Upon hearing the name of the man who Davina never considered her father, she pressed harder into the throat of Al, keeping an intense glare on Vincent. Dean, Jackson, and Charlie were on high alert upon hearing the name of the man. The smoke clouded their vision, but Dean could see enough to confirm it was indeed Vincent up on the balcony.

“Go ahead. He serves me no purpose any longer. He found you all of those years ago. He’s no longer of any use to me.” Vincent said plainly, his tone indicating he didn’t care. Davina stood still for a moment, contemplating what to do. It had always been a hope of hers that one day she’d give Al what he deserved. That she’d be able to put a bullet in his head or whatever method she ended up choosing to end his life. She thought Dean had done it himself. But, she also wondered what would happen if she reacted. She didn’t get the chance to. Davina’s foot was shoved back by Al, making her stumble backwards with the force. She frowned as Al sped over to her with the same speed she had seen from Dean and his beasts. Al gripped onto her hair, pulling her forward with much force. Davina winced as Al brought her chin up for him to get a better sight of her. Jackson fought the urge to speed over to her. His brows furrowed, wondering the connection between the two. Charlie wondered as well.

“That’s the last time you lay your hands on me. Got it? You be a good girl, now.” Al gritted through his teeth.

“Vincent! You let her go or I start putting bullets in your men.” Victor said as he and other members of the organization held their guns up at Vincent’s allies, ready to shoot on command. Vincent chuckled.

“We wouldn’t want that now, would we, men?” Vincent said, turning to his allies, emphasizing the word men. Dean frowned only slightly, taking a mental note at that. The beasts eyes followed them carefully as Vincent waved for his allies to follow him out into the hallway to make their way downstairs.

“Oh, Alfie, I’m sure they want to see their girl. We wouldn’t want to worry them when she’s out of their sight, would we?” Vincent spoke to Al. Al didn’t speak once. He only gripped tighter onto Davina’s hair and lifted her over the railing. She screeched as she was lifted up from the floor, her eyes widening at Al’s strength. Al gave no warning as he let go of her completely. Dean, Jackson, and Charlie sped over to her to catch her. Jackson caught her before she hit the floor, wrapping his arms around her middle as she wrapped her own around his neck. Her heavy breathing in the crook of Jackson’s neck told him she was a little shaken up. He rubbed her back up and down as he brought her back over to the middle of the floor where Victor and the organization stood.

“You’re okay, now.” Jackson said, repeating the words he told her the very first time she let her guard down around him. Davina immediately felt calm hearing them. She lifted her head and patted his shoulder lightly, letting him know she was okay now. He then gently set her down on the floor. Immediately she was pulled to Dean’s side. She frowned up at him, wondering why he pulled her. She wasn’t expecting to find a look of concern in his eyes. Her eyes softened as she placed her hand on his back, letting him know as well that she was okay.

“Now, where were we?” Vincent asked as he entered the room with his allies.

“You were about to tell us what the hell you’re up to.” Victor said, making Vincent huff.

“What I always have been, brother. I’m taking back control. The hunters of the organization ran this city since the early 1800s. Or at least that is what we thought until we learned that there were abominations living in our city.” Vincent said, glaring at Dean specifically.

“We agreed we would co-exist in this city because it is your home just as much as it is mine. You controlled just enough up until you gave it up.” Dean replied, his voice clear and threatening.

“I gave it up for something even bigger. For a chance to gain back full control. And maybe even take a little more.” Vincent spoke with a smirk.

“You’d rather have control over family?” Charlie asked, disgust lacing his voice.

“Family has never been a concern of mine. Although, when I started procreating with supernatural beings it did. Your brother has been very cooperative and responding to my experiments, Davina.” Vincent said, now turning his attention over to his daughter. Davina stepped forward, threateningly, making Charlie wrap an arm around her to keep her from doing anything she may regret.

“You took Colton?” Davina gritted through her teeth. She had a feeling after learning Dean certainly hadn’t. But it had yet to be confirmed. She was enraged.

“I did. And, I do hope you will be just as cooperative and responsive as he has been.” Vincent spoke. Dean and Jackson wasted no time stepping in front of Davina in an attempt to let Vincent know she was off limits. They were prepared to protect and fight for her, no matter the cost.

“What are your plans with her?” Dean asked as he stared Vincent down.

“What do you think, Dean? One of my beasts claws went a little too deep. Only, she hasn’t transitioned yet. I see an opportunity here. With the other supernatural’s I have obtained and experimented on over the years, not one hasn’t gone through their transitioning. Thanks to Davina’s stubbornness, there is a chance I can make her more powerful than any regular beast.” Vincent said. Victor turned to Davina. He was shocked to hear this, especially from someone other than herself. But he made no indication of it.

