Chains to Crowns
Chapter 20

They stepped onto a grassy field, she didn’t feel a fear of all the other wolves around, she didn’t feel they would know she’s weak… because she no longer felt weak. As they reached the field, a few individuals were sparring, while others were lifting boulders and tree trunks. An adolescent approached them, then dove on Marc. Klara jumped slightly at the sudden attack. Marc quickly wrestled the adolescent to the ground, pinning him, “You think a surprise attack is really going to help you against me?” He cocked his head down at the pup.

“Had to try,” he sassed back as he pushed Marc off him.

Marc stood, “Klara, this is my baby brother, Christopher.”

“Hey!” He got to his feet.

“Shouldn’t you be doing your lessons?” Marc narrowed his eyes at the youngest prince.

“Klara, have you realised my brother is really boring,” he moaned.

“What lesson were you meant to be doing?” she asked the young prince.

“Wolf lore and history.” Christopher rolled his eyes.

“That sounds interesting… wish I’d been allowed to learn that stuff.” Klara gave him a small smile. “I think you’d be better teaching me how to gain muscle,” she told Christopher, wanting him on her side.

“Oh yeah.” He showed her his arms, “Look at these!” His small bicep becoming a little bigger as he tensed. “Exactly.” She gave him a bigger smile.

She glanced to Marc, making sure it’d be OK. He smiled and planted a kiss to her temple. “I’ll just be further up the field.” She nodded and let Christopher lead her to a corner where there were smaller boulders. She glanced over, seeing Marc and Wade on the larger boulders and tree trunks twenty feet away. “Start on those, if they’re easy like they are for me,” he stated proudly, “Then these will probably be good.” He gestured to some boulders that had handles carved in the middle. Klara began lifting one of the rocks, it was neither easy nor hard. “So,” Klara started as she pushed the rock above her head. “Where do we come from? How did we become wolves?”

“Not that interesting in all honesty. My ancestor got bitten by a wolf, the wolf was cursed. Hey presto, first shapeshifter.”

“Oh… I heard a winged beast cursed some siblings.”

“Not ever heard of that,” Christopher grunted as he picked up a larger carved boulder.

“Was probably a lie, what stories do you know?” she probed, trying a heavier boulder.

“Nothing that interesting, I suppose Daniel the Diabolical is kind of fun, but of course you’ll know about him.”

Klara frowned, “No, never heard of him.”

“Oh…” Christopher looked confused, “Erm…” his confusion turned to discomfort. “It’s not actually that fun… or interesting.”

“Tell me, please?” Klara asked.

“Alright… Danial was bored and decided he wanted others like him, he travelled to human towns, biting anyone he thought had potential. One day he led a man down an alley, preparing to turn him like the others but he went too far and killed him. Humans are more fragile than us and you have to be careful. But David, after realising the man was dead, felt a rush, he gathered those who he had bitten to the mountains before returning to human towns. He killed the town but kept the children, taking them back to the mountains, gradually he had a whole pack of orphaned children which he trained… they became powerful and bloodthirsty, coming down from their mountains every year to destroy another town.”

“What happened?” Klara asked, shocked but doubting it was a real story, but couldn't tell why she would know the story. “He made his pack… had children to continue his Alpha line. Apparently, he was the first turned wolf from my ancestor… I don’t know how true that is but mother always states he was an incredibly strong Alpha.”

“Oh… strange story.” Klara sucked her lip as she dropped the boulder “You told it well though,” she praised.

“Maybe it isn’t that great… Mother tells it better.” He shrugged sheepishly.

They continued, Klara was enjoying using her muscles, her wolf shaking her fur proudly. It was a strange yet comforting feeling, although her wolf had been there she’d certainly been a lesser side, a niggle at the back of her mind. But now, it was like her and her wolf were one, two sides of her and she liked it. She relished in the feel of strength and power.


Klara sank into the sofa next to Marc, her muscles aching. “You seemed to be getting on with Chris well.” Marc smiled as he draped his arm over her.

“He’s cute. We discussed wolf lore. Didn’t want him slipping behind.”

“Is it true what you said?” he asked, pulling her into his side.

“What did I say?”

“That you never had lessons.”

“Mum told me bits, but we didn’t have actual lessons, it’s just what parents tell.” Klara shrugged.

“You talk about your mum… but where was she when you were locked up?”

“She died,” Klara muttered.

Marc’s arm tightened around her, “How did she die?” he whispered.

“Dad.” Klara shrugged, “Doesn’t matter.” She snuggled further into Marc’s side. That was a memory she never wanted to relive. Marc kissed the top of her head as the light of the screen flickered over them.

“I think I need a shower before bed.” Marc shifted.

“Me too,” Klara muttered.

“I’ll say goodnight then.” He laid a kiss to her forehead before standing.

Klara frowned, “I thought your wolf wanted…” she trailed off with uncertainty.

“I’m only going to share a bed when you’re comfortable.”

“I-if it’s o-only cud-cuddles,” she stammered, apprehension tugging at her stomach. Marc pulled her to her feet. “Only if you want to.” He ran his fingers through her hair. Klara nodded

“I trust you,” she squeaked. He smiled warmly.


Klara slipped into bed, nerves sending tremors over her body as she watched Marc come out of the closet. He stood slightly awkwardly at the end of the bed. “I can go to the spare room,” he stated nonchalantly.

“No… it’s OK,” Klara muttered. Her body a rigid pole, her arms crossed over herself.

Marc slipped into the bed, turning on his side to look at Klara. Her fear was radiating into him. He frowned slightly until she looked towards him, he changed to a smile. “Goodnight beautiful,” he whispered before turning onto his back. Her mark burning uncomfortable down to his pyjama pants. His body demanded to complete the mating process, but for once, him and his wolf were on the same side. She needed safety, and she needed to feel secure. If that meant months he’d live with the desire and discomfort for her, so be it.

Klara rolled onto her side to face Marc as his breathing evened and grew deeper in sleep. She did wonder why he didn’t pull her into a hug as his wolf said he wanted. ’He’s different to other males isn’t he?’ Klara asked her wolf.

You should know I’m always right. I am a leader after all.

I don’t feel like a leader,’ Klara sighed to herself as she watched Marc’s t-shirted chest rise and fall with his deep even breathing. ’Give yourself time, but soon you’ll be Queen. I’ll pester until he marks us don’t worry,

Please don’t, I’m not ready… not yet.

Fine,’ she huffed and curled up, ready for sleep. As Klara closed her eyes she watched her wolf tuck her grey tail around herself. A small snort coming from her big black nostrils until she melted and Klara drifted off into the world of dreams and imagination.


Klara’s eyes peeled open, she felt calm and well-rested. She felt she’d never slept better. She felt her pillow moving up and down. She looked to see her pillow was Marc. She moved away quickly. “I don’t mind,” came a sleepy mumble from Marc. “How did you sleep?” he asked, his eyes still closed.

“OK, good. You?”

“Like a log,” he sighed in contentment.

She ran her eyes over him, she still felt a little like a fly caught in a spider’s web, but he hadn’t touched her in the night, he hadn’t tried anything. She could feel this strange buzz between them, like a magnetic charge desperate to snap them together. She wondered if Marc felt that too or it was just her strange feelings again. “Can I kiss you, my love?” he purred, gazing at her with an intensity that should have felt uncomfortable but it didn’t. She nodded a little jerkily, a niggle of fear she felt she’d never get over rippling in her stomach.

Marc leant over cautiously and brushed his lips against hers, her face exploded in tingles. She couldn’t help a tiny surprised gasp when he pressed firmer, his hand cupping her cheek. She wasn’t completely sure what to do as his tongue gently dragged along the seam of her lips. Like the first kiss though, she decided to go with what felt natural. She parted her mouth, her lips back on his, allowing him to slide his tongue between them, she matched his movements and groaned. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It just felt so perfect.

He pulled away before she wanted to, “Want to join me on my morning run, my Queen?”

She wanted to say she nodded, but it was certainly her wolf that pushed forward and turned her into a nodding dog.

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