Another End
Chapter 35


Breakfast was odd. None of us spoke, too lost in our own thoughts. The pack noticed we were acting weird but nobody dared to say something.

Since the Moon Goddess’s visit, my wolf got silent again... But I think he is more lost on his own thoughts too than he doesn’t want to speak with me. We didn’t fight when I rejected Anna-Lynn. He agreed with me, which is rare. Now he is questioning the fact he didn’t fight at all for her. He is feeling as guilty as I feel.

“Why are you looking at me like that John? Did I do something?” Terrence, Connor and Collin’s father, asks.

“You knew what I was singing and you said nothing!”John replies.

“What are you talking about?” Terrence asks having no idea about what John is speaking.

“Leave us.” I order the few people left in the dining room.

“Anna-Lynn, when she made me sign my renunciation of my father’s rights. You knew it and you did say anything. Why?” John asks again.

Terrence sighs:” It was written in big, you could have just read it but you just wanted for her to leave your office as quickly as possible. I didn’t say anything because I thought it was for the best. For you all, for the pack and for her too. She had the right to have a new start. She never did anything wrong and she had the right to live a life where she was not the Beta’s daughter without a wolf. I’m surprised she told you that.”

“She didn’t. The moon goddess came to visit me, us” John says.

“Oh! They were something important then for to come.” Terrence says.

“It was and it was about Anna-Lynn.” Dad says.

“Let’s talk about that in a more private place.” I say.

We are in my office with my parents, Aiden and his parents, Terrence and Connor. The Moon Goddess visited, me, Aiden and our parents. We shared all what she told us.

“I can’t believe she is a Lycan!” Connor says, incredulous.

“I can’t believe we were so blind!” Aiden says.

“It was not your fault. You were just kids and you just followed what we, adults and your parents, were doing.” Tessa says.

“Do you she is as powerful and deadly as the myths describe?” John asks.

“She is!” Dad says.

“You saw her in action, didn’t you?” I ask him and he nods.

“How does she look in her lycan’s form?” Aiden asks.

“Deadly and her aura! So powerful! She killed more than 30 rogues in a few minutes. They didn’t stand any chance.” Dad says.

“Markus neither in this case.” Mom says looking relieved.

“No, not even a tiny one. Hybrid or not.” Dad says.

“She’s going to reveal herself today. What are you going to do?” Mom asks me.

I sigh: “The only thing I still can do: kneel and accept her as my Queen. She deserves my unconditional support.”

“My little sister is our Queen, this is so surrealist. Well, I don’t deserve to call her that.” Aiden says.

“What about Anton? Are you ready to accept him as your King when it was supposed to be you.” Mom asks me again.

“He is here because of me and the way I treated my mate. He deserves this title more than I will never. Even if it’s killing me now to say that. He is my king.” I reply wincing. It’s so hard to accept it, to accept all of this actually.

“I’m sorry I failed you, Liam. I misguided you.” Mom says guilt written all over her face.

“Hey, I chose to reject her alone.” I tell her.

“We all know I would have never accepted her as your mate and as your Luna.” She replies.

Nobody dares denied as we all know it’s true.

“Don’t be too hard with yourself sweetheart. We were all wrong.” My dad tells her.

“Difficult not to when her words were so hard.” Mom replies.

“We were all fouls to treat her like that. We could have accelerated our fall.” Tessa says.

“Yet we are falling.” I tell them.

“I disagree.” Aiden says.

“We are not the strongest one anymore and we were so proud that we don’t know anything about our world and what’s going on in.” I tell him.

“He is right son, we can’t be blind anymore.” John adds.

“We lost her, did we?” Tessa asks him.

“Yes, we did honey. I have seen Alpha Chris with her and we will never have the relationship she has with him.” John replies his voice full of sorrow.

“And you should have seen her with Alpha Darius. He is a better brother than the one I never was.” Aiden says in sorrow too.

“Yeah, we totally fucked up!” Dad says.

“Yeah!” I add.

We all feel so ashamed that we refused to leave our wing even for lunch or to welcome the others Alphas, Anna-Lynn’s friends.


“Alpha, Alpha Markus is at the border. He is here with a part of his pack. Around 30 pack’s mate. And... Alpha David is with him.” Jake mind-links me.

Wow, so he is not hiding the fact he is working with him. I’m going to kill you for sending rogues against my pack!

“Let’s them enter and escort them to the battlefield directly, thank you.” I mind-link him back.

Of course Alpha!” He replies back.

“He is here and Alpha David is with him, that fucker!” I tell Everyone.

“The rogue’s camp was in his border, and he knew about the fifth rogue during the first attack. It’s not a surprise even if it’s still upsetting.” Dad says.