“And if it doesn’t work out? You’d be killing an innocent girl, your daughter, need I remind you.” Victor replied.

“The man already said it, he doesn’t give a shit about his family.” Charlie spat, staring Vincent down.

“How innocent do you believe she is? She lived on the streets after her mother’s death. Surely, she had to fight and steal to keep herself alive. Maybe even kill.” Vincent said.

“Oh, she most certainly has. These two shot up one of my clubs in Harrisburg. Three of my men died that day. Including myself. If it weren’t for Vincent, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.” Al said, his eyes narrowed on Dean and Davina. After a moment, his eyes flashed red, confirming what Davina had thought when he shoved her back. Vincent managed to turn Al into a beast.

“You’re not anymore innocent than I am, Al. You sold, beat, and raped women. I watched you kill hundreds of people in my time of knowing you. Everything I have ever done was all in the means of surviving. Yours was for profit and pleasure.” Davina said in a low voice. Al laughed as Davina glared at him.

“You know, I can’t listen to you talk when all I can think about is that quiet little girl you used to be. That young girl at the age of 15 so desperate to get of the streets that you’d dance up on that stage, swinging around your pole, obeying me because you’ve always been my bi-” Al started in a degrading tone but Jackson raced forward, cutting him off, wrapping his hand around his throat, and lifting Al up off of the floor.

“That’s enough of you.” Jackson hissed. Al kicked his feet around as Jackson squeezed tightly, emitting a crack from Al’s neck. Davina’s eyes widened in shock as Al’s head fell to the side, his eyes staring straight ahead. Jackson then tossed him to the side like a rag doll before straightening out his cuffs that he had messed up.

“I think I’ve had enough of all of this. We have somewhere to be.” Vincent spoke, turning to Davina.

“I’m sorry to disappoint, but she will not be going anywhere with you.” Jackson said coldly, walking over to Vincent with two strides. Vincent clicked his tongue as he stared Jackson down.

“I think she will be. You have yourself, eight men here, two beasts, and a woman.” Vincent said, eyeing Davina as he demeaned her. “I have myself, and four genetically mutated, superior supernatural beings. We may be outnumbered, but my creatures are unlike anything you have ever fought before.” Vincent spoke, his voice not faltering once as he challenged the centuries old beast before him.

“Make that 10 men.” A voice called out, making all heads turn. Aaron stood with a gun in hand, aimed at Vincent. Elliot stood off to the side with an unsure, fearful look on his face.

“Oh, God. We’re going to die.” Davina spoke with a sigh, making Victor hit her lightly with his elbow. Vincent turned to his other two children, lifting his brows up at his youngest son. Elliot gulped at the look he received, then shook his head.

“Nope! Not doing this!” Elliot exclaimed as he pulled one of the beads off of his bracelet.

“Yet again, I’m hitting the ground hard, aren’t I?” Charlie asked before Elliot threw the bead in the middle of the floor, sending everybody in the room flying back and knocking into tables and such. Jackson groaned before he stood and helped Charlie up.

“Get them.” Jackson said, pointing over towards the humans of the group. Dean then stood with a pained expression on his face as he helped Davina stand. Davina went to walk but winced.

“Hurts to walk.” Davina hissed. After a moment, a smirk formed on Dean’s face.

“It could be for multiple different reasons, Dean!” Davina exclaimed as Dean picked her up bridal style and raced her out. Soon, Jackson and Charlie brought everyone else out. They all loaded up in the vans and headed back to the place they were staying at for the night.

“You just fucked Dean, now you’re gonna go sleep with Jackson?” Charlie asked.

“I am not sleeping with Jackson! I doubt he’s even going to be in the bed, Charlie. You’re sounding really judgmental about this.” Davina spoke as she put her cigarette out on the gravel beneath them. Everybody else was inside the building, some resting, some already headed off to bed. Davina went outside to smoke, something she rarely did. After the events of the day, she needed it. Charlie felt like she needed the company and so, he joined her outside.

“It’s not my intention, Davina. I’ve had my fair share of sexual partners in the past. You’re young and have eternity to sleep with whoever the hell you want. It’s just that... we’ve never met someone quite like you.” Charlie said in a soft tone as he turned to look at the girl he considering a dear friend of his.

“Quite like me, huh? What is it about me that makes me so different, hmm?” Davina asked as she sat down on the steps with Charlie.

