Before I start this chapter, I wanted to point out something. I’ve noticed a lot of books on here have the stereotypical ‘bottom and top’ relationship- in this book Seth and Jaxon are both switches. By nature, Jaxon is the more dominant figure in their relationship due to him being older and wiser- but sexual wise they are both switches.

Another thing... Seth is not a ‘twink’. I attached a picture above of what his body would look like, along with the rest of him (green eyes of course). He’s muscular and very toned- Though Jaxon is kind of bigger than him structure-wise; Jaxon is 6′4 and a little more muscular. All of the characters in my book besides Jin are toned (if anyone would be a twink it would be Jin). I hate to burst your bubble if you thought Seth was a cute little twink...

He’s a king. He’s 6′0 and muscular. Thank you for your time.


TW: Choking Kink

Seth’s POV

Jaxon ran soft, butterfly kisses along my neck. He traced them up to my jawline, his teeth gently grazing against the skin. The only sound that was present in the room was the sound of our breathing against each other. I had a pleasurable feeling coursing through my body... the aching slowly fading away from my body. Maybe it was because we are soulmates? It’s a strange thing to say... I wonder what my mother would think.

He brought his lips to my mouth again, slowly trailing his hand up my chest, all the way to my jaw. His thumb rested under my jaw, his fingers wrapped around my chin as our lips collided with each other once more. I couldn’t help but notice how his breath was growing shakier with each kiss he gave me, his grip on my jaw growing tighter.

″Hey... are you okay?″ I asked him, breaking the kiss. His eyes still remained closed... his breath still shaky. I brought my fingers up to his hair, running my fingers through the dark brown waves as I waited for him to speak. I examined his face more clearly. I thought he only had freckles on his nose... but he had them all over his face. His cheeks, his forehead...

″I suppose I got a little excited...″ He finally mumbled to me, his eyes fluttering open. His eyes... they were beautiful. They were his brilliant yellow... but I never have seen them this bright. There were flakes of gold lingering in his eyes.

″I could see...″ I whispered to him, running my thumb over his cheek. His lips turned into a soft smile, his gaze not meeting my eyes. His gaze followed my lips... and I couldn’t help but smirk.

″My eyes are up here.″

″I’m aware.″

I crashed my lips back onto his, a surprised gasp leaving his throat. I wrapped my hands firmly around his shoulders, pulling myself out of his grasp as I flipped him over from on top of me. I loomed over him, my knees on each side of his body. My hand still rested on his neck as I kissed him.

The kisses grew more needy, his fingers finding their way up to my hair. He tangled his fingers in the curls, pulling at them gently. He began breathing heavier against my lips once more, his body shaking slightly. I kissed him harder in response... wrapping my hand around his neck. He let out a soft moan in response... I felt the smirk lingering on my lips.

″Seth...″ He moaned out against my lips. I broke the kiss, gazing into his bright yellow eyes.

″What is it, Jaxon?″ I asked him, noticing how I was out of breath myself...

″Can... Can you...″ He started, a deep blush spreading across his olive skin. He broke his gaze from my eyes in embarrassment.

I grabbed ahold of his chin, forcing him to meet my eyes. A whimper left his throat in response, biting his lip and gazing at me in a way that made my chest burn.

″I said what is it, Jaxon.″

He opened his mouth multiple times to speak, but no words came out. I couldn’t help but smirk at him... he was so cute like this.

″Choke me, please...″ He finally whispered to me, his olive skin turning bright red. I felt a blush run across my own face, gazing down at his trembling lip. I never thought he would be into something like that...

I guess I’m in luck.

I released his chin from my hand, his head falling back onto the pillow. I brought my hand onto his throat, barely squeezing his it. He looked at me desperately with those yellow eyes of his...

″T-tighter...″ He stuttered out, his hand grasping onto the bed sheets around us. I increased my grip around his throat, leaning down closer to his face. He let out a desperate moan as I inched closer to his lips. I ran my own lips across his, my hand still wrapped firmly around his neck.

″Tighter...″ He said to me, making me furrow my eyebrows.

″I... I don’t want to hurt you-″ Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″Ah... you won’t hurt me, I’m tougher than you think.″ He said to me, a smirk lingering on his lips.

I grasped onto his neck tighter, the smirk immediately leaving his face as I connected my lips with his. He kissed me back passionately, his moans being shushed against my mouth.


I threw myself off of Jaxon at the sounds of Jayce’s voice, losing my grip on the bed. I tumbled onto the floor... I was afraid to meet his eyes. How long had he stood there? Did he just walk in? Were we really making that much noise?

″Jayce... we were just... I-″ Jaxon started, his voice stuttering in embarrassment. I slowly pulled myself off of the floor. Jayce was looking at both of us with a disapproving glare.

″I know you’re happy to have Seth back... but some of us are trying to sleep. The children are in the next room as you two, you know.″ He said sternly to Jaxon. Jayce simply tapped his foot against the ground and leaned against the door frame. He wore a red silk robe and his hair was slicked back... I knew it was late, but I didn’t know that late...

