Chains to Crowns
Chapter 19

Marc led her through the palace, down multiple corridors before pushing open a thick arched wooden door, revealing a strip of green grass leading into the trees, Klara looked around noticing that it was the same place she saw Marc in the mornings, and like in the mornings, it was deserted. “Go behind a tree and let your wolf free,” Marc nodded to the treeline. “I’d strip first.”

“Erm… what about the bandag-” but before Klara could finish her sentence all her bones broke at once, she let out a cry but before Marc could grab her, her husky wolf burst through her skin. “You couldn’t wait two seconds?” Marc looked down knowing Klara wasn’t in control. Her light and dark grey head shook in a no. “We won’t be able to speak to each other… you still need to pledge loyalty to the crown.” Klara’s wolf head nodded, noting to Klara that they needed to do that. Marc turned from her to pull his clothes off, not that he cared, but he didn’t want to embarrass her. He allowed his wolf’s body to replace his skin, then turned, allowing his wolf control.

Klara looked up to Marc, he was huge compared to her, she reached just above his shoulder. She playfully snapped at him before running, wanting him to chase her. He obliged as they both sprinted into the trees. Marc soon caught her, his front paws on her back as he pushed her down. Klara growled shrugging his large paws from her. Marc initiated her to chase him, and they continued around the woodland. Playing, chasing and just doing whatever they felt like. While their human’s watched.

They emerged through the trees to the single pile of clothes, Klara’s had ripped when her wolf took over. Just as they made it to the clothes, a woman Klara didn’t recognise strolled out of the back door holding a clothing bundle. Klara’s husky wolf took the clothing in her mouth before padding back into the trees.

She walked back over to where Marc now stood fully dressed. She reached up to hug around his neck. “Thank you,” she muttered as he lifted her from her feet, hugging her close to him.

“Is that better?” he smiled against her.

Klara nodded against his neck. “She’s never wanted control before, not like that.”

“Alpha wolves don’t come in until we’re a little older anyway. When were you first whipped?” he asked gently, placing her back onto the grass.

She chewed her lip in thought. “Eleven?” it was a question as she couldn’t remember, it could have been earlier.

Marc nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. “So… yeah Alpha wolves come with puberty.”

“But we can transform as soon as we can walk?”

“Yes, but we can’t have toddlers demanding and getting everything they demand. Alpha capabilities come later.”

“I didn’t know that,” she muttered more to herself. Marc squeezed her around her waist.

“Now you do.”

They got back up to the King’s wing when Klara remembered something. “Oh, I need to… I need to pledge loyalty,” she said almost sheepishly.

Marc smiled, “Can do it now if you want?”

She nodded.

“OK, I just need Wade to witness.” His eyes glazed, then two minutes later Wade’s hulking size filled the doorway to the den. “You called?”

“Just need the witness, brought the dagger?” Wade nodded showing a small gold hilted dagger.

“OK, Klara. After what I say, just say ‘I accept’, then you just need to nick your palm, just enough for a little blood, I’ll do the same. We seal the loyalty in blood. Understand?”

“I...I’ve got to…” she stammered, eying the dagger that Marc now held.

“It’ll be healed in an hour, and won’t leave a mark,” he reassured. She bit her lip but nodded.

“We still won’t be able to mind link… acceptance to the pack is a whole other thing, unless I mark you. But we will be able to communicate in wolf form,” Marc explained. “Ready?”

She gave a small hesitant nod, still eyeing the dagger.

“Do you accept the crown and all it stands for?”

“I accept,” she replied.

“Do you accept I, King Marcus Alexander Fredrick Hunterson as your one and only King, and your pups accept my offspring as their Royals?”

“I accept.”

“Do you accept your life is to, from this moment on, serve and protect the crown?”

“I accept.”

“Do accept your King as your mate?” Marc grinned.

“I acc- Marc!” she exclaimed in a small whine tapping his knee. “That wasn’t part of it was it?”

He shook his head chuckling, “No, but now you must mark the acceptance with blood.” His smile dropped to a concerned line as he handed over the dagger. The gold glinted in the light, a blood red ruby encased just above the shining steel blade. “Just a nick?” she asked as she felt the cool metal in her right palm.

“A drop is all that’s necessary.” His fingertips brushed her knee for reassurance.

She gripped the dagger and pressed the steel to her palm. A sting erupted as she pushed, the sharp edge slicing through, leaving a inch long gash as she pressed too hard. She hissed at the burning sting as Marc took the blade and cut his own palm. He pressed his bloody palm to hers and a jolt went through her, the feeling of a shard of ice travelling through her body. She sat back a little in shock as Marc took his hand away.

She looked down to her now rather bloody palm. The sting was easing quickly as Marc handed her a handkerchief. She wiped the blood, staining the pristine cloth. “That’s it, you’re now loyal to the crown.”

“Kind of easy to be honest,” she commented. She glanced to his still bloody palm, she nibbled on her lip and before she could think about it bent down and licked his small wound, instantly sealing the nick.

Marc smiled proudly and lay a gentle kiss to her temple.

“Wonderful.” Wade clapped his hands. “I’m going to go train,” he announced while he grinned.

“How do you train?” Klara asked quietly, turning to face him. Wade looked taken aback by her asking him a question but quickly recovered. “Well, today I was going to go down to the warrior training ground. Work on strength.”

“How else do you train?”

“Sparring and the guard run. Why, do you want to come?” He gave a knowing grin.

Klara looked to Marc. “If you want to check out the training grounds, I can come with you. Or you can go with Wade.” Klara nodded.

“OK, get changed I’ll meet you outside the main entrance.” Wade disappeared from the doorway.

Klara stood, “Do you want me to come?” Marc asked

“Yeah.” She smiled coyly before heading off to get changed. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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