Seth’s POV

As soon as my father left this world the thunder ceased. The sun began to shine once more... the sunlight felt amazing against my skin. The aching in my body felt like it was being healed by the sunlight.

My father said that Jaxon and the others were right below us. It kind of surprised me how he knew Jaxon... If what Avel said about Jaxon was true I suppose that’s why. Why wouldn’t Jaxon tell me? Were the marks that we share a sign of being soul mates?

I brought myself down into the woods, the sound of my wings batting against the air making a harsh sound. I couldn’t help but notice the length of them... they were bigger than the first time I saw them, of course, the same amount of black. It still amazes me how I have them... though Avel tried to take them from me. He cut open my back in an attempt to make them come out... but I forced myself to keep them in. I don’t know exactly how it works...

As soon as I lowered myself into the woods I heard the sound of Jaxon. He was discussing to Jayce that he sensed me near-by... I felt a burning at my wrist and a smile lingering on my lips. I looked down... and saw the glowing of the mark. He was close. They were all close... I know I was only gone for about a day and a half, it felt like centuries...

″Jaxon? Jayce?″ I yelled into the woods, quickening my pace. The conversation they were having ceased immediately and the sound of leaves being crushed against the ground filled my ears.

″...Seth?″ I heard Jaxon yell, the rest of them letting out a happy laugh... they were right in front of me.

The first person I saw was Jaxon. He had the biggest smile on his lips, his yellow eyes dripping with tears. Jayce looked at me with shock, his quivering lips slowly turning into a smile. Elena, Magdalene, and Jin simply looked at me with smiles.

Next thing I knew, I was thrown onto my back by a rejoicing Jaxon.

″Seth! Oh my gosh, I’m so glad to see you! We have been looking forever! I missed you so much!″ He said to me, holding me tightly in his arms. He laid on top of me with his arms wrapped around my waist. He yelled frantically about how he had been searching with everyone... I couldn’t help but laugh.

The rest of them joined us, looking down at us with laughter. Jaxon didn’t stop rambling about how happy he was...

″Alright, Jaxon... let the boy go. We could discuss everything when we get back home.″ Jayce said. I watched as Jaxon slowly lifted his face from my chest, his olive skin had a pink tint to it.

″Sorry... I guess I got a little excited.″ He mumbled, pulling himself off of me. He held out his hand for me to take... which I took it gratefully.

’It’s good to have you back, Seth.″ Magdalene said to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. Jin said the same... but pulled me into a tight embrace.

″Don’t do that again! I was so worried about you!″ Jin said, a sniffle leaving his nose afterward. I gladly accepted his hug.

He began crying, but his sobs were muffled against my chest. Everyone’s smiles slowly faded away from their faces, frowns replacing them.

I pulled him away from my chest, kneeling down to him and placing my hands on his shoulders. His eyes were red and puffy, his pale skin leaving a red tint.

″Jin... It’s okay. I’m back now and I’m not going anywhere. I promise.″ I said. He nodded his head slowly, looking back at his father.

″Can you make the portal now? I don’t want any other mean angels taking him...″ He mumbled. Jayce smiled at him, nodding his head.

He clasped his hands together, the electric blue portal appearing in front of us. Magdalene took Jin’s hand with a soft smile on her lips, guiding him into the portal. Elena and Jayce went into the portal after them leaving Jaxon and I.

Jaxon walked up next to me, looking at me with a soft smile.

″It feels good to have you back.″

I wanted to be mad at him. I wanted to be upset for him not telling me what we really were to each other... but I couldn’t help it. I can’t be mad at him. He only wanted what was best for me I suppose... He was scared. I don’t really know why... Maybe he thought I would reject him? Maybe I wouldn’t understand?

I reached over to him, intertwining his fingers. He flinched in surprise, and I watched his hazel eyes change to the brilliant yellow. He slowly ran his thumb over my hand in a comforting motion before flashing me a soft smile.

″It feels good to be back, Jaxon.″


″So... What happened, Seth?″ Jayce asked me.

We all sat in the living room. Jaxon, Elena and I sat on one couch while Jin, Magdalene, and Jayce sat on the one in front of us. I was kind of weary of speaking about what happened... but I should tell them, right?

