Warning: smut ahead! If you don’t like smut please scroll down to where it says ‘smut free!’ thank you for reading!

3rd person POV

″Your turn.″

Jaxon clicked his fingers again once more, a condom appearing at his fingertips. Seth couldn’t help but flash him a playful smirk, watching as he unwrapped the condom.

″You’re one of the most powerful warlocks in the world... and you decide to summon a condom with your magic.″ Seth teased. Jaxon couldn’t help but laugh, gazing at him with his yellow eyes.

Seth’s words were cut off by Jaxon’s lips. The kisses were slow and passionate, but suggested a need for something more. Jaxon pushed Seth’s legs apart with his own knees as he loomed over him, running his own tongue over Seth’s top lip.

Jaxon pulled away from Seth’s mouth, a whimper leaving Seth’s throat. He loved the feeling of having Jaxon against his lips, the feeling of both of them growing needer and needer with every kiss. He felt safe with him.

Jaxon expected to meet resistance as he slipped a finger inside of Seth- but all he met was gasps of pleasure. He rubbed Seth’s thigh comfortingly as he pumped a finger inside of him; spreading apart his insides in a way that wasn’t entirely pleasurable. Seth grinded himself deeper on his finger, encouraging Jaxon to add another finger inside of him.

″Does that feel good, Angel?″ Jaxon said to him as the fingers inside of Seth sped up. All Seth could do was nod his head, the only sound that past his lips were his desperate moans of pleasure. The sight was beautiful for Jaxon- Seth’s back arched against him in a way to cause more friction, his snow white skin flushed bright red due to his touch, his eyes closed and his mouth open.

Jaxon pulled the fingers out of him, immediately lining himself up with Seth’s hole. He placed both of his hands on either side of Seth’s head, gazing down at him with his bright yellow eyes. Seth’s eyes were still closed in anticipation for Jaxon to enter him.

Jaxon slowly pushed himself inside of Seth, a loud gasp leaving Seth’s lips. His eyes immediately snapped open, gazing up at Jaxon with his neon green eyes.

″W...Wow, that’s different-″ He stuttered out, his facial expression twisting with pain. Jaxon placed soft kisses all over his face- his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, and lastly his lips in a comforting motion. He sunk himself as deep as he could, staying still so Seth could adjust to his size.

″You’re okay, don’t worry...″ Jaxon whispered to him, running kisses down his jaw all the way to his lips.

″You... You could move now...″ Seth moaned out, closing his eyes once more. Jaxon immediately began moving, thrusting himself out of him slowly. He was unbelievably tight around Jaxon- the feeling of him was already edging him closer to his release.

Seth’s moans grew needier as Jaxon sped up his thrusts. Seth whispered curse words to himself as he fucked him, wrapping his arms around Jaxon’s neck and pulling him down closer to him, closing up any gaps that they had between each other.

Jaxon felt a smirk lingering on his lips once he realized Seth wasn’t only cursing in English- he was cursing in his native language, French. The language flowed out of his mouth like honey, encouraging Jaxon to thrust deeper inside of him.

″Louder. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel, Angel.″

″Ne vous arrêtez pas...″ Seth moaned out desperately in his ear, securing his legs tighter around Jaxon’s waist. He dug his nails deep into Jaxon’s back, causing a growl to leave Jaxon’s throat. He sped up his thrusts, pounding himself deep into Seth. Seth arched his back, grinding himself onto Jaxon’s dick as he pounded him.

″C’est tellement bon, n’arrêtez pas!″ Seth screamed out in Jaxon’s ear, scratching his nails down Jaxon’s back. He secured his legs tighter around Jaxon’s waist as he fucked him with no mercy, their desperate moans filling the room.

Jaxon sunk himself as deep as he could into Seth with a final thrust, cumming with a deep moan in his ear. Seth mumbling ‘more, more’ in his ear drove him to his orgasm; along with Seth’s nails digging deep into his back. Seth came simultaneously, screaming words in French- that he couldn’t completely comprehend-

He felt a smirk on his lips as he said one of the first sentences he’s ever said to Seth.

″I don’t know what you’re saying, but it sounded hot.″


Smut free!

Seth’s POV

″You’re glowing, darling... you must have had a wonderful sleep last night!″ Mrs. Angelle said to me with a smile, holding an outfit up to my body. I felt the blush spread across my face at her words...

″Yeah... it was a good sleep,″ I replied to her.

Today I was to be crowned King. I couldn’t help but be nervous about the whole ceremony... I would be in front of all of my people, accepting my grandfathers crown. Since my mother and grandfather are no longer with us... I would be accepting the crown from Jules’s father.

″You look nervous, Seth.″ She said, handing me an outfit. It was a completely black outfit with various jewels and red rubies decorating it. I furrowed my eyebrows, gazing down at her.

″This doesn’t look like something my grandfather would wear...″ I said, ignoring her statement. She flashed me a playful smile at my words, sitting down in the chair across from me. She began to polish my crown in her hands before she spoke.

″That’s because it isn’t... it’s one of your fathers. He seemed to leave his belongings lying around long ago...″ She muttered. My grandfather would wear brighter colors... the Lenior family line is all about presenting ‘colorful’. That was another thing about me... my mother would always dress me in darker clothes- not that I didn’t mind. I always drifted towards darker clothes.

″He seems to have a wonderful choice in fashion, don’t you agree?″ I asked her, pulling the button-down over my shoulders. The fabric seemed to be silk- or some kind of luxury fabric. I buttoned up the shirt as she laughed at my statement.

″I prefer colors such as blue or grey... but it suits you.″ She replied.

She waited as I dressed. The shirt fit around my torso perfectly, the pants hugging me just right. There was a cape that came with the outfit also- plain, silk black. I turned around, gazing in the body mirror that was next to us.

I couldn’t help but gasp at my appearance. I looked like Lucifer himself... though to some people that may not be a good thing. But I did... I always have. Wearing his clothes made me look exactly like him. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″You look amazing, Seth.″ Mrs. Angelle said to me as she walked next to me, gazing at me in the mirror. She had a smile lingering on her lips, holding my crown in her hands. I suddenly turned towards her, leaning down to meet her height. She placed the crown on my head, the gold and red rubies glistening proudly.

It reminded me of Valentin. I wonder how he’s doing... he had to be with my father, right?

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. Mrs. Angelle ran over to the door, peeking her head through. She let out a delighted laugh, opening the door for whoever stood on the other side.

Mr. Angelle, Jules, and Estelle stood there. They gazed at me in amazement- most likely due to my outfit.

″Wow, Mom... you made him look pretty hot! Look at this hot shot!″ Jules said, walking over to me and breaking the silence of the room. Everyone burst into laughter as he patted my shoulder with a smirk lingering on his lips.

″Wow... where did you get that outfit mom? It fits him perfectly...″ Estelle suddenly said.

I squinted my eyes, looking over to Estelle with a smile on my lips.

″Mom, huh?... did I miss something?″ I asked. Estelle suddenly had the biggest smile on her lips; Jules was blushing madly. She held out her hand to me- there was a ring on her finger. It had a fairly sized diamond on it...

″Wow... when did that happen?″ I asked. Jules opened his mouth to speak, the blush still present on his cheeks.

″Yesterday... I was feeling a little overconfident yesterday. So... I did it. And she said yes for some reason...″ Jules mumbled. Estelle let out a laugh, leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. I rolled my eyes, walking over to Mr. Angelle and Mrs. Angelle.

″Get a room...″

As we walked out of the room, the sound of music filled my ears. It came from the Coronation room; people were talking joyfully. I couldn’t help but grow nervous... what If I tripped while walking up the aisle? That would be bad...

″Don’t be nervous, Seth... we all love you.″ Mr. Angelle said as we approached the room. He gazed at me with his grey eyes, his lips twisted in a smirk. He reminded me a lot of Jules; the same grey eyes, blond curls, and playful attitude.

We stopped in front of the doors. Mr. Angelle told me to wait out here until the doors opened; everyone had to get in their places. He told me that my friends were sitting right in the front row- so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

They walked in the room, leaving me by myself. I looked up at the paintings that decorated the walls; my eyes immediately meeting the paintings of my family members. Every morning when I lived here... I hated looking at it. I didn’t have the red hair or blue eyes, I didn’t have the freckles... I didn’t feel like a Lenior. I wasn’t like the rest.

But now... I like being different. Yes, I’m not like the rest of them... but I could tell myself one good thing.

I will be the Lenior that stops the racism towards the mythical world. I am going to be the one who brings kingdoms together with love. I may be the son of Lucifer... but I will bring peace to France. Even if it’s the last thing I do.

I know that for a fact.

The doors suddenly opened, breaking me out of my thoughts. The trumpets rang in my ears... the sight of hundreds of people made my stomach twist.

Here goes nothing.

I made my way down the aisle, the sound of my people cheering ringing in my ears. The cape that was draped over my shoulders dragged against the floor as I walked; filling me with a sense of pride.

My eyes were immediately met with Jaxon’s. He was looking at me with the biggest blush on his olive skin, his eyes widened in amazement... I did look rather nice. I know it.

I made my way up the flight of stairs, the cheering growing louder. Mr. Angelle looked off to the crowd with a smile on his face- My grandfathers crown on the table next to him. It was far bigger than the one I wore now- it was gold with various diamonds and rubies in it.

Mr. Angelle motioned for the crowd to stop cheering- which took about five minutes. I couldn’t help but laugh at his frustration- I could see why they were excited. They had been waiting for me to be crowned for ages- we have been through so much together.

″People of France! Today is a rather special day!″ Mr. Angelle began. ″A day that has been well overdue!″

I was nervous. Everyone was staring at me... I knew they all supported me... but it was terrifying.

Mr. Angelle suddenly motioned for me to kneel. I obeyed his wishes, sinking down to one knee. He picked up my grandfather’s crown in his hands, gazing over at the crowd.

″Some of you may be older. Some of you may have been here for Queen Ella’s crowning... or even King Emilien. But this... this crowning is something else. I’m proud of us for getting a strong, dedicated leader!″ He exclaimed. Everyone broke out into cheers at his words...

Mrs. Angelle suddenly walked up on the stage, looking down at me with a smile. She brought her hands to my head, stripping me from the Prince’s crown. The crown that I’ve had for all of my life...

Mr. Angelle turned towards me, gazing down with the biggest smile on his lips.

″Prince Seth Emilien Charles Lenior... our leader, the one who protects us...″

He placed the crown on my head. I felt my own tears welling up in my eyes... I remembered my mother. I remembered my grandfather. I wished that they were here to witness this... I wish that things could have worked out differently. I promised myself then and there that I will rule with an iron fist. I will protect my people no matter what.

″People of France... show your love to our King! King Seth!″ Mr. Angelle shouted, the room abrupting into cheers as I stood up, wiping the tears from my eyes.

King Seth... it has a nice ring to it.


Lucifer’s POV

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Lillith stood in front of Leviathan and I, a faint smirk lingering on her lips. She had been bounded in chains since the beginning of time by God- we didn’t know exactly where. She was punished for what she had done to Adam... her ex-husband. She was never supposed to awake... She’s the one person that I cannot defeat on my own. Leviathan cannot either... She’s one of the highest elder demons.

″So... I’ve heard of a Prince of Demons. Hm... That’s pretty interesting...″ She said to me, her voice was as smooth as honey. The demons circled her at her feet, smiling up at her lovingly. She was not only the Queen of Demons- she was the mother of demons.

I knew she was talking about Seth. I didn’t know how it was possible for there to be two leaders of the demons- God must have expected for her to never return. So... he made Seth the Prince.

″My children... they are telling me you’re the father of the boy. That’s rather magnificent... you having a part in creating my prince.″ She said with a smirk. I furrowed my eyebrows...

Her Prince?

″You look confused... Let me explain. It’s obvious that we are meant to be... a prince of demons. He must be so rather handsome... We must be married right away.″ She said. I watched as Leviathan’s eyes grew bright yellow at her words- I was getting angry too. Our sons are soulmates- and we find it awfully adorable, to say the least.

″You two aren’t meant to be,″ Leviathan said viciously, yellow energy lingering at his fingertips. She let out a musical laugh, slowly approaching him.

″Mm... it sounds like you know something I don’t know, Levi...″ She whispered to him, trailing a nail across his jaw. He instantly slapped her hand away, taking her by surprise.

″He belongs to MY son. Do you hear me?″ He said viciously. Her facial expression immediately changed... it twisted with anger.

″I will do you a deal, Levi... since you want to be so demanding,″ Lillith said viciously. Levi immediately widened his eyes... he had said too much.

″Take your sons immortality away.″

He immediately shook his head, his face grew beet red. His eyes were completely yellow in anger.

″Mm, that’s alright... I guess I’ll just have to cause destruction onto all of the warlocks in every dimension... so they could never wield their magic again. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind... at least your precious son will have his immortality... right?″ Lillith said with a smirk. The demons let out whines of sadness- I knew that they were obedient to Seth too. They were conflicted.

″Levi, we could work something out... don’t do it-″ I started. He Immediately held up his hand, a frown lingering on his lips.

″I am known as the father to all warlocks. I cannot let my own son get in the way of their safety.″ He whispered. I knew what Lillith was going to try to do.

She was going to try to kill him.

I immediately walked away from both of them, my heart beating a mile a minute. I had to get in contact with Seth... I had to warn him of the dangers that were coming. Lillith is the only elder demon left that could venture on the surface... due to her being gone for so long, God hasn’t been able to banish her.

″...Fine. I will take his immortality away.″

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