Another End
Chapter 9


Son, we are close to the border. We are in two cars. Mine and Anna-Lynn’s. Can you let the guards know, please.” My father mind-links waking me up.

“Okay, but can you explain what you are doing with them?”

“Later. Anna-Lynn knows for Alistair. She is going right to the hospital.”What?!?

I get up and start to get dress. I mind-link Jake and the guards to tell them to let them pass. I don’t want to risk that Anna-Lynn refused to help me.

“Where are you going?” Nora asks me with a sleepy voice.

“Something happens but nothing bad. I think. Go to sleep, I will let you know.” I say. I kiss her on her forehead before leaving.

I walk towards the hospital. They will need at least 15 minutes to arrive at the hospital so I have time. I will be there in 10 minutes. I wish I could turn in y wolf and run. I miss it... My wolf is enormous, bigger than everyone even my father. He is a beautiful midnight blue. Nora's wolf is grey. She is so beautiful. When she arrived she used to be afraid of him, because of what Markus did to her. It pained both of us to see her running away every time we were crossing past for the first year she was here. Now when you see us together it’s the opposite, we are always playing and she loves to bite my ears... Which could be annoying when Aiden is teasing about it.

Suddenly I hear a sports car in distance. Well, it’s arriving pretty fast. That should be Anna-Lynn’s car. It’s not the same Alpha Darius brought last time. Not it’s black R8. Is this one is her too? How many cars does she have? A few meters behind I see my father pick up. Anna-Lynn gets out from walking straight to the hospital doors.

“Hey, where are you going?”

She just ignores me and keeps walking towards the east wing. It’s like she knows exactly where she is going. She stops at the pharmacy and enters. A few seconds later she is out and keeps walking towards Alistair's room. When I enter myself I’m surprised to see my Mother sleeping on a chair.

“You’re fools. What did you do? Don’t you see you are killing him! She almost screams having difficulty containing her anger. That wakes my mother suddenly.

“He was bewitched we are just helping him.”

“You are so stupid!” she says with a cold laugh that makes me shiver. What’s happening to me.

“I mind-linked Aiden, he is outside ready to take action if needed. ” I hear my father says in my head.

No, tell him to wait for us in the pack house, please?


“How did you try to broke the spell?” Anna-Lynn asks but Nobody answer.

“How?” She screams her voice full of authority that makes the three of us jump.

“Nora she can enter people's minds.” Says my mother.

“Let me guess, to be able to enter someone's mind, she needs to make him drink her blood.” She says looking at my father. He pales. “Still doubting my theory now?”

“What are you talking about?” I ask her, worry about my father’s reaction.

Once again she just ignores me.

“Time to wake him up.” She whispers taking out a syringe that she pegs in his heart.

Suddenly he growls and starts to wake up. In a few seconds, he is on his feet and he grabs her by her neck. His eyes are black, his wolf is in control. He slaps her on the wall.

“Don’t make me you summit! I am here to help. And we are friends Al!” She tells him difficultly looking in his eyes.

She is crazy he is an Alpha wolf. And the human side has not control now. He lets her go. She coughs a few times before looking at him again.

“I’m sorry Luna.” He says to her in a deep voice.

“I’m not a Luna.” When he tries to protest she stops him and adds:”I need to speak with your human side, can you give him back the control please?”

“I don’t know. He is lost in own mind. He thinks he is 8. What happened to us?”

“Someone tried to break your mate bond. I tried to contact Melinda but she is not answering my calls.”

He growls: “I will kill them for that. Who are they to play God?”

“They thought you were bewitched it’s that fact can excuse them. Give him back the control I will help him to remember he is a man now.”

“How?” He asks with suspicion

“Don’t you trust me?” She asks annoyed.

“Sorry, Luna.” He lowers his head.

“I want you to use your Alpha gift to see in my mind. I will guide him through our common memories.”