“Recover fully and after we will see what we do.” Mom says.

“We also need to know how involved he really is. He did it on his own free will or drinking Alpha Markus’s blood.” Dad adds.

They’re both right so I nod in agreement.

“Let’s go to tell Anna-Lynn he’s here.” Aiden says.

As we walk toward the guest wing, nobody is speaking. We are all very tense and serious. The total opposite at the atmosphere in the guest wing, where we found everyone laughing and cheerful.

“Sorry to disturb you but Alpha Markus is here.” I tell them.

Anna-Lynn nods and gets up. The rest follows her.

“Who wants to bet about how long he will last?” Alpha Darius asks.

“100 bucks that he lasts less than 5minutes.” Alpha Constantinos says.

“100 bucks, less than 2 minutes.” Alpha Darius says.

“The ones who want to bet stay here. You will join us when you will have all bet.” Anna-Lynn says.

Only Anton and Alpha Chris are following her.

“Are you ready baby girl?” Alpha Chris asks her to stop her by catching her arm.

“Not really but I will never be and it has to happen sooner or later. With you all by my side, I know it will be fine.”

“I’m so proud of you baby girl.” He replies hugging her.

“I love you daddy. Thank you for always believing in me.” She tells him.

“Don’t thank me, I just did my job as your father and you were an easy child.” Alpha Chris says.

“More than Darius?” She adds smirking.

“I don’t want to shatter your dream sweetheart but I don’t think so!” Anton teases her back.

“He’s right, baby girl. You still are both troubles. just not the same kind of trouble.” Alpha Chris says smiling.

“And he loves us for that. Without us, he would have died of boredom a long time ago!” Alpha Darius says in our back.

“Let’s go! The sooner it's done the sooner we’re going home.” Anton says and she nods.

“Yeah, let’s kill some Alpha!” Alpha Darius says smirking.

“Yeh! That’s my sentence!” Anna-Lynn protests slapping him in the back of his head.

“Ouch! Dad! She is so violent, help me. Keep your anger for Markus!” Alpha Darius says over dramatically.

“You dig your own grave stealing her words.” Alpha Chris replies.

“First I don’t think there is a copyright on that sentence and secondly I didn’t steal it, I just borrow it.”

“You know when you “borrow” something, you have to ask the owner before.” Anna-Lynn says.

“Whatever!” Alpha Darius replies.

It painful for Aiden and his parents to see Anna-Lynn interacting with Alpha Chris and Alpha Darius as she should with them. It’s all written on their face and Tessa is on the verge to cry.

“Where are Meli and Al?” She asks to change the subject.

“They have some menace to neutralize. They will be back in a moment.” Doctor Farnsworth says.

“Markus’s wizard.” Alpha Darius says.

Anna-Lynn and Anton nod at the same time.

“Let’s go.” Gamma Alec says.

As we arrive to the battlefield, Alistair and Melinda are there.

“You’re already here?” Anton asks.

“Pfff, he saw Meli and just ran away like a chicken. It wasn’t even funny!” Alistair complains.

Alpha Darius and Anton laugh. Melinda walks toward me.

“Hello Alpha Liam, your Luna will be back after the fight. I thought it was better if she doesn’t see him die. I will also block their bond at the last moment like that she will not suffer too much when he will be killed.” Melinda tells me.

“Hey Melinda, that’s thoughtful. Thank you so much. It’s so nice of you. Thank you for everything you did despite everything we did. And you can call me Liam, we’re family after all, hopefully, a real one in some time.” I tell her.

“We will, Noah loves his cousin and will want to see him often.” She replies smiling.

“Let’s finish this.” Anna-Lynn says.

Alpha Darius takes her hand before she can walk. They exchange a look and both nod. He hugs her and whispers:” Be careful sis.”

“Make it quick Love, I don’t want to lose it.” Anton tells her, hugging in turn.

“Don’t lose it please! For sure he will have crude comments about me.” She warms him.

“No promise and I don’t want his filthy hands on you!” He warms her.

“We are fighting so it’s inevitable.” She replies.

“I don’t care. If you don’t want me to come in the middle of your fight then it’s your problem.”

She shakes her head: “ I love you, my caveman.”

“I love you, my soul. At least can you make it quick? I want to mark you ASAP.” He tells her.

“You’re impossible!” She says pecking his lips.

“Good luck!” Aiden tells her.

“Thanks but I’m not the one who needs it.” She replies before to go in the battlefield.

A lot of people are here actually. Almost all my pack is here. They are impressed to see and feel so much Alphas. Anna-Lynn’s friends are sitting by my side.

“Anna-Lynn! Finally, you’re here. I was afraid you had run away.” Markus says smiling.

