Another End
Chapter 24


“Thank you.” Liam tells me giving me back my computer.

“It’s normal.”

“Did you know for Noah? Of course, you did. You spoke about him with Melinda in the vision you’ve shared with me. Stupid question.”

”He is my godson so I’m better to know him.”

“Why you didn’t tell us?”

“If Alistair wanted you to know he would have told you himself.”

“Well, I guess I have to tell my parents now.” He tells.

“Hm.” I don’t know what to answer.

“Can you stay, please? I don’t want to do it alone.” He asks me.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Please? Nora is not here and I don’t have my wolf.”

“Fine but don’t blame me if it goes wrong.”

“I won’t.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This is a bad idea! I know it but I too kind.

“Let go.” I sigh.

As we walk in the private salon in the Alpha’s wing. I see John and Tessa speaking with Alpha John and Luna Marie. Aiden is here too but he is deep in thoughts.

“Hey Bro, it’s good to see you out of your room.” Aiden tells Liam.

“I spoke with Nora and Tom. They are both find. Tom enjoying his stay at “uncle Al” house.” Liam says looking at his parents.

“How can you be sure with that witch maybe it was a spell.” Says Luna Marie.

“Marie! That witch has a name and is your son’s mate.” Alpha Franck says.

“I still don’t trust her.” She replies dismissively.

“You promised you will make an effort to accept her.” Scrolls Alpha Franck.

“There is a difference between respect his choice and accept his mate, Franck.”

“Then you will lose him. But I will not.” He replies to her.

“Can you shut up! I didn’t finish.” Says Liam.

“What else is it?” Asks Luna Marie annoyed.

“They already have a son. Noah, he is 4 and a half. “

There is a general gasp and shock on every face.

“Apparently it’s a fad for our younger children to hide their own children.” Says Tessa.

I roll my eyes this time.

“I’m sure you knew it.” Says Luna Marie.

“Yes, I knew.”

“And you were the one who gave Alistair the idea.” She replies back.

I knew it! Of course, it’s my fault. Everything is my fault with them anyway.

“Alistair is an adult. He can make his own decision.” I reply dryly.

“Mom please, there is more.” Says Liam.

“Keep going, Son.” Says Alpha Franck more quiet than usual.

“Alistair came here because he is getting married and he wanted to invite us.”

“Over my dead body! Never I will go!” Says Luna Maria outraged.

“Well, we are not invited anymore so the problem solved.”Liam says sarcastically.

Alpha Franck looks dejected.

“I’m sure you are the one who orders Nora and Tom kidnapping!” Luna Marie accuses me.

“I didn’t think about that before but maybe my mother is right. How did you know you have to call Melinda for me to speak with Nora. Who tells you where she and Tom were?” asks Liam looking at me.

“Collin told me you have reacted badly to the new Nora was with Melinda.” I replies.

“So you didn’t do it?” He asks.

“No, I did it. “

“Why? Was that the plan from the beginning?” Says Liam furious.

“You stupid bitch! you will never have him.” Adds Luna Marie

I laugh dryly.

“How many times I have to tell you I DON’T WANT HIM!”

“Then why? Can you give us a good reason?” Asks John.

“I don’t trust Alpha David. Also, Markus doesn’t know where Eleonora is so it’s safer.”

“Still it was not your decision to make.” Says Aiden.

“I am the Alpha, I can do whatever I want.”

“And I thought I could trust you. I should have to know.” Says Liam.

“Oh! I’m so sad.” I mock him.

“You only bring shame in this family and this pack. I want to see you leave as soon as possible.” John tells me.

“He is right. For the remaining days, I forbade you to come to the packhouse.” Says Liam using his Alpha voice. As if it could work on me.

“She did it because I ask her to.” Says Alpha Franck.

“You don’t have to. It will cause you more trouble than me.” I whisper only for him.

“I can’t let you take the blame for me. I went to ask her for help because it was too risky to send Nora and Tom to Alpha David. I’m the one who agreed and the one who told her when and where she will find them.”

“Out! I don’t want to see you at my house! How could you do this to me? To us? You chose to trust the witch who has already stolen on of our son over your own family!” Says Luna Marie furious.

