Another End
Chapter 21


“We should talk in a more private room. Let’s go back to my office.” I tell them.

“Don’t say anything to Nora, please. I don’t want Markus to attack sooner than he planned.” Anna-Lynn asks me.

I nod and we start to walk back in the Pack’s house. What did that witch mean when she said I will lose the fight but I will not be the one who dies. I knew I will not be strong enough in 11 days! I don’t what I going to do.

“Don’t overthink too much about what Willow said. This is what she wants you to do.” Gamma Alec tells me.

“Why?” I ask.

“It gives her power. She knows what we don’t yet so make us overthinking made her feel superior. The good news is you will not die.”

“Still I will lose the challenge and I don’t what else I will lose with it.” I sigh.

“You will not lose anything. Anna-Lynn will not let that happen.” He comforts me.

“Why? I didn’t anything to deserve her help.”

“Because of who she is. She doesn’t do it for you she just can’t stand injustice.”

I just nod not knowing what else to say. The witch also spoke about a future warrior that I need to send away to be formed.

“Aiden, what the witch was speaking about when she spoke about the warrior?” I ask him.

“I kind of lose a bet against Anna-Lynn. And the deal was if she won she would send one of our future warrior trains in another pack of her choice.” He answers.

“Care to tell what was the bet about?”

“She says for our training is great but we should send the one who failed but are really motivated to be trained in another pack. I told her we have enough warriors in the pack and we don’t need the help of another pack to train them. We made a deal if the worst of my students were able to win against my top student at the end of the day. I will let her send him. I never thought she would win if not I would ask you before.”

“Who were the two who fight?” I ask him.

“Paul against Sean.” He answers.

I stop in my tracks. “You mean Paul won! How it’s even possible?” I ask him chocked.

“I know I had the same reaction and can’t still believe it and I saw it in my own eyes.” He says shaking his head.

“He was fast enough and pushed Sean to make mistakes. It was pretty easy as Sean uses mainly his force. Even he is very strong he was not fast enough.” Anna-Lynn tells us.

“So can I send him to Alpha Constantinos, please.” She asks me when neither Aiden or I say something.

“Who is that Alpha Constantinos?” I ask her.

“Some guy that fuck her.” Says Aiden annoyed.

She rolls her eyes. “First we fuck not he fucks me. I was more then willing to. And secondly, this has nothing to do with the Alpha he is.”

“You fuck him.” I ask surprised and amused by Aiden’s face.

“Yes and it’s not your business at all, and not your too Aiden.” She says.

“Well give me time to accept you have a really really active sexual life.” Says Aiden

“I said a few!” She defends herself.

“Exactly!” He retorts and I laugh.

It’s so funny to see him in the big brother’s role. I wish she would be the shy little girl she used to be. It would have to be even funnier. They all look at me like I lost my mind.

“Anyway, Alpha Constantinos will be able to turn Paul in a really great warrior.” She tells looking directly at me.

“Fine but I want to speak with him before to sign his transfer.”

“Thank you! And for her mother? Can she accompany him too?”

“Yes. He is her only son. She lost her mate before she gave birth to him. He is her reason to live so it’s better if she follows him.”

“Great. Thank you, Alpha Liam.” She says smiling.

“It’s the first you call me by my title without I have to remind you.” I tell her.

“Well, it’s the first time that you are not an ass with me.” She teases. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I laugh. God, she is impossible! Better laugh than scream at her. It will be a loss of time anyway. I don’t know what the Moon Goddess was thinking about pairing us together. Surely she lost her mind.

As we arrive in my office my father, Connor and John are waiting for us. When Collin sees his brother, he tenses and hugs Harper who is sleeping in the baby carrier. Connor tenses too as he saw his brother's reaction and the baby. After a few seconds, I see him relaxing and his shoulders falling. He is trying to take on himself to not lose Collin more than he already has.

We explained to them what the witch tells us and we told them together about what we should do. Anna-Lynn explains to us how the laws are on our side. She really knows all the laws, it’s so impressive and a bit creepy too. My dad and I don’t want to get involved.

“You are going?” John asks to Anna-Lynn. It’s more a statement than a question.

“Of course. I am going. As my f- Alpha Chris and another of our allies.” She says correcting herself when she almost called Alpha Chris her father.

“I’m going too.” Says Aiden with determination.

“And if I don’t want you to go?” I ask him.

“She is my sister, I will let her down another time. Please, Liam!” He says.

“I will not be in any danger and I don’t need your help all of you. I will not be along.” She says.

“I don’t care I will come.” Aiden says.

“Fine. It’s your choice and I accept it.” I tell him.

“Fine.” She tells him.

“Are you going?” My father asks me.


“Yeah, I think it’s better if you are not coming because Markua will push you to make a fault. That will be not good.” She tells me.

“I don’t ask for your opinion.” I retort. Surely why would I care I can’t do whatever I want!

“Whatever!” She says rolling her eyes.

“I think everything has been said. You may go.” I tell them.


