Another End
Chapter 8


“What’s happened?” I ask when I wake up. I’m in my bed, in my room in the Blue Moon pack.

“Hello Darius! I miss you soooo much. Hello Lilly, I know I too awesome to not be miss” Jokes Darius.

“Yeah, Yeah, whatever floats your boat.” I answer shaking my hand.

“What do you remember?” He asks more seriously.

The fight... “ Leaving the pack with Collin...” The car crash! We were hit on purpose by another car. Collin was driving because I was too upset to drive by myself. The car hit us on his side.“How is he? How is Harper?” I start to panic and try to get up.

“Calm down, they’re both fine. Collin was in a bad shape but he is all fixed. He is up playing with Duncan while Veronica is practicing with Harper.”

“Good, good! How long I was out?”

“Almost 16 hours. It’s worst every time. You need more and more time to recover.” I can feel his worries even if he tries to hide them.

“I know but I have to save them. Wait wait wait. Did you just say Veronica is practicing with Harper? Does that mean...” I almost jump out of my bed.

“Yeah, slowpoke she needs to learn and pretty fast.” He says with one of the biggest smiles I have ever see on his face.

“I’m going to be an auntie! Finally!” I hug in my eyes full of happy tears.

The door opens and Chris enters.

“Hey baby girl, don’t scare me like that.” Says Chris entering the room. I walk toward him to hug him.

“I’m sorry dad. It’s my fault. I was not focused and I didn’t see we were followed.”

“I know. Collin explained everything to us including the fight with the Beta’s family.”

“I’m just stupid!” I say with a sad smile. “I thought I didn’t care anymore... I don’t want you to believe that you are not enough because it’s not the case. You offered me all I needed and I still need. Goddess, you even give me so much more than that. You are the family I ever expected to find and better than the one I was dreaming to have. I don’t know how to explain it. I just wanted a nice closure with them. But being with them, I felt like that little girl still waiting for them to show up at the school recital, forgetting they never will come. I just lost it. It’s pathetic! I’m pathe-“

“No, you’re not.” Chris cuts me.

“Really?! I knew they will ever accept me but I’m still trying just to break my heart and to lose the time I don’t have. I just thought it was my last chance to fix the thing but, but, there is nothing at all therefore there is nothing to fix.”

“I don’t know how they can be so stupid! How can’t they see what is in front of them? You are strong, kind-hearted, smart, beautiful, powerful. Everywhere you went you help people and you make your own opinion and don’t judge. You are fair and will fight until your last breathe for what you believe. You not only save lives but you also enlighten them. I’m so lucky to know you, I just wish Moon Goddess will not call you back so soon.”

“Thanks. I love you, dad. I wish as well to have more time with you.”

“I will give up my life if that means for you to live longer.”

“I love you enough for two brothers, sis.” Says Darius

“You are the only brother I need. And I have.” We do a family hug. 

“I promise if one day they need my help again I will just ignore them.” They both laugh at my statement. 

“Of course you will go, because of who you are. Because of your big heart.” Says Dad.

“Mommy!!! I missed you! Did you meet my new friend Collin? I help him to feel better and he has a lovely daughter.” Says Duncan jumping in my arms. I missed him so much. I kiss in on his forehead. A few seconds later, I see Collin passing is head by the doors, asking if he can come in.

“Hey Lilly, how are you?”

“I’m fine. How are you? And Harper?” I ask.

“We’re both fine. Thanks. I would like to thank you Alphas to save us. How did you know where to find us?”

“Baby, Can you go find auntie Veronica form me, please?” Duncan nods and leaves. “I have a tracking device on my car and an emergency system.” I explain.

“We received a message with your position.” Chris says.

Darius's phone rings and he says: “ And we are not the only one.” He shows me the screen. Seriously! I take his phone and answer. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Darius! how is s-?” He says.

“Ready to talk?” I cut him.

“No!” Come on he can’t stay angry that long!

“Man up Anton!” I hang up.

Three pairs of eyes are looking at me, one with curiosity and two with amusement. Ugh!

“What! Now he knows I’m alive, he should not bother you anymore. Can we keep going.”

“Who is Anton?” Asks Collin with a raised eyebrow.

“Right now a 5 years kid who is sulking because he doesn’t like to share.” Says Darius smiling at his own joke. Chris shakes his head trying not to laugh while I roll my eyes.

“Did you catch the rogues who did this?” I ask for changing the subject.

“No, they were long gone when I arrived. Collin told us they were 3.”Says Darius. I nod in confirmation.

“Okay... my car is repairable?”

“Yes, but it needs work. You will not have it for a month at least.” Says Chris. Damn!

My stomach chooses this time to growl pretty strongly. They all laugh.

“Time to feed you, baby girl!”