″Either venture back to your own room Jaxon... or you two go to sleep now. Pick your poison. I don’t need to listen to Elena complain about the bags under her eyes tomorrow because you two are getting... rambunctious.″ Jayce said to us.

″I suppose you’re right... Elena is often worried about her appearance.″ Jaxon mumbled. ″We will go to bed, I apologize.″

″Yeah, yeah... goodnight you two,″ Jayce said to us, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Jaxon looked over to me with a soft smile lingering on his lips, the blush still present on his face.

″Looks like we were too loud, angel.″ He murmured to me, holding out his arms. I slowly climbed back onto the bed and pulled myself under the blankets. Jaxon reached over to the nightstand next to him, turning off the light. He pulled himself under the blankets also, the smell of pine intoxicating me.

He pulled me close to him, his arms wrapping around my waist. We both laid on our sides, his chin resting on top of my head. He ran his fingers comfortingly up and down my back.

″Is your aching gone?″ I suddenly asked him.

″Yes, darling. Is yours?″



We all sat in the living room, the same sitting arrangements as yesterday. Jin, Magdalene, and Jayce on one couch. Elena, Jaxon and I on the one opposite from them. Jayce was pouring us all tea in since, a soft smile lingering on his lips. I was struggling to keep myself awake... My eyes kept fluttering shut. I noticed that Jaxon’s eyes were doing the same thing. Each time we caught each other drifting off... we couldn’t help but smile at each other. After last night I think we were a lot closer to each other. I found security in him knowing that he was my soulmate. That I would always have someone to lean back on.

Jayce passed out the teacups to all of us with a flick of his fingers, the cups entering all of our hands. He leaned back on the couch, bringing the teacup to his lips.

″Now... we should discuss the message I received earlier,″ Jayce said, bringing the teacup onto the table in front of us.

″I received a call from one of the elder angels today. They explained to me that Ariel did, in fact, take away Avel’s immortality for the acts he had done against our boy Seth here...″ Jayce said with a smile on his lips. I couldn’t help but smile myself... I like where this is going.

″I hope they hang him from his disgusting throat so he doesn’t speak nonsense...″ Jaxon suddenly said, his deep and raspy voice cutting the tension of the room. Everyone couldn’t help but break into a burst of laughter...

″Ariel is devastated... but he knows it’s what must be done. His death will be done tomorrow... we have to venture to a different dimension for it. It’s the dimension where the elder angels or high ranking beings live. He’s not just being put to death for what he’s done to Seth... he’s done countless other things.″ He explained to us.

″What did he do?″ Jin asked him. Jayce gazed over at Jin with a soft smile, slinging his arm over his shoulder.

″Lots and lots of history behind that boy... Everyone thought he’d turn out to be the most kind and loving Nephilim out there. His father is, in fact, the Angel of nature... I suppose it is a stereotype we had. Ariel could be... interesting himself sometimes.″ He explained to him.

″Avel was born into a poor family. In fact... all he had was his mother. She was a farm girl. She was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen...″ He explained. Jin wiggled his eyebrows, nudging him playfully.

″Ah... is this one of your flings?″ He asked him. Jayce furrowed his eyebrows, gazing at Jin with amusement in his eyes.

Suddenly, I felt a hand being intertwined with mine. I looked over to Jaxon... he was already looking at me. He had a smile lingering on his lips, a tired expression resting on his face. He intertwined our fingers tightly, gazing back over at Jayce. He was telling stories to all of us... I enjoyed it. Though they were stories of Avel... I enjoyed being here with everyone. I never really had this kind of connection with my own mother. I always felt like there was an imaginary wall dividing us. I know now why I felt like that...

I looked around the room. Elena was speaking to Magdalene with the biggest smile on her face. Jin was laughing excitedly with Jayce. Jaxon was almost falling asleep... these people have been more a family to me than my mother has. And I’ve been here what? about a month and a half?

″So as I was saying... Avel’s mother was a farm girl. They were unfortunately in a rough time in life... they had no money. They had no family... a plague was going on during his childhood. He never met his grandparents... they died before birth. Ariel was watching over Avel’s mother so she wouldn’t die of the plague... Avel physically couldn’t. As Avel grew older... he wanted what the other kids had. They couldn’t even afford food at some points...″ He mumbled to us.

″He was taunted by demons. They encouraged him to kill his mother... since he was half human he could have had the choice to listen, regardless if he was Nephilim. So... he murdered her.″ He whispered. Everyone in the room grew silent, frowns lingering on our lips.

″That’s one of the big reasons why he is being executed today, Seth. An even bigger reason is hurting you. You’re going to get your revenge, my boy.″ He whispered to me. I felt as Jaxon slowly ran his thumb over my hand in a comforting motion as I gazed at Jayce.

″Maybe if he was raised by Ariel... maybe he would have turned out different,″ I said softly. Jayce nodded his head, a smile lingering on his lips.

″If you were raised by your father... how do you think you’d turn out?″ He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders... I didn’t really know. I don’t know my father that well myself...

″Too powerful for your own good.″

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