Another End
Chapter 30


I’m following Anton’s smell through the wood and out of the pack land. He is running fast, faster than he used to be. Something weird happened in Liam’s office. His eyes were not his or his wolf. His smell is getting stronger, I'm not far from him.

When I see him, I’m surprised to see him in his human form.

“You didn’t turn?” I ask him.

“I didn’t want to.” He replies.

“Are you fine?”

“Why I wouldn’t be fine. Oh Yeah! Someone wants to claim what’s mine!”

“And we both know that’s not possible. He will die trying.”

“I know but it’s doesn’t make it better. You are mine Anna-Lynn! MINE!”

“Anna-Lynn? Seriously! I know you’re pissed but I didn’t do anything wrong. How dare you Anna-Lynn me! Normally your possessiveness is turning on but right now you are pissing me.”

“What can I say? I can’t take it anymore everywhere we are going I have to see men, even women, lusting at you and trying to seduce you. And I can’t show them that you’re mine!” He is furious and his eyes change again but they are not his wolf eyes.

“It’s the same for me! Women are always throwing themselves on your feet! If I had killed all the females that made me feel jealous, werewolves would be threatened with extinction.” That makes him laugh but it’s a dry laugh as he is still furious.


“Really!” I take his hand and place it over my heart. “It’s beating only for you. I don’t know why we weren’t paired together but I have not to doubt that you’re my true soulmate.”

“What are you doing?” I ask him when he lowers his hand on my breast.

“Can a man cock a feel in peace?” He says rhetorically.

“Of course. Sorry!” I reply sarcastically.

“Look what you did! I was furious and you make me lose my focus with your goddess’ body!”

“And I was thinking you were calming down listening to me. Next time, I will just start a sexy dance.”



“Naked the dance, I’m really pissed.”

I shake my head and try to not laugh.

“What do you want me to do? You know if I could I would already be bearing your mark and you mine.” I tell him.

“The need to claim you is getting stronger every day. I don’t know how long I can keep going like that.”

“You want to mark me.” I say incredulously.

“Yes. I can’t wait for another day.”

“Even if it’s killing you. You still want to do it?”

“Yes! I gave up everything for you and I want you to bear my mark in exchange.” He replies determined.

“What about our daughter?” I say.

“What daughter?” Alec says coming by my left. Damn, I was so focused on Anton that I didn’t hear him.

I sigh: “what are you doing here Alec?”

“Since when do you know you’re pregnant?”

“Since Noah told me last time I turned.”

“How is it even possible?”

“I don’t know.” I say feeling tired suddenly by all the fights.

“And you’re fighting against Markus in a couple of days. This is not reasonable!” Alec adds.

“He will be dead before he can touch me. It’s safe.”

“As your Gamma, I don’t approve that. And you stupid mutt! How can you be so selfish!” He says towards his brother.

“It’s not your business Alec! I can’t do whatever I want.” Anton replies.

“I’m not bearing Alix’s mark and we are able to live with that.”

“At least, you marked her so you can’t understand!”

“Her blood would not likely kill me!”

“This is my life, my choice!” Anton says getting pissed again.

“And I don’t want to lose my brother!” Alex replies dryly. “ I don’t know to get married.”

We don’t look at him so he sighs and adds:” Wow... When did that happen?”

“Crazy drunk night in Las Vegas.” Anton shrugs.

“First you never went to Las Vegas and secondly she is never drunk.” Alec says.

“ It was during our mission in Papua New Guinea. It was only the two of us on the beach.” I say. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It was over 4 years ago! Why did you keep it for yourself? Wait it was before you met Eva! No wonder why she rejected you. She didn’t even have a fair chance.”

“And you’re surprised we didn’t tell you anything.” Anton says.

“And you Anna-Lynn, how could you do this. I thought you were respecting mate but you stole her first everything! I’m so disappointed.”

“It was my idea and my choice! How dare you attack her!” Anton says getting angry again.