“She didn’t steal anybody, we lost him because of our stupidity. And she is family too.” Alpha Franck retorts.

“I’m ashamed of you. I can’t face you anymore.” She says leaving the room.

“You should go. I don’t want you here neither.” Says Liam to his father.

“I’m sorry Liam. I hope one day you will see that I did it with the best intentions and you will find a way to forgive me.” Alpha Franck says leaving the room too.

I run after him.

“You shouldn’t have done that. I could have taken the blame.” I tell him.

“That’s very noble but I am an Alpha and one of my responsibilities is to assume my decisions.”

“I know... You can come to sleep at home. Luna Marie and Liam need time.”

“All your rooms are taken.” He replies.

“I will share my room with Alec.”

“What about your lover. Won’t he be jealous?”

I laugh: “ Not from Alec.”

“Then I will take the offer. I don’t want to be alone anyway.”

“Perfect. More people we are, more fun it will be.”


This morning we ate breakfast outside again. Alec and Collin joked a lot as they are getting closer and becoming friends. Alpha Franck didn’t speak at all.

We are working in the office but Alpha Franck is lost in his thoughts.

“I’m sorry for what happened with Liam and Luna Maria. I’m feeling bad that I put you on this position.” I tell him

“Contrarily at what everybody thinks, it’s not your fault. You’ve just opened my eyes. We should have respected Alistair’s choice. I love Marie more than anything but she can be really stubborn. I just wished she'd realized that if she keeps thinking like that we will eventually lose him. And I can’t accept to lose him even for her.”

“Alistair will forgive you with time.”

“I hope but I have already loose 4 years and half of my grandson life. It’s killing me to know I will lose more time.” He sighs.

I don’t know what to say.

“Can you tell me a bit about Noah?” He asks me with hope.

“He is a great kid. Melinda and Alistair have their hands full with him. But I can do more than tell you, I can show you.” I reply give him my hand.

He takes it eagerly. I share with him the best memories I have with him. The first one, a few hours after his birth, then his first step, his first words, his birthdays, him playing with Duncan, the first mistakes and shame. I finish with a really fun story when he was 3 and had difficulty with the L in every word. And he uses to say cock instead of clock. One day, he asked Alistair to stop to rub his cock on his leg in the middle of the grocery store. I laughed so much that day that my abs hurt. We left the store with Alistair showing his watch to everyone.

I'm hearing him laughs and then cries.

“Thank you so much. You’ve shown more than I have expected. I can wait to meet him in real. He is such a great kid. I’m proud.” He tells me while hugging me.

“And you will meet him soon.”

“I hope so.”

“You will see he speaks his mind or his parents' mind and it’s really funny. And he makes it so easy to tease them.” I tell him smiling.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

“Hmm, enter.” I say asking who it could be. Not Alec or Collin they wouldn’t have knocked.

“Hey.” Says Liam.

“Liam, what can we do for you?” Asks Alpha Franck.

“During the first attack near to the lake. There was a 5th rogue. He tried to go to the hospital but turn back when he saw the guards without them noticing him. We have video cameras outside the hospital and they checked only now. Maybe you’re right about Alpha David.” He replies with a sigh.

“It’s more than possible as He is the only one that mentioned another rogue.” I say.

“Can you come to eat lunch with us today. We could talk about that... And everything else too.” Liam asks his father.

“I will son.”

“And you Anna-Lynn?”

“No thanks. I tried it once not twice.”

“Please? It will be with the beta family and my mother only.”

So what, it’s supposed to convince me because it’s the opposite. I look at Alpha Franck. Damn it! I shouldn’t have. I have to accept now that I saw his puppy face.

“Fine but Alec is coming.” I reply.

“Great, thank you. Collin and Harper can come too.”

“I will pass bro, there is a rest of Harchis Parmentier to eat and it’s my favorite plat ever.” We hear Collin says.

Alpha Franck and I laugh. For sure he will have another favorite dish tomorrow.


We are all sitting and eating for more than an hour in total silence. That’s killing me! I knew I shouldn’t have come. Thank god you can’t bore to death or I would have 45 minutes ago!

“So Gamma Alec, your parents have to be proud of you. You’re a strong wolf. It’s always good for a pack to have a strong Gamma. “ John says.