“I mean someone who just fit into our lives so perfectly. Sure, it’s chaotic now. But little moments of the day, I see someone who I think we all needed to brighten up our lives.” Charlie said, struggling to find the words. They were prefect enough for Davina. She gave him a genuine smile.

“I thought we had that with Genevieve but Dean never really cared much for her.” Charlie said, thoughtlessly.

“Genevieve?” Davina questioned, wondering who Charlie was referring to. Charlie’s breath hitched, realizing just who he had brought up and hadn’t thought of in so long. He took a deep breath as he now stared straight ahead, off at the empty road before them.

“Genevieve was Jackson’s bride. My friend.” Charlie responded. He sat there for a moment remembering the kind soul that was taken too soon. Davina then remembered the silver band Jackson kept around his ring finger.

“She actually reminds me a lot of you.” Charlie said. Davina gave him another smile before she rested her head on Charlie’s shoulder, a yawn soon leaving her mouth. Charlie leaned his head onto hers, now staring off into the sky. Charlie wanted to talk about what happened today with Davina. He had so many questions to ask her. So many that he was almost certain Davina would never be open about. Davina felt she had been spending so much time with these people. She had grown close to them in a short amount of time. And with Charlie, she felt as if she could tell him anything with complete confidence that he wouldn’t tell a soul if she asked him not to.

“I wouldn’t, Vina. You could tell me anything and nobody will hear about it from me.” Charlie said. Davina chuckled and rolled her eyes at Charlie for reading her mind. She wasn’t upset. She realized now that if somebody knew what she was thinking, subconsciously, she let it happen.

“I won’t pry into your past. I could tell from the look on your face when you saw him there’s some trauma you keep hidden and I don’t want to bring any of that up and risk upsetting you. But what’d you think of meeting your father?” Charlie asked. Davina let out a sigh, staring up at the sky as the thought of how best to insult the man who never really was her father.

“I think he’s a real dick and I am incredibly grateful my mom realized that before I was born and kept me far away from him.” Davina replied. “I also think he’s full of shit if he thinks you guys will ever let me go with him.” Davina continued as the two laughed.

“You should probably head to sleep now. Get as much rest as you can before Jackson wants to rest his eyes.” Charlie said, making Davina frown. She then remembered the time she helped Eloise with her daily tasks, finding out that unlike the other two, Jackson would rest his eyes in the evening.

“Not like we can’t share a bed. We’re both adults.” Davina said as she went to stand. Charlie laughed.

“You remember the look on Dean’s face when I fell on top of you? If he found out that you even sat on the same bed as Jackson, he’d lose his shit.” Charlie said.

“He can lose his shit all he wants. I am not his.” Davina said as she knelt down and gave Charlie a quick hug, shocking him only slightly.

“Night.” Davina spoke. Charlie turned and pressed a kiss into her hair before she stood straight.

“Sleep well. I know Jackson’s toned, tattooed, and hot as hell, but don’t you cross over onto his side of the bed, Vina!” Charlie exclaimed as Davina headed to the door, rolling her eyes. Yeah, yeah, Davina thought.

“Don’t you sass me!” Charlie yelled before Davina shut the front door. She shook her head and laughed as she headed up the stairs. She stopped on her way down the hall in front of Dean’s room, wondering if she should enter his instead considering everything the two had been through today. And she almost did when sounds coming from inside one of the open bedrooms caught her attention. She turned and continued to walk back down the hall, finding her and Jackson’s shared room. He stood in front of the bed, undoing his tie. He felt her presence and removed his eyes from his tie, looking straight ahead at the wall.

“You coming in or not?” Jackson asked. Davina stared at him for a moment as he threw his tie across the room, soon working on the buttons of his dress shirt. Jackson hummed when she didn’t respond. She shook her head and entered the room. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We already established we’d be sleeping in the same room tonight, so yes.” Davina said as turned to shut the door behind her.

“Forgive me, but I’d like to rest my eyes and I’m not fond of the idea of you not cleaning yourself after having intercourse with Dean and sharing a bed with me. So, if you would please.” Jackson said as he motioned his hand towards the bathroom door. Davina then turned back around, huffing at him.

“Try to sound a little more judgmental, why don’t you?” Davina said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at him as she entered the bathroom, turning on the water.

“It’s a reasonable request.” Jackson replied. Davina sighed heavily and went to exit the bathroom to face him.

