Another End
Chapter 36


“Don’t you think the Purest Luna already has a mate? Mate that you angered by wanting to claim what’s not your.” I say on his back.

He tries to get up but he can’t. I made sure of that in the way I broke his knees.

“What are you talking about?” He asks.

I don’t answer and look directly at Anton.

“You know I can’t deny anything to you, my love. You want his heart, then come take it.” I tell him, blocking Markus arms in his back with one arm and blocking his head with the other one. He struggles in my grip but he can’t move, I’m too strong for him.

“What are you doing!? It’s against the laws!” Markus protests.

I laugh: “ I am the law!”

I’m only half-turn, only my eyes and hands have turned. I let down my barriers and My aura embodies all the people around the battlefield. I feel fear and chock as they all kneel, forced by my powerful aura. Anton joins us.

“You’re the Purest Luna.” Markus says in shock as the rest of them.

“She is and she is mine!” Anton replies.

His hands have claws too and he uses it to claw Markus’s torso. He looks at me with two onyx eyes like mine. I can believe he is coming like me! He is breathtaking, Mine! My mate! He ends the fight by riping Markus’s heart and his dead body falls in the ground.

“Everyone who goes against my queen will finish like him!” He warms the audience showing them Markus’s still-beating heart before throwing it away.

I’m fully turned in my Lycan now. I’m showing the world my true nature for the first time. There is no turning back anymore. The life I knew is over. Now my life as a Queen is starting.

“Thank you, my love.” Anton tells me caressing my cheek. Not the one he wants to mark.

“I love you, my king!” I tell him turning back in her human form.

I want to make sure everyone knows who he is. My love, my best friend, my confidant, my other half and my equal. And I want to show that without him biting my ass in front of everyone!

Liam joins us in the battlefield not looking once at Markus’s body. He kneels in front of them and says”

“You are my Queen and my... King, and I will serve you as much as I can.”

“Thank you, Liam, but you don’t need to kneel.” I tell him as Anton nods and shakes my hand.

“I have to, to show the example.” He says.

“He is right you know my Queen and King” Dad says as all my family and friends join us and kneel in front of us.

“You’re guiding us for years now, it was time to make it official.” Erza says as Constantinos nods in agreement.

“We trust you with our life and we will serve you as long as you need us.” Darius adds.

Can we go over it already? I want to see Duncan and V. And this is the awkward and awful to see all kneel in front of us.

“Thank you but can you just stop please!” I beg them.

“Please accept my invitation to dinner tonight to celebrate the start of your reign.” Liam asks us.

“We accept, thank you!” I say. He is the most powerful Alpha, the fact he kneels and pledges allegiance to us, will help us a lot so I can’t refuse. Anton grumbles not happy with my answer.

“I should have marked you in front of everyone!” He whispers to only me to hear.

“I will not let you mark me on my cheek!” I whisper back.

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to mark your ass!” I tell him.

“I don’t see what’s wrong with my ass. A lot of women have complimented it.” He shrugs.

I shake my head: “Let’s go you need a shower to clean yourself.”

“I will need your help to wash me, love.” He tells me with his sexy smirk.

“ Only to wash you?” I ask smirking too.

“Of course not! Knowing I going to mark you very very soon is a huge turn on.” He tells me.

“I can’t imagine how marking me will affect you!” I say.

We heard sneers, Darius and Alec.

“You’re lucky our father didn’t hear you.” Darius says to Anton.

“And you two are too noisy!” I tell them.

“You can speak!” Darius replies.

He and Dad were so happy with all the news. Dad even cried in happiness. It was just a magical moment. We will do a great party next week at home we have so much to celebrate! I have so many years with them! Thinking of that makes me want to cry.

“Are you alright? What’s going on my soul?” Anton asks me in alert when he sees my tears.

“Yes, everything is fine. I’ve just realized I have time with all of you and I will see our children growing up. I’m so happy!” I explain.

“I know I feel like I won the best price at the lottery. “ He replies with a huge smile.

“Impossible I’m the one who won the best price with you.” I say.

“You are both so cheesy!” Al teases us.

“Do you want me to remind you how you were when you met Meli?” I say back.

“You know each for almost 6years now! So it’s not the same!” Al retorts.

“Our mating was just blessed by the Moon Goddess so it’s as if it is new.” Anton defenses us.