We all walk towards the kitchen.

After lunch, I spend my time playing with Duncan, Darius, and Chris. Darius refuses that Veronica joins us, as she needs to be careful. Poor girl, it’s only the beginning of her pregnancy and Darius is already too overprotective towards her. I missed then so much. Collin joins us when Harper is sleeping. We all laugh, play... It makes me forget yesterday events.

“He is a great kid! Even with what happened to him he is still full of joy.” Collin told me.

“I know. I’m lucky.” I say looking at Duncan running after Darius.

“His secret is safe with me. I will not tell a soul.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask looking at him.

“I was in bad shape after the car accident. We were hit on my side. But here I’m with no pain and running as nothing happened less than a day ago. Someone healed me. And this morning harper was crying and had fever and Duncan came he touched her and since she is smiling. He is the healer.”

“It’s half of his secret. His father was a werewolf gifted with heal but his mother was a shifter. She could shift in any creature. She passed him that quality while he received his father heal gift.”

“Theoretically He could heal any creatures and that incredible. This is why his parents were killed.”

“When His father marked his mother, he shared with his gift. So she was able to heal anybody.”


“It’s the balance between mates. When you have a powerful mate you have to be able to balance him or her so you share your abilities.”

“Why didn’t you ask Duncan to heal Liam?”

“Too dangerous. There is a mole in your pack and my first objective is to protect him over Liam. And the poison could affect him. I will not take that risk.”

“The LB Toxin... what’s about it?”

“Yes, it’s a powerful and new poison. We don’t know yet impacts on healers. Liam is the only one who survived it in all the creatures who were poisoned. Even if Duncan can heal him it will drain him too much.”

Duncan is running towards us.

“Mommy, what does mean “blow job”? Uncle Darius doesn’t want to explain to me.” He says pouting.

“I’m going to kill you, Darius!” I say Starting running after him.

Collin bursts out of laugh.

“Collin will explain that to you as he finds that funny! Mommy needs a word with your uncle.”

“No my problem!” I hear Collin says.

“Wait until Harper asks you this kind of question! We will see who will be laughing!” I say running after Darius.

“She will never know what does that mean and she will never do it!” He says in my back.


It’s almost 7:00 pm. We spent all the after playing in the garden. Now it’s time to cook diner. With Dad and Duncan help, I’m cooking a Paella for everyone. Darius and Collin are speaking on the kitchen bar while Veronica is playing with Harper. She also had fallen in love with that little Angel. I’m not sure Collin will be able to have her back.

“You don’t eat with all pack's members?” Asks Collin.

“Only once a week.” Says Chris.

In the Primus pack, It’s the opposite. All the dishes are taken all together except once a week. In the packhouse there is a huge restaurant room. This is why Collin looks surprised.

“If we were eating every day together, the pack would realize how doomed we are with Darius as Alpha. Hey cupcake, I knew I smelled you.” Says Gaspard, the beta aka Darius's best friends, entering the kitchen. He comes to kiss my forehead.

“Hey muffin! Miss you too.” He is calling me cupcake so I’m calling muffin to annoy him. Come on do I look like a cupcake!

“Smell good what are you cooking!” He says trying to taste the dish. I slap in hand away.

“Paella, you are joining us? I help mommy and grandpa to cook it” Duncan says proudly.

“Of course! I don’t miss it as you were the chef!” Gaspard tells him.

“Alpha Franck, former Alpha of the Primus pack is here to speak to you, Anna-Lynn.” He adds m.

“Let him in.” I can feel Chris and Darius tense, no wanted to see anybody from that pack.

“Thank you, Beta Gaspard, Alpha Chris, Alpha Darius, Luna Veronica, little man.” Greets Alpha Franck. “Anna-Lynn can we speak privately? Please?”

“I don’t let you alone with her. Not after what happened yesterday.” Says Chris protectively. He is ready to jump between us.

“I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. Actually I’m sorry that I failed you like your Alpha. You were just a kid and you paid for something that was not your fault.”

“It’s a bit too late don’t you think.” Says Darius also in a protective mode.

“Better later than never. Thank you, Alpha Franck.”

“You are too kind!” Darius tells me, disapproving me.

“Your message has been delivered you can leave now.” Says Chris.

“There is more. Liam needs you. He is still recovering and cannot defeat Alpha Markus yet. We both know as soon as he knows you are not assuming the Alpha Job, he will come after him. I know you are hiding thing but you never did anything to prove to me that you have bad intentions.”

“I don’t know if I can come back.” I tell him honestly.

Suddenly my phone rings. It’s an unknown number. I’m taking the call.


“Anna-Lynn, How are you?” Ask a male voice sounding surprised. I know that voice. I put the speaker, like that everyone can hear. Darius whispers to Duncan to go play with Veronica and Harper.

