Another End
Chapter 31


“Hey, son!” My father says entering.

“What do you want?” I reply dryly.

“What did I do this time?” He asks irritated.

“Hiding things from your own son!”

“It’s not my secret to tell and what the matter tomorrow you will know.”

“Why are you protecting her? You own her nothing!” I’m too irritated.

“I own her my life, Liam! Without her, I would not be here fighting with you! She used her body to shield mine!“


“At least, can you give me a hint?” I ask a few minutes later.

“Sorry son, I know it’s frustrated.”

“She is not human, does she?”

“Don’t you think it’s obvious now?”

I nod:” Is she a Hybrid?”


“Do you know what she did to become what she is now?”

“She was born like that.”

“What? That’s not possible! She is not a werewolf, I would have felt it.”

“No, she is not a werewolf.” He sighs.

“Then what is she?”

“Look, I can’t help you. You have to ask her.”

I scoff: “As if she will answer!”

“She would have if we had shown her respect.”

“I’m going to ask her now! I need to know.”

"Good idea, maybe I will feel something." My wolf says.

"I thought you need rest. I’m happy to have you back but the more you rest the faster we will be able to shift."

He sighs: "I know but I’m as curious as you are."

That I can understand. "Fine you can try but if you too tired you rest."

My father is behind me as I’m walking toward my office. Hopefully, she is still there. I‘m about entering without knocking when I change my mind. If I want answers I need to play nice. Damn, I never thought I would have to knock to enter my own office.

“You may come.” We hear Anna-Lynn says though the intercom. As my office and its door are soundproof you can’t hear anything from outside this is why there is an intercom.

“Liam, Alpha Franck! How can I help you?” She asks. She almost looks not comfortable.

“How was your meeting? Did you learn something n-“

Son! My wolf cuts me.


I feel our son.

Are you sure?

As it was his clue, we hear Tom whispering: “That’s my daddy, your uncle.”

“Mommy said it’s not because he is my daddy’s brother that he is my uncle. She said he is too narrow-minded but I don’t know what that’s mean.” Another voice whispers. Noah, I presume.

Mom come to my office right now.I mind-linked her.

I’m on my way. What’s going on? Everything is fine?” She replies worriedly.

Everything is fine, just someone you need to see.” I cut the mind-link.

They are behind my desk, between Anna-Lynn’s leg. Thank god for them my desk is huge, we can’t see them.

“Did we interrupt something?” Dad asks with a knowing smile.

She opens her mouth to answer when she is cut by Tom’s whispering.

“That’s grandpa but I don’t know if it’s your as my daddy is not your uncle.”

“Daddy said he was cool when he was young so he is not a lost cause and mommy said He gave her a nice ring so he is half forgiven. So maybe he is half my grandpa only?” Noah replies still whispering.

With an eyebrow, I look to my father but before I can ask anything. Anna-Lynn says with her right index finger up:

“Give me, a few seconds.”

She then looks behind the desk and says quietly: “Peanut, don’t you think they know you are here?”

“Pffff! Of course, they don’t. They can’t see us!” Noah replies in a Duh tone.

“If you say so.” She replies trying hard to not laugh.

“But I can cast an invisible spell if you’re afraid they see us.” He says.

“A spell of silence would be better.” Anna-Lynn mutters.

“We are not that loud.” Tom replies.

“No, but we have a werewolf hearing. So you can show your self.” Dad says smiling.

“It’s in your head grandpa!” Tom says.

“And in mine? Also, we can smell you.” I say.

“We don’t smell!” They both whisper loudly.

Suddenly, they both come out of your hidden place AKA my desk. Tom jumps in my open arms while Noah stays on Anna-Lynn's side. He looks a lot like his father except for the eyes. When he smiles at Anna-Lynn it’s Alistair’s smile. It’s impressive, no doubt he is his father.

“I miss you, daddy!” Tom tells me.

“Me too!” My wolf is purring, happy to have his pup in our arms.

“Hello Noah, it’s so nice to see again and so soon.” Dad says.

“Do you think it’s ok if I hug him?” Noah asks to Anna-Lynn.

She nods: “ if it’s what you want to do.”

“ I want to but I don’t know if mommy and daddy would be happy with me.” He replies quietly.

“I don’t think they will be disappointed because of a hug peanut.”

He walks towards dad who already is on his knees with his arms open.