“Actually they expected me to become the Beta as my brother is the Alpha and their Beta didn’t have any heist but I always wanted to protect my Luna. Even young I was protective over my mother so they were not really surprised when I told them I would prefer to be the gamma. I was honored that my brother had respected my choice.” Alec answers.

“Thank you for taking on your time to come here to protect our daughter.” Says Tessa.

“I’m not your daughter.” I can stop myself to say.

“Why do you always need to contradict us? We gave birth to you so you’re our daughter. You should appreciate what we did for you.” Says John.

“You sent me away and lived your life as I have never existed. I know you told people you adopted me after Tessa's real daughter dies during the delivery to explain that I was not a werewolf. And you want me to be grateful! Because of you, I was alone when I needed help and support to understand what was happening.”

“And what exactly was happening?” Asks Luna Marie skeptical.

“Nothing that you need to know.” I retort.

“Can we calm down. I thought we were here to make peace.“ Says Alpha Franck.

“Congratulations you were right about Alpha David. We are not sure we can trust him. You can come home. You are happy now.” Luna Marie says dryly.

“No, I’m not. I should have tell you but I did what I have to do so I will not ask for your forgiveness. As I will not come back until you accept Melinda as Alistair’s mate.” He replies.

“You are joking right?” She asks him.

“No.” He says looking tired but determined.

“Well, you will not come back any time soon.”

“Why do you have to be so stubborn. I will be part of Alistair's life with or without you!”

She just shrugs.

“Then be it. I’m leaving. I not hungry anymore. “ He says throwing his napkin on the table and living the room.

“Mom, please think about it.” Says Liam.

“I’ve always supported you. I was expecting the same from you.” She says before leaving the room too.

“We should go too. Anna-Lynn we just want you to know we are sorry. We made you responsible for our mistakes and we shouldn’t have. I know we are not your parents anymore but you will always be our daughter.” Says Tessa.

“Your mother is right. If one day you need anything from us our door is open and we will be glad to be here for you.” Adds John.

“Okay.” Is my reply because I don’t know what else to say. Them asking for my forgiveness was really unexpected. Thank you but I don’t need your help anymore would have been useless and mean.

“Great... I need a coffee. Who does want one too?” Says Liam.

“Me.” Say Aiden and Alec at the same time.

“And you Anna-Lynn?” He asks me.

“No, I’m good. Thank you.”

“She doesn’t like coffee. So boring I know.” Alec jokes.

While Liam is making the coffee, Aiden explains to us that the order only it from Tanzania. It’s where he and Nora went for their honeymoon. As the cup arrives, I smell them to see if their a particular aroma and I’m surprised.

“Let me guess. This one is your cup, Liam.” I say.

“Yes. It’s his favorite cup. Tom made it so nobody can use it to expect him.” Aiden answers.

I laugh: “It’s not the only thing he doesn’t share. It’s not the same coffee in this cup and in the two other cups.”

“What! Is that true?” Asks Aiden. Then he smells it too. “Son of a b... a wolf! I can’t believe it!”

“Sorry man but Tanzania is my hidden paradise with Nora. She is the only one I can share my coffee with.” Replies Liam.

Aiden snorts: “She doesn’t like coffee! You bastard! I have the right to try it at least once!”

Wait that means he is the only one who drinks it. When I see Aiden puts the cup on his lips I jump and slap it away. It all makes sense now.

“What the fuck Anna-Lynn!” He says angrily.

I ignore him and I look at Liam. Alec is up behind me in alert.

“Show me your coffee pot, now.” I tell him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Asks Liam.

“Show it to her now.” Says Alec.

“No! Why?” Liam Asks again.

“You are the only one who drinks it?” I ask him.

He nods.

“How do you poison an Alpha without poisoning his pack?” I say. It’s a rhetorical comment.

Liam and Aiden pale and we all go to the kitchen. Liam give me the pot. I think I can smell it but it’s so faint that I am not sure.

“Did you drink coffee just before you felt bad last time?” I ask as I pass the pots to Alec.

“Not only last time but every time.” Liam says horrified.

“I don’t smell it.” Says Alec.

“I think I do, but I will take a sample I have everything at home to test it.”

“Let’s go then I need to know if it’s really that!” Says Liam.

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