Alphas have the gift to see in the mind of the people, but it’s not as Nora. Nora can see but she can also influence the memories and opinions. Alistair is not an Alpha, but like me, his wolf is very powerful and as our parents are Alphas he also received this gift. Normally when the Alphas has a second son, he is more submissive but it’s not the case with Alistair. Even if he is not as strong as I’m, he is. my parents were afraid it would be a problem while growing because they knew I will not take him as my Beta or Gamma.

“Hey Alistair, how are you?” Anna-Lynn tells him with the sweetest voice.

“Hello lady, Who are you?” He asks her.

“I’m Anna-Lynn. We know each other. Don’t you remember, we always spend my birthday day together.”

What? I didn’t not that. I look at my parents they both look as surprised as I’m. Thinking about it, it’s true he was cooking with my mother a cake the same day every year and we didn’t understand why... Now we know the reason.

“But you are old?”

“You too.” She smiles and turns her head on the left. With a small nod, she indicates him the mirror.

“Holy shit. I’m old!” Is his reaction when he sees himself in the mirror. “But but... I don’t remember anything. My last memory is that I have an English test tomorrow.”

“Someone messed up with your head. Let me help you.” She extends her hand towards him when he hesitates she tells him: “Trust me, please. “ And like that he reaches her hand.

For the next minutes, we see his face changes and a lot of emotions passing through it. I wish I could see what she’s showing him that brings so many different things. He lets her hands go, closes his eyes and clenches his jaw.

“You, son of a bitch! How dare you!” He says to me before turn toward my parents and adds: “Is it too much to ask that one time in my life you can just be happy for me!”

He starts to walk toward the doors but also falls. Anna-Lynn catches him and helps me. He is in the coma for a month now this is why he is a bit weak but with his wolf abilities, he will recover quickly.

“Wait son!” Says my mother. When he ignores her she starts to walk after them. With my father following her. She doesn’t have time to take the elevator with them. When we arrive outside they almost are at Anna-Lynn’s car.

“Please, we only did it for your own good. Our lineage is strong it’s can be soiled with witch's blood. It’s a mistake.” My mother tells him. He stops and looks at her.

“For me!” He laughs “You did it for you because you were not able to accept my mate would taint your fucking bloodline! Fresh news it’s already done. My only mistake was to come to invite you.. to share my happiness with you! I love her and I will die before you can break our bond.” My father is in defense stance as me as we’re afraid he will lose control of his wolf.

“And you almost did!” Says a feminine voice.

Who is this woman? Did she just appear in the middle of nowhere or am I crazy? Alistair runs toward her and hugs her. He puts his head in her neck and smells her as if he didn’t breathe for an hour. So this is his mate, Melinda. I have to say see them together they react exactly as every mate I know.

“Lilly, thank you for your help.” She says turning towards Anna-Lynn when my brother decided to let her go.

“Meli! Sorry that I didn’t feel him earlier. What’s happened to you?”

“I fell in the coma with him, slide effect of the mate bond between us. I will have to fix that.” She turns toward me. “Was it your idea Alpha?”

I look at my parents. My father is not moving, he is looking at her like he is asking him if she really exists as for my mother she is shaking out of fear. It was her who asked Nora to help Alistair.

“Yes, it was.”

“You may be powerful and refused the moon Goddess gift but that doesn’t make you a god. Because of you, I lost a month with my mate so let me return the favor.” She closes her eyes and whispers something. My blood runs cold.

“What did you do?” I ask her ready to attack.

“Eleonora will be sleeping for the next month.” I growl at her “I would calm down if I were you. I can still kill her as she tried to erase me in my mate’s memory.” She is deadly serious so I try to calm down.

“No, let it go my love. Liam will never know what it feels to be loved by his true mate and Eleonora had suffered enough in the hands of her own.” Says Alistair.

“No!” Says Anna-Lynn. That bitch, what did she expect? That if Nora is out of my way she will stand a chance with me. “ I think it’s thought her that Markus gets all the information he has. Can you find a way to cut their connection?”