″Well... while we were fighting my men- Well... Jules men, a figure approached me. I was sure he was an angel, he had the white pure wings... We began fighting. He caught me off guard and thrust four swords into my chest... I didn’t have enough time to pull them out. He picked me up and left with me...″ I explained.

″What did he look like?″ Elena asked. ″If you’re not ready to speak of it, It’s okay...″ She continued.

″Blond hair, brown eyes... He’s definitely Greek. Sculpted like a god almost... White wings. About 6′5...″ I said. I watched as Jayce’s eyes lit up, looking at me in shock.

″Did... did he say his name? Do you know who he is?″ Jaxon asked me.

″Avel Argyros. The son of Ariel.″ I replied. They all remained silent, looking at me in shock... Maybe they figured it out?

″I was right, Jayce...″ Jaxon mumbled. Jayce nodded his head, gazing up at me with his blue eyes.

″For what Avel has done to you... he could be facing a death penalty,″ Jayce said to me.

″But... isn’t he immortal like us? He can’t die...″ I said. Jayce shook his head no, making me furrow my eyebrows. How could he die then?

″Immortality could be taken and given by your demonic or angelic parent. I’d imagine Ariel took his Immortality... Kidnapping Lucifer’s son is probably the worst thing he could have done. You’re not only royalty in the underworld, but you’re also royalty in France.″ Jayce explained. I didn’t feel bad for Avel. What he has done to me will never be erased from my mind. I don’t have any scars or remembrance of it physically... but mentally I am scarred. What he had done to me does not compare to what my mother did.

″Ariel was on his way to him when I was rescued. I figured he did take it.″ I said.

″...Who rescued you?″ Elena asked me. I felt the smile lingering on my lips, gazing over at her.

″My father.″

″Seth... That’s impossible. Lucifer was banished from this world since the beginning of time...″ Jayce said to me... I was telling the truth. He was there...

″He really was there, Jayce... He saved me from Avel. He said that God gave him an hour to save me. He gave me a Scythe while he was-″

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I clasped my hands together, black smoke leaking from them. In the blink of an eye, the Scythe my father gave me appeared. It radiated power... I didn’t know why he gave it to me, but I appreciate the gesture.

Everyone was silent. They gazed at the Scythe with huge eyes. They looked like they were almost scared of it.

″That’s enough for today, everyone. We will discuss more tomorrow. I’m sure I will receive a call from one of the angels tomorrow... so we will know more about Avel’s punishment.″


I walked into my bedroom, the sight of the bed bringing a smile to my lips. I had just finished taking a shower... It felt wonderful. It felt wonderful to be back.

I climbed onto my bed, the silk sheets felt amazing... I felt like I haven’t slept in years. The bed that Avel had me bound to was simply a metal bed... he bounded me with his vines. I couldn’t sleep... I was too paranoid he was going to hurt me.

I shook the thought from my head, closing my eyes as I rested my head on the pillow. I didn’t want to think about it... I wanted to forget.

I heard the sound of a soft knock on my door, snapping my eyes open. It was almost one in the morning... Who would want me at this time of hour?

I pulled myself from the bed, making my way over to the door... I couldn’t help but get paranoid. What if it was Avel? What if he found his way here and he has his ax? I don’t want him to hurt me anymore, I can’t take it-

″Angel, It’s me. It’s okay.″ Jaxon said from the other side of the door, calming my nerves.

I unlocked the door, being met with Jaxon’s hazel eyes. He had a soft smile on his lips. He wore a plain black shirt and grey sweatpants... he must have been heading to bed too.

″Can I come in?″ He asked me. I nodded my head, moving aside so he could walk past me. He walked into the room, sitting down on the bed. He motioned for me to follow him... which I did.

″Did I wake you?″ He asked me, a frown lingering on his lips.

″No... I was about to sleep though...″ I mumbled. I wanted to ask him about the whole soul mate thing... would he lie to me and say it was nothing? I believe it. Why else would we be linked? Is that what the marks are for?

″...Hey. Are you okay?″ He asked me, placing his hand on my thigh. He had a worried expression on his face, and I couldn’t help but notice the glowing of his mark.