“And we are so happy for you. You both deserve her blessing.” Meli tells us joining us.

“I have a favor to ask you both.” I tell them more seriously.

“I want you to become the Alphas of the Tenebris pack. I will not force you so if you don’t want I will find another solution but I’m sure you will be great Alpha. And if you don’t want can you just take the position until I find a suitable alpha, please? And if you accept you can change your mind whenever you want. But I know you will be great Alpha and Luna.” I say.

“You already said that.” Meli says smiling.

“Of course we accept even if I can’t tell you now if it will be permanent.” Al tells us.

“Thank you! Let’s talk with the Beta then.” I say.

We all walk toward the group of pack members that came with Markus. It’s easy to know with one is the Beta as is aura is more powerful than the other wolves.

“Are you the Beta?” I ask him by courtesy.

“Yes my Queen, I’m Beta Lewis. My King.” He replies kneeling and bowing.

“You don’t have to kneel. Nice to meet you too Beta Lewis. I’m Anton.” Anton tells him shaking his hand.

“Let me introduce you to Alistair Sangpur and Melinda Warren. They will be your Alphas for now.” I tell him.

“Nice to meet you, Alpha Alistair and Luna Melinda.” He says bowing his head to show his acceptance and respect.

“Nice to meet you too Beta Lewis. I hope we will do a great job together.” Al tells him shaking his hand.

“Do you need us?” Anton asks.

“No.” Melinda replies.

“Good! See you later.”

Suddenly he picks me up and puts me on his shoulder and he starts to walk toward the packhouse.

“What are you doing!?” I ask him.

“Time’s up! I wait long enough. Now I want my mate for myself!” He says.


“If I was a caveman, I would be dragging you by your hair. So you should consider yourself lucky that I’m carrying you.” He sasses.


We are in our room debating -about his idea that I should have a castle now that I’m the queen- while I pack my things. Anton is lying in the bed, his head in his hands looking at my every movement with a predatory look.

“First you are the King so if you want a castle you can ask it for you and not using me as an excuse. Secondly, I will pack quickly if you help me.” I tell him.

“You’re right.” He replies getting up.

I see him taking my clothes makes a ball and throw them in my luggage. I shake my head.

“Wow, remember me to never let you pack my clothes ever again!” I say sarcastically.

“I’m in a hurry.” He says caressing my ass and pitching in. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You will not mark me there Anton!” I tell him.

“Oh but I want my love!” He replies still caressing it.

“And I don’t want to mark yours in your bottom! So no!”


“You know it’s for life, all life. It’s not like a tattoo that you can erase with a laser. Please everywhere else but there.”

“Everywhere, everywhere?” He asks smirking.

“Why I’m feeling like I will regret it?” I wince.

“What about my dick then?” He says still smirking.

Seriously!!! I mentally facepalm myself. I shouldn’t have to say everywhere. Hmm... Let’s play his game.

“You really want me to bite your cock? I mean deep and hard?”

“Why? You like it deep and hard usually.”

“I don’t think you will be able to mate me deep and hard once I marked you there.”

“You think I can’t handle it? You want to bet?” He dares me with a raised eyebrow.

“Let try a piercing before and we will see. I don’t want to mark you and not be able to mate you until you’re healed.”

“No way I let a needle coming close to my dick!” He says covering it with his hands.

I laugh at his reaction, he doesn’t mind 32 sharp teeth biting his dick but he is scared about a tiny little needle!

“What about you? You agree with me biting your pussy?” He asks me.

“It will not be the first time.” I shrug.

“There is a difference between nibbling it and biting it.”

“Still I don’t mind.”

Of course, I do mind but I will not let him win! I don’t want to go back on marking my cheek. Hopefully, he will drop this idea before I really have to mark him there.

“Fine, you win not ass or sex marking!” He says putting.

Yes!!! That’s was easier than I thought. Thank god!

“Thank you!”

“You wouldn’t be able to mark my cock anyway. It’s too hard for your teeth, like hard steal kind.” He adds smirking.

“I promise I will not say no at your next choice.” I tell him hugging him.

“Even if it’s your nose?”

I laugh again. How is he doing to always find these crazy ideas of him? The nose!

“Even if it’s the nose.” I agree.

“I love you!”

“And I love you more than anything.” I reply.