“Leave!” I order Alec.

He shifts without saying anything and tearing his clothes in the process. He leaves without looking back.

“Show me your wolf.” I ask Anton.

“Why?” He asks back.

“I miss him and I want to see him.”

“No, I don’t want to.”

“Show me your wolf!” I repeat.

“And I said No!” He says annoyed. His eyes are changing color. I move toward him to touch his face. He sighs and closes his eyes.

“You know I can order you to?“I tell him.

“And we both know you will not.”

“You can’t shift, can you?”

He shakes his head, his eyes still closed.

“When was the last time you spoke to your wolf?” I ask him.

“The day you left, a month ago. He was pissed at me for our fight and shut me out. Something is off though.”


“I’m still feeling it but he doesn’t speak. He is quiet but at the same time so much more present than before. I don’t know if I’m clear in my explanation.”

“Your eyes, when you’re angry, are not the same anymore.” I tell.

“What?! Why?” He says really surprised.

“Your eyes look like mine. Mine when I’m in my Lycan form. This is weird but I think you might become like me.”

“Hmm... We will have to ask the Moon Goddess as soon as you killed Markus.”

I nod in agreement before presenting my neck to him.

“You know I can’t say No to you. So if you really want to mark me then do it. I just hope you will not die because I don’t how I can live without you.”I tell him.

He kisses my neck and sighs:” I can’t do it know. Alec is right it would be selfish. I have a son and a daughter to think about.”

He scratches his neck and adds:” About that, I wanted to be legally Duncan’s father and I may or may not already start the paper works. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. I’m happy and he already calls Dad so it was about time it’s officially true.”

“Yes I missed him like crazy last month and I still miss him even though I prefer to know him in your father’s pack then here. He should have stayed with me through but what could I do as I have no rights about him.”

“And you weren’t speaking to his mother... So it was complicated to ask her.”

“Yes, that too wasn’t helping.”

“ Yeah. I will sign whatever I need for you to be officially his father. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s a selfish decision as I can’t live without him be mine.”

“I love you and your honesty.” I say smiling.

“And I love you so much that it’s driving me crazy.” He kisses my still exposed neck.

“And nuts. Mainly nuts if you ask me.”

He laughs: “Yeah you might be right.”

“Do you want to go back or you need to cool off a bit more?”

“I want to stay a bit more and I know how you can help me to cool down.” He says Smirking.

“You will have to catch me before!” I say starting to run.

“And I love hunting you!” I heard him say already not so far.


I’m getting out of the shower when I hear someone knocking at my bedroom doors. Anton is already dressed so he can open the door. As he opens the doors I can recognize Alec’s scent.

“What do you want?” Anton says dryly.

“Still alive I see.” Alec Replies dryly too.

“If you want to be a jerk again leave!”

“I’m the one who should be angry!”

“You have not right to speak to Lilly like that! That wedding was my idea and I forced her to it.”

“Come on, it’s Lilly we are talking about! You can’t force her.”

“Well I did and you know she can’t say no to me.”

“Maybe but it doesn’t change what you did. You never gave Eva a fair chance.”

“The first time I met Lilly, my heart stopped and I forget how to breathe. My wolf was in awe too and we both knew that we had a sort of connection with her. Whatever she was or who she was. Something in her was calling me and my wolf. What I feel for her I never felt it for Eva. I know it’s not fair for her but it’s the truth.”

“I should have never introduced you.” Alec says.

“Really? Because with her in my arms I am the happiest man on earth. She is mine. She always was, always will.”

“Still she is not the one the moon Goddess fated for you.”

“That doesn’t change anything.”

“That changes everything.”

“We will never agree on this.”

“You’re right. Eva took the blame because she was the one who rejected you but in reality, it was your fault. I love Lilly but Eva is a nice girl who deserved to have a mate focused on her. I should go we have nothing to say more.”