“Markus! I’m fine. You sound surprised to hear me. What do you want?”

“ It’s Alpha for you.”

“ I’m not a wolf so ranking means nothing to me. I’m sorry if you feel offended.” I said the last sentence with sarcasm.

“ Watch your mouth little girl. You don’t know what will happen to you if you dare disrespect me again.” I feel Chris and Darius's rage growing.

“ What you will do? Crash my car? Wait you already did it. Should I send you the bills to fix it.”

He laughs “ I wish I could take the credit but I’m not the only alpha you provoked this week.”

“Why can I say. Bad habits died hard and I find it entertaining to see how Alphas lose their temper so easily. I knew you were working together!”

“I don’t know what you are talking about?”

“ Alpha David from the Dark Blood Pack.”

“I don’t know him.”

“As if, I will believe you!”

“Good for you be even with proofs nobody will believe you. Poor little girl that just wants to be accepted but she will never because she is unlovable.” He mocks me.

Chris is furious, he needs to calm down if he doesn’t want to have a force shift. “Breathe!” I mouth him.

“Are you expecting me to cry?”

He laughs: “ You know what it’s even funnier. You and the Gamma were hit by a car less than 10 miles from the pack and they haven’t realized yet. By the way, how is the gamma? I heard he was in bad shape.”

“There was a baby too in the car. Tell your friends they will all die for that.”

He laughs. “We will see. Ah the bastard baby, if she died than It’s the best that can happen to him.” I see Collin's wolf surfaces. Darius tries to calm him.

“Is that why you’re calling? Perfect I’m going in the case.”

“Nobody ever tells you when you speak to an Alpha, he is always the one who finishes the discussion. It’s just respect. Wait your parents never did as they didn’t want you.”

“Oh I know the rules. It’s just can’t help myself but to have no respect for a stupid wolf.”

“I will enjoy killing you. But before I will use and abuse you until you beg me to finish your life. It will be waste to not enjoy a beauty like you and we could find a better use for that mouth of you.” I heard a glass broke and I see Darius going out following by Chris.

“Again, if you call only for that. I have better to do so-“

“Do you give up?” He asks me. “ You are not in the Primus pack now.”

“I’m enjoying my day off with friends that’s not a crime. What are you playing at?”

“ I have to say I enjoy the show. What a sad life. It’s really entertaining to see you create chaos there. The twins who broke their bond, the former Alpha on the dog house because he took your side and now the beta female who doesn’t want to have anything to do with her mate.” He laughs.

“See? Interesting choice of word... In fact, I’m pitying you. What a sad life you have to lose your time with that. What’s a boring life, I know why your mate left you now. Maybe I’m unlovable but at least I’m not an insignificant person.” Dad and Darius are back in the kitchen when I finish my sentence.

“You’re a bitch! Don’t worry I will make sure you will never forget me next time we met.”

“Oooh, I’m so afraid” I mock him. “ You running out of time, you should not spend your last weeks of life like that. In your place, I will enjoy-”

“You are too confident in your mate, Anna-Lynn. I will see if you are at work tomorrow but I doubt it.” I roll my eyes. I will not correct him, he could use it against us.

“We will see. By the way, if you cross the pack border without an invitation, I will put you in prison.” I hang up not to want to speak more with him.

“What are you going to do?” Darius asks me. “If tomorrow you are not back there for sure He will be there ready to kill Alpha Liam.”

“He is right Anna-Lynn. I don’t want to lose my son, please come back.” Adds Alpha Franck.

“Let me think about it.” I tell them

“How does he get all this information. There are only a few people who know about the fight or the twin bond. You were right about a mole in the high rank.” Says Alpha Franck.

“I’m not sure about that. I have a theory but you will not like. Did you really broke your bond with your brother?” I turn toward Collin.

“I was not sure. My wolf felt as if he had to choose between Connor and Harper, as he will never accept her as my daughter. So we choose.”

“You need to fix your relationship with him. Even if the bond is really broken, he is your brother you need to find a way to make it works.” Well, of course, the bond is broken, if not Connor would have felt Collin injuries yesterday. Think a little Anna-Lynn!

“Like you and Aiden?” Chris and Darius both growl at the same time making Collin lower his head.

“That was low! I tried everything but it was not up to me.” I can see the guilt on his face but I stop him before I can speak with my hand. “We may are blood-related but there is nothing more. The brother/sister bond die with the discovery of my “disability”, and I would have done anything to fix it. So give him the chance I didn’t have.”

“What’s your theory?” Asks Darius.

I’m looking warily toward Alpha Franck and Collin. “ I think it’s Eleonora even if she doesn’t do it on purpose. Markus is using is mate bond to see through her.”

“That’s impossible. You can do a lot of things thought the mate bond but seeing though is not one of them.” Alpha Franck tells looking at me like I have lost my mind.

“Not if you are a Hybrid and you have the abilities of another creature.” Says Darius catching with my idea.

“Vampires can see through the person who drunk their blood. She marked him so she drunk his blood. Mix that with the mate bond in the middle... It’s more than possible. Actually Anna-Lynn knows a mated couple where he is a vampire and she is a werewolf and them able to see what the other one sees. He can even influence her thoughts if he wants.” Chris finishes.

Alpha Franck looks deep in thought or he is speaking with his wolf or both. Collin remains silent to shock by the idea to speak. My phone ring again. It’s the Primus pack's main number. I also put the speaker as everyone is curious and they will hear if they focus on their werewolves hearing.

“Who is calling?” I know it’s childish to not say hello, but I’m still upset about yesterday.

“Hey, Anna-Lynn. It’s Liam. Um, How are you?

“What do you want?”

“Did you really had an accident?” Says another voice, Aiden.

“So you really bugged my phone! Yes. Sorry to disappoint you, I’m not dead yet.” I say with sarcasm.

“How is Collin?” Asks Liam.

“I’m fine Alpha.” Says Collin directly answering.

“Is that all that you wanted to know?”

“I... No. I Um I need you to come back. I can’t fight Alpha Markus yet. I need more time to recover.”

“What I have to win off that? Since I came back You want me out. Now it’s done!” I ask him coldly.

“Name your price, I will see what I can do.”

“I way too expensive for you!” I can see Darius's approval in his eyes that makes my smile. “You have nothing for me but I have conditions.”

“Conditions?” He says warily. I imagine him clenching his jaw as he always does when he is not in control of the situation.

“Yes, conditions and this is not a negotiation. I will work in the house where I am staying in your pack territory. I will still work with your father and he and Collin will be my only contacts with you and the beta. If you have to speak with me do it through them. Also, I don’t want to see your Beta and his parents while I’m staying. And one last thing I don’t want you to share anything we are talking about to with your mate.”

“I can’t hide things form Nora we share everything.” He protests.

“As you wish Liam, good luck with-“

“Hold on! Okay, we have a deal.”

“Perfect. We will come back after Dinner.”

“Okay. Be careful this time.” He hangs up.

Ugh, the nerve he has! I wasn’t even driving. He didn’t let me the time for a comeback. No thank you either... At least, he recognized he needs my help. Take what you can have Anna-Lynn.

I spend all dinner time with Duncan. I wish I could take him with me but it’s not safe enough for him. I can see his sadness when I told him that I have to go again but he is a big boy and tries to hide it. I’m so proud. I promise him that I will read him a story and put him at the bed before leaving.

It’s with a heavy heart that I come back in the kitchen where Darius and Gaspard are cleaning the plats. They joke trying to change my mind. While Chris hugs me and tells me sweet nothing. I’m a lucky girl to have them in my life. Veronica is already sleeping, she was really tired. Darius checked already four-time if she was fine. He will be great dad, I can’t wait to see that.

We are taking a coffee/tea before going back to the Primus pack. Alpha Franck is still in his thoughts but I see him looking at me often.

“What do you want to know?” I finish by asking him.

“How did you know for Markus and the challenge. How did you know when to come back? Why did you come back?”

“A friend of mine, a witch. She had a vision about what would happen if your sons died. I had to avoid that at all costs. She knew more or less the date.”

“A vision of my son's death?”

“Sons, Alistair was dead too in her vision. Liam's death would cause the destruction of the pack, while Alistair's death would have consequences for all the werewolves.”

“What’s so special about Alistair?”

“It’s about who is his mate to but it’s not my place to tell you.”

“That witch that makes him believed they are mates.”

“They are true mate! And that witch is not any witch. She is Melinda Warren, the most powerful witch that never existed. She will destroy the world for her mate.” I’m seeing him pale and my blood runs cold. “What did you do?”I ask him aggressively.

“Calm down Lilly!” says Chris, catching my wrists and forcing me to look at him. I take a deep breath to calm down. I didn’t realize I was walking toward Alpha Franck before Chris stopped me.

“I will not ask another time. What did you do?”

“How are you sure they are true mate? A Witch and a werewolf, it’s impossible. He is a pure alpha blood wolf you should be mate to a pure werewolf to have strong pups. He is in a provoke coma while we trying to break the spell.”

“Who are you to doubt the moon goddess choice?” They are unbelievable! “Did you know about that?” I ask Collin. He shakes his head. “Where is he?”

“In the hospital. In the east wing.”

“I have to go!” I say to Darius and Chris.

“I’m coming too.” Says Chris walking with me.

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