The hope in her eyes when she awoke to her untied wrists and ankles were amusing, little she did know, they were untied for a reason. I stood there watching her rub her sore wrists, her eyes studying me, waiting for a chance to make a run for it. Oh I wished she would, I wished she dared try me, to challenge me, to make a run for it so I can give her a taste of what it'll be like if she ever tried to run again. Except, there would be no running again. I'd kill her before I ever let her leave.

'You untied me..' she lifted her legs over the bed and sat on the side, still rubbing her wrists.

'Get up.' She was hesitant but she stood, her legs barely co-operating with her, she had been laying down for too long and now her legs couldn't take her weight as she used them to stand.

Gesturing with my finger for her to come forward, she carefully walked closer to me, stopping right about two steps away. Deliberately circling her, I walked around her fragile form as she stood there breathing heavy, intimidated by my presence and the fact that she had no idea what was going through my head and I can guarantee, she didn't want to know what was going through my head. Her little brain couldn't handle that.

'Drink.' I took the glass I had placed on the table and handed it over to her. She stared at it for a long moment, clearly not trusting what substances could be dissolved inside the water, smart girl.

'No, I'm not thirsty.' She studied me as I tilted my head, was she challenging me?

'You act like you have a choice.' I strode over to her, grabbing the glass from her hand and placing it against her mouth.


But she wouldn't, she kept her mouth sealed, only I could see the fear that ran through her, she wanted to challenge me but she was afraid of me, she was afraid of what I would do to her. Her lips slowly parted, her eyes closed. I poured the liquid down her throat then placed my hand over her mouth until she swallowed. Pleased with my work, I stood back again, grabbing the camera that I'd also left on the table then pressing play on the speaker. She flinched at the sudden loudness of the music that filled the room while she eyed the camera in my hands.

'Dance for me, Bella.' I pressed play on the camera then started taping her but she didn't move, she was still stood there, no doubt her heart was beating drums in her chest.

'Don't make me count.' I didn't miss the glance she took at the door, I knew all too well what she was thinking, but them thoughts weren't going to last long. Soon, she'd surrender to me.


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'And 1.' I launched at her the same time she bolted for the door, I closed my eyes and reopened them, tilting my head to the side, watching her yank and pull at the locked doorknob. Taking steady strides towards her, she froze when I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her away from the door.

'You wanna play huh' I threw her onto the ground, watching her silently rush back to her feet. Her eyes told me she was going to fight but her body told me she was too weak to take me on. The drink was working. Sweat had already formed across her glistening skin, soon she'd be at my feet.

A low growl erupted from deep within my throat as her foot connected with my testicles. I was crouched down before I even knew it, pain shooting up my abdomen while she made a run for it again, smacking the door, trying to break free. I don't think she realised when I straightened up and turned around, standing right behind her.

'Game over.' My voice was low and craggy. When she turned around, I didn't give her a chance to blink, the back of my hand connected with her face and she fell right into the floor. Clutching her face in her hands whilst looking up at me with eyes full of terror.

The drugs were taking their toll on her as her body shedded with sweat and her eyes narrowed. She let go of her face and held onto the floor, trying to regain her balance. The room was most likely spinning around for her.

'Get up.' I ordered her as I picked up the camera that I'd threw on the floor during her escape attempt.

Gathering all of her energy she stood up on shaky legs. I liked her much better when she was being submissive.

'Now dance.' Slow by slow, she moved her hips, her head rolling back every so often as the drugs filled her veins. I taped her from head to toe, not wanting to miss out a piece of my work of art.

'Touch yourself.' My member had already rose to its length as I watched her body sway from side to side, her hands reached for her thighs, her fingers shaking as she slowly moved them closer to her spot. The music kept her going, her eyes squinting every so often. Before she could put on a real show for me, she stumbled forward and fell into my chest. I wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her up, she was still trying to dance, still moving to the beat.

Her hands were roaming my body as I watched her dance on me. I wanted to take her, to make her come for me. To watch her scream out my name and beg for more. The things she was doing to me without even trying was driving me crazy.

Take her.

She's vulnerable.


Pulling her towards the bed, I threw her onto it, she lay there turning her head from side to side as I climbed up on her. Inhaling her scent while I buried my face into the crook of her neck, breathing in everything that was Bella. Planting little kisses from her chest to her stomach, I reached for her thighs, placing her legs on my shoulders. A small moan escaped her lips as I kissed over her panty then pulled it to the side, exposing her soft looking vulva. I wanted to get inside her right there and then but I had to wait, I had to be patient. One thing at a time.

Another moan escaped her throat the minute my mouth touched her, I slid my tongue over her opening, tasting the sweet taste of Bella. My finger played with her nub while my tongue made its way inside her, she arched her back and let out a deep breath, panting away with every thrust of my tongue. I pulled away from her and held the camera in her face, my free hand placed at her crotch, I taped her expression as my finger entered her tight hole. She moaned louder this time, her eyes closed shut, the drug had her gone, she was loving every second of this and when she woke to her senses, she was going to hate herself.

I pointed the camera to my finger that was ruthlessly thrusting in and out of her, she was dripping all over my hand, you could hear just how wet she was if the music wasn't so loud. I pulled my finger out and placed it into her mouth, she sucked on it like it was the last thing she was ever going to suck on. I could watch her like this all day, hell I could watch her like this, all night. All drugged up and ready for my use.

Placing the camera down on the bed, I made sure it was facing us, I began my feast on her again, she was almost yelling in pleasure as my tongue explored her insides, pushing deep into her tight space. Her legs tightened around my neck as an explosion built up inside her, her back arched and her head rolled back, she screamed out, feeding me her juice. Her body fell limp against the bed as her pleasure came to an end. I got off her, watching her give into the drug some more.

'Chase' she whispered, her voice faint, her eyes fluttered open then shut again. She was out of it, she had no idea what she was going to wake up to, she had no idea what she was going to see when she opened her eyes, it was best if she forever stayed asleep.

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