Chains to Crowns
Chapter 18

Marc strolled into his office a little later than normal, therefore unsurprised to see Wade sitting patiently. “Ho! Oof someone’s mated.” Wade wafted the air in front of him dramatically.

“Shut up,” Marc snapped. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So you couldn’t last eh? Poor girl shaking in the corner?”

Marc growled at his beta.

“She’s fine.” He realised he didn’t want to admit to this male Klara had dominated him, he needed to be strong and dominant to prove he deserved his title.

The phone rang before Wade could continue to gloat. “Royal Beta Blackwood.” His face instantly soured.

“I told you before, Silversmith, The King is a busy man, he will contact you when he is available,” Wade growled down the phone. Marc realised maybe he had neglected coming to his office sooner. “I have notified the King you wish to speak to him... If you wish to use that language you can forget about-” Marc watched as Wade’s irritation increased. He could hear some very unfortunate insults being shouted into Wade’s ear before he dropped the phone into the cradle.

“Fucking bastard thinks he can talk to me like that.”

“What does he want?”

“Seem’s a rumour's reached him that she’s here… within our pack.”

“For once the rumours aren’t complete shite.” Wade inclined his head. “What does he want to do about it?”

“Come to the palace, search himself.” Marc pursed his lips and hummed disapprovingly. “He can’t do anything about it now, you’re mated.” Wade's remark made Marc sigh, realising he would have to come clean before they brought the advisors into the mix. “We’re… not. Not completely.”

“What do you mean? You stink of her.” Marc tugged his collar down to show her obvious bite mark. “Yes… you marked each other that's-”

“I haven’t…” Marc admitted. Wade blinked, then blinked some more.

“You let her mark you first?” he asked in disbelief.

“Well… my wolf didn’t stop it… both wolves were in control. There must have still been silver in her system, her wolf’s an Alpha, she’s been repressed during the healing.”

“And she came out to play… and dominated a King… I get it,” Wade smirked. “Well big King… you got to find those bollocks that have to be somewhere and mark her before her son of bitch father waltzes in.”

“She’s not ready,” Marc muttered.

“Then you’re going to have to deny his request.”

Marc gave a dry humourless laugh, “No shit… what if I threaten prosecution? He beat the shit out of her… seems to me he wanted to suppress her.”

“Possible… why though?” Marc just shrugged in response; not having an answer.

“I should probably at least stall him until we can think of a plan,” Marc declared as his hand reached for the phone but his hand stilled. A wash of fear, jealousy then anger swept over him, crashing in waves. Without a word, he bolted from his office.


Klara’s book lay discarded on the side as she was conversing heavily with her wolf. She wondered how she’d coped so long as the feeling of power seemed to now be leaking from her even in human form. She always knew her wolf was stronger than her, but now she felt amazing.

Klara was still irritated that her wolf had basically waltzed up to the Wolf King and just… marked him. She felt it had been a foolish move from her wolf... her wolf disagreed, she was still ruffling her fur with pride that she'd shown the King who was boss.

A noise made Klara look up, a woman she recognised but couldn’t think where from was at the doorway. “So this is the King’s little pet,” she drawled, her claws extending. Fear coursed through Klara as she leapt to her feet, she recognised her ‘the bitch that touched what’s ours,’ her wolf sneered. Jealousy soon replaced her fear, then fury. Her wolf and her became one, both occupying the same space, their canines extended, bared to the blonde. “Get out of my wing,” their voice echoing with the two beings.

“No little pet, this is my wing. I’m the King’s mate, he’s mine to take… look at you. How would he find that attractive.” The blonde gestured up and down to Klara. “I’m much more what he wants.” She gestured to herself with her claws. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he never finds your body. Pet.

“Last warning,” Klara growled, taking a step forward. She had no idea where this confidence was coming from, there was no chance she could take her down. Klara was at least five inches shorter than the female who stood a few feet from her. The blonde laughed, “What are you going to do, runt? You won’t even bruise me!” Klara and her wolf lunged, knocking the blonde from her feet. She straddled her, snarling down to the female and began raining punches on her pretty face. The blonde’s claws dug into Klara’s forearms as she tried to defend herself against Klara’s sudden attack.

The blonde managed to flip Klara off her but before she could pin her down Klara jumped to her feet and got one hit in before she was dragged swiftly away. She snarled at her lack of a victim. “My King, she attacked me!” the blonde wailed dramatically. Marc turned Klara around in his arms and forced her head to his neck. “Sniff,” he grunted as she fought against him. She growled until she breathed in through her nose, his scent seemed to suck her anger from her. It depleted in an instant.