“I almost die 6 years ago. It was a few months after you introduced Lilly to us. You were coming back from a mission for Team L from Fort Mackay. Lilly was staying in our pack for few days. I had a business meeting outside the pack land ans I was attacked.”

I’m shivering at the memories of that. Or maybe it’s because I’m still naked and wet... Both for sure. I should dress but I’m curious and I want to listen.

“That time when you’ve killed 14 rogues alone and you finished only with scratches and bruises?” Alec asks.

“Yes, well I was not alone. They’re wining and one of them was ready to snap my neck when this beautiful creature appears on in the middle of nowhere to save my life and killed them before I could say: “Cake and Bagel”. I have never seen anything so amazing. She was so beautiful, so pure that I had to touch her. It’s only confirmed what I already knew: she was mine no matter what. We had our first kiss and it was mind-blowing as I was expecting.”

“You’re not scared by her Lycan?”

“No, I never was. We just clicked even more. She left when she heard you and Emmett arrived.”

“This is why she was avoiding the Pack House, she was avoiding you!” Alec says connecting the dots.

Anton laughs:” Yes! I had to trick her to speak with her. I asked how I could repay her and she told me she did for her because she couldn’t let me die it would have killed her.”

He chuckled and continues:” Anyway, I told that she should take my debts because if one day I was the one to save her life I will be asking for a price. In Papua New Guinea, I saved her form reveal her secret and to pay her debt I ask her to marry me.”

“You are crazy!” I’m sure Alec is shaking his head right now.

“Nothing new!” Anton says.

“How can’t you be scare? Not of her Lycan but her aura?”

“Actually, it’s a huge turn on.”

“Don’t say more! I can’t believe we are brothers! For sure mom let you fall on your head when you’re a baby!”

They both laugh and hug (hopefully). A warm hug, so warm... Time to dress, I’m freezing!

“I’m going now. Lilly, I’m sorry for what I said earlier and congratulations on the baby. Don’t worry I will not tell anyone. Alpha Chris will be so happy two grandchildren at the same time. I just hope it will not give an idea to our parents.”

“I’m the father of her baby dumbass! They should be happy then. It will be their first blood-related grandchildren.”

“He is legally Duncan’s father. Do you think they will approve of me?” I say before he can ask about the blood-related grandchildren.

See how they both wince. I don’t think so... I’m not Anton’s mate and I never will for them.

“It’s a positive point but it’s totally annihilated by the fact he gave up his Alpha title for you... I’m sorry for earlier even if you would prefer you to not fight.” Alec tells me coming closer to hug me.

“Are you sure you’re pregnant?” He asks.

“I can hear her heartbeat.” Anton says before me.

Alec closes his eyes. “How? I don’t.”

“Kneel and put your ear on my belly.” I tell him.

He looks at his brother to have his authorization. Werewolves males are over overprotective when their mates are pregnant. When Anton nods, he does I said.

“Shit! I’m going to be an uncle!” He says.

“If I’m not the Godfather, I will never forgive you.” He adds teasing us.

“It depends. It would be great if she has a cousin to play with. As her potential godfather are you ready to give her that.” Anton teases him smirking.

“No way. Not ready to be a father and to share Alix.”

“By the way is it not to soon to know the sex.”

“Noah shared with me his visions. She is beautiful!”I say closing my eyes to see the vision again.

“She is his mate! This is why he told us "She is mine"! He was speaking about her not you!”

Anton groans:” Don’t remind me! No sex before 30!”

Alec and I laugh.

“Good luck with that brother!” Alec says ready to go.

“Wait, we need to speak about what Dahlia told us.”

As we explain everything to him, he is listening quietly. I can see he’s not happy with the information that I’m the target.

“Why don’t you let him “mark” you? His death will be painful and quick.” He asks me.

Anton growls: “Over my dead body! The only teeth that will pierce her skin are mine!”

“He is right. I will not let someone else try to mark me. I’m his.” I add.

“Moreover it could push other males to try. I still want to tear off his heart. It’s the best idea.” Anton says.