We are in bed with Nora and I’m feeling restless. I wish I could shift in my wolf. I miss him and a good run always helps me to cool down.

“What’s on your mind, my love?” Nora asks me.

“ The fight is in 11 days and I still can’t contact my wolf. I will not have fully recover when I have to fight with Markus. What if I lose. I can’t bear the idea that something could happen to you or Tom.” I tell her not able to hide how terrified I am.

“Calm down my love.” She says kissing my face. “ I will fight for you, for us, until my last breath.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better.” I tell her.

“I know sorry. I’m just honest with you.”

“Maybe I Should send you somewhere safe, just in case.”

“ I don’t think it’s a good idea. We never have been separated since we met and I don’t want to be. I can’t be without you.” She tells me.

“I know sweetheart. I feel exactly the same but your safety comes first.”

“I’m safe with you here.”

“Not until I have my wolf back. I wasn’t even able to protect our son for god sake!”

“But I only feel safe with you.” She says putting.

“Right now you shouldn’t.”

“Let’s take the night to think about that, please!”

“Anything for you, sweetheart.”

“Thank you. Good night my love.”

“Night love of my life.” I answer.


It’s already 3:30 and I don’t know what to do. There is part of me who wants to go to the Fire Falls Pack to see what is going to happen. Anna-Lynn asks me if she could bring with her Paul and his mother as the witch told her too. I said yes because Aiden will be here to protect them if necessary and also because that witch was creepy and I don’t want to give her a reason to come back here. I’m drinking sparkling water – wishing for a coffee when my mother enters the kitchen.

“Hey, son, what is in your mind?” She asks me.

“Do you think I should send Nora away for her safety. Just in case.”

“I don’t know. If you think I could help you to worry less than yes. If it will cause you more stress than it’s not a good idea.”

“Thank you. It’s so much more clear now!” I say with sarcasm.

“You are welcome.” She says with a smile. “There is something else that bothers you.”

“Dad told you about the Fire Falls Pack?” I ask her

She nods and waits for me to keep going.

“Part of me, want to go with Aiden. I want to see what going to happen there.”

“Then go. You never liked to be left in the dark. I really admire you for that. You will take risks to discover the truth. This is really noble.”

“Thank you, mom!” I say getting up.

“Bring your father with you just in case.” She had.

I nod and kiss her on her forehead. She is the best mother always.


We are close to another pack border. The Fire Falls territory if that witch did her job. I crossed the portal a few minutes ago and I felt nothing. It was like moving in another room, no dizziness no weird tingles... Nothing at all! I know so disappointed! Even simple tingles would have made the job!

“Don’t let him push all your buttons. He will try for sure.” Anna-Lynn tells me for the nth time.

For sure she is doing a good job trying to keep me calm. Not already pushing my buttons.

“I know. I understood the first time.” I say not hiding my irritation.

“You know what don’t talk. I will do the speaking. It’s will be more simple.”

God! I’m going to kill her. “Whatever!”

As you can see she was not really happy that I came. I see her lips move but I’m not listening to her. She is too much to handle right now.

“What!!!!” Says My father and Aiden at the same time.

“What what?” I ask them.

Anna-Lynn rolls her eyes and sighs: “Can you stay focus more than 10 seconds! I said I will bleed when I will be close to Markus. We can prove if my theory is right or not.”

“How so? I will not able to restraint himself and will jump on you!” I mock her.

“Have you left your brain before you passed the portal?” She looks at me as if I was dumb.

“Vampires react when they smell blood, a red ring appears around their pupils. It’s a reflex they can’t block it but it’s really fast so you need to be careful.” She explains

“Duh! I knew that!” Not.

“Sure...” She says not believing me.

How is she able to piss me off so easily? I hate she is a smart ass. As if she knows everything better than me! Well, that information about the vampires was just an exception! I can’t be ashamed in front of regular pack’s members as Paul and Sophia (Paul’s mother) are with us.

As we walk toward the pack land we meet with Alpha Chris and his warriors. Anna-Lynn jumps in his arms when she saw him. He is not alone, another Alpha is here.

“Constantinos! It’s so good to see you!” Says Anna-Lynn looking really happy.

“Lilly! I missed you too.” He says hugging too.

“So this is the pervert who stole my sister virginity.” Mutters Aiden.

My father looks at him with surprise, while Gamma Alec hides his laugh with a cough. I also have difficulty to contain my laugh. Thank god, Alpha Constantinos didn’t hear him.

“Why did Willow send you specifically?” Anna-Lynn asks the Alpha.

“Maybe the day I hope for is coming.” He tells her.

“I don’t think so.” She says, skeptical. “Let me introduce you. Alpha Constantinos, this is Alpha Liam, his father Alpha Franck and Beta Aiden.

“Nice to meet you.” He tells us.

“Nice to meet you too.” The three of us greed him.

“Gamma Alec, I was expecting to see your brother with you.” Alpha Constantinos says.

“He is unavailable right now.” Gamma Alec says.

“I would like to know what can be more important?” He says.

