Location: Heaven

Avel’s POV

I can’t take it. This place... it’s boring. All they do all day is sing and praise God... yes my mother is here, but she has no interest in speaking to me. I don’t really understand why... yeah I murdered her, but it was for a good reason. I used to feel guilty about it... but no longer.

For days I’ve been asking God to consider sending me back to the surface. He laughs in my face, tells me that I’ve caused enough destruction on the earth. That I should be grateful for being here in the first place... That I should be thanking Ariel. I wouldn’t thank that man for a SECOND. He’s the reason why I died... He watched me die. I bet the tears he shed were fake... He’s not my father. He never will be.

I was on my way to visit God once more. I was going to get out of here one way or another... I had to keep trying. I’ve done many things in my life... leaving heaven will be one of the easiest. I’ll make sure of it.

I stood in front of his throne. He immediately let out a deep sigh, gazing at me with a soft smile on his lips.

″What could I do for you, Avel?″ God asked me. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes... he knew what I was here for. What else would I want? To sing him a bible verse?

″I want to leave. Now.″ I demanded. He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head at me once more.

He rose from his throne, gazing down at me with a look of amusement in his eyes. He was looking at me like I was a child... I didn’t like it. I’m a prince... I’m the son of one of the eldest angels. Though I don’t particularly like him at the moment... I am royalty.

″I’ll make you a deal, Avel Argyros,″ God said to me, stepping down from his throne. A deal... with me? He has to be kidding.

″Mm, I could read your thoughts, you know. I did create you in my image... did I not?″ He asked me, walking away from me. He raised his hand, motioning for me to follow him.

He did create me in his image... but I didn’t follow it. If I wasn’t Nephilim, I would be in hell right now... probably in the fields of punishment.

″It’s useless to think to yourself... as I said, I could hear everything, Avel.″ He said with a smile.

″Cut to the chase. What’s your deal you’re speaking of?″ I asked him. He instantly shook his head disapprovingly.

″Good things come to those who are patient.″ He told me.

″Patience wastes time. I say take things when you want them. I deserve what I want.″ I snapped, my voice growing louder with every word. All he did was smile at me...

He’s patient.

″Here is my deal, child. I will allow you to return to the surface on a few conditions.″ He said to me. This could be my chance... I could go back to the surface, I could defeat Seth... I don’t know how, but I will-

″You aren’t listening to me, child...″ He murmured. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes...

I gazed off into heaven. There were people laughing happily and rejoicing. Heaven is the place where everyone strives to be... it is awfully pretty here. But... I have unfinished business.

″What is your deal,″ I repeated myself.

″You may return to the surface... but you will not have your Nephilim abilities. You will not regain your wings... you will no longer be a Nephilim. He said to me. I suppose it’s only fair... though I don’t like it. How will I fight in a battle?

″Not only that... if you perish, you will be in the most brutal part of the fields of punishment.″ He said to me.

We stood in silence as I contemplated the deal. If I went back to the surface... I could probably summon a demon to aid me. I could get powers another way... I won’t be completely hopeless. But if I die... I’ll suffer all of my life. But if I destroy Seth and his Kingdom... it will be worth it.

″I know what you will decide, child... would it help if I told you what would happen if you agree?″ He asked me.

″Yes, it would be helpful.″

″You’re going to die a miserable, painful and brutal death at the hands of Seth Lenior.″


His face didn’t flinch. He still smiled lovingly at me... like I was one of the best things he’s ever created. It made me feel guilty... I didn’t want to feel guilty.

″I love you, Avel. It was lovely having a discussion with you, my son.″ He said.

″You too, big guy.″

He snapped his fingers... and immediately everything went dark. I felt myself strip away from heaven, the sound of laughter and singing leaving my ears.

I’m coming for you, Seth Lenior.


Seth’s POV

″Estelle, we need to evacuate the Kingdom. Now.″ I said, walking down the hallway swiftly. She struggled to keep up with me, her heels making a harsh clash against the hard floor.

Immediately after my crowning, I received a message from my father. He sounded absolutely terrified.

Seth... You need to evacuate the Kingdom immediately. There is a great danger on her way. You especially need to hide Jaxon. Leviathan and I are going to try to bargain to get onto the surface to help-

Who is coming? Who is she? Why do I need to hide Jaxon, he is the strongest warlock in the world- Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Seth, I myself cannot defeat her. She is TOO POWERFUL. You need to EVACUATE THE KINGDOM NOW.



″What is going on Seth? Who is coming?″ Estelle cried out. I stopped in my tracks, causing her to immediately crash into my back. I turned around, taking her by the shoulders.

″Get the Kingdom into the Wacan district, Estelle. Protect the children as you usually do. I NEED you to do this for me. I will explain later Estelle, I promise...″ I said to her. She immediately nodded her head, her dark brown curls bouncing with every movement. She ran past me, her screaming immediately filling my ears.


I ran down the Kingdom’s hallway- all the way to my bedroom. My bedroom serves as a meeting spot for all of us- I figured everyone was waiting for me there.

I read about Lilith in myth books as a child. Her existence was a big thing that many people contemplated. She is the first wife of Adam. When she was created... she did not want to be obedient to him. She wanted to make love as equals- she wanted to be equal.

So God sent her to hell for her actions. Lucifer took a liking to her... my father.

As another punishment for Lilith, God made her the Queen of Demons. He thought that it would anger her, since she was no longer a human. She was a demon, the eldest demon at the time.

She took comfort in it. She loved being the mother of demons... since she craved the love Adam was supposed to give her.

But she still felt empty. She wanted to venture on the surface again. She wanted to feel the soft breeze against her body once more, she wanted to feel the embrace of a human again.

At the time, Lilith was with my father. She didn’t love him... but she enjoyed his company. She sweet talked him into releasing her back to the surface... which he could do at the time.

So... he did.

She caused destruction onto the world. She messed with Adam and Eve’s children relentlessly. She destroyed half of the earth.

God stopped her immediately. She was put to sleep for all eternity... but nobody knows where. She’s bound in chains... so if she did wake up, she would be bound.

So we thought, I suppose.

I walked into the bedroom, the sound of everyone talking frantically filling my ears. My eyes landed on Jaxon- his eyes were wide open in fear, he was holding onto himself tightly while standing in the corner of the room.

″Everyone, we have a problem-″

″I know. I got a message from my father... we need to protect Jaxon, Seth... I-I don’t know what to do...″ Jayce said to me as he approached me, his blue eyes welling up. My father said something about that... What happened to Jaxon?

I slowly walked over to Jaxon, my heart immediately sinking. He was silently sobbing to himself, his hazel eyes widened in fear. He finally met my eyes, his sobbing getting worse with every second.

″Baby, I’m here... don’t cry, It’s going to be okay... we are going to figure this out...″ I whispered, extending my arms. He immediately pulled me in for a hug, his sobs being muffled against my neck. I ran my hand down his back in a comforting motion as he sobbed.

″What happened?″ I whispered. He slowly pulled himself away from my shoulder, sniffling and bringing a hand to his eye. He took a few moments before he began to speak.

″My father took my immortality away... I-I’m not mad at him, I know it wasn’t his fault. He explained to me why he had to do it, he said he was going to try to get on the surface to protect me, but I’m just scared.″ He whispered out.

He’s scared. I’ve never heard those words leave his mouth. He is the most powerful warlock in all existence... and he’s scared.

″Why did he?...″ I whispered. Jayce came up to both of us, tears flowing freely down his cheeks as he spoke.

″Lilith thinks you’re her next fucking hubby. Levi said too much and told her that you’re soulmates... so she’s trying to murder him.″ He said angrily.

If Jaxon wasn’t scared for his life, I would laugh at the fact Jayce was losing his proper speech. He was angry... and his grammar was out of order. But I was angry.

″Why would I marry her? Why would she want me?″ I asked.

″You’re the Prince of Demons, Seth. She’s the Queen of Demons. She thinks it’s meant to be...″ Jin said suddenly.

I’m not marrying that fucking bitch.

″Seth, I’m going to go get my pack. We need extra back up for this.″ Dakota said suddenly. He wasn’t in his normal shy stance... his eyes were dark purple in anger as he left the room, and I couldn’t help but notice how his hands were already starting to change into claws.

″I’m going to go get my father’s clan. Dakota is right. We need everything we fucking got.″ Elena said fiercely, running out of the room with superhuman speed.

″Jayce, I need you to close up the windows in here. Lock every door in this castle... I need to go outside and wait for her.″ I said.

″Please... don’t let her get him. I can’t lose another one like this... I-I lost my brother to losing his immortality.″ He said to me. I glanced over at Jaxon... he was already gazing at me with tears in his eyes.

I walked up to him, taking him by the shoulders and pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss was passionate... it made me want to stay. I wanted to stay here with him in this room, soothe him...

I not only had to protect the love of my life.

I have to protect my Kingdom.

″I’m going to protect you. I promise.″ I whispered to him as I pulled away. He nodded his head as I wiped the tears from his eyes.

″I promise,″ I repeated myself.


The Woods, South of the Kingdom

Avel’s POV

I heard the sound of Seth’s kingdom in the distance. They were yelling at each other to evacuate immediately... maybe they knew I was approaching? How delightful... I love knowing that they are scared of me. They should be. I’m going to destroy Seth and his kingdom once and for all...

″Hello, Avel.″

I immediately turned around. A woman stood there- she had long black wavy hair to her hips, her eyes a blood red. She looked like a vampire... but I could sense she was a demon. I didn’t particularly know what kind of demon... she could help me with giving me powers.

″Hello there, ma’am. You’re looking awfully beautiful... what could I do for you?″ I asked her with a smile. She gazed back at me with a smirk, walking closer to me.

″Mm, Avel Argyros... so polite. Not to mention handsome... It’s lovely to meet you. I’ve heard so many stories about you.″ She said, her voice as soft as honey. I’m rather famous... aren’t I?

″Oh really? And who might you be?″ I asked.


Before I could say anything, she placed a finger in front of my mouth. She smiled kindly at me, licking her lips before she spoke.

″I know what you want, child... I want the same thing. Let me grant you what you desire... and we could work together.″ She whispered.


She blinked rapidly, gazing at me with red eyes.

″That was easy.″ She muttered. I know what I want... the phrase ‘You only live once’ now applies to me... so I’ll take it.

She clicked her fingers together. I felt an overwhelming power enter me... and excruciating pain. I couldn’t explain it... I felt like I was burning. I was pretty sure it was hell’s fire... maybe she was lying to me? Maybe she’s just sending me to hell?

It stopped suddenly. I immediately looked down at my hands... fire was lingering on them. I couldn’t help but smirk...

″Wielding hell’s fire... thank you, Lilith.″

″And plenty more, Avel... shall we go, my disciple?″

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