“It’s nice to see you again grandpa. Can we play football like a few days ago please?” Noah asks.

“Daddy, this is Noah, my cousin. Why we never went to Uncle Al’s house? It’s awesome there. Auntie Meli is nice too even if she is a witch.” Tom ask me.

I don’t know what to say: “Because Daddy and Uncle had a fight. Hopefully, we will make peace soon.”

“I hope too I like playing with them.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Noah! I’m Liam, I’m your father’s brother.”

Hopefully, You will be calling me uncle one day, I think for myself.

“Nice to meet too, Liam. You look like my daddy. Can you play with us?” Noah asks.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea peanut. If your parents find out you are both missing they will be worried sick.” Anna-Lynn says.

“Don’t tell mommy, please?”

“Do you know how to go back?” She asks him.

“Yes...” He replies not so sure.

Mom enters in my office without knocking, she is still worried even if I told not to be.

“Tom!” She says running toward us.

She freezes when she sees Noah in dad's arms. She recognized him as he looks like his father. Lots of emotions pass through her eyes surprise, guilt, shame.

“Franck, who is this marvelous boy in your arms?” She asks softly.

“Noah this is Marie my mate and your grandmother.”

Noah hides his face in dad's neck.

“I’m scared. Mommy and daddy said you will never accept their love and us. You are to narrow even more than Liam.” He whispers to dad.

“Ouch. I guess I deserved that.” Mom says hurt.

“Everybody can change their minds peanut but it’s your choice if you want to meet her or not.” Anna-Lynn tells him caressing his back. He passes in her arms.

“Will you protect me if she is mean to me?”


“Fine.” He jumps off Anna-Lynn’s arms and walks to my mother.

“Hi grandma Marie, I’m Noah. I hope you’re as cool as grandpa.” He says extending his right hand to her.

“It’s nice to meet you, Noah! You are so big already. I will try to be as cool as my mate.” She says with a bright smile.

Anton enters in my office without knocking.

“You were too long, I was worried.” He says to Anna-Lynn totally focus on her and ignoring us.

“I had Unexpected guests.” She says nodding towards Noah and My mother.

“Uncle Tony!” Noah says.

Uncle Tony! I’m his uncle not him!

“Hello, buddy! I miss you!” Anton says smiling.

He picks up Anna-Lynn and sits on my chair on my Desk with her in his laps. Does that guy is trying to steal my life?!

Are you talking about our pack or our true mate. By his action, he wants to show us where she belongs.” My wolf says.

He is right so why is it bothering me? So much?

Because we never thought she will be claimed by someone else and even less a wolf and an Alpha.” My wolf replies. That’s true.

At the same time, she is gorgeous and a natural Luna. So it makes sense that she is with an Alpha but still...” I tell him.

I know.” He replies.

“Son, everything is fine? You spaced out.” My mom asks.

“Sorry, I was speaking with my wolf. It’s good to have you back.” I explain.

Suddenly Anna-Lynn’s phone rings. She shows the Id to Anton and they share a knowing look before she picks up.

“Al, how can I help you?” She says smiling.

“Lilly, It’s an emergency!” I hear Alistair's voice through the phone.

“Let me guess you lost kids?”

“Thanks! Noah and Tom were playing in Noah’s room and now they are nowhere to be found. I look in all the ho... Wait how do you they are missing?”

“They may or may not teleported here.”

He sighs in relief and after a few seconds he speaks again:” Wow he is getting really good!”

“If Meli heard you, you will-“ Anna-Lynn starts.

“I know. Can you put me in speaker please?” He cuts her.

“You can speak now.” She notices him.

“Noah, can you come home now. You scared me.”

Noah closes his eyes and mutters something and then Alistair appears in the room his phone still in his hear.

“Oopsie Maisy!” Says Noah.

“Wow munchkin, this is really impressive!” Alistair says before to tense when he sees me and mom. He growls when he sees Noah in mom's arms. She lets him go to his father. Never go between a wolf and his pup.

“You have a beautiful son, Alistair. I’m so sorry for everything. Your happiness is the most important thing for me and I should have realized that you are not a kid anymore and respect your choice. I hope you will find a way to forgive me.” Mom says.

Wow, Hell will freeze for sure. She never apologizes and asks for forgiveness. Alistair is surprised too, he didn’t expect that.