“Sure, but it isn’t necessary for you to judge me for it. It isn’t any of your business who I sleep with quite frankly, and that is something both you and Charlie need to understa-” Davina said, stopping herself when she entered the room and found Jackson only in a pair of dress pants. Her eyes immediately found the tattoo of a house across his chest. She assumed with all of the ghosts, cobwebs, and pumpkins he had tatted that it was a haunted house. She found it so strange. He acted like such a sophisticated and polished man. You’d never guess that underneath he was covered in so many fun tattoos. She also found them incredibly attractive. But she’d never admit that.

“I am not judging you for sleeping with Dean, Davina. You’re a grown woman and can sleep with whomever you please.” Jackson said, eyeing her for a moment.

“Then what’s with the judging tone?” Davina asked as she crossed her arms.

“I am just not in the best of moods, Davina. That is all.” Jackson said as he moved across the room, disappearing from her view. After a moment, Jackson turned off the only lamp lighting up the room, making it pitch black. Davina narrowed her eyes, entering the bathroom once more.

“Well, don’t take it out on me!” Davina exclaimed before slamming the bathroom door. She sighed before entering the shower and ‘cleaning’ herself as Jackson said. Davina was a little unsure of where this terrible mood was coming from. On the ride back, it didn’t seem like anything was going on with him. He was quiet. But, Davina had learned that Jackson being quiet could mean many things. She soon exited the shower, searching for some clothes that she thought she placed on the bathroom counter. She then realized she hadn’t brought any with her. She sighed and figured she’d just enter the room to grab some. Before opening the bathroom door, she wrapped a towel around her cold and slick body. She shivered and quickly exited the bathroom to find some clothes to warm up as quickly as possible. She carefully walked through the room, unsure of where she was going. Her supernatural eyes weren’t fully developed so she struggled immensely trying to find her bags. She finally felt her bag and sighed of relief as she opened it. Her breath then hitched as she felt a presence from behind her. The person soon grasping at her hips, making her eyes widen slightly.

“Jackson?” Davina called out, figuring it was him and wondering what he was up to. A creak was heard from the other side of the bed where she last saw Jackson, making her frown. She heard Jackson speed to the other side of the room and soon the person gripping her hips hit the wall. The sounds of struggles filled her ears. She then realized whoever was behind her was some sort of threat. She quickly crawled over the bed, clinging her towel to her body as she searched for a lamp. The bedroom door was thrown open and in flooded Dean and Charlie providing a little light in the room but not enough for Davina to see. She groaned as she felt around for the lamp, finally finding it and switching it on. She then turned back to find Jackson pinning an unknown figure up against the wall. Dean and Charlie looked ready to pounce on whoever Jackson had pinned. Davina crawled further down the bed to get a better view. It was then Charlie looked back at Davina, his eyes widening when he saw her in only a towel. His eyes then trailed back over to Jackson’s shirtless figure. A noise emitted from Charlie’s throat, making Dean frown at him. Charlie’s eyes drifted back to Davina, making Dean turn to face her. The only visible parts to her body was her neck, collarbones, shoulder, and her legs. It was too much for anybody but himself to see. He didn’t like Charlie had a perfect view. And he didn’t liked that Davina was in the room with Jackson and with only a towel and a pair of pants separating the two from each other. Charlie figured with the way they both looked that it could only mean one thing.

“No, we didn’t have intercourse.” Jackson groaned, turning back to Dean who was radiating jealousy. Davina frowned, wondering why he announced that before looking between her and Jackson and how it certainly looked like they could’ve. She sighed.

“You’re never letting this go, are you, Charlie?” Davina asked.

“Nope.” Charlie said, popping the ‘p’, making Davina sigh. She then tilted her head to find familiar pale face and ginger hair pinned up against the wall. Immediately, she stood from the bed to approach him but was stopped by Dean. He wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her from doing so.

“Perhaps you’d like to be dressed for this altercation.” Dean suggested as he tried to keep his eyes off of her. When she didn’t respond, his eyes drifted down to her, finding her big, chocolate brown eyes. His eyes softened when he saw the angry look across her face.

“I do not have to be clothed to kick Anderson’s ass.” Davina gritted through her teeth.

“I certainly don’t mind it one bit.” Anderson said with a bit of a smirk, his eyes trailing down to the hips of hers he held not long before. Jackson quickly gripped ahold of his jaw and turned his head away to keep him from staring at her for too long. Anderson grunted at how forceful Jackson was being.

“In that case, perhaps I should go get dressed.” Davina said, feeling disturbed now. She turned to find her bag now knocked on the floor. Before she could bend over to pick it up, Charlie went ahead and did so. Davina smiled at him before pulling out clothes and heading off to the bathroom to change.

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