“Markus! No risks, I will miss a fight for nothing.” She replies smiling too. I see him cringe when she doesn’t call him by his title.

“I would like to change the condition of the fight. You’re a woman so the first to submit loses.” He tells her.

“I don’t mind killing you.” She replies, nonchalant.

“And I want to keep you as my slave. I have sexual needs that you could take care of.” He replies smirking.

I hear few growls on my left and I can see Gamma Alec and Alistair blocking Anton.

“Can we start already?” She asks still nonchalant.

“Let's start then. The first thing I will teach you is to have a better use with that mouth of you.” He says starting to circle her.

She circles too.

“So a little bird told me, you want to mate the Purest Luna.” She says mocking him.

“You too believe I’m a foul but she is real!”

He runs fast toward her and tries to attack her with his fist but she avoids him easily.

“I do think she’s real. I just find you pretentious to think you’re worthy enough to mate her.” She tells him.

Again he tries to punch her in her face and she just dodges it. Every time he attacks her, she just dodges it again and again. She is not attacking yet. He starts to lose his patience ad she laughs at him.

“You may be fast enough to avoid my attack but you’re not strong enough to kill me!” He tells her and again she just laughs.

Suddenly she runs so fast that I can’t follow her and she attacks him, breaking his right wrist.

“Are you sure about that?” She asks him.

But before he can answer back or move she attacks him again breaking his kneels. He screams in pain and anger.

“How?” He asks her as she walks slowly around him.

“You should have to piss me off!” She says slapping him hard in his face before he could react.

“What are you?” He asks.

She laughs:” Is that not obvious?”

“Don’t you think the Purest Luna already has a mate? Mate that you angered by wanting to claim what’s not your.” She says on his back.

He tries to get up but he can’t.

“What are you talking about?” He asks.

She ignores him and looks directly at Anton.

“You know I can’t deny anything to you, my love. You want his heart, then come take it.” She tells him, blocking Markus arms in his back with one arm and blocking his head with the other one. She is so powerful.

“What are you doing!? It’s against the laws!” Markus protests.

She has a short laugh: “ I am the law.”

Her eyes are all black and her hands grown claws. Suddenly she lets her barriers down and we all feel her aura. Everybody his kneeling and bowing their head in shock. Everyone except Anton who is jumping in the field joining her.

“You’re the Purest Luna.” Markus says in shock.

“She is and she is mine!” He says.

His hands have claws too and he uses it to claw Markus’s torso before to rip off his heart. How is he able to half shift? That’s impossible... Excepted if he’s becoming like her. The Moon Goddess blessed their mating... Ouch!

The fight is over as Markus’s dead body falls in the ground.

“Everyone who goes against my queen will finish like him!” He warms the audience showing them the still-beating heart before throwing it away.

Anna-Lynn has now turned into her Lycan. She is so breathtaking. I have never seen anything so beautiful and deadly... And she could have been mine if I was not stupid.

“Thank you, my love.” Anton tells her caressing his cheek with his not bloody hand.

“I love you my king!” She tells him turning back in her human form.

I sigh at them before joining them in the battlefield. I have to do this to pay for my faults even if it’s painful. It’s the right thing to do now. I kneel in front of them.

“You are my Queen and my... King, and I will serve you as much as I can.” I tell them bowing my hand.

“Thank you, Liam, but you don’t need to kneel.” She says as Anton nods and shakes my hand.

“I have to, to show the example.” I tell her.

“He is right you know. My Queen and King” Alpha Chris says as all their friends join us and kneel in front of them.

“You’re guiding us for years now, it was time to make it official.” Alpha Erza says as Alpha Constantinos nods.

“We trust you with our life and we will serve you as long as you need us.” Alpha Darius says. So he can be serious sometimes. I never thought I will see him so serious.

“Thank you but can you just stop please!” Anna-Lynn begs them embarrassed.

“Please accept my invitation to dinner tonight to celebrate the start of your reign.” I tell them.

“We accept, thank you!” Anna-Lynn says while Anton grumbles.

“Liam!” I hear on my back.

It’s Nora. I run toward her, I don’t want her to see Markus’s body.

“I miss you, sweetheart!” I say kissing her.

It’s bittersweet to have her back. To come to the life I chose for me as the one who was fated for me is so much... exciting. It will take time to learn to live with that. For now, I don’t know how it’s possible. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I miss you too my love. I’m happy it’s finally over! We can mark each other now!” She says, happy.

“Yeah, that’s great.” I say hoping to appear more exciting than I really am.

She kisses me again.

“Where is our little Tasmanian devil?” I ask.

She laughs: “Too busy playing with his cousin. They are inseparable!”

“It’s good to have you home!” I tell her honestly.

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