“You should speak to your Father and Darius.”

I nod as I receive a message on my phone. It’s Ezequiel.

“Ezequiel will call in an hour to resume what he found about Markus and the Tenebris pack. I will schedule a video meeting with my father and Darius like we can all discuss together.” I tell them.


I’m in Liam’s office. He let me use it for our video call. We spent an hour speaking about what Ezequiel found and what’s Dahlia told us. Dad, Darius, and Veronica were here and Alistair and Melinda joined us as we wanted to know more about the warlock who is working with Markus. Melinda told us is was powerful but if needed she can take him down easily. Anton, Alec, and Collin already left the office but I want to speak with my father privately. Anton left me with a knowing look. He knows me too well.

“I was expecting your call, baby girl.” Dad says as soon as he appears on my screen.”There is something in your mind. What’s going on?”

“Do you think it’s a good idea that I reveal myself to everybody?” I ask him.

“I know you never wanted to become our Queen but look at what you did since I know you. You fought for our freedom, for love, and for peace. A lot of people are already following you even if they don’t know what you are. So even if officially you’re not our Queen, you are already acting like one.”

I sigh: “ I know. It’s just I have 5 years left what legacy I will leave in 5 years. How can I build something stable in a so short time? I don’t know if I can.”

“You can and you started to build your legacy on a long time ago. For me, when you made The Dante’s brothers fall. You will do great as you always did moreover you are not alone. We are all here to help you.”

“Thank you, daddy.” I smile at his sweet words.

“And? I know there is something else bothering you princess so split it already. Or do you prefer to keep beating around the blush.”

“I’m pregnant.” I say bluntly.

“Well, that was direct. Wow... I really happy, even overjoyed, by the new but I thought it was impossible.”

“I know me too. Apparently, with me nothing is impossible.”

“Maybe you’re not dying anymore!” He says hopefully.

“I don’t know. Don’t get your hope too high until we know what going on exactly.”

“I’m going an Uncle!” We hear Darius say behind their shared doors. (As they are Alphas in the same pack, they have both their own office with a private door between them.) Thank god their offices are soundproof.

“You should invest in a soundproof door!” I say shaking my head.

“I know!” Dad replies facepalming himself.

I see Darius entering dad’s office.

“And a lock too... You could have knock!” Dad adds.

“Why? You know I was here.” Darius shrugs.

“That’s great! My kid will have a cousin of the same age! Veronica will be so pleased!”

“Can we wait after the fight and the first checking before to make it official, please?”

“Your baby, your rules princess.” Dad says.

“Thank you!”

“I hope it will be two boys or two girls they will be more close and no risk for a weird mating between cousins as we are not blood-related.” Darius says.

“What is wrong with you! What did I do wrong? How can you think this kind of thing!” Dad says tried to appear serious even if he wants to smile.

“She is a girl and they will not be mate as I already know who it will be.”

“It’s Noah! Now it makes sense why he protected you. Damn, we could have armed my niece!”

“How did Anton took it?”Dad asks.

“The pregnancy great. The mate not really.”

They both laugh.

“If she is as beautiful as her mother. He will have a lot of work chasing boys!” Dad smiles.

“Her godfather will help him. I’m the godfather?” Darius says.

“Alec already claimed that position.”

“She will have two godfathers then. No need for a godmother anyway!” He replies.

“Poor girl!” Dad jokes.

Suddenly I hear a pop in front of me.

“I have to go. Talk to you later! Love you!” I tell them.

“Love you too!” They both reply.

“Hello, boys! What are you doing here?” I ask Noah and Tom.

“I wanted to show Noah, my fire truck but it was at home.” Tom replies.

“So I teleported us here. Don’t tell mama, please auntie Lilly?”

Someone knocks at the door. It’s Liam and Alpha Franck. I can smell them.

“Damn it. Hide and stay quiet!” I tell them.

They both run to come behind the desk. Not sure it’s the best place.

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