“Not your business.” Says Gamma Alec aggressively.

Anna-Lynn clears her throat: “Constantinos let me introduce you to Paul and his mother Sophia. I would like you to train him to become the best warrior.”

“Nice to meet you Alpha, thank you for accepting us and helping my son to reach his dream.” Says Sophia.

“I will be the one who will thank you if Willow is right.” He says to her.

A second chance of love for Sophia and someone who looks close to him.

“Alpha Liam, Alpha Franck, Beta Aiden, Alec, we should go now.” Says Alpha Chris.

We all nod and start to walk towards the Fire Falls Pack. Nobody is here when we cross the border. The only logical reason is they are already in war. I hope we are not too late.

“Eastside.” Says Anna-Lynn and they all start to walk to the east.

“Alpha Henry, I’m Anna-Lynn and I was sent to help you. This is my Father Alpha Chris and his warriors, Alpha Constantinos who also came with warriors and Alpha Liam, his father Alpha Franck and his Beta Aiden. We know that Alpha Markus is planning to attack your Pack. We are here to stop him.”

“Thank you for your help. We need all the help we can have. My scouts saw him and his warriors 20 miles away. They should be here soon.”

“It’s my pleasure to be here.” Says Anna-Lynn with a reassuring smile.

“Alpha Henry, my Beta is in the south border with 40 of my warriors. He is waiting for my order. Do you want me to send him to protect your safe place?” Alpha Constantinos asks.

“It would be great. It’s 5miles northwest from the pack’s house.”

“They are here. Behave please.” Says Gamma Alec to Anna-Lynn.

“Ready?” Asks Alpha Chris.

Anna-Lynn, Gamma Alec and Alpha Constantinos nod.

“Alpha Markus why staying hidden?” Says Anna-Lynn out loud.

“I’m surprised to see you here Anna-Lynn.” He says emerging from the shadow with at least 150 warriors.

“Not happy to see me?” She asks smiling.

“You are not good news.” He retorts.

“I thought you were enjoying the show.”

“I thought I was.” He says.

“Too bad. Anyway, this will take only a few minutes. Do you know that by the article 181 of the Supernatural Penal Code, you can’t start a war against a pack when the Alpha is already engaged in a Challenge.”

“Of course I knew that. This is just a courtesy visit.” He tells her gritting his teeth.

“Of course!” She says in a condescending tone.

She surely knows how to piss off an Alpha. At least I’m not the only one.

“Alpha Liam, you look tired. Will you be able to accept my challenge in 10days? I have a lot to do. I can’t more time.”

“What great plan do you have Alpha Markus? I would like to hear more that.” Anna-Lynn says.

I don’t how she is doing that but she is so disrespectful even if she didn’t say anything inappropriate. Maybe it’s her tone and her posture.

“Not your business. But I have a question as you are an expert in law. Do you know that by the article 146 of the Supernatural Penal Code, if the Alpha can’t fight the Luna can take his place. When I see Alpha Liam I can already tell you he will not be healed in time.” He tells her.

“True but you omit the part of the article where it’s says if the challenger is not an Alpha.” She says.

“I don’t care and I don’t have time to lose!” He says upset.

“Very eager I see.” She mocks.

“You should go now. I have some issues to speak with Alpha Henry.” He tells us.

“We were invited by Alpha Henry, we will leave when he will be asking us to. Moreover, I don’t trust you.” Says Alpha Constantinos.

“I swear I’m here in peace.” Alpha Markus says.

“With an army?” Asks Alpha Chris.

“Swear it! Swear it on your blood.” Says Anna-Lynn.

Swear on your blood will cause you a painful death if you broke your pledge.

Alpha Markus scoffs:” I will not do it.”

“Do you it and I will swear on mine that I will take Liam’s place to fight you if he is not in shape to face you.” She answers

What the fuck!!!! Why nobody says nothing. It’s the stupidest idea I never heard. Why her supposed father is not reacting! I see Alpha Chris stopping Aiden when he tries to protest. He even whispers something to him. When I try to speak up I’m stopped by Gamma Alec.

“She knows what she is doing. Focus on his eyes when she will cut her hand.” He whispers to me.

Alpha Chris sticks out a dagger to Anna-Lynn. She looks at him needing his support I think. He nods at her. She smiles and takes the dagger.

“You first.” She tells Alpha Markus. He takes the dagger.

“I, Alpha Markus Sullyman, swear on my blood to not attack another pack before my challenge against Alpha Liam Sangpur.” He says cutting his hand.

Anna-Lynn takes the dagger back, cleans it and before to start she look at me. She wants me to focus on his eyes.

“I, Anna-Lynn Keystone, swear on my blood to accept Alpha Markus challenge if Alpha Liam Sangpur can’t face him.” She says.

While she cuts her hand, I focus on Alpha Markus's eyes... That motherfucker! I feel my blood boil at the same time I feel dad and Aiden horrors as like me realization hits them. It was fast and it could be miss easily but I see it. The blood ring around his pupils. From the beginning she was right!

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