“Why this change of mind?” He asks her not to trust her.

“We fought with your father and he got hurt and he was missing for hours. That reminds me of how mates are important.” She explains.

“I’m not the only one you have to apologize.”

“I know... and if you let me in I will. Just know that even if it’s late, maybe too late, you have my blessing and my support.”

He nods:” Give me time.”

“Alistair, I’m so sorry too. You’re my brother and I can’t imagine my life without you or without our kids grow together.”! I tell him.

“I know, your mate is working hard to win the forgiveness of mine. And she is doing a great job.”

“Does that mean we still have a chance to be part of your life?” I ask hopefully.

“Possibly... I mean eventually with time.” He replies.

“Talking about your mate, you should go before your realizes you are missing.” Anna-Lynn.

“I know. Before going, the mystery is killing me, Lilly. What did Noah’s wolf show you?”

“About that, we have to speak and put some boundaries.” Anton says.

“What are you talking about?” Alistair asks.

“Let me show you.” Anna-Lynn says.

She extends her hand toward him as he walks towards them. Anton growls.

“Mine!” He says taking her hand back.

“Seriously, you’re jealous of Al!” She says arching an eyebrow.

“No, of course not. But with the last news, me and my ... wolf is more possessive over you. Sorry.” He says.

“I will show you.” He adds extended his hand to Alistair.

“Hmmm! Interesting!” Alistair says smiling. “I don’t see why we should put boundaries though.”

“Of course not! It’s your son!” Anton scoffs and Anna-Lynn laughs.

“I’m happy for you both and I hope it means what I think.” He says looking at Anna-Lynn in awe. “I would have hugged you but your mate will kill me.” He adds laughing.

For god sake, he is not his mate! I roll my eyes but only my dad sees me.

“If you’re not hurrying your mate will be the one killing you.” Anna-Lynn says teasing him.

“I know! Don’t remind me! Munchkin do you how to going back?”

Noah nods. Tom kisses me and they walk toward Alistair.

“I hope to see you soon.” Mom says.

“We will see.” Alistair replies.

“See you soon.” Anna-Lynn says.

“See you tonight auntie Lilly at your surprise party.” Noah says.

Alistair sighs and facepalms: “Act surprised please!”

Then they disappear. It’s like they were even not here.

“Let’s go, sweetheart, I miss you too much. We have so much to catch up.” Anton says getting up with Anna-Lynn in his arms.

This is too much to be true! If she is doing that to make me jealous it’s not working.

“But it has been only 20 minutes.” She tells him.

“23 actually and it was already too long.” He says pecking her lips.

She smiles. “See you later.” She says while they leave the office.

“Much later!” He adds. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

See! This can’t be real. What kind of couple act like that? None!

“Why is it bothering you?” Mom asks.

“What?” I ask not understanding.

“She means Anna-Lynn and Anton.” Dad says.

“Do you believe they are a real couple?”I ask.

“Yes, they are.” Dad replies.

“How can you be so sure?”

“It’s obvious. They are acting like mates.” Mom says.

“But they are not mates!” I say annoyed.

“They chose each other so it’s as if they’re mates. Like you and Nora.” Dad says.

“No, it’s not the same!” I say dryly.

“Why is it bothering you so much?” Mom asks me.

“It’s not!” I deny.

They both look at me with the same face they used to look at me when I was a boy and They knew I was lying.

“Is it because of the prophecy? Do you regret choosing Nora?” Mom asks.

“No! Of course no! I love Nora and without her, Tom would not be here. I don’t know... It’s just I never excepted her to mate with another Alpha. Maybe she is worth of the Luna’s position. Who I’m kidding? Of course, she is. We also saw how she managed the last weeks. It’s just the first time I’m doubting my decision to reject her. Maybe I didn’t do the best choice.”

“Maybe but it’s done and there is nothing you can do to undo it.” Dad says.

“So what’s?”

“So you learn to live with your regrets like we all do.” He says.

“Thank you! I feeling much better now.” I say with sarcasm.

“You are not a kid anymore so we don’t have to sugarcoat the truth.” He says.

“Your father is right. And it could be worst. Nora is an excellent Luna and she gave you a strong pup.” Mom adds caressing my arm.

I preferred it when she was on my side. But she’s right, Nora is great and I’m really lucky. So why I’m so upset with Anna-Lynn and Anton. I shouldn’t be!

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