He kisses me deeply and we start to make out. We keep like that until he stops and sighs.

“Why did you stop?!” I growl.

“We have to go or we will be really late, like way too late for dinner.”

I growl again and start putting. He laughs before to add: “You are the one who accepted the invitation.”

“You know I couldn’t refuse it. He kneels in front of us and recognized us as his King and Queen. You know it will push the werewolves community to accept us quickly. Refused that dinner would have been disrespectful and would have sent a bad impression.” I tell him.

He nods as he knows this the truth.

“This will be our life now?” He asks me.

“A part of our life at least. This is why I didn’t want to become the queen. And I would understand if you don’t want to rule by my side.”

“The hell I don’t! You’re a mine, Lilly! All of you the good and the bad. You will rule with nobody else than me. Even if protocols are boring me as much as you. Together we can do everything and face everything.” He replies.

“I know. Our love is stronger than anything even death!”


Dinner went well but it’s time to leave this place and going home! I’m so eager and the best thing is Anton will be with me 24/7 now not part-time as it used to be. Anton starts to pack my bags in his car. Darius will bring back Amara and I can tell you it was easy to convince him... Until V told him she wanted to drive. She used all her charms and he didn’t stand a chance. He was putting like a puppy.

“So this is it.” Aiden says at the doors of the room.

“Yes! My mission is over now it’s time to go home.” I reply.

“Thank you for coming to our rescue... And I’m sorry for everything. We shouldn’t have turned our back to you. I wish I could go back in time and change everything between us.”

And I don’t. Meeting all the people I met, wouldn’t have been possible. I love being part of the Keystone family. Darius and Chris gave me so much, so much more than I could’ve imagined. And Anton! I could’ve gone by thousands of times worst if it’s to meet in at the end. No, I won’t change a thing if I could.

“I know I’m not part of your family anymore but if you need anything I’m here you know.” He continues.

“Don’t you think you’re a bit over-dramatic? Duncan and Kaiden clicked as soon as they met and Kaiden is sleeping at home this weekend. This is not a goodbye more like a see you soon thing. Like really really soon.”

“I know but I love you Annie and I know we will never be what we should be and it’s all on me.” He says, sad.

I feel bad for him. Crazy Moon Goddess. I hug him, he goes rigid surprised by my movement before to hug me back.

“We can befriend, I think... Depending on how cool you are. We will see.”

“If I’m cool enough will you tell me where is your secret place here.”

“Nope and don’t you dare force Kaiden to tell you!”

“Because he knows already!”

“Of course he is a cool kid so he deserved to know.”

“So friends? It’s better than I was expecting. Thank you.”

“What about us?” John asks.

“I don’t know.” I say honestly.

“We know we don’t deserve anything but if you can find a place in your heart for us even a tiny one we will be grateful.” Tessa says.

“Give me some time and let me think about it.”

“Thank you! It’s all we are asking for.” John says.

“Take care of yourself. You are a smart woman and you will be a great queen.” Tessa adds putting back in place one of my hair strand.

“I will.”

“See you... soon hopefully.” John says and they leave.

“What is it, Daddy?” I ask Chris who is looking at me.

“You should really think about that seriously baby girl. They did mistakes but they are honest right now. You’re the Queen now and a lot of people will want to become your friend because of your position. Them, they won’t. I don’t tell you to forgive and forget them but to think about it and maybe learn to know them.” Chris adds.

“Your father is right. We need to be careful now with who we trust and I don’t feel anything bad about them.” Anton adds.

I nod: “I will seriously think about this. Everything is ready we can go?”

“Yes, we can go.” He replies.


As we arrive at the entrance, Alpha Franck, Luna Marie and Liam are waiting for us. Nora is not here.

“Anna-Lynn, I liked working with you. I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you. You’re a marvelous young woman and I have not doubted you will be an amazing queen.” Alpha Franck tells me before hugging me.

“I liked working with you too.” I reply.

“Thank you for coming to help us even if we didn’t deserve it.” Luna Marie says bowing her head.

“I just did what I had to.” I tell her.

“Still I wouldn’t have come if the roles were reversed. Thank you for saving my life and my pack Anna-Lynn.” Liam says.

Then he looks at Anton and adds: “She deserves the best so giving it to her. Treat her as I was never able to.”

“I know and I will.” Anton replies.

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