She sniffed continuously as if tracking through the forest, relaxing into Marc’s strong soothing arms. “Sorry,” Klara whispered. “She threatened me… I recognised her from this morning.” Klara took another lungfull of the scent she craved. She tried to move away realising Marc still had a grip on her head, forcing her into the crook of his neck. “She’s a liar, my King!”

“What are you doing on the King’s private wing!?” another male’s voice, Klara couldn’t see Wade had stormed in. He pointed an accusatory finger to the blonde. “Laura, the King’s wing is out of bounds!”

“I-I was bringing her food.”

“The food gets delivered to the living area, you are in the den,” Wade sneered. Marc finally released his grip on Klara’s head. Allowing her to look towards the blonde; Laura, who was now looking wildly around for an explanation. “You threatened my mate… your Queen. Explain.” Marc’s voice was low and dangerous. “I would do no such thing!” Laura’s brown eyes wide.

“My King… we had something, I know you feel the same,” her voice gentle and sultry. Klara took a deep breath, angry but intrigued to how Marc would respond.

“Laura… listen carefully. If I find you have been in my wing again, or addressed your Queen in any other way than you would address me, you will no longer be welcome. Do I make myself clear?” Marc’s voice remained completely calm, but authority oozed from every pore. Laura dropped her head, realising arguing would get her nowhere. “Yes, my King,” she muttered to her feet. “Then what are you still doing here!” Wade barked, she scuttled from the room.

“Marc… her arms,” Wade muttered. Marc released Klara’s waist and brought her arms for him to inspect, five puncture wounds in a distinctive hand were on one arm while small gashes met his eyes on her other arm. “They’re fine,” Klara mumbled, her wolf had slipped back, it was just her. “I’ll go put some… anti-ant... The burny stuff.”

“No, the doctor will have a look.” Marc kissed one of the wounds which numbed her arm a little, she hadn’t realised how much her arm was hurting. She wondered if she could do that for Marc, she had licked his mark to close it, but he wasn’t doing that to her wounds. She pouted a little in thought, wondering how it worked. None of this seemed to happen in the Silversmith pack.

She didn’t need the doctor to see her wounds but Marc guided her through the Palace not hearing any of her protests, or more likely, ignoring them. “Sit.” Marc pointed to a bed in a private room. Klara huffed but hopped onto the bed, “I’m fine,” she said for the millionth time.

“You’re bleeding,”

“How did you numb it?”

“You marked me, I can do some things for you. When I mark you I’ll be able to heal them as you can for me.” Klara made a noise of understanding.

“What have we here then?” The dark-haired Doctor James came in.

“James, just a few claw marks.” Marc stepped away so Dr James could inspect.

“I’m glad to see you looking so well, your majesty.” He smiled up to Klara, she looked at him confused, she was puzzled by the title he’d called her and she didn’t think she looked any different from the last time she saw the doctor the week before.

“Oh, that’s what I was going to discuss, how long does silver take to get out of one’s system?” Marc asked as he sat in a wooden chair by the bed. James gave a sigh of realisation, “It could have taken this long, I suspected there was silver in her system… but you weren’t showing any signs.” James bowed his head slightly in Klara’s direction. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine James, the treatment would have been worse… I wouldn’t have allowed it.” James began cleaning then dressing Klara’s arms, “I want you back here tomorrow, now you’re healed the bandages will be able to come off tomorrow.” Klara nodded looking at her bandaged forearms. “I would suggest beginning to build muscle now you’ve gained some weight.”

“I do feel stronger,” Klara muttered.

“Good, I’m glad to hear. All done, see you tomorrow.” Klara slid from the bed.

“Thank you,” Klara and Marc said simultaneously as they left the infirmary.

They reached the King’s wing. “I need to talk to you.” Marc swallowed, leading her into the living area. Klara didn’t respond as butterflies exploded with nerves, they sat on the cream sofa. “Little one, your father’s demanding to come look for you… he’s heard a rumour you’re here.” Klara gulped, eyes widening in fear. “You’re not going back to him,” Marc said quickly, feeling the change in her. “I just wanted to let you know, I’ll work it out.”

“How will you stop him?”

“Do you know what he was going to do with you before you ran away?” Klara shrugged. “Did you overhear anything?” he probed.

“I heard some of the warriors talking about an Alpha competition…” Her eyes flickered to electric. “I’m the Alpha.” Klara shook her head and her baby blues returned. Marc chuckled,

“Your wolf really wants control eh?”

Klara nodded.

“Come on then, let’s give them control.” He stood, holding his hand out, Klara took it, a small frown of confusion on her face.

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