″...Why didn’t you tell me?″

He furrowed his eyebrows, but I couldn’t help but notice the pink tint on his skin. He knew what I was talking about. He just didn’t want to admit it...

″What did Avel tell you?″

″He said you’re my soul mate... that’s why we are linked. And you were feeling everything I felt...″ I said to him. I felt my voice shake and the tears welling up in my eyes... I didn’t want Jaxon to hurt.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in an embrace. He ran his fingers up and down my back in a soothing motion. He didn’t say a word as I cried. I cried for what Avel put me through, I cried for what I put Jaxon through. I hate Avel. I didn’t do anything to him. I just want to be at peace. I want to go back to being the prince of France with my mother. I want to go back to having harmless sleepovers with my best friends.

″Angel... I did feel it. But it wasn’t to the same degree of course... I can’t imagine the pain you felt. I’m so sorry you had to go through that...″ He whispered to me. I pulled away from his embrace, and I felt him bring his thumb up to my eyes. He wiped away the tears in silence, flashing me a comforting smile.

″I didn’t tell you because you haven’t been with anyone before like I have. I didn’t tell you because of everything you were going through. I didn’t tell you because... you might not have wanted me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Seth, I’m sorry.″ He apologized. I felt a smile lingering on my lips through the tears. He really was just looking out for me... I can’t be mad at him.

″...Why would you think that?″ I asked. I watched as his face flushed red, averting his gaze from mine.

″Well... I suppose I was feeling kind of self-conscious. You’re the son of Lucifer, you’re the most beautiful being created. I’m not saying that to flatter you... It’s the truth. And I’m just some silly warlock-″

″You’re not just a warlock. You are Jaxon Di Angelo. You are the most caring, kind person, I have ever met. You’ve taken me in and shown me that I am not a monster. You have shown me how to be myself. You’ve been there through my mother’s passing. You were there when my whole kingdom turned away from me... Give yourself some credit, Jaxon. And another thing... you’re rather attractive yourself.″ I said, my voice shaking at the end. He met my gaze once more. This time his eyes weren’t his normal hazel, they were yellow. Bright yellow.

″You’re not mad at me?″ He asked me. I shook my head no, a soft smile lingering on my lips.

″No... can you explain the whole soul mate thing to me?″ I asked.

″We are connected... well, linked as you say. Since we are both immortal... it would be forever. Soulmates. It’s kind of like werewolves for example... when an Alpha finds his Omega. They are linked, they are mates. But with us, it’s different since we aren’t werewolves. Nature has decided we would be together... or linked.″ He explained.

″God sees us as one, Angel. It’s like when two humans marry. He views them as one person... but of course, those two can divorce and that could change. But... forever God will see us as one. You could date other people of course and that’s okay, it just won’t... feel complete. That’s why Elena and I didn’t work out-″

″That’s really beautiful, Jaxon...″ I mumbled. I brought my hand up to his face, running my thumb gently over it. Since Avel told me Jaxon and I were soulmates... I didn’t question my feelings for him. It... kind of made them stronger.

″You think so?″ He asked. I nodded my head, gazing up into his eyes. They were clouding with tears...

″Hey... why are you tearing up?″ I asked him. He flashed me a sheepish smile, bringing our foreheads together.

″I’m just so happy. I’m happy you feel the same.″

I brought my lips to him, a surprised gasp leaving his throat. He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me back passionately. It felt like he was pouring everything he had into it. I really missed him. I missed this. His lips were soft. They moved perfectly with mine. It’s like they were made just for me... he is just for me.

He slowly pushed me down onto the bed, our lips still connected. The kisses weren’t full of lust... they were soft and full of love. He slowly climbed on top of me, his hands resting on either side of the bed. I never want to leave his side again.

″Are you still aching?″ He whispered to me, breaking the kiss. I had no scars left from what Avel did to me... but I still ached. All I could do is a nod in response.

″Let me take the pain away then.″

He brought his lips to my neck, kissing the skin as gently as he could. Yet again... they weren’t full of lust. They were full of love.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes once more as he kissed me. I couldn’t explain the happy feeling that was running through my body... I’m just so happy with him. He was acting as if I was made of glass. He didn’t want me to break or leave him once more.

Our marks were glowing. And this time... I knew why.

It really is beautiful.

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