She is totally crazy. As if I will believe that! Melinda looks at Alistair, they are mind-linking for sure. Suddenly she nods and turns toward Anna-Lynn.

“I can try but it will be temporary and I can’t guarantee how long it will work.”

“Okay... But I want to make sure he stays out of my business...” she is thinking for a solution.

“I can create a repulsion spell that if you are in the same room she would have to walk away and hearing your name would make her leave the discussion.” Melinda answers.

“That works for me!” Anna-Lynn says looking relieved.

“We should go my love. You look tired.” Says Alistair.

Anna-Lynn nods: “ You both are. I don’t think another teleportation is not a good idea in your state Meli.” She says with a knowing look.

My brother looks at his mate with a questioning look. It looks like they are mid-linking, no they really are mind-linking each other, but she a witch she is not supposed to. A smug smile appears on his face. “ I don’t like it when you spoilt my surprise Lyka!”

“Don’t call me that!” It doesn’t look like that surname really annoyed her because she is smiling. “You can use my car if you want. Amara will find her way back to me. My f- Alpha Chris is waiting outside the territory, he will be happy to help you.”

“Yeah, maybe I need a new family too. You are using Amara, which means big trouble.” He asks her.

“You have no idea! Someone crashed my Porsche yesterday!” She answers him.

Yeah, I forgot about that detail.

“One last thing, I Alistair Sangpur broke my bond with the Primus back and his Alpha. Liam Sangpur is not my Alpha or anything anymore.”

I heard my parents gasped. What just happened? Why? I feel a pinch in my heart, I just lost a pack member and not any member, my brother. He prefers to become a rogue than to stay in our pack. It’s so painful that I put my hand on my heart.

“Do you pledge your allegiance to me?” Says Anna-Lynn

“Yes, I will answer your call, Luna.” He answers.

“As I will come every time you need me. Go free and with my protection, you can go where ever you want. Even if I don’t think you need it with your mate.”

What the fuck!! Can she even do that? Apparently yes as she just did but she doesn’t even have a pack. What are they a pack of two? Does is it even possible?

“See you soon Lilly.”Says Melinda hugging her.

“Take care, Meli! Both of you.” Anna-Lynn answers before hugging my brother too.

And like that they both leave in Anna-Lynn’s car. My parents and I are so stunned by what just happened that nobody says nothing.

“It was a long day, I'm going to bed. Alpha Franck, I will see you tomorrow. Night.” Says Anna-Lynn.

I catch her by the arm before she leaves.“I don’t like what you suggest about Nora. She is not a mole. Stay away for her.”

“Of course she is not a mole, but think about all the information Markus has. He is using their mate bond. And no worries she will be disgusted just to hear my name so she will stay away from me.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Your loss. It’s not my pack who is in danger. Tell me she never had weird behaviors like she was obsessed to learn something about the pack, like.... like the patrol rotation. Or a few times where you were together that she has huge mood swings.”

“You are crazy.” I just deny what she just said.

“Possibly, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Your father will explain my theory. I’m going now. Good night.”

We’re looking at her walking away. None of us knows what to say. How can she be on my brother's side? How can’t she see this is unnatural. A witch and a werewolf! Why he didn’t reject her as we were taught to. I reject my mate because she was worthy of an alpha. As a leader we need to show example why can’t he understand that.

“Let’s talk about it in your office son.” says my father. I can see he is as shaken as me by the fact Alistair cut all his links with us.

We walk toward the pack house in silence, the three of us lost in our own thoughts. Aiden doesn’t even dare to ask what’s happened when he is our faces. He just follows us in my office. I know as the Beta he also felt the loss of a pack’s member.

“Alistair left and broke all his bonds with the pack.” I simply tell him. My mother starts to cry while my father hugs her. She excuses herself when she finishes crying and leaves my office.

“How?” He asks defeated.

“Anna-Lynn woke him up. When he discovered what we tried to do he was so pissed that he broke the bond.”I explain.

“How did she learn he was here?” Aiden asks.

“She was explaining to me that one of her friends had a vision about you and Alistair’s death. As Liam’s death caused our end, Alistair’s death could be the end of the werewolf. She saw on my face I was hiding something.” Explains my father.

“How is that even possible?” Aiden says voicing my question.

“His mate is Melinda Warren.”

“Wow! You mean the Melinda Warren as the most powerful witch is my brother mate!” I say surprised. It’s true Alistair never told us her name.

Unbelievable!!! She was not looking deadly powerful earlier. Thinking about the meeting, Anna-Lynn and them were looking pretty close. I didn’t even know Alistair was a friend with her. It shouldn’t have happened after she left nine years ago... Still, how is it possible? Did they keep in touch after she left? How can’t we saw they were close? Anna-Lynn was never in the packhouse well she was not in the pack territory often.

“Anna-Lynn and Alistair were looking close. They used to play together?” I ask my father.

“No, even before we learned she didn’t have a wolf, they were never even speaking. I’m really surprised too by their behaviors. I don’t know when they got closer.”

“They were looking like old friends meeting after a long time.” I explain to Aiden who was looking at us with a questioning look. “Why were you with her?” I ask my father.

“I went to Blue Moon Pack to convince her to come back. You are not ready to face Alpha Markus yet.” I’m not happy with that but I also know he is right. I just nod not wanting to say anything.

“Did you learn anything about her while you were here?” Aiden asks.

“Alpha Chris is not her lover more like her father’s figure. She knows everyone there. She also has a son, Duncan. He is 7. I don’t know who is the father, he was not there. Luna Veronica told me she has a lover and if I could see them together I would understand that you and she were never meant to be together. Her lover was not here though so I don’t know if it’s true.”

“She has a son?” Aiden says looking surprised. Well, I have to say I’m surprised too.

“Yes, and he is really clever for his age.” Adds my father in awe.

He loves kids and I know he hopes to have more than one grandkid. We will work on that as soon as all this shit is over, I promise dad. I can wait to see my family growing. I wish we will have a daughter next. She will be my little princess as her mother is my queen. Talking about Nora, I need to ask my father about that stupid theory Anna-Lynn has.

“What about the fact she thinks Nora is the mole?” Even the fact to say it out loud makes me feel mad.

“She thinks Alpha Markus is a Hybrid half werewolf and half vampire. If it’s true and I tent to think it is, that mean by the blood they exchanged when they marked each other he has total access to her memories and can influence her to do few things without her noticed it.” He answers.

“This is insane! How can you believe that?” I feel totally betray.

“ Think about it, Liam. When she told us all the things he did to her, it makes me think about the vampire way and she had few obsessions about how our pack works. There the fact she can see in someone's mind and influences his memories but that person needs to drink her blood, so vampire's way. Also, how can Alpha Markus have so much information? He knew Anna-Lynn was human when she showed up. He knows about the fight she and Aiden had and the one between Aiden and Elena. I didn’t even know about it when did it happen, Aiden? Who was there? I don’t know if it’s true but it’s a possibility so we need to be careful.”

“This is totally impossible!”

I prefer to leave them before I say something I will regret to my father. I can’t believe that it’s impossible! I totally refuse that. I need to see her now. I walk faster toward my room. When I enter our room she is sleeping. My angel! No way in hell it’s possible! She is so innocent. I join her in the bed taking her in my arm. She lays down her head on my chest and I forgot everything she is my heaven.

“Hey my love, you look upset everything is fine? What’s happened?” She asks me while I’m sliding under the sheets.

“ It’s just Anna-Lynn and her stupid idea.” I see her shivering when I say Anna-Lynn’s name.

“I don’t want to hear about her! Ever!” She tells me upset.

What’s just happened. I never see her react like that not even when we spoke about Markus... That’s right, stupid witch and her spell!

“ You know what. You are right we don’t need to speak about her. Go back to sleep sweetheart. I love you.” I say hugging her.

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