I'd been laying here for hours, in the same position, thinking about the same thing. I just couldn't believe it, that this was really happening to me. I thought about my parents, they'd warned me so much, they'd been so worried and now, I had let them down. I'd got myself into this mess. They were probably worried sick about me. I just wish I could talk to them, to tell them that I'm sorry, sorry for putting them through this. I had brought it all onto myself and I just didn't know what I could do, how I could make it stop.

I stiffened up at the sound of his footsteps. I wanted to pretend to be asleep, I even considered playing dead but I knew not to underestimate him anymore, he wasn't going to buy it. Even if he thought I was asleep he'd probably wake me up. I didn't know what to expect from him, what to be waiting for when he walked into this dull room. Wooden flooring with matching wooden walls. The room itself was pretty large, not many decorations, just a large bed that I currently occupied that was placed quite in the centre of the room, table and chairs to the far end of the wall, a sofa next to the fireplace to my left. A large full wall mirror placed on the wall in front of the bed and three doors that led to god knows where. One of them obviously being the way out of here that I planned to make good use of when the opportunity arrived.

'Good morning Bella.' He strode over to me with a tray of breakfast in hand, his hair tousled, his voice rough, I watched him take a seat on the side of the bed, no expression on his face as he took in my appearance, seeming pleased with himself. I stayed silent, keeping my lips sealed. I didn't have the energy to entertain his games so I lay there, turning my head and picking a spot on the wall to stare at.

He moved up closer to me, shuffling the bowl full of cereal around. I didn't want to eat, I had lost my appetite and honestly I didn't trust what he was going to feed me. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd poisoned it.

'Sit up.' He ordered, clearly irritated by the fact I was ignoring his presence. 'It's a little hard considering that I'm tied down.' I turned my head and glared at him, he looked amused by the fact I was struggling to move positions. Without another word he grabbed my throat and pulled me further up, coughing my way out of his grip, I managed to sit up a little without being pulled down from the ropes but I kept my mouth shut when he brought the spoon to my lips. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Eat up Bella. You're going to need that energy.' Goosebumps approached my skin with his words, he was taunting me and I wasn't going to let him get away with it. I opened my mouth allowing him to feed me and when he removed the spoon, I spat the cereal all over him.

I cursed myself for acting out as I watched his eyes get darker, his jaw tightened and his muscles twitched with anger. Setting the tray down on the floor he lifted his hand and moments later my head flew to the side, a sharp stinging pain greeting my right cheek as he landed a slap to my face. I closed my eyes and breathed for a second, trying to regain my posture while my head fogged up with the intensity of his slap. I wanted to rub my cheek, to soothe the stinging sensation burning my skin but I was bound and stuck there facing an angry Chase.

'Make that be the first and last time you disobey me.' He stood up and clenched his fists, clearly still annoyed by my sudden burst out. My heart was doing backflips as the seconds flew by and he stood there in silence.

'What did I do?' I really wanted to know, to understand why he thought that he needed to do this to me. I still wasn't grasping the fact that he could do this, apart from the fact I once turned my back on him, I'd always tried to help him, I believed in him.. so why?

He just looked at me, as if he was having an internal war with himself in his head. I could see the frustration in his frigid stand. He was getting angry and I didn't understand why.

'You' he launched forward, pointing his finger in my face, I had to close my eyes for a second, not sure if he was going to slap me again. 'You, Bella. You did this to me.' He roared out, his veins pulsing out of his neck as he clenched his fist and held it in front of my face, I waited for a blow to my cheek or a strangling to my throat but he just stood there, his mind in million pieces as his eyes spoke to me, I knew he wasn't ok. I knew he wasn't well. He was paranoid, he had to be. He had to be thinking the worst of me because he wasn't taking his medication, maybe he just needed reassurance, I wanted to believe that I could fix that, that I could fix him.

'You're not taking your pill, you're not thinking straight, please believe me that it's never been in my intentions to hurt you.' His expression softened for a split second but then he masked his emotions once more, never showing me his real feelings. He was hurt and I'd turned my back on him, I'd blamed him for something he didn't do and I was going to put back together what I'd broken, whether it was now or tomorrow, I was going to do it.

'I just want to help you...' he cut me off with a hand that covered my mouth, shutting out anymore words that were going to be spoken.

'Shut up.'

'Just shut the fuck up!' His voice vibrated through my chest, making me nauseous at the fact he really had lost it. He wasn't going to trust me but I wouldn't give up, I'd done this to myself and I couldn't sit around and wait for him to get better, I had to do something, anything to clean up my mess.

I watched him get onto the bed, placing himself on top of me. I didn't know what to expect as his body weight crashed over mine. Suddenly I became very aware of the fact that I was almost completely naked and that feeling wasn't sinking in well. I wanted to cover myself up, to hide myself from his lustful gaze but I couldn't move, I could do little to nothing with the restraints that kept me prisoner to this bed.

'It's like I want to kill you but there's so much that I want to do to you before that.' He spoke against my throat, his demeanour had instantly changed from anger to hunger. His mouth was now tracing across my bare chest, moving down to my bra, I'm sure he could feel the intense beat of my heart against his lips, for I could feel it heavy against my chest.

'Chase..' I whispered before he wrapped his hand over my mouth again, not wanting to hear a word I say. My body felt like it was on fire, like with every contact our bodies made I burned a little more. I didn't want to look down and see his teeth playing with my bra, I didn't want to watch it. Feeling it was enough as his teeth pulled at the fabric that covered my breasts.

I wanted to bite his hand, to do anything that would buy me some distraction but I knew better than to anger him, to give him even more of a reason to taunt me, to torture me, so I lay there hoping for the best whilst waiting for the worst.

He had pulled my bra just beneath my breasts, exposing me to his predatory eyes. I felt violated, disgusted yet the feeling was all too familiar, I didn't understand why I felt like I'd been here before, like I'd been through this before but something inside me wasn't right and I wanted nothing but to disappear, to get away from him and from this place, I felt sick to my stomach as his lips latched onto my sensitive glands. His free hand went around my waist, pulling my body against his, I could feel his manhood pressed in between my thighs. I wanted to cry, to beg him to stop but I was frozen in my place, stuck in the moment, not finding the will to step over my pride and beg for his mercy.

A small groan escaped my lips as pain greeted me, he had bit me. Bit my swollen nipple before he moved onto the next breast and repeated his work. Freeing the tears that I'd locked up in my eyes, they freely rolled down the side of my face, dampening the pillow beneath my head. I didn't know where he planned to go with this and I didn't want to find out. I felt like I was suffocating under him as he invaded my body.

'Don't cry.' He looked up at me, I was happy to be free from his merciless mouth as he stopped what he was doing. Letting go of my mouth, he traced his thumb across the tears that had soaked my skin. 'I never liked seeing you cry.' I'd never cried in front of him so I didn't know what he was talking about but I didn't care, I just wanted him to leave me alone.

'No more.' He moved up, holding my face in his hands, his eyes had lost that darkness to them and now it was just him. For a moment I thought I had him back, the Chase I'd grown to understand, the Chase that wouldn't have done this but then it all faded away and my reality kicked in. I could still feel his erection, now it was against my stomach, he was stimulated while I was drowning in my own misery. He really was sick.

As if losing his senses again, he got off me and moved off from the bed, his posture angry, his eyes cold again. 'Consider yourself lucky. I won't be so nice next time.' He turned his back to me and left. Relief flooded over me, momentarily feeling happy that I'd got away this time but the thought of what could happen next time clogged up my throat, I couldn't breathe at the fact that next time could be my last time that I ever get lucky.

Whatever he had planned out for me, it wasn't going to be good and something told me, he had planned a lot out for me. I lay there with my mind scattered into a dozen thoughts while I anticipated his next arrival. Hoping, wishing that he'd never come back.

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