mom.” I just tell her what she wants to hear.

“Thank you! It’s all I’m asking for.” She says caressing my cheek.

My father sighs seeing through my lies but not telling anything to not disappoint my mother.

“Do you have to order you to go to tonight?” He asks me.

“No, I will go. See you all later.” I reply getting up.


This party sucks! Why did have I accepted to come again? Oh, yeah! I was forced to. Noah is drunk as almost everybody else. He used a potion that makes you feel the alcohol effects as if you were human. I didn’t see the point and refused to drink it. They are joking and speaking about stupid things so I rather am lost in my own thoughts.

Suddenly Selina’s name is bringing me back to their discussion.

“No, she will be a good Queen.” Noah says.

“Still she so pretentious!” One of his friends says and a few of then nod in agreement.

“I didn’t say I disagree with you. She can be a good queen despite her bitchiness.” He adds smirking.

“You’re an asshole! You’re not worth my time!” I say getting up.

“Tom wait!” I hear him say behind my back but I keep walking.

When I arrive at the packhouse he is waiting for me. Fucking teleportation!

“What’s wrong with you?” He asks.

“What’s wrong with you? How can you disrespect her like that!”

“Who are you talking about?”

“Selina! She is supposed to be your mate!”

“One of my mates. My wolf doesn’t call her mate. I drowned by her but like anyone else maybe I was wrong.”

“So she was lying when she confirmed you were true mate.” I’m feeling my anger turning into fury.

“No. I just say she might no be mine. Maybe I will be happier with my wolf’s mate.”

“This is bullshit and you know that. You even aren’t looking for your second mates! You have two mates while I would die to have a few more minutes with mine.”

“Are you jealous?” He asks, incredulous.

I laugh dryly: “ you’re acting like a spoiled brat! You don’t even realize how lucky you are. You just threw it away like it was nothing! Mates are sacral!”

“So I should give up everything I’m for her? Do you ever think about the fact I don’t want to give up magic? Or the fact I don’t want to become a king? Maybe she is not worth it. You don’t know!”

“You should be ashamed.”

“At least, I’m not wasting my life doing nothing!” He says, angry.

“I’m not so sure about this.” I reply.

“Guess what?! It’s my life so I can do as I want. And if you’re not happy with that, then get lost!”He screams back at me.

“Can you both calm down. You will wake up the house.” Uncle Al says coming out with Aunt Meli and my parents.

“He is right. It’s his life. He has two mates and it’s his choice who he will pass it with.” My mother says.

“Maybe, but it’s my choice to not be part of it.”

“Tom-“ My father starts.

“Save it!" I cut him.

"Can you send me back or I have to find my way alone?” I ask my aunt.

She nods and I’m now in front of the Primus pack’s house. I walk him and I hear my sister and Kaiden laughing in the kitchen.

“Hey Bro... Everything is fine?” My sister asks.

“No! Why were you not at Noah’s birthday?”

“I wasn’t officially invited and for my mate.”

“Why?” I ask him directly.

“I can’t stand what he did to my cousin. I used to think he was a nice guy. Now he is just an ass, sorry if you are offended.” He replies.

“No worries, you're right... Speaking of your cousin. Do you have her number? I need to speak to her.”

“Sure.” He’s taking out his phone snd send it to me.


“Why do you need to speak to her?” My sister aks curious while a calling her.

“To move on.” I whisper leaving the room.

“Hello?” Selina says.

“Hey, it’s me. I mean it’s Tom.”

“Tom! What can I do for you?”

“Does the job offer is still stand?”

She laughs: “ I knew you would call. Well, it was turning in hope the last days but still, I knew it.”

“So?” I ask, impatient.

“Yes, are you interested now?”


“ Great news! We will meet you tomorrow at your apartment.”


“Yes, me and the rest of the time.”

I growl. Not sure it's a good idea.

”It will be fun, trust me!”

“Fine! See you tomorrow.” I say before hanging up. Hopefully